American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2558 Breakthrough

On the other hand, the battle within the Earth Guardian is not over yet. If Kang the Conqueror leaves at this time, he will lose Duke Victor.

This is unacceptable to Kang the Conqueror. Duke Victor is not only a useful tool for Heavenly Father God, but also an important experimental subject in the Doomsday genetic experiment.

Speaking of which, Duke Victor seems a bit useless. The mighty Heavenly Father is actually at a disadvantage against six less Heavenly Fathers. It is really embarrassing to the Heavenly Father.

"A lineup of seven people, facing the King of Superpowers again?"

Sithorn was a little moved when he heard this, but after thinking about it carefully, he said helplessly: "No, morale has been lost, and there is no gain in starting another war.

Not to mention anything else, the demon's clone will definitely run away and will not stay. He has been frightened by the king of supernatural powers, and he is not even half as strong as he was in his heyday.

Zeus, Hades, and the Tree of Life, the three No. 5 compound trees, are also in bad shape, and they will not continue to fight.

Also, Commander Rita will not stay. If the King of Negativity asks her to leave, she will definitely leave. As for Hydra, I have never seen a more timid monster than it. "

"A rabble."

Kang the Conqueror couldn't help but cursed that the performance of Sithorne and others was much worse than he expected, no wonder they kept failing.

Sithorn's face was a little dark, and he said: "Conqueror Kang, if you don't want to leave, you don't have to leave, but we won't wait for you. Maybe you can learn from the King of Superpowers and fight one against four. I believe it will be good for you." It’s not difficult to say.”

"It's really not difficult for me, but now is not the time for a full-scale war. Forget it, let's retreat first."

Kang the Conqueror shook his head, and then he raised his hand and pointed it at the black dragon. Upon seeing this, the black dragon immediately moved around at high speed, trying to avoid Kang the Conqueror's attack.

Unfortunately, it was useless. A powerful gravity wave enveloped the surroundings, and the black dragon hit the ground with a bang. Then, he and the ground kept denting downwards, and soon, a big pit appeared.

Conqueror Kang knew that this alone could not stop the black dragon. He took off his gloves and threw them over the black dragon. The gloves turned into a gravity meter, which crazily increased the surrounding gravity, making it impossible for the black dragon to get up.

The black dragon was furious. He realized that he had underestimated Kang the Conqueror.

Conqueror Kang ignored the black dragon. He pointed his other hand at the Earth Guardian, and a huge blue light beam blasted out, and the Earth Guardian quickly cracked open.

This is not only because Kang the Conqueror is powerful, but also because the guardian of the earth is already crumbling under Duke Victor's continuous attacks.

Once the Earth Guard was broken, the person inside appeared. Duke Victor's clothes were in tatters, with a lot of blood and wounds. Although he had Hydra's genes, because other people's attacks contained the power of rules, , cannot be healed easily.

Like Duke Victor, Pepper Potts and the others are also in bad shape. Except for Pepper Potts, everyone else is injured, especially Namikaze Minato, who once again lost his right hand, that is, his right hand. By the way, why do you say that? again?

Namikaze Minato originally wanted to sneak attack Duke Victor, but he used the force of the counterattack to directly shatter his arm. Duke Victor's abilities are diverse and very troublesome.

"Duke Victor, if you don't want to die, please leave with me."

Kang the Conqueror shouted, and Duke Victor was furious when he saw Kang the Conqueror: "You are the one who turned my people into monsters? Is it you who turned me from a war hero to a traitor who harmed the country? You go to me Die."

As Duke Victor roared, his tail hit Kang the Conqueror like a huge pillar. Kang the Conqueror raised his hand, and Duke Victor's tail stopped directly in the air, unable to fall.

Then, the Conqueror made a move, and Duke Victor flew towards him uncontrollably. Duke Victor wanted to resist, but suddenly felt extremely weak and could not muster any strength.

This is the nanobug on Duke Victor's body that is releasing toxins. With Kang the Conqueror's wisdom, it is not difficult at all to develop a poison that is useful to God the Father. Needless to say, this point goes without saying.

"how so?"

Duke Victor was shocked, angry, and a little desperate at the same time. He never thought that he was powerless to fight back in front of the mastermind behind the scenes.

You know, Duke Victor was full of ambitions before. He wanted to kill the mastermind, protect the country, and redeem his previous mistakes. Who knew that he would rush into the street as soon as he met him.

"It turns out they were right and I was wrong."

Duke Victor was filled with bitterness. At this moment, the one-armed Namikaze Minato appeared beside him out of thin air, grabbing his shoulder with his left hand and preparing to teleport him away.

At the same time, Ashley's fire dragon, Blair's Holy Light Cross Slash, Samantha's missiles, and Pepper's laser summoned by the Motherland all fired at the Conqueror Kang at the same time, obviously to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao.

