American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2579 Contract

"The second step is torture. I know this is cliche, but you have to give it a try. Maybe you will surrender?"

Andrew conjured a whip and introduced: "This is the whip of pain. It will amplify your pain a hundred times and hurt your soul. I will beat you for half an hour. If you don't surrender, torture will be useless to you." , I will stop this step."

"Can you skip this step? Do you remember, I asked you to watch TV, pay TV."

The black dragon asked bitterly. He was sure that he would not surrender. The problem was that no one wanted to be tortured. Well, except for those special lovers.

"Is it okay if I invite you? Also, most of those pay TV stations are mine. I need you to invite them?"

Andrew looked disgusted and said: "No more nonsense, the process still needs to be completed. Next, I have prepared seven sets of plans. I wonder if I will have the chance to use them all?"

"King of Superpowers, there is really no need for this. In fact, from the beginning of the battle, I stuck a needle into my soul. The pain in my soul is much stronger than the pain in my body."

Black Dragon said: "So, your torture is really useless to me."

"What's wrong with you people? You always stick needles into your soul? I want to conquer you head-on this time, how can I use mirror flowers and water moon on you?"

Andrew had a look of disgust on his face and said: "If you really want to use the mirror, I might as well besiege you directly."

The black dragon was dumbfounded. The king of supernatural powers didn't use the mirror, so wouldn't he be looking for his own fault? Isn't this too tragic?

The black dragon hurriedly asked: "King of superpowers, can you help me pull out the needle? I can't pull out the needle in my current state."

"No problem, I'm a superhero and help others."

Andrew agreed happily, and then, his hand went deep into the black dragon's soul and pulled out the needle.

The black dragon breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Andrew with some gratitude. This guy didn't seem that bad. Then, the black dragon saw that Andrew put the whip of pain into his soul.

ah! ah! ah!

The black dragon screamed wildly. Under the action of the whip of pain, the soul suffered more pain than being ignited by the fire of hell. What was worse was that the pain was magnified dozens of times.

Even the black dragon cannot endure such pain, especially since his ability is now blocked and he cannot use his ability to reduce the pain.

"I did promise to help you remove the needle, but I didn't promise not to punish you? Half an hour later, we will start the next set. Let me declare in advance that the next set will be more cruel than this one."

Andrew said, Otsutsuki Kaguya couldn't help but shake his head, cruel, really too cruel, but fortunately Andrew used deceit to deceive me, eh, is this really good?

Not only did Otsutsuki Kaguya feel cruel, but even the God of Stars swallowed his saliva. He must be loyal to the BOSS. Only by being loyal to the BOSS can I survive. Otherwise, I will definitely be worse than dead.

"Is the next set more cruel than this one?"

The black dragon was shocked when he heard this. He thought for a while and shouted: "I surrender, King of Superpowers, I surrender."

Of course, the Black Dragon is just pretending to surrender, to get through this level first, and then bite Andrew back when there is an opportunity later, just like the three brothers of Zeus, it is not the Black Dragon who does not avenge this.

Andrew raised his hand, and the painful whip flew back to his hand. The black dragon lay on the ground as if it had died once, panting.

Andrew said seriously: "Black Dragon, I know you are pretending to surrender. You are a tough man. How could you surrender on the first set of torture? At least you will last until the fifth set."

Black Dragon was startled. I have already surrendered. Are you still coming? Immediately, He said: "King of superpowers, you are so boring, I will not surrender. No matter what you do, I will only pretend to surrender. No No. 5 compound tree will really surrender to you.

Our No. 5 compound, Big Tree, is the protagonist of Destiny. Have you ever seen any movie or TV series where the protagonist surrendered to others? "

Andrew sneered: "How do you know that the big tree without Compound No. 5 will really surrender to me?"

"King of Superpowers, if the No. 5 Compound Tree really surrenders to you, and I mean sincere surrender, then I, the Black Dragon, will also sincerely surrender to you, but this is impossible."

The black dragon sneered: "Our compound No. 5 tree will never surrender to anyone."

After hearing this, Andrew took out a contract and said: "In that case, let's bet that if the No. 5 compound tree really surrenders to me, then you will surrender too.

There is a contract, and if you don't admit it afterwards, you will be punished. On the other hand, if there is no compound No. 5 tree that sincerely surrenders to me, then I will let you go. "

The black dragon was stunned when he heard this, and then he looked at Andrew suspiciously. He was sure to win this bet. After all, it was impossible for the No. 5 Compound Tree to surrender to Andrew sincerely. This was reflected in the King of Negativity, the Three Zeus Brothers, and the Tree of Life. The performance can be seen.

The problem is that the King of Superpowers cannot fight a battle that he is not sure of. When he says this, he must think that he will win. There is definitely some problem in this, and it is still a big problem.

