Then, the King of Negativity used his clone to send Otsutsuki Kaguya away. The Tree of Life was so good that he was not afraid of danger and came to treat himself personally. Moreover, he had no malice at all and was not even interested in curse rules. He was such a good brother.

At this moment, the King of Negativity had only one sentence in his mind: We are a family.

"The Big Tree of Life is right, the Big Tree of Compound No. 5 should be united."

After Kaguya Otsutsuki left, the King of Negativity fell into deep thought. The way things are now, it is really too loose. This is not good, very bad.

The King of Negativity didn't know that his good brother, the Tree of Life, was directly fused with his true form after leaving the depths of hell. Then, Kaguya Otsutsuki asked Andrew: "Andrew, why did you want me to say that? What are you planning?"

"Put some pressure on the three Zeus brothers."

Andrew smiled and said: "The lives of the three Zeus brothers are in my hands, but they are not convinced and have been thinking about rebellion.

I want to use the King of Negativity to completely conquer the three Zeus brothers. At the same time, I will also use the three Zeus brothers to injure the King of Negativity. In this way, the curse on him will act faster. "

"Full of intrigue."

Otsutsuki Kaguya couldn't help but shake her head, and Andrew sighed: "Who doesn't want to be a white lotus, but in this world, how can we live without being darker?

Kaguya, next, the King of Negativity will definitely contact you to deal with the three Zeus brothers together. You and he will make excuses. Don't refuse, but don't agree either. Wait until the right time, and then you can act with him. "

"I know what to do."

Kaguya Otsutsuki nodded and said, "By the way, Andrew, will transforming negative monsters into White Zetsu and increasing my strength affect me?"

"Don't worry, I specially selected the resentful monster and it won't affect you."

Andrew said: "Because their grievances have been satisfied. They are grievances before death. They want to be immortal and want to live forever. Bai Jue is immortal, so they will not affect you, but will become Your trump card.”

"That's good." Kaguya Otsutsuki was very satisfied. Although he already had Andrew as his backer, he still couldn't forget to improve his strength.

After discussing various follow-up matters with Kaguya Otsutsuki, Andrew set off to the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau to find Dave. Dave was desperately practicing magic and striving for a breakthrough as soon as possible.

The Void Staff floated around and kept attacking Dave with words, making Dave even more desperate. To be honest, this scene reminded Andrew of a movie he once watched called "Breaking Drummer."

"Dave, you don't have to practice anymore."

Andrew said, Dave raised his head and asked in confusion: "King of superpowers, why don't I need to practice anymore?"

"Because Rita rules her..."

Andrew paused deliberately, and Dave was shocked and asked hurriedly: "What happened to Rita? Has her identity been discovered by the King of Negativity?"

Andrew said: "Rita...successfully broke through Heavenly Father God. You were dumped by her, so you don't need to practice anymore."

"Ah?" Dave was dumbfounded, not knowing whether he should be relieved or sad.

Rita broke through Heavenly Father God, which is definitely a good thing, but Rita dumped herself... Well, this is a sad story, but it is an improvement than before. Before, there was no chance of being dumped, uh, it seems More sad?

"I broke through too slowly. I'm sorry for Rita. Hey, wait, how could Rita dump me?"

Dave felt sorry for himself at first, but then he came to his senses and raised his head to question Andrew. At this moment, Andrew complained: "You really believe it? I was just joking. Although Rita broke through, she is still waiting. Are you happy?"

"I'm not happy now. I just want to beat you up."

Dave gritted his teeth for a while, and Andrew said very frankly: "I'm sorry, you can't beat me, it's better to be honest."

Dave looked at Andrew speechlessly, is this guy really a superhero? This is such a bad character.

Andrew smiled and started talking about business: "No more nonsense, Dave, how long will it take for you to break through to Heavenly Father God?"

"I am still two or three steps away from Heavenly Father. If I want to break through, it will take at least a year if there are no adventures."

Dave said: "Well, the Void Staff is a kind of adventure. If I hadn't encountered it, it would have taken at least two or three years for me to break through."

"No, without me, you loser, you will never be able to break through."

The Void Staff said proudly. Not only was Dave not angry, but he nodded in agreement. Andrew deeply doubted whether this kid had any special hobbies?

"One year is too long, I can't wait any longer."

Andrew shook his head and said: "Next, if nothing unexpected happens, Kang the Conqueror will create a super disaster, which may affect the whole world.

