American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2547 Transfer

These monsters are very scary. They are not normal monsters. Some have eyes all over their bodies, some have seven hands, and some have just one head floating around. They are a bit like Cthulhu monsters coming to the world.

These monsters not only have problems with their appearance, but also with their consciousness. They crazily destroy everything around them, and this is the purpose of their existence.

These are all the failed products of Doomsday's genetic experiments. What's worse is that they were all kinds of demons during their lives, full of chaos and evil. Therefore, these monsters are extremely crazy.

"Is this another disaster? Well, it seems that one word is not enough?"

The people were stunned at first, but then they realized what was happening and their expressions changed dramatically. Some quickly closed the doors and windows and hid in the dug basement, while some quickly fled with their families.

The monsters didn't care so much. They attacked everything around them crazily. Because of their power and ferocity, many people died tragically and even more were injured. At the same time, a large number of buildings were destroyed and collapsed.

For the people, death may be better, because the bodies of the injured who are not dead will swell, twist, and deform, and then turn into ferocious monsters, and attack the surroundings crazily with those monsters.

This is because the monsters have the Doomsday gene, and those injured are exposed to the Doomsday gene, assimilated, and turned into monsters - Conqueror Kang modified the Doomsday gene so that it can spread easily.

"This is a big experiment. An experiment with hundreds of people is nothing. An experiment with hundreds of thousands of people is interesting."

Conqueror Kang nodded with satisfaction. He not only wanted to use Duke Victor and the others to conduct experiments, but also used the entire city's people to conduct experiments. He would use them to collect as much data as possible on the Doomsday gene.

"Mr. Kang, you never told me that you planned to conduct experiments on all the humans in the city?"

Sithorn sensed the situation in the city and asked with a frown. Conqueror Kang replied calmly: "Does this have any impact on your plan? What is the difference between those people turning into monsters and being smashed to death?"

Sithorne's silence did not have any impact, but Kang the Conqueror made his own decision, which made him very dissatisfied. This guy obviously wanted to get out of his control.

"Kang the Conqueror, Lord of the Universe, how can such a person obey my orders obediently? Maybe he wants to use us as experimental subjects?"

Sithorn snorted secretly: "Use it first, and when you defeat the King of Superpowers and the Mechanical Demon King, it will be his turn."

Conqueror Kang naturally knew that Sithorn would be dissatisfied, but he didn't care. He was the conqueror, so why should he care about what a mere demon god thought?

Putting aside the intrigue between Sithorne and Kang the Conqueror, seeing Kang the Conqueror start to take action, Andrew turned to the black dragon and said: "Get ready, when I inform you, I will intercept Kang the Conqueror.

I know you are strong, but don’t underestimate the other person. He has killed Heavenly Father God before, and there must be more than one. "

"Don't worry, I still care about my own life."

The black dragon nodded, turned into a black man, and was ready to fight. With the black veil given by Andrew, he didn't have to worry about his identity being discovered by other No. 5 compound trees.

Andrew stopped talking nonsense and teleported to the sky above the city. Below him, there were hideous and ugly monsters, as well as a large number of people fleeing in panic.

The biggest difference from the past is that there are many superpowers fighting against monsters. Now is the era of superpowers, and people have a certain ability to protect themselves.

Andrew threw a staff marked with spatial coordinates onto the street below, and then he said with consciousness: "Dave, let's start."

"Understood, the space transfer formation is activated."

Dave nodded and injected magic power into the eye of the magic array, which was the void staff. The void staff shined brightly and quickly activated the entire magic array.

Dave was beaming with joy. Without the Void Staff, this magic circle would consume all his magic power, but with the help of the Void Staff, everything became much easier.

After the magic array is activated, it locks the area below Andrew according to the spatial coordinates. Then, the array operates at full strength, transmitting all humans in this area to the corresponding mirror space.

In the flash of white light, whether they were hiding humans or humans running away in panic, they all disappeared. Many monsters jumped into the air and roared angrily.

"Where is this place? Why does it feel so weird? Everything seems to be backwards?"

The people were very panicked after entering the mirror space. Fortunately, the radio sounded and quickly reassured them. They were surprised. The Disaster Countermeasures Bureau actually developed such technology? It's really... great.

In addition, the teleportation array only teleports humans. As for monsters and animals, they are not teleported.

There is no way, the current magic circle is not up to the level of teleporting animals together. As for whether he will be scolded afterwards, let's talk about it later, anyway, it is not Andrew who is scolded.

