American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 256 The Backside of the Moon

"I don't believe I can't cure you."

What kind of temper does Carol have? How could she be so used to business cards? She immediately took the business card and flew towards the sun. She didn't believe that the card could still be safe and sound in the sun.

It turns out that the business card really works. Not only does it return to Carol's pocket instantly, but its wings also turn golden, as if to mock Carol.

"Objects resemble their masters, and if their masters hate them, so will the objects."

Carol gritted her teeth. Just as she was about to do something else, the communicator suddenly rang, and it was from Nick Fury.

Carol cursed, hurriedly returned to Earth, and called Nick Fury.

Nick Fury said anxiously: "Carol, where have you been? Why can't you get through the phone? Come back quickly, something happened, that bastard Ronan is here again."

"What, Ronan is here again?"

Carol was stunned and immediately flew towards SHIELD headquarters.

Let's push the time forward a little. When Gwen took Medusa and the others to the SHIELD branch, she told SHIELD and the superheroes the news in advance, and they rushed over as quickly as possible.

"Is there any mistake? Not even half a month has passed and something happened again?"

Human Torch cursed: "The city was destroyed before, and even the most basic cleaning was not completed. Can you let us take a breather?"

"It's a little faster."

Natasha nodded: "It would be great if those bastards who repaired the Statue of Liberty were as efficient as they are. After more than two years, they still haven't repaired the Statue of Liberty.

Do they know how much I want to see Tony strapped up there again? "

Everyone laughed, and Tony flew in with a dark face and said: "The reason why the Statue of Liberty has not been built yet is because the designers' ideas conflicted.

Some designers think that a pair of wings should be added behind the goddess statue to commemorate the Ghost Rider who wrote the review, while others think that a shield should be added because the captain is the symbol of America.

There are also some people who feel that it turned out to be the best. The three parties quarreled every day, and sometimes their tempers got so intense that they even staged full-on martial arts. "

Everyone was speechless. They thought it was an efficiency problem, but they didn't expect it to be a design problem.

Soon, Gwen brought Medusa and Crystal to the conference room. The bully dog ​​was too big to come in, so it could only lie outside in grievance.

Everyone was stunned when they saw such a big bully dog. This incident seemed not simple.

"This is Queen Medusa of the Alien Kingdom, this is Queen Medusa's sister, Crystal, and this one is Tetanus."

Gwen introduced them one by one, and everyone was a little shocked: "The kingdom of aliens?"

Gwen repeated what she heard from Andrew, and everyone became more and more surprised. Are there actually aliens similar to mutants hidden among humans?

"Titans, Inhumans, is this still the Earth I know?"

Tony wanted to roll his eyes. There was no doubt that this Inhuman race was another big trouble.

Humans are really unlucky.

Nick Fury's holographic projection asked straight to the point: "Queen Medusa, why do you say that both Earth and Attilan are in danger?"

Queen Medusa said: "Because Ronan, the accuser of the Kree Empire, is here."

"Ronan the Accuser?"

Nick Fury's eyes narrowed and he asked hurriedly: "What exactly happened?"

Queen Medusa was not surprised that Nick Fury knew about Ronan - Ronan had invaded the Earth, and Attilan had records of this.

Medusa introduced: "We, the Inhumans, have some connections with the Kree Empire. Ronan knew about this from somewhere, and led his fleet to Attilan, asking us to surrender.

Originally, the strength of my husband, King Black Bolt of the Inhuman Kingdom, was enough to destroy his fleet and save Attilan.

But we didn't expect that Maximus and some aliens would collude with Ronan to stun my husband with poison gas, open the defense shield, and let Ronan's fleet enter Attilan.

Attilan is utterly defeated, and the aliens loyal to us are either captured or killed. At the last moment, Tetanus took Crystal and me and escaped to Earth. "

After a pause, Medusa added: "Maximus is my husband's brother. Terrigen's awakening failed. Logically speaking, he should be sent to the mine to mine, but my husband took pity on him and allowed him to continue. Be a member of the royal family.

Unexpectedly, he actually betrayed my husband and Attilan at a critical moment. If I had the chance, I would never let him go again.

Medusa's hair fluttered as she spoke, and she was clearly very angry.