You are not Heavenly Father, you cannot control the space transfer formation to save people around the world, and those villains will definitely interfere.

Last time, they didn't know about this, so the interference was very small, but this time it's different. They already know the existence of the transfer magic circle, so if you want to save people, you must become the Heavenly Father God. "

"In fact, thanks to the help of the Void Staff last time, otherwise I would not have been able to use the space transfer formation to transfer a large number of people."

Dave sighed and said, "King of Superpowers, I also want to break through to the Father God as soon as possible so that I can help everyone, but this kind of thing is not something I can do just by thinking."

"Not necessarily, I have a method, you may try it, but I have to state in advance that although this method is provided by Director Tianjian, it is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will become another person."

Andrew said, "Or, become a vegetable, but if you succeed, you will become the Father God in a short time."

Dave was a little scared when he heard this, but thinking of his mission and responsibility, he gritted his teeth and asked, "What method, what is it specifically like?"

"Dave, think it over, don't be impulsive."

The Void Staff reminded: "You are now moving forward step by step, and you will be able to achieve it in less than a year. There is no need to take risks to break through the Heavenly Father God.

I know you want to save more people, but there is more than one superhero in this world, so you don't have to take all the responsibilities on yourself. "

Dave was deeply moved. He knew that everything the Void Staff did was for his own good. He said firmly: "No, as a superhero, I can't refuse my responsibility.

If there is really no way, then forget it. Since there is a way now, I can't give up. I am not one of those superheroes who seek fame and reputation in the Water Group. I am a real superhero.

As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Uh, King of Superpowers, what is the success rate of this method? "

Dave had a fire burning in his heart. As a technical geek, he would go on firmly if he determined something.

"The success rate is not too high." Andrew sighed and said, "A total of 0.3..."

"Only 0.3?"

Dave was stunned. Even if he had a fire in his heart, it was extinguished at this time. What a joke, a success rate of 0.3, what is the difference between going out and getting the old grandfather to teach, breaking through the realm and becoming the Heavenly Father God?

The Void Staff was speechless. It said, "Dave, don't be stupid, King of Superpowers, you are murdering someone. Are you sure this is not too high?"

"Listen to me. The total failure probability is 0.3, which means that the success rate is only 97%. To be honest, this is not ordinary low."

Andrew sighed, "Dave, if it is not an emergency, I will never let you take such a risk, but now, we have no choice but to try."

Dave opened his mouth and looked at Andrew in disbelief. The Void Staff couldn't help shaking. It was not because it was excited, but because it wanted to hit someone.

97% probability is still low? And you are obviously trying to scare Dave, okay?

"King of Superpowers, you should be thankful that I can't beat you."

Even a good-tempered person like Dave gritted his teeth at this time. He said: "If I can beat you, I promise that your head will appear in the South Pole today, your torso will appear in the North Pole, and your limbs will be distributed on the four continents."

"I will be responsible for his internal organs."

The Void Staff also said that it was really angry. It had been worrying all the time and even persuaded Dave, but it turned out that the King of Superpowers was playing tricks on people?

"As expected of a scholar, you are very ruthless when you curse people. Unfortunately, you can't beat me."

Andrew smiled and asked: "Dave, do you know what is the fastest way to improve technology and magic?"

"Of course, let me know more about the truth of the world. The more I know, the faster I can improve. As for the accumulation of magic power, it is only secondary."

Dave said: "In fact, as the reincarnation of Merlin, I don't need to accumulate magic power. I am born with great magic power."

"Yes, it is to know the truth of the world. After careful search, Director Tianjian found a world that is being destroyed."

Andrew said: "Director Tianjian can take you to observe outside the world. As long as your brain is not burned out by too much knowledge, you can basically break through the Heavenly Father God.

Of course, there are still risks. The destruction of the world will seriously impact your three views. At that time, you may lose all your feelings and become another person. This is not a joke, this is a fact. "

Dave hesitated and said, "I am willing to take a risk. I believe that my feelings are not so easy to disappear. Moreover, as a scientific worker, I really want to see the reality of the destruction of the world."

Although Dave is a magician, all scientific magicians consider themselves to be scientific workers because their magic abilities come from their true understanding of the world.

Scientific magicians just use magic power to replace various machines and tools. In essence, they are no different from scientists. They all rely on their brains to make a living.

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