Chapter 2586 Experimental Progress

"In the multiverse, there are not just one or two dead Tony Starks."

Andrew sneered, and then said: "Not to mention this, how is the research on the Doomsday gene?"

"We all said that the work this time is really heavy. I haven't washed my hair for almost a day."

Tony said, and Andrew was speechless. Under normal circumstances, shouldn't he be working hard for seven days and nights and never have time to wash his hair? If he hasn't washed his hair for almost a day, what's there to brag about?

Tony sneered at this. He was a delicate young man, well, a refined middle-aged man who would maintain good appearance at all times, even when doing experiments.

Then, Tony introduced: "First, the situation on Duke Victor's side has been brought under control and will not worsen, and it will not affect the battle.

However, if the battle is too fierce, such as a bloody battle, it may cause the Doomsday gene to go out of control.

In short, we need to continue research to completely control the tiger of the Doomsday gene. Fortunately, Duke Victor's Doomsday gene is incomplete, otherwise it would not be so easy. "

"There are gains and losses. Because it is incomplete, it is easy to control, but at the same time, the bonus of the Doomsday gene becomes less."

Andrew nodded to express his understanding, and Tony continued: "Second, in cracking the Doomsday gene, we have not yet found a way to make the Doomsday gene ineffective. We have only found a way to make the Doomsday gene run rampant."

“It’s easier to destroy than to build.”

Orochimaru said from the side: "It is not difficult to make the Doomsday gene run rampant, but among the Doomsdays that appeared before, except for Duke Victor, there were no rational monsters.

Therefore, I think the potion we invented is meaningless. "

"Of course it makes sense, Orochimaru, you are looking at the past, and I am looking at the future."

Tony said: "With Kang the Conqueror's confidence and methods, when the next wave of disaster occurs, there will definitely be a group of sober Destroyers. Otherwise, why should he be my enemy?"

"Are you bragging about Kang the Conqueror, or are you bragging about yourself?"

Andrew complained, he said: "This potion still makes sense, Tony, is this potion useful to Heavenly Father God?"

Tony said: "Of course it is useful, but the effect will be less. It is impossible to make Heavenly Father lose his mind directly, unless the medicine is directly injected into the opponent's brain."

"That's enough. Let's make a batch. We should be able to use it."

Andrew nodded and said, "Continue the introduction."

"Okay, third, the Doomsday experiment..., uh, you come with us."

Tony and Orochimaru took Andrew into the innermost laboratory. There were many magic circles carved on the walls of this laboratory. It felt weird, a bit mixed, and a bit ridiculous, just like in a hospital. It’s the same as praying for blessings.

But these magic arrays are necessary. On the one hand, this experiment is very dangerous. The experimental subjects may go berserk at any time. Ordinary laboratories cannot trap the crazy experimental subjects at all. Magic arrays must be used to suppress the targets to ensure the safety of the experiment.

On the other hand, one of these magic circles is a time-travel magic circle, which is the most important thing in this laboratory. The reason why the locomotive experiment was successful is because of this magic circle.

"By the way, can't we really hide these magic arrays? Every time I see those magic arrays, there is always a feeling that we are magicians and are deceiving people."

Tony complained, and Andrew said: "If you think of it as a ninjutsu rune, will your senses feel better?"

"Not at all."

Tony rolled his eyes, and then the three of them walked into the laboratory. An island woman was sitting on the ground. She was very happy to see everyone arriving. She stood up and said a few words.

Immediately, the woman remembered something, picked up the equipment on the table, and said: "King of superpowers, Mr. Orochimaru, Mr. Stark, hello."

"Kimiko, hello."

Andrew nodded, yes, this island woman is none other than Kimiko of the Black Robe Patrol, also known as the Wolf Girl. Her abilities include self-healing and a certain degree of animal transformation, and her combat effectiveness is very good.

In fact, before the black robe pickets met Andrew, Kimiko had been the force officer of the black robe pickets. Her boyfriend was Frankie, and their relationship was very messy. In addition to Kimiko’s girlfriend, Frankie also had A boyfriend named Colin.

In short, the black-robed picket team is quite complicated, of course, I won’t go into details about it.

Why did Kimiko come to be the experimental subject? This was what she asked for. She was a very poor girl who traveled to Southeast Asia with her family. As a result, her whole family was kidnapped. After that, her parents were killed, and she and her younger brother were trained as terrorists.

The reason why Kimiko can't speak is not because of physical reasons, but because she has been tortured by those guys for too long and dare not speak anymore. To put it simply, it is psychological reasons.