Everyone knew: "Her ability should be to control hair."

Nick Fury asked: "What does this matter have to do with the earth?"

"Ronan said it himself that he wanted to destroy the Earth and Xandar."

Medusa said: "I don't know where Xandar is, but Earth must be this planet."

"Just him?"

Everyone snorted, isn't it an alien invasion? It’s not like the Earth has never been invaded before, more than once. Well, this doesn’t seem like something to be proud of?

Nick Fury is also not afraid, after all, Captain Marvel is back.

"I don't know how Ronan plans to destroy the earth, but he is definitely not just talking nonsense."

Medusa said: "Without sufficient means, he will never dare to return to the solar system. After all, he was beaten up by you earthlings and ran away last time."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and Tony asked hurriedly: "Wait, you mean, Ronan once invaded the earth? Why didn't I know? Could it be that I am a fake earthling?"

"I guess I'm a fake too."

Rhodes, Hawkeye and others complained at the same time. Only Steve was calm. After all, he had been frozen for a long time.

Medusa asked in shock: "You don't know? No, doesn't he know about Ronan?"

Everyone turned to look at Nick Fury. Nick Fury raised his head and said proudly: "Ronan not only invaded the earth, but also wanted to destroy the earth. However, he was defeated by me and a companion, and escaped in despair. Out of the Earth.”

After saying that, Nick Fury waited for everyone to look at him with admiration. Unexpectedly, he only received doubts and ridicule.

"This guy is bragging again."

"Absolutely bragging, just like King Kong did."

"If I guess correctly, the real story is that he was captured by Ronan and raped. Later, his partners defeated Ronan and rescued him. He took the credit back and became the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. "

"Perfect inference, eighty percent of it is the truth."

Everyone said in a 'whisper' voice that Nick Fury could hear, and Nick Fury's face almost turned purple with anger.

I didn't brag when I fought King Kong. This time, well, although it was a little bit bragging, I did participate in it and lost one eye because of it.

Nick Fury gritted his teeth and thought: "Those natives, I will shovel their nests and let them go into the city to be beggars."

Medusa didn't know that much, and she continued: "There is no doubt that Ronan is our common enemy. I hope that we can join forces to defeat Ronan, save Attilan, and at the same time save the earth."

Tony said: "Since Ronan is the enemy, we must join forces. However, this matter must be considered in the long term. After all, it is an alien fleet."

The superheroes nodded. With the current technology of the earth, it is a bit difficult to defeat the alien fleet. Well, it is very difficult.

"Long term plan?"

Medusa frowned. Just as she was about to say something, Nick Fury asked again: "I have another question. Why did you come to our earth for help instead of going to Utopia? Are they closer to you?"

"Ask Utopia for help?"

Medusa was stunned when she heard this, and then she said: "The situation was critical at the time, and I didn't think much about it. Let Tetanus take us as far away as possible, and Tetanus took us directly to the earth.

After that, we met this spider vigilante and came to you naturally. "

"There seems to be some trouble between Attilan and Utopia?"

Nick Fury's eyes flashed. As a cunning man, he could tell at a glance that Medusa was afraid of Utopia. This was normal. Suddenly, a powerful and rich new race appeared around her, and everyone would be afraid of it.

This is why so many people oppose Black Bolt's reforms - he wants to trade with Utopia and completely change Attilan's predicament.

"That's a good thing."

Nick Fury secretly thought that Utopia had been keeping him awake at night, and perhaps Attilan could be used to contain Utopia.

Of course, this is a matter for the future. Nick Fury said: "Queen Medusa, please go and rest with Princess Crystal. We will send troops to deal with Ronan as soon as possible."


Medusa knew that the people on earth wanted to discuss internally, so she nodded and left with Crystal and Tetanus.

After the door of the conference room closed, Tony asked: "Director Fury, you seem to have a trump card to defeat Ronan's fleet?"

"More than ten years ago, a female superhero named Captain Marvel appeared on Earth. She single-handedly defeated Ronan's fleet and made him retreat."

Nick Fury said: "For more than ten years, she has been executing justice in the universe. Fortunately, she just returned to Earth to visit relatives recently, which means she can help us deal with Ronan."


