American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2566: Pulling People

"This woman is very ambitious. Fortunately, as long as she integrates the treasure, she will not be able to escape from my grasp."

Xisong secretly sneered, and then, he carefully sent the treasure to the female commander, and then happily waited for the female commander to integrate the treasure and fall into his clutches.

What Xisong didn't know was that as soon as the female commander got the treasure, she immediately contacted Andrew to tell him about it.

"Xisong's approach is a bit rough. He probably thinks you are a newcomer with little experience."

Andrew said contemptuously: "I thought it would be a magic circle, and then quietly make some modifications inside the magic circle to silently lay mines for you, but in the end, it was just a fusion of treasures."

"An old silver coin is full of disdain for another old silver coin. King of superpowers, you are really affecting your image."

The female commander complained, and Andrew sighed and said: "You don't know, in order to deal with Xisong's methods, I have made a lot of preparations, and in the end, this is it? Disappointed, very disappointed.

Forget it, let's not talk about this. Pass the treasure over, I'll modify it, and then you fuse it."

The female commander did as he was told. The treasure Xisong gave was a golden jar. No one knew where He found it from. It even had divinity. As long as gold coins were put in, it would cover the breath for the owner.


After checking the treasure, Andrew carefully modified it a few times, then he passed the treasure back to the female commander and said, "It's basically fine, you can integrate it with peace of mind."

The female commander still trusted Andrew, so she didn't doubt that he would remove Xithorn's arrangement and put his own arrangement in. She asked, "After I break through the Father God, how should I trick Xithorn?

Directly tell the Negative King that Xithorn gave me a treasure? In that case, the Negative King might attack me directly.

In short, it's okay to trick Xithorn, but I can't be put in danger. I have to let the Negative King trust me as always, or even trust me more."

"Don't worry, I have already made a complete plan."

Andrew said: "Don't worry about other things now, just focus on breaking through. After the breakthrough, you go to the Negative King and tell him that Xisong asked you to inquire about him. You didn't answer much, but you met with Xisong.

After the meeting, you returned to the depths of hell, dispersed the negative aura in your body, practiced again, and successfully broke through the Father God. However, when you broke through, you felt something was wrong and hoped that the Negative King would check your body for you.

The aura of Xisong on the treasure just now, I did not destroy it, but hid it in the deepest part of your body.

Once the Negative King checks your body, it will be Don't worry, the treasures on you will not be discovered.

At that time, not only will you not be in danger, but the Negative King will trust you even more. You can even let him check your body at will, which means you are definitely very loyal, not to mention that you have broken through with a single attribute and are not a threat to him. "

"The Negative King really can't see anything?"

The female commander asked suspiciously: "The strength of the Negative King is not weak among the Father Gods. Can your methods really hide from him?"

"Don't worry, I am very professional in faking."

Andrew said proudly, and the female commander complained: "You are a positive character, and you are good at faking. What is there to be proud of?"

"Who stipulated Positive characters can't be fake? "

Andrew shrugged and continued, "By then, the Negative King will definitely be full of resentment towards Xisong. This guy not only has his eyes on him, but also his men.

How much effort did he put in to train Commander Rita? Xisong wants to snatch it away with a trick, dreaming!

With this resentment, the Negative King will never ask Xisong for help again. By then, his injuries will become more and more serious. In that case, both your and my opportunities will come. "

In fact, Andrew only said half of his plan. The Negative King will indeed not ask Xisong for help again, but if he guessed correctly, he will ask Kaguya Otsutsuki, that is, the Great Tree of Life, for help.

Why? Because the Great Tree of Life is the brother of the Negative King, and more importantly, the Great Tree of Life has the rules of life and can restrain curses.

The problem is that Kaguya Otsutsuki is Andrew's woman. By then, Andrew can do too many things, and there is a great possibility that he can solve the Negative King in advance.

Even if it can't be solved, you can plant mines in the body of the Negative King crazily, and wait for the decisive battle to easily deal with Him.

This is the ultimate goal of this plan. However, although the female commander is not like a traitor and there is a hostage (Dave) in Andrew's hands, there is no need to tell her about such a major matter. What if she is found out?

The female commander naturally doesn't know so much. After listening to Andrew's plan, she nodded and said, "Sure enough, you are still insidious. Okay, I will start to break through and strive to achieve the Father God as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, adjust your breath first, and then break through in a few days. It will take time for you to disperse the negative breath and reabsorb it."

Andrew said: "In addition, you should take advantage of these few days to devour a large amount of negative breath that matches your attributes, so as not to make the Negative King suspicious."

"Are you really a superhero? Why are you so skilled in this kind of insidious thing?"