In any case, Kang the Conqueror cannot be allowed to take Duke Victor away.

"You don't think that all Heavenly Father Gods are as weak as Duke Victor, do you?"

Conqueror Kang smiled disdainfully, the gems on his chest lit up, Ashley's Fire Dragon, and Blair's Holy Light Cross Slash, rebelled at the same time, and crashed towards themselves.

Then, Samantha's missile made a circle in the air and hit the Starlight Motherland people hard, and the Starlight Motherland people flew away in response.

This is not over yet, a strange force envelopes Namikaze Minato, preparing to capture him together. Conqueror Kang is very interested in such anime characters - as a scientist, he has knowledge about anything he doesn't understand. interest.

At this critical moment, a huge beam of light roared in and hit Conqueror Kang's chest hard. Conqueror Kang flew directly backwards, and Minato Namikaze and Duke Victor fell to the ground at the same time.

"Why do you guys always forget me? I am the MVP of this game, okay?"

The Earth Turtle, which was about the same size as a dog, staggered over. In the previous attack, it incorporated a large amount of One-Tail's power into it, so that it could blast away Kang the Conqueror.

"Thank you."

Duke Victor couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he was freed, and weakly thanked Minato Namikaze. Just as Minato Namikaze was about to speak, Pepper came over and stabbed Duke Victor's neck with a syringe.

Duke Victor was shocked, what is this? Little Pepper said: "My husband just sent this. He spent thirty seconds to prepare a potion that should be able to solve the trouble in your body."

While speaking, Pepper threw a disc towards the black dragon. The disc landed on Kang the Conqueror's glove with a snap.

Then, the disc vibrated violently, interfering with the operation of the glove, causing the surrounding gravity to drop significantly.

The black dragon took the opportunity to open his mouth, and a beam of light roared out. The gloves exploded, and parts were scattered everywhere.

Pepper was a little speechless when she saw this. Tony told her to find a way to collect Conqueror Kang's equipment so that she could reversely study it and figure out the opponent's technology. Unexpectedly, it was directly destroyed by the black dragon.

Naturally, the black dragon didn't know that much. After he got out of trouble, he thought about it and did not go to Little Pepper. Instead, he flew in the air and looked at Kang the Conqueror who was getting up.

"The potion was prepared in thirty seconds?"

Duke Victor was confused when he heard this, and he complained: "If something happens to me, is it considered a medical malpractice? How much compensation can your husband pay?"

"My husband never goes wrong with anything he makes."

Pepper said proudly. When Tony Stark in the laboratory heard this, he smiled like a child weighing more than 100 pounds. Orochimaru covered his face a little. Is this the top scientist in the multiverse?

Duke Victor wanted to say something else. At this moment, his health suddenly improved and his strength quickly recovered. He moved his body and said in surprise: "Who is your husband? I think I can invest in him."

"He probably doesn't need your investment."

A voice came, but it was Kang the Conqueror who flew back. He looked at Pepper and said: "Ms. Pepper's husband is called Tony Stark. He is a scientist second only to me. He once caused me many troubles." Less hassle.

However, no matter which timeline he was in, he lost to me. "

Kang the Conqueror knows Pepper because he once fought against the Avengers - Kang the Conqueror's technological level is very high, and he can not only travel through the multiverse, but also travel through time and become the overlord of a certain timeline.

"Nonsense, when did I lose to him? Pepper, tell him that in the Stark Group, he can at best be a sweeper."

Tony said angrily, how do you say that, Tony will never be weaker than others in his life.

"The Stark Group does not have sweepers, only sweeping robots."

Pepper complained first, and then she said to Kang the Conqueror: "I don't know which Iron Man you have defeated, but my husband is a unique Iron Man.

Maybe someone can defeat him, but in terms of technology and intelligence, he is number one. "

"Well said, she is worthy of being a woman of the Stark family."

Tony felt quite comfortable, and his eyes were almost gone when he smiled. People from the Stark family never lost their words.


Conqueror Kang shook his head and said: "Oh, he is not even qualified to stand in front of me now. Wait until he breaks through Heavenly Father God before he can say this to me.

Without saying this, Duke Victor, do you want to leave with me? Only I can solve your problems.

If you don't solve it, you will become a monster, a monster without self, and if you want to be a king, you can only do it by standing by my side.

The Mechanical Demon King, the King of Superpowers, will never allow you to be a king. In their eyes, you are just a criminal. "

Kang the Conqueror originally planned to take Duke Victor away by force, but given the current situation, this plan would definitely not work, so he could only persuade him.

The black dragon wanted to say something, but hesitated and said nothing. Although Duke Victor was his pawn, Duke Victor himself did not know this, let alone that the strong black man in front of him was him. He longs for the black dragon that he wants to merge with.

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