Everyone was delighted when they heard this, and Tony asked suspiciously: "Is that Captain Marvel really that strong?"

"Of course, otherwise the earth would have been destroyed long ago."

Nick Fury nodded with certainty and said: "The return of Captain Marvel is a secret. I hope you won't tell it. She will be our trump card against the mysterious forces."

"Deal with mysterious forces?"

Tony and Steve looked at each other. Did they really blame Nick Fury wrongly?

On the back of the moon, Big Dog Tetanus appeared out of thin air with Tony, Rhodes, Scarlett, Hellboy, Medusa, and Crystal.

The big dog has a limited carrying capacity and is obviously a little tired after transporting so many people over long distances. Crystal in a space suit hurriedly comforts it.

It is worth mentioning that Scarlett cannot teleport from the earth to the moon, and her magical attainments are far from enough.

"Is that Captain Marvel here?"

Tony asked with an unhappy look on his face, Nick Fury actually asked them to attack Captain Marvel?

Although Nick Fury was talking about cooperation on the surface, his tone betrayed him deeply.

"I've been waiting for you for a while."

Along with this voice, a bright figure flew out from behind a crater, standing in the air and looking down at everyone.

Tony said gleefully: "Wow, ma'am, you're so dazzling that I can hardly keep my eyes open."

"Without further ado, let's go."

Carol never liked frivolous men, so she turned around and flew in the direction of Attilan without any nonsense - Nick Fury had already passed the map to her.

"Follow this arrogant girl. How old is she? Why is she so young?"

Tony said as he led everyone to follow Captain Marvel.

"The Inhumans actually got together with Ronan?"

On Earth, Andrew was a little surprised: "Shouldn't Ronan go to the Land of Nowhere to snatch the Power Stone at this time, and beat Drax like a dog by the way?"

Although things had changed, Andrew didn't take it too seriously. He poured himself a cup of tea and prepared to watch the show.

The power gem is already in his hands. No matter how the plot changes, it doesn't matter. Anyway, he will definitely gain something.

Soon, everyone arrived in front of Attilan - Attilan is a mobile city with a defensive shield outside to isolate all kinds of harmful rays and prevent the air from escaping.

"Enemy attack."

Carol was so dazzling that the rebels noticed it immediately and immediately sounded the alarm to prepare everyone for battle.

Medusa stepped forward and asked loudly through the communicator: "Why did you betray Attilan with Maximus?"

"Former queen, I am not a betrayer, I am a savior."

A gloomy black-haired man came out, it was Maximus, and he said: "Like my brother, I want to save Attilan, which is full of pain.

The difference is that his method is wrong, and my method is correct.

Under my leadership, the Inhumans will become the nobles of the Kree Empire. They will no longer have to be trapped in such a ghost place and worry about basic survival every day. "

"This guy reminds me of Loki, why does every king have a brother who stabs him in the back?"

Tony complained, and everyone nodded in agreement. There were too many similar settings.

Medusa wanted to say something else, but Carol shouted impatiently: "Let Ronan come out and see me."

Maximus looked Carol up and down, his eyes a little solemn, but on the surface, he sneered: "Want to meet Lord Ronan? You are not qualified yet."

"Am I not qualified? Even Ronan doesn't dare to speak like this in front of me."

Carol was too lazy to talk nonsense, raised her right hand full of energy and slammed it against the defensive shield.

"Who do you think you are? Our Attilan's defensive shield... Shet!"

Maximus was taunting and suddenly yelled, because the defensive shield was hit by Carol with a punch and there were a lot of cracks. Who is this woman and why is she so scary?

In fact, this is perfectly normal. Captain Marvel can dismantle starships with his bare hands.

"Stop her quickly."

Maximus shouted loudly, and dozens of energy rays shot at Carol.

At the same time, Medusa screamed: "Captain Marvel, don't break the defensive cover. Once the air inside leaks out, many people will die."

"Blow out the city-level defense shield with one punch? I haven't offended this woman before, right?"

Tony swallowed and asked the others in a low voice. Rhodes patted his shoulder and said, "If you want to eat or drink, go ahead and eat. Don't leave any regrets to yourself."

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