The female commander complained, wrote down what Andrew said, and prepared to do it. After all, she was so innocent that she could only listen to Andrew if she wanted to deceive people.

Sithorn didn't know this. He was in a good mood. On the one hand, once Commander Rita merged with his treasure, he would not be able to escape from his control. At that time, he would have one more Heavenly Father God on his side. At the same time, many more Create a sharp blade that can backstab the King of Negativity.

On the other hand, the King of Negativity has been hit by two curses. Sooner or later, he will come to him to help suppress the curse. At that time, he will have the opportunity to quietly control the King of Negativity.

"Although I lost this game, I gained a lot. Mechanical Demon King, you can't imagine that everything you did has taken advantage of me."

Sithorne was so happy that he returned to his laboratory and found that in addition to Kang the Conqueror, there were also a group of scientists busy in the laboratory.

The quality of these scientists is very high, and you can tell at a glance that they are better than the scientists Sithorn found before.

Sithorn asked curiously: "Mr. Kang, where did you find these scientists? They look very professional."

"These guys are outstanding scientists in the universe. After I conquered the universe, I controlled them and assisted me in my research."

Conqueror Kang replied casually: "Although their intelligence is not very good, they can still serve as assistants."

The scientists felt a little bitter after hearing this. They were all the top scientists in their respective planets and could be called bosses, but as a result, they could only serve as assistants to Kang the Conqueror.

Of course, scientists did not dare to oppose Kang the Conqueror, and they could not oppose him, because Kang the Conqueror's wisdom was far above them.

"You actually brought them here?"

Sithorne was amazed, and Conqueror Kang said: "This is not difficult, I am building the device, and my fleet will follow soon.

I will use the fleet of the 30th century to fight against the supernatural army of the 21st century to see who is more powerful? "

"The fleet of the 30th century must be more powerful. However, Kang the Conqueror, don't take the army too seriously. The strength of God the Heavenly Father is superior to the army."

Sithorn reminded, Conqueror Kang sneered: "That's because the level of technology is not high enough. Each of my fleets has the strength to fight against God the Heavenly Father alone, and has even captured God the Heavenly Father.

Putting aside these things, Sithorn, has the combat power of Heavenly Father God in your hands been affected? Will so many Heavenly Father Gods be dispatched in the next wave of war? "

Kang the Conqueror didn't say a word. He would probably start the next wave of wars. He was not the kind of person who waited passively. He wanted to take the initiative.

"No, the Three-Eyed Demon died in battle. I wonder if the Lord of Chaos and the Lord of Order will resurrect him? Because the Three-Eyed Demon has a fatal flaw, and the King of Superpowers' Mirror Flower and Water Moon is his nemesis."

Sithorn said: "The Sad Clone of the Negative King also died in the battle. He should not be able to create new clones in a short period of time. He is almost having a psychological shadow.

However, the King of Negativity has a female leader named Rita, who is today’s temporary female Heavenly Father God. If you give her a little more time, she should be able to break through and become the real Heavenly Father God.

The strength of the demon clone has dropped significantly this time. With that guy's stingy character, he may not send another clone to fight unless he is sure.

The three Zeus brothers and the Tree of Life are okay, they should be able to fight, after all, they are dying. However, it is hard to say whether they will try their best. After all, the King of Superpowers is getting more and more cruel, and everyone is a little afraid of him. "

"Such a lineup is not very good."

Conqueror Kang thought for a while and said: "The King of Superpowers has two new Heavenly Father Gods, Locomotive and Duke Victor, and at the same time, there are six Heavenly Father Gods who are about to break through.

You won’t be able to deal with the King of Superpowers this time, let alone next time. "

"I will let everyone bring out as much God as possible. I believe everyone will understand what the overall situation is."

Sithorn also had a headache. He asked, "Mr. Kang, can you also win over some Heavenly Father Gods?"

"I just came to this universe, where can I go to win over God the Heavenly Father?"

Conqueror Kang complained: "Let's take a look first. During this period of time, I have been concentrating on studying the Doomsday gene. If I am lucky, I might be able to get a few cannon fodder for the God of Heaven."

"That's great, Mr. Kang, when can we start the experiment on the perfect day of destruction?"

"Both I and Billy can't wait to get started," Sithorne said.

Kang the Conqueror glanced at Sithorn and asked, "Billy is just your transitional experiment? Who is your real experimental subject?"

Sithorne suddenly felt something in his heart. He hesitated for a moment, but without concealing anything, he said, "He is from the motherland. Not only does Billy have a heart for revenge, but his abilities are very similar to those from the motherland.

Therefore, I plan to use him for experiments first, and then inject the Doomsday gene into the people of the motherland after obtaining complete data. "

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