The Black Robe Picket Team is like home to Kimiko, although the people in this family are a bit strange, such as the violent madman, Billy who smiles evilly every day, Huey who likes to run around without clothes, and Fran who has special hobbies Strange, but Kimiko likes this home, very much.

Therefore, Kimiko wants to protect the family, and now, with Billy rebelling, Huey trapped, and Marvin busy at work, Kimiko wants to become stronger and bring everyone together again.

This is why Kimiko came to be the experimental subject. Of course, as Tony is a positive character, his experiments will definitely not be too bloody and cruel. Although it is a bit painful, it is nothing to Kimiko.

In addition, the experiment is definitely dangerous, but if there is a time-traveling magic circle, no one will really die.

As for being on the verge of death, Kimiko has long been used to it. Before she hugged Andrew's lap, Kimiko, who was responsible for the force of the black-robed picket team, was often on the verge of death and barely survived by relying on her self-healing ability.

"Kimiko is a very good experimenter. Well, Kimiko, this sentence does not mean to discriminate against you. It is purely explained from a scientific perspective."

Tony said: "Kimiko has a tough character, a strong will, and the ability to heal herself. She is really suitable for experiments."

"It's okay, I'm glad I can be of use."

Kimiko said through the instrument that on the terrorist side, useless people would be killed to avoid wasting food, so Kimiko really didn't care.

"Kimiko is a determined warrior fighting a brutal battle."

Andrew smiled at Kimiko and then asked: "How is the experiment going? I feel that Kimiko's aura has become much stronger."

"It has indeed become stronger. Orochimaru and I initially wanted to create a perfect day of destruction, but in the end we found that we couldn't do it."

Tony said: "Therefore, we modified the Doomsday gene and prepared to create a Doomsday that has an upper limit but no flaws."

What is the best feature of Perfect Doomsday? In addition to having no flaws, the biggest feature is that there is no upper limit. Perfect Destruction Day can continue to evolve. Heavenly Father God can break through any single entity, multiple entities, or even multiple entities as long as there is enough opportunity and time.

Because it is so powerful, it is almost impossible for the Perfect Destruction Day to be born. To describe it in one sentence, it is a jealous thing.

Andrew asked with a strange look on his face: "You, Tony Stark, would actually admit that there is something you can't do? Well, could you be kidnapped again, and then the enemy turns into you and infiltrates among us?"

"Go away, I haven't been kidnapped in years."

Tony rolled his eyes and said, "This is nothing surprising. Although I am the smartest person in the universe, but you ask me to have a child..., well, technically it can be done, but I don't want to have one.

It's not that I can't create a perfect Doomsday, but I can't do it in a short time. According to my estimate, even if Orochimaru and I join forces, it will take hundreds of years to have a certain chance of creating the Doomsday gene.

But obviously, we don’t have that much time, so Orochimaru and I want to create a shortened version of Perfect Doomsday first.

Then, we use the reduced version of Perfect Destruction Day to break through Heavenly Father God. After becoming Heavenly Father God, we will have endless time, and we will slowly study it when the time comes. "

"This is why I want to live forever. Only with eternal life can I study all the things I want to study."

Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and said excitedly: "Time is the biggest enemy of scientists. A mere hundred years is too limited."

Tony did not speak. He used to disdain eternal life because he felt that life should be like a shooting star, short but bright. However, now his mind has changed because there are too many Heavenly Fathers around him, and getting along with them makes him feel uncomfortable. He gradually changed his mind.

How can you bear to die young when all your friends can live forever? Not to mention, heaven and hell are real.

"A shrunken version of Perfect Doomsday? That's okay, but there must be no problems with consciousness. On the contrary, it doesn't matter if there are some changes in the body."

Andrew said: "The consciousness has changed, and you are no longer the same person as before."

Tony said proudly: "There will be no problems with either consciousness or body. The products of Tony Stark must be high-quality products."

But Orochimaru nodded and agreed with Andrew's idea: "Yes, consciousness is the most important. Even if something happens to the body, there can be no problem with the consciousness."

In order to live forever, Orochimaru not only turned himself into a Yamato no Orochi, but also kept transforming his body, so he naturally supported Andrew's opinion.

Kimiko blinked and said with the instrument: "I don't mind if you let me grow taller."

Everyone laughed. Kimiko is not even 1.6 meters tall. It is normal to want to grow taller. Andrew asked: "Tony, how long will it take to complete this experiment?"

"If you're lucky, it's a month, if you're not lucky, it's two or three months."

Tony said: "Although I am a little anxious, I can't be too anxious because of my anxiety. Although the previous experiments on the locomotive used radical methods, they were actually within a safe range. There is no way I would make fun of the locomotive's life."

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