Black Dragon thought for a while and said: "I'm sure that no big tree of No. 5 Compound will surrender. As for signing the contract, there is no need. I will spit and nail, and what I say will definitely be effective."

It was obvious that the black dragon had no intention of signing the contract. What kind of joke was he jumping into even though he knew there was a pit ahead? He had never been kicked in the head by a donkey?

"The contract is established and the bet begins."

Andrew snapped his fingers, and the contract lit up, then turned into two chains and flew into the eyebrows of Andrew and Black Dragon respectively.

Black Dragon was confused, what's going on, I didn't sign the contract, why did the contract take effect?

"Oral promises also have legal effect, didn't you know?"

Andrew smiled and said, in fact, this is a very special kind of psychic power that can turn a verbal promise into a real promise. If you violate it, you will be severely punished.

Andrew merged his spiritual power with the contract, dug a hole and waited for the black dragon to jump in. The black dragon was not accidentally fooled.

In addition, the reason why this ability can take effect is because the black dragon's current strength is blocked and his soul is in a weak state. If he were in his prime, this ability may not be effective because the power of the rules will protect him.

In the parallel universe of The Flash, Andrew has gained hundreds of millions of powers, and he knows all the powers. This is why he has made rapid progress in the rules of powers. The foundation is solid and it is easy to climb up.

"Bullshit, what kind of law can control me, the Heavenly Father, let alone my verbal agreement?"

Black Dragon cursed loudly, but the contract chain in his eyebrows was not fake. In other words, the contract was really signed. Although it was unreasonable, it was signed.

Andrew sneered and said: "You should be glad that the contract was signed. If it had not been signed, you would have witnessed the full range of human torture today."

"Are you afraid of the same thing?"

Black Dragon said arrogantly. Andrew didn't say anything, but just repeated Black Dragon's previous words of surrender.

The black dragon looked a little embarrassed and immediately changed the subject. He snorted coldly: "So what if we sign a contract? There will never be a No. 5 compound tree that will truly surrender to you. I mean, truly surrender."

"Who said no?"

A voice couldn't wait to hear: "I will sincerely surrender to BOSS. BOSS is everything to me. My life completely belongs to BOSS."

Along with this sound, the God of Stars strode towards this side. As for Kaguya Otsutsuki, he did not show up and did not need to show up. He knew that the black dragon would soon become Andrew's subordinate.

"Three trees. If you add the three Zeus brothers, there will be six trees. Sure enough, the most important thing for a family is to be in good order."

Otsutsuki Kaguya shook his head secretly. Then, he thought of his two unfilial sons and couldn't help but sigh. He has become better now. Will they accept him?

"You are... Compound No. 5 Big Tree?"

When the black dragon saw the God of Stars, he couldn't help but be startled. He had sensed that the aura of the God of Stars was familiar before, but he never thought that the other party was also a No. 5 Compound Tree.

"Of course I am Dashu of Compound No. 5. I became BOSS's subordinate before you. Remember to call me senior from now on."

The God of Stars said proudly, as if it was such an honor to be Andrew's subordinate.

"As a No. 5 Compound Tree, you actually surrendered to the King of Superpowers?"

The black dragon is confused. The big tree of No. 5 compound is the protagonist. The dignified protagonist runs to work as a subordinate. Do you know how embarrassing this is?

"What's wrong? The King of Superpowers is the real protagonist. Let me tell you, the destiny of our No. 5 compound tree is not to turn the universe into a superpower universe, but to assist the King of Superpowers."

The God of Stars said: "This is our true destiny, Black Dragon, congratulations, you are finally fulfilling your destiny."

"I'll finish your whole family."

The black dragon cursed loudly. If the power of his blood had not been imprisoned, he would definitely jump up and beat the God of Stars.

This uncle can bear it, but his aunt can't bear it either. There is actually a big tree of No. 5 compound that seeks refuge with the King of Superpowers. What's even more outrageous is that this guy also changes his destiny randomly?

Tian Ming is to assist the King of Super Powers, why not just say that Tian Ming is to be a dog to the King of Super Powers?

In human terms, the God of the Stars is someone who forgets his sect, is treacherous, a scum among scum, a scum among scum, who will be struck by lightning when he goes out.

In the eyes of the Black Dragon, the God of Stars is a shame to the family. If possible, he will definitely kill the other party, because the existence of the other party has turned the entire No. 5 Compound Dashu family into a joke.

How come there is such a big tree of compound No. 5? Not only did he surrender to others, but he was so flattering, like a slave.

The God of Stars sneered: "There are a total of eight brothers in my family. If you are interested, you can go to Fake at will. I don't care."

The black dragon was speechless, because he was one of the eight brothers. He shouted to the King of Superpowers: "King of Superpowers, untie me, I want to beat this guy, no, I want to kill this guy, I He must be cut into pieces with a thousand knives, he is not worthy of being a No. 5 compound tree.”

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