Chapter 2554 Cracking Method

"The King of Superpowers is not an ordinary superpower. He will not follow the script. He has invented many new superpowers before. This time, he should have transformed Jing Hua Shui Yue."

Sithorn replied: "To put it simply, the King of Superpowers changed the conditions of hypnosis, and because we didn't know about it, we all fell into the trap."

"Wait, it's still wrong."

The demon clone thought for a while and continued to question: "Our battle is live broadcast, don't tell me that the King of Superpowers has hypnotized the whole world?

Also, it’s normal for us to be tricked. Why are you guys who are hiding behind and doing absolutely nothing, also being tricked? "

Obviously, Andrew’s previous instigation still worked. Sithorn snorted coldly: “The King of Superpowers doesn’t need to hypnotize the world, because he can directly change the live broadcast screen.

Devil, don't forget, the Mechanical Demon King has two, two full virtual beings in his hands, Heavenly Father God. How difficult can it be for them to modify a picture? Even if it were changed to you and the King of Negativity playing stud, it would be easy for them. "

"It's well-founded and impossible to object to."

Hades complained, and the demon clone thought of Indigo who was instigated by Andrew, and couldn't help but sigh. If Indigo had not betrayed, they would never be so passive on the Internet.

"Besides, I have evidence that makes people laugh or cry."

Sithorn paused and continued: "The King of Superpowers changed his hairstyle before the war. His current hairstyle is Aizen's hairstyle. In other words, he actually told us the truth from the beginning.

The King of Superpowers is not the old silver coin of the Mechanical Demon King. He hides everything he does and never tells anyone about it. After all, the King of Superpowers is young and likes to be in the limelight. "

"This evidence is really dumbfounding."

Everyone couldn't help complaining. The King of Superpowers was really a talent. At the same time, they felt speechless. The King of Superpowers announced the correct answer at the beginning, but they actually guessed it for a long time?

Sure enough, after going back, I still need to read more comics. If you are a two-dimensional otaku, you will be able to guess Andrew's abilities from the first second he uses the hairspray hand.

In fact, even Otsutsuki Kaguya was speechless. He couldn't help but use his clone to contact Andrew and asked: "The ability you used is really mirror flower water moon? Why did you change your hairstyle at the beginning?"

"Wow, isn't it? You guessed it so late? I gave you the correct answer from the beginning, okay?"

Andrew complained, yes, he used Jing Hua Shui Yue. The whole process is a bit complicated to talk about.

As mentioned last time, Andrew's attainments in the rules of life have caught up with Green's, and he can create an anime character on the level of God the Father.

At first, Andrew wanted to create Uchiha Madara's good friend, Senju Hashirama, but after thinking about it later, he chose to create Aizen who has no self-awareness.

Then, Andrew completely fused Aizen and gained all his abilities, including Kidō, Zanpakutō, etc.

This was not over yet. After that, Andrew modified the ability of Mirror Flower, Suigetsu, and merged the activation conditions and specific usage methods of this ability with the superpower to form a brand new superpower: the superpower of Mirror Flower, Suigetsu.

Before, Andrew was able to fight one against six because of this new power. The reason why those Heavenly Father Gods could not tell the authenticity of the phantom was not because of the phantom rules, but because their consciousness was affected by illusion, or in other words, hypnotized.

This is also the reason why Andrew's attack suddenly changed position.

From the very beginning, the Black Hole Sword was piercing the shoulder of the demon clone. However, the demon clone was affected by the illusion and thought that Andrew was attacking his chest. It was not until the attack was about to come and the sense of danger that the demon clone woke up that he discovered the true landing point of the attack. .

From the perspective of the demon clone, the attack suddenly moved, but in fact, the attack never changed, so it could not sense any fluctuations.

"You can still laugh?"

Otsutsuki Kaguya was speechless. He said: "Did you know that just because you changed your hairstyle, Sithorn guessed your ability? If you didn't change your hairstyle, Sithorn probably wouldn't be able to guess it."

"You underestimate Sithorn too much. In this world, there is no ability that can be hidden forever. It is better than stopping time and still being recognized by others."

Andrew shook his head and said: "In fact, I deliberately let Sithorn and the others discover this."

"On purpose?"

Otsutsuki Kaguya was stunned, and Andrew smiled and said: "Yes, on purpose, Kyoka Suigetsu's ability is very powerful. If faced with Heavenly Father God or below, he can easily control the opponent's perception.

But my current opponent is Heavenly Father God. Heavenly Father God is protected by rules. It is simply impossible to completely control their perceptions.

I can only slightly affect their perception now. Once they are in crisis, their instinct will break through my influence and let them return to normal. This is why they suddenly see the Black Hole Sword shift position when they are attacked.

