American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2584 Kind-hearted person

Hank would not just give up. He spent a lot of money and found many people to let them attack the Homelanders. He even used his military connections to get a batch of military high-energy explosives.

Unfortunately, it was useless. All these people were killed by the Homelanders. The Homelanders even found the Moss family.

If it weren't for the mediation of the Water Group, the Moss family might have been gone. Even so, the Moss family paid a heavy price.

That's right, the Moss family, a family with a lot of money, lost a direct grandson, and in the end they had to pay a huge amount of compensation to the enemy who killed the grandson. This is reality.

Since then, Hank has hated the superpowers. Not only the hatred for killing his grandson, but also the dissatisfaction with the superpowers who can break the rules at will.

Superpowers are too unfair. You know, even the president doesn't dare to do anything to their Moss family easily.

In Hank's view, superpowers are the cancer of the world. They must be eliminated before the world can restore its original order and rules.

In fact, over the years, Hank has been researching poisons that can destroy superpowers, striving to kill Homelander and other superpowers one day. This is one of the reasons why this laboratory has achieved such remarkable results.

After the advent of the superpower era, Hank was in so much pain that he wanted to die. What he hated most in his life was superpowers. As a result, the whole world would become superpowers, including himself, and he could not bear it at all.

Therefore, Hank went crazy. He injected all the family funds into the laboratory and conducted crazy research. He wanted to kill all superpowers without leaving any.

And today, Hank's efforts have paid off. After spending tens of billions of dollars, the laboratory finally developed a poison gas that can kill superpowers on a large scale. The remaining thing is to detonate these poison gases in major cities, especially New York.

"Homelander, and other superpowers, your doomsday has come."

Hank said in an extremely ferocious manner. For some reason, his plan went very smoothly. As soon as he reported the lack of supplies, he found a bunch of usable supplies over there.

At the same time, someone in the Moss family designed a complete plan. Hank studied it carefully and felt that the success rate was extremely high, so he adopted it directly.

This is not the end. Because of an accident, the laboratory actually developed a method to control the mutants - a brain worm that they used as an experimental product, because a researcher mistakenly integrated the experimental drug into its body, causing mutation.

After the brain worm mutated, it could produce a special worm that could live in the brain of the mutant and make the mutant obedient.

"Even God is helping me. It seems that this is God's will, and God does not want the mutants to exist."

Hank laughed. With this brain worm, he can control the mutants for his own use, so the success rate of the plan is even greater.

Hank is an old man who sticks to his original intention. He will not give up his original plan and change it to controlling the mutants for his own use just because he gets the brain worm. He doesn't have this idea. He just wants to kill all the mutants, because the mutants should not exist at all.

"Go to the black market and buy a superpower. Money is not a problem. I just need a strong superpower."

Hank thought about it and chose to buy a superpower directly instead of getting one himself, because if he did it himself, it would be easy for people to find out and even cause a disaster.

Buying directly is not only simple and fast, but more importantly, as long as the black market still exists, it will not be easy to find Hank.

Hank felt that he should not be so unlucky. The black market has existed for so many years, and there is no reason why it was suddenly attacked recently.

Human trafficking can never be banned, and now they have an additional business, trafficking superpowers.

Many rich people like to buy powerful superpowers for their own use, to protect themselves, or to leave excellent offspring, etc.

The black market will bury the bomb in the heart of the superpower, making it impossible for the superpower to resist. Generally speaking, it is still quite useful.

Although the Moss family has declined somewhat because Hank invested all the funds in the laboratory, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Such an old money family has a very deep foundation and a wide network of contacts. In a short period of time, money is not a problem.

If Hank is willing to take out a loan, the bank will be happy to lend him money. As for whether he will pay it back, that is another matter.

After knowing Hank's idea, Sithorn immediately sold a group of powerful psychics to the Moss family through the black market. Hank did not doubt anything, because God was on his side, so it was natural for him to have smooth sailing, wasn't it?

Even God supports me, what should I be afraid of?

With the help of Sithorn, a "good man", Hank's plan has made rapid progress. He is overjoyed. It won't be long before his dream will come true. Those damn psychics will all go to hell and be with the devil.

In fact, in Hank's mind, there is no difference between psychics and devils. They ignore rules and order, and do whatever they want with their power. They should not exist at all.

"Should we give Hank some strength? The boss behind the scenes is weak, and I always feel that the style is not right. Moreover, a strong boss behind the scenes can increase the success rate."

Sithon thought about it and asked Conqueror Kang for a high-tech armor. With Hank's personality, he definitely doesn't want to become a superpower, so the armor is the best choice.

