American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2550 True and False Phantoms

"You pretend to be gods and ghosts, you are the king of supernatural powers. What's the use of these phantoms?"

The Three-Eyed Demon roared, and punched the void hard. The void rippled like water, and blasted towards the six Andrews. Under normal circumstances, under such an attack, the six Andrews would disappear.

But to everyone's surprise, the six Andrews still existed, and none of them disappeared. They even raised the Black Hole Sword in their hands and slashed at everyone.

Everyone's expressions changed, and they did not dare to neglect. They hurriedly raised their weapons and blocked the Black Hole Sword that Andrew had chopped down.

None of the five Heavenly Father Gods felt the power of the Black Hole Sword. Only the temporarily condensed sword of the demon clone was cut off by the Black Hole Sword. Then, the Black Hole Sword continued to slash at the demon clone.

"That's true."

Everyone didn't care about anything else and rushed to help the demon clone. The three-eyed demon opened his mouth wide and quickly gathered a hell annihilation cannon, preparing to blast towards Andrew.

At this moment, a cold light suddenly flashed in the eyes of Andrew next to the Three-Eyed Demon. Then, his fist quickly expanded, and at the same time, it turned into God-level Adamantium alloy and hit the Three-Eyed Demon hard on the head. .


The Three-Eyed Demon was directly blasted away by Andrew's punch, flying backwards like a meteor. Because the speed was too fast, circles of air waves appeared around it, and countless glass shattered below.

This was not over yet. On the way, a huge explosion occurred in the mouth of the three-eyed demon. It was the annihilation cannon he had condensed before - because the head was hit hard, the energy could not be released, causing it to explode inside the mouth.

"It's not that good, is it?"

Andrew grinned and raised his hand. The space behind the Three-Eyed Demon turned into a huge space spear, waiting for the Three-Eyed Demon to hit him.

Seeing this, other Heavenly Father Gods hurriedly came to help. The sad clone of the Negative King sighed softly, and the space spear felt the endless sadness and dispersed on its own.

At the same time, Zeus and Hades attacked Andrew on the left and right. Kaguya Otsutsuki even shuttled behind Andrew and hit Andrew's back with a Yagogami air strike.

However, the demon clone had no time to help, because there was also Andrew in front of him to deal with. He didn't understand. The king of supernatural powers in front of him was obviously real. Why was the three-eyed demon also attacked?

Soon, the demon clone knew the reason. The Andrew in front of him was fake, and only the black hole sword was real.

What makes people even more depressing is that the Black Hole Sword is still alive. Seeing that it was discovered, it attacked and shouted: "Come and cut me if you are a brother. I am the Slag Sword."

The demon clone doesn't want to cut people now, he just wants to curse people now. This sword really has the style of the King of Superpowers, super cheap.

"It seems that the three people who attacked me are all my undercover agents?"

Andrew secretly complained and controlled his body to turn into mist and dissipate. Then, the mist appeared behind Zeus and wielded the Black Hole Sword to slash at Zeus' body.

Zeus raised Thor's hammer to resist, but strangely, the Black Hole Sword appeared out of thin air at Zeus's wrist. Zeus' complexion changed, and he hurriedly controlled a large amount of thunder to emit from his wrist to resist Andrew's Black Hole Sword.

At this moment, the Black Hole Sword suddenly accelerated, a large amount of thunder was destroyed, and the Black Hole Sword struck Zeus's wrist heavily.

Zeus's wrist and palm suddenly turned into thunder, and the Black Hole Sword passed through the thunder and fell below. Then, Zeus retreated violently, and the thunder flew back to his hand and turned back into his palm.

This is an ability that Zeus has only recently mastered. His efforts during this period are not in vain. He is now many times stronger than before.

The problem is that as Zeus has become stronger, Andrew has also become stronger, and he is getting stronger faster than Zeus. This is the most disappointing thing about him.

Seeing Zeus retreat, Andrew snorted coldly and pulled his left hand through the air. The space where Zeus was was pulled directly in front of him. Then, he used the void to stop Zeus and slashed hard towards Zeus with a sword. Wherever it passed, there was a Pitch black.

"Are you serious? Am I not an undercover agent?"

Zeus was frightened and angry. Fortunately, at this moment, Hades and Kaguya Otsutsuki teamed up to besiege Andrew. Only then did Zeus find a gap and break the space to escape.

"The King of Superpowers seems to be getting stronger again? He must be killed. If you can't kill him this time, it will be even harder to kill him in the future."

Zeus looked a little crazy, and he, Hades, and Kaguya Otsutsuki besieged Andrew to buy time for the others to recover quickly.

Not only did Zeus notice that the King of Superpowers had become stronger, but other people also noticed this, with serious expressions on their faces. If this continues, it might not be long before the King of Superpowers breaks through the Heavenly Father God and becomes a big boss.

"You must kill the King of Superpowers, otherwise, there will be endless troubles."