This is also the reason why I can only injure them, but cannot kill them. The illusion invasion is not deep enough.

This is obviously not enough. I want to deepen the illusion's erosion of their perception. To do this, I must let them know that they have been hypnotized by me.

The more they believe this, the deeper my influence on them will be. In the end, they will be completely trapped in my illusion. At that time, I can control their perception at will, and defeat them with ease. "

"In other words, let them hypnotize themselves? Let them push themselves into the abyss?"

Kaguya Otsutsuki was very surprised. He exclaimed: "Andrew, your methods are really dark. Not only do you control their consciousness, but you also play with their souls. No wonder you and Black Zetsu get along so well. You two really have the same taste."

"Are you talking about me as a villain? I'm a superhero."

Andrew complained, and added: "What's the best thing about this? It's that their bodies, including Sison, the Lord of Chaos and those who hide behind the scenes, will also be affected by illusions.

This is the power of Mirror Flower Water Moon. As long as you see what I set, you will be affected. Of course, if you don't see it with your own eyes, the degree will be much lower.

However, it's not a big problem. As long as I keep using illusions in front of them and make them believe in the power of Mirror Flower Water Moon, they will get deeper and deeper, and in the end, they will be controlled by me."

Andrew smiled and said: "So, I'm not worried about being known to them about the existence of Mirror Flower Water Moon. I'm even Don't worry about them coming up with a way to crack it, because the mirror flower and water moon cannot be eradicated, it can only be a temporary solution.

In this way, they will believe in the mirror flower and water moon more and more in their hearts. This is a long-term layout. When the final battle comes, they will find that they have lost a long time ago. "

"Your plan is really far-reaching."

Kaguya Otsutsuki exclaimed, and said: "It seems that I don't have to do much, just wait and see your performance."

Andrew laughed: "You don't have to do much, I said, I will win this battle."

Sithon naturally didn't know these things, because he recognized Andrew's ability, he was very proud at the moment, he said: "Since you have recognized the ability, it is not difficult to crack it."

"How to crack it?"

Everyone asked hurriedly, this is the most important thing. If they don't crack the mirror flower and water moon, they can't defeat Andrew at all, let alone kill him.

"Didn't you notice? The control that the King of Superpowers has over you is actually very limited. It can only make you unable to distinguish the true and false of the phantom, and interfere with your vision and perception, so that you misjudge the position of the Black Hole Sword."

Sithon said: "The problem is that every time the Black Hole Sword is about to attack you, you can return to normal. This is the key to breaking the deadlock."

The Father God sees the world not only with his five senses, but also with his own intuition, spiritual perception, etc. This is the power of the Mirror Flower and Water Moon. It can even affect intuition. Otherwise, it is not so easy to sneak attack the Father God.

The Negative King asked thoughtfully: "You mean, let us be in danger all the time, so that we can break the interference of Mirror Flower Water Moon?"

"That's right, use the danger instinct to break the Mirror Flower Water Moon. Although this can only treat the symptoms, not the root cause, it is enough."

Xisong nodded, and said: "There is no need to think about any way to cure the root cause. Just kill the King of Superpowers, and everything will be cured. As long as you return to normal, six people besiege one person, there is no reason for the King of Superpowers not to die."

"That's for sure. If it weren't for the Mirror Flower Water Moon, the King of Superpowers would have died long ago."

Everyone nodded, and the demon clone said: "I can't wait to kill that guy, Xisong, how can you keep us in danger all the time?"

"It's very simple, use a needle to pierce the soul, and then no illusion can interfere with you."

Xisong said very cruelly, and everyone took a breath of cold air. This is not ordinary cruelty.

Kaguya Otsutsuki was very surprised. He often heard the devil say that Xisong was actually an undercover sent by the Mechanical Demon King. He didn't believe it, but from the current situation, it was really possible. The method proposed by this guy was the most beneficial to Andrew.

The pain of the soul is ten times or even a hundred times stronger than the pain of the body. Such strong pain will make the Father Gods believe in the mirror flower and water moon, that is, the erosion of the mirror flower and water moon on them will be strengthened.

Of course, this is a far-reaching impact. In the short term, this trick is still effective.

Kaguya Otsutsuki was a little worried, and then he shook his head. Andrew was so confident that he must have prepared other means. This guy, although he is a superhero, is not ordinary insidious, but he likes it.

"By the way, have I been tricked by him?"

Kaguya Otsutsuki thought of something, a little suspicious, and then shook his head. It's meaningless to think too much, because he has completely fallen into the pit. He can accept that he has more than a dozen girlfriends. What else can't he accept?

Kaguya Otsutsuki's personality is actually quite simple. Once she makes a decision, she will not change it.

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