"Armor? I definitely can't give him my armor, but I once seized an interesting armor that I can give him."

Conqueror Kang thought for a while, then pressed his fingers on the arm armor a few times, and a ray of light fell from the sky. In the light, there was a set of silver-white warrior armor, which looked very mighty.

This light came from the battleship above the laboratory. During this period, Conqueror Kang teleported his battleship over. Next, he would teleport the entire fleet. However, the movement was too big and it took time.

Sithorn asked: "The armor that can be collected by you must not be simple, right? Hey, is this material made of Adamantium alloy? Wolverine's Adamantium alloy?"

"Do you know Adamantium?"

Conqueror Kang said: "This is an Adamantium alloy armor made by an old man from an island country. It is not only very strong, but it can also absorb the mutant abilities of mutants.

The old man almost killed Wolverine Logan with this armor, but unfortunately, it was eventually destroyed by his granddaughter. Later, his granddaughter and Wolverine resisted me together, and I eliminated them all.

I will modify it and make this armor capable of absorbing supernatural powers. In addition, I will upgrade some things as much as possible to make it more powerful. Of course, it will definitely not work above Heavenly Father God. I can only succeed below Heavenly Father God. Power. "

"That's enough. It's a pity that we can't let people find out that this matter is related to us. Otherwise, we can enchant it."

Sithorn nodded with satisfaction. This suit of armor is very good and suits Old Man Hank very well. When he finds an opportunity, he will ask him to dig out this suit of armor from the ground, saying that it is a relic of aliens.

As for why the aesthetics of aliens are the same as those of islanders, is it any wonder that everyone in the universe still speaks English?

Sithorne thought excitedly: "Almost all the preparations that need to be made have been made. Now, just wait for Kang the Conqueror to complete the Doomsday experiment, and then the disaster can be launched."

Sithorn did not tell anyone else about the super poisonous gas. Therefore, although Andrew had a large number of undercover agents, he did not receive the news. He only knew that the Lord of Chaos borrowed two treasures from the Demon. At the same time, the Demon and the Lord of Negativity Deepened relationships.

"The Lord of Chaos asked for two treasures, and it was probably to create a clone. It seems that he and the Lord of Order ended up personally."

Andrew thought to himself: "There is no problem. With my current strength, it is more than enough to deal with them. The problem is, since they dare to end, they must be sure not to be turned into a curse by me.

This is a bit troublesome. You can't get equipment from monsters, which is very boring.

As for the deepening relationship between the devil and the King of Negativity, if nothing else happens, the King of Negativity should be making preparations. He is determined to take action against the three Zeus brothers. This is a good thing for me. "

"BOSS, it turns out that gleam of starlight is our divine power? The consciousness of the universe actually tricked us from the beginning, and we were running around stupidly, trying our best to take detours to improve our strength?"

The black dragon looked at the three Zeus brothers below with a confused look on his face. He never thought that the starlight that he pursued so hard and even became the little brother of the King of Superpowers was actually their divine power?

Who the hell is kidding Him? The black dragon now has the urge to bang his head against the wall. He believes that all the big trees in Compound No. 5 know about this and want to bang their heads against the wall with a bang bang bang sound.

"I know how you feel now, just get used to it."

The God of Stars patted the black dragon on the shoulder and said: "The first time I came here, I also felt like dying. If I had known about this earlier, why would I have made so many messy things?

Let alone the BOSS because of this..., uh, no, I'm glad I didn't know about this, otherwise how could I have met the BOSS and understand our true destiny? "

"Go away, I don't have time to listen to your flattery now."

The black dragon cursed and said angrily: "The three Zeus brothers are so abominable. They didn't inform the other brothers about such an important matter?"

"People are selfish, and so are trees. They want to be the boss of the big tree in Compound No. 5, so of course they won't inform the other brothers."

Andrew said: "Stop complaining, try to understand the rules later, and improve your strength as soon as possible. Speaking of which, in the No. 5 compound tree, it seems that your strength is the worst?"

Black Dragon said angrily: "Nonsense, I am very strong, okay?"

"Your strength is indeed the worst, because you have the least opportunities."

The God of Stars said: "I am the second youngest. I only got the star space. The three Zeus brothers have more. They have the godhead, the thunder space, the underworld, Thor's hammer, and the Poseidon Trident."

Of course, the biggest one is Ska, the King of Negativity. He directly obtained the entire negative army. Speaking of which, the consciousness of the universe is a bit biased. "

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