American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2564 Simulation

Black Dragon didn't waste any time. He moved away from the iceberg and made a sofa. Then, he lay on the sofa, eating potato chips, drinking Coke, and watching TV series on premium channels. He also giggled from time to time.

"That's it?"

What Black Dragon didn't know was that Andrew had secretly done something to keep him under constant surveillance. When he saw him drinking Coke and watching TV like a fat American, he couldn't help but want to complain.

You are the protagonist of Destiny. Do you know that this is very embarrassing?

Andrew shook his head. Black Dragon could think of the Doomsday gene. How could he not think of it?

However, Andrew didn't care. On the one hand, the Black Dragon was definitely not as fast as him in terms of strength improvement. On the other hand, the Black Dragon's life and death was in his hands. The stronger the Black Dragon, the more useful it would be to him.

"Take your time. There are still three big trees of No. 5 compound that have not fallen into my hands. I have to work harder. The most important thing is to be a family together."

Andrew secretly thought, the remaining three No. 5 compound trees are the Negative King, the Steel Tree, and the last tree that has never appeared.

Then, Andrew no longer paid attention to the black dragon. He took Duke Victor back to the laboratory. Then, he placed his finger on Duke Victor's eyebrows, and a ray of spiritual power eroded into it.

Duke Victor woke up in a daze and found himself in an endless starry sky. Standing next to him was a man who was the superhero worshiped by all people on earth, Director Tianjian.

"Director Tianjian, are you here to judge me?"

Duke Victor said with some bitterness: "I accept your trial. I did indeed do something wrong. I killed many people, and also killed a large number of people with super powers who followed me. I deserved to die."

"Don't be anxious, let's take it step by step."

Andrew smiled, pointed his finger into the void, and a shrunken island appeared in the void. There was a modern city on the island, with people coming and going, very prosperous and lively.

This was not over yet. Then, Andrew waved his hand, and the sea appeared next to the island.

Then, the sea tribe in the sea invaded the island. The humans on the island were outmatched and retreated steadily. At the critical moment, the humans awakened their superpowers and relied on their superpowers to stabilize their position. They fought with the sea tribe. The fight between the two sides became more and more fierce, and the blood was even stained red. sea ​​surface.

"Don't you want to restore the aristocracy? Then restore it."

Andrew said: "You can change everything on this island at will. Let's see if your aristocratic system works?"

Duke Victor was stunned. He looked at the island and asked, "Director Tianjian, is the life on this island real?"

"Half truth and half falsehood, this is a virtual life, but their reactions are no different from real life."

Andrew said: "I know that you have not really let go of the aristocratic system in your heart, so just do what you want. Creatures like humans can never look back without hitting the south wall."

"Haha, Director Tianjian, you are right. Until now, I still think that my idea is right. I was just deceived."

Duke Victor laughed heroically, and then he was not polite and began to control the island.

Under the control of Duke Victor, a little Victor appeared on the island. With his tyrannical strength and heroic character, he successfully became the commander of the human army and led the human army to fight against the sea tribe.

With the efforts of Little Victor, the Sea Tribe was temporarily repelled, and humans cheered, thinking that better days would be tomorrow.

But they didn't expect that just the next day, little Victor would lead the superpowers to occupy the Presidential Palace and proclaim himself the king.

No one on the island was a match for Little Victor and the superpowers. Therefore, Little Victor successfully ascended the throne, and then he made the powerful superpowers nobles. To put it simply, he allowed those with strength to possess corresponding status.

It was not that no one opposed Little Victor's orders, but they were all violently suppressed by Little Victor. Under his promotion, the island changed from a presidential country to a kingdom based on nobility.

The aristocratic system gives boundless enthusiasm to people with special abilities. After all, no one wants to become a privileged aristocrat. They work hard to make themselves stronger and gain a better status.

This caused the strength of human beings to skyrocket in a short period of time. Moreover, the nobles fought very bravely because they wanted to protect their status and power. The next wave of attacks from the Sea Tribe were easily repelled by them.

"That's it. The aristocratic system is more suitable for times of disaster than a system where everyone is equal."

Duke Victor said excitedly: "The strong are respected. For the sake of power and status, all people with special abilities will work hard to make themselves stronger.

The aristocratic system can greatly enhance human strength. With human potential, as long as we adhere to the aristocratic system, we will be able to completely solve the disaster and restore peace and tranquility to the world.

Director Tianjian, this is not my delusion, this is a fact. Many people on Earth agree with my philosophy. "

"Don't get so excited and get on with it."

Andrew smiled and said, Duke Victor nodded heavily and continued to control the development of little King Victor.