Sithorn's face was extremely ugly. He originally thought that the difficulty this time was the prank rules. Unexpectedly, the difficulty this time was actually the phantom clone. At the same time, the strength of the King of Superpowers was several times stronger than the last time.

Last time, the King of Superpowers faced the siege of three Heavenly Father Gods and had to rely on the power of Loki's mask to barely hold on to the situation. But this time, he actually singled out six Heavenly Father Gods. It was completely unbelievable. Falling to the wind.

You know, among these six Heavenly Father Gods, there is the Peak Heavenly Father God, the Three-Eyed Demon, and the Three-Eyed Demon is even more powerful than the last time.

What did the King of Superpowers eat to grow so fast? Is this based on natural principles and science?

"Everyone wants to kill the King of Superpowers. The question is, what happened to his clone?"

While the demon clone was slashing at the black hole sword, he asked, "Why can't we tell which one is the real one and which one is the clone? Moreover, those clones were attacked by space ripples, but they didn't disappear?

Also, my intuition was suppressed. When the King of Superpowers attacked me, I didn't sense it in advance. I didn't notice it until the black hole sword was about to pierce me. But at that time, I couldn't do anything except avoid the vital points."

Everyone looked solemn when they heard this. If these problems were not solved, they would not be able to play the advantage of siege at all, and could only be defeated by the King of Superpowers one by one.

Except for the three-eyed demon, no one else could guarantee that they could defeat the King of Superpowers in a one-on-one situation, even if the King of Superpowers was just a temporary father god.

"I can't see what's going on for the time being? You fight first, and I, the Lord of Chaos, and the Lord of Order will observe."

Sithon said, he was hesitating whether to send a ray of real consciousness over, so that he could see more clearly. The problem is that if that happens, the consciousness may be caught by Andrew, and then given to the mechanical demon king to become a curse.

It is true that Xisong already has many consciousnesses, and the clones fell into Andrew's hands, but this thing is not that it doesn't matter if there are too many, and it can be thrown away. Every additional one is equivalent to an additional flaw, and it cannot be allowed to increase.

In fact, the Lord of Chaos and the Lord of Order also have the same idea. The three of them looked at each other and wanted the other party to descend to consciousness so that they could take advantage. As villains, how could they have any spirit of sacrifice?

This idea led to none of the three splitting consciousness. Of course, this may not be a bad thing for them.

"Then fight for a while."

The three-eyed demon who barely recovered from his injuries, the demon clone who broke the black hole sword, and the king of negativity joined the battle at the first time and besieged Andrew together.

Andrew smiled contemptuously and split a large number of clones again, attacking everyone at the same time. Because of his strong strength, everyone did not dare to neglect it and focused their attention on Andrew who rushed towards them.

Of course, these father gods are not stupid. In a short time, they have come up with a way to crack it. They all launched long-range attacks on Andrew in front of them.

They didn't expect to hurt Andrew with the long-range attack. Their goal was to confirm whether Andrew was real or fake. Of course, Andrew would not disappear after being hit, but the opponent's reaction after being hit was enough for them to distinguish whether Andrew was real or fake.

This time, all the long-range attacks passed through Andrew, and everyone immediately realized that they were all fake. The King of Superpowers probably hid and prepared to attack.

This made everyone hurriedly alert to the surroundings. At this moment, an Andrew appeared behind the demon clone and stabbed him in the back with a sword.

"Why is it me again? Do I have a grudge against you? I have been beaten by you, okay?"

The demon clone cursed, and a pair of demon wings grew behind his body, like a shield to resist the attack of the black hole sword. At the same time, his body flew forward quickly, or fled.

The Negative King, the Three-Eyed Demon and others simultaneously launched attacks on Andrew behind the demon clone. As for the phantoms rushing towards them, they didn't care. They were just phantoms, so they just ignored them.

At this time, one of the phantoms came to the three-eyed demon, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and a small world condensed in his right hand, which he smashed hard on the three-eyed demon.

The three-eyed demon found something wrong as soon as the small world appeared, because the breath of the small world could not be faked, and he hurriedly summoned the phantom of hell to block Andrew's small world.

Andrew saw this and directly controlled the small world to explode, forming a violent space turbulence, breaking a big hole in the phantom of hell of the three-eyed demon, and then, the remaining power hit the three-eyed demon hard, even the three-eyed demon was forced to fly backwards.

"Isn't this guy a temporary father god? Why has he become so powerful? I am the peak father god, but I can't stop his attack? Is there any justice in this world?"

The three-eyed demon was shocked and angry. He always thought that his current strength was above Andrew, but from the current situation, it seems that this is not the case. The king of superpowers is too buggy.

At the same time, a large number of attacks fell on Andrew behind the demon clone, but they passed through him. It was obvious that he was just an illusion. He waved to everyone with interest, appearing very polite.

"How could this happen? Didn't we try it before? All the superpower kings are illusions, why did they suddenly become real?"

The Negative King asked in shock and anger. He couldn't even tell whether the other party was real or a punch, so what was the point of hitting?

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