Next, the strength of human beings became stronger and stronger, and the Sea Tribe was defeated one after another, and even after several years, they did not dare to attack again.

Human beings are very satisfied with this, and little Victor feels even more complacent, thinking that he is the savior, no, not thinking, he is the savior.

However, changes quickly occurred on the island. There were two types of changes. One was the corruption of the aristocracy. They began to enjoy and even use the power of the aristocracy to bully men and women and rob social resources.

Not only that, in order to prevent someone from replacing them, these old nobles also designed to frame potential new superpowers so that they could not become nobles.

There is only so much cake, and the best way to avoid being snatched away is to prevent others from entering and sharing the cake.

While the nobles were corrupting, those weak superpowers and ordinary people secretly gathered strength and began to resist. Never underestimate the wisdom of ordinary people. Superpowers are indeed powerful, but with their technological systems, they are not weak either.

If it were in ancient times, the aristocratic system dominated by superpowers might not be a problem, because ordinary people would not have the power to resist, but in modern society, with a complete scientific system, ordinary people definitely have the power to resist.

Soon, the island fell into chaos, and human beings began a civil war. Little Victor finally suppressed the resistance on the island, and the Sea Tribe invaded again. This time, the aristocratic army whose strength was greatly reduced could not stop them from carefully preparing. In the end, human beings were defeated. The Hai clan was completely wiped out.

"That's impossible."

Duke Victor roared with red eyes, and Andrew smiled: "Why is it impossible? Absolute power will only lead to absolute corruption. Unfortunately, the nobles have absolute power, and the speed of their corruption is far beyond your imagination.

Moreover, the people's wisdom has become enlightened, and aboveboard slavery is no longer feasible. Although modern society is still an exploitative society, it is covered with a veneer called civilization.

More importantly, people are free and their most basic survival is guaranteed. "

Duke Victor was silent for a while and said to Andrew: "Director Tianjian, I want to try again. I can change some rules. For example, nobles cannot kill people, otherwise they will be sent to the front line as cannon fodder, etc.

At the same time, I will limit some of the powers of the nobles to prevent them from corrupting so quickly. "

"You can try it as many times as you want."

Andrew smiled and signaled to Duke Victor to help himself. Duke Victor immediately started the experiment again. More than ten minutes later, all humans on the island were wiped out again.

Duke Victor was a little doubtful about life. He continued to try without giving up, but he still ended up with total annihilation, total annihilation, total annihilation.

After trying more than ten times in a row, Duke Victor became desperate. He fell to his knees on the ground, feeling extremely decadent. It turned out that his idea was really wrong. He only saw the present, not the future.

"Duke Victor, do you know where you are missing?"

Andrew said: "The difference is in looking at the overall situation. Although you are smart, you were born in a small country, your vision is limited, your thinking is narrow, and you cannot see further.

Fortunately, you have the belief to protect the country and the passion to protect mankind. Although you have done some wrong things, there is still a chance to save it. "

"A chance to save?"

Duke Victor shook his head bitterly and said, "Even if a useless person like me is saved, what's the use? Will I continue to cause harm to the world?"

Andrew raised his eyebrows when he heard this and said, "It's no use? Then I'm leaving. You can finish it yourself. I will find someone to collect the body for you."

"Finish it yourself?"

Duke Victor was stunned, and then got up in embarrassment. Although he was very disappointed, he was not so lost that he committed suicide. He asked: "Director Tianjian, what are you going to do with me?"

"Of course you are joining the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau to atone for what you have done before. The premise is that you really realize your mistake and give up your idea of ​​​​aristocracy."

Andrew said: "I don't want you to suddenly raise your arms and shout that I want to be the king. Who wants to follow me?"

Duke Victor suddenly realized that it was no wonder Director Tianjian would make an island game for himself to play first. He sighed and said, "I gave up, I really gave up."

Although he said to give up, Duke Victor hesitated for a moment and still asked: "Director Tianjian, is it really impossible for the aristocratic system to succeed?"

"Of course there is a way."

Andrew said: "Destroy human civilization and bring mankind into the doomsday era. Then, the survivors form one gathering place after another. For resources and survival, they fight monsters and similar wars every day. In this way, the supernatural aristocracy system can be successfully implemented.

On the one hand, the nobles are not easily corrupted by wars every day. On the other hand, survival is so difficult that it is already very difficult for the people to stay alive. They have no intention of rebelling. If someone does rebel, just drive them out of the gathering place. "

"To hell with that aristocracy."

Duke Victor was dumbfounded when he heard this, and then he couldn't help but cursed, "How crazy do you have to be to implement the aristocratic system and turn the world into an apocalypse?"

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