Sithorne and the others immediately sensed the space fluctuations, and the demon clone lurking in the city asked: "Do you want to stop the King of Superpowers? So many souls are so wasted."

"Of course we have to stop it, the demon clone, the King of Negativity, take action quickly, everyone else, come in, surround the King of Superpowers, and finish him off completely."

Sithorn said hurriedly, not to mention the soul, so much experimental data is very rare, and the presence of humans can play a role in making the king of supernatural powers throw rats away.

The reason why only the King of Negativity and the Demonic Clone were allowed to take action was because they were the only two hiding in the city, while the others were waiting in other areas. If there were too many Heavenly Father Gods, they would be easily discovered.

In addition, the Negative King and the demon clone lurked into the city when Sithorn was preparing to take action. They were not inside from the beginning. Otherwise, Andrew would have gotten the news long ago.

When the demon clone and the negative king heard this, they immediately took action to interfere with the space fluctuations without any nonsense.

Andrew sensed the fluctuations in space for the first time and threw two black hole swords directly towards where the two were hiding. The two hurriedly avoided while continuing to interfere with the space.

At this moment, the Black Hole Sword suddenly disappeared, and then, the space between the two of them turned into two big mouths, swallowing them up.

Although these two big mouths did not pose any threat to the two of them, they were enough to prevent them from continuing to interfere with the space. At this moment, others arrived one after another. However, it was not a big problem because all the people in this area had been teleported to Mirror space.

Dave was a little nervous and excited as he moved the people from the mirror space to a safe place.

After all the transfers were completed, Dave couldn't help but wave his fists excitedly. Great, their idea worked. The space transfer formation can minimize the casualties of the people.

"Boy, don't be distracted. People in other areas also need to start moving."

The Void Staff shouted: "In the battle of Father God, it is easy to destroy a city, not to mention that there are still a large number of monsters.

Originally, it was supposed to be teleported to the whole city, but because you are so bad, it became only possible to teleport one area to another. Dave, I don’t know what you are excited about. If I were you, I would only be ashamed. "

"I'm sorry, grandpa, I got carried away."

Dave hurriedly apologized, and then he started teleporting again - the Void Staff was like the dean of students to Dave. Which student is not afraid of the dean of students?

The people were successfully transferred away. Andrew raised his hand and waved, and the stick representing the spatial coordinates was moved to other areas. Then, he clapped his hands and a large number of prepared superpowers were teleported to the front of the Presidential Palace.

These superpowers include Samantha, Ashley, Blair, the black robed picket Kimiko, kung fu master Charles, Ashley's father Ray, Namikaze Minato, etc., and those who came with them are all elites, Heavenly Father There are many divine seeds.

"It seems that I can have a good time today. It's so easy to play the disaster. It's not difficult at all."

Seeing monsters everywhere, Ashley said excitedly. Samantha turned into a steel armor form and said: "Ashley, Blair, you guys try to break Duke Victor's promotion. Others, come with me." Deal with these monsters."

"Yes, Captain Samantha."

The superpowers nodded, because the last aircraft carrier robot, Samantha, is now very prestigious, and everyone is willing to obey her orders.

"Reinforcements are here, it's better now."

Kakashi and Uchiha Obito breathed a sigh of relief, what, where is Kai? Kai was resting in the Kamui space. The time for the seven gates was up. This time, he couldn't recover.

The Eight Gate Dunjia is easy to use, but it is a special skill that can be cheated for one minute and rested for three days. It is impossible to fight for a long time.

Then, Samantha led the elite to fight against those monsters, while Ashley and Blair tried to attack Duke Victor. Unfortunately, it was useless. All attacks were immediately destroyed by red lightning as soon as they reached Duke Victor.

Not only that, Red Lightning will also fight back. Fortunately, Ashley and Blair are very strong. If it had been someone else, they might have been able to deal with it.

"This won't work. Duke Victor's momentum is getting stronger and stronger, and he may break through Heavenly Father God at any time."

Blair frowned. She thought for a while and said to Ashley: "Ashley, you protect my body. I will use the power of judgment to judge Duke Victor's soul. Maybe we can solve the problem."

"This is probably useless."

Ashley said: "I have studied the life of Duke Victor. He is the kind of fanatic who is headstrong and doesn't think he is wrong at all. Therefore, you can't judge him. Let me do it. You protect my body. I used my anger to interfere with his promotion."

"Okay, come on." Blair said happily.

Then, Ashley stared straight at Duke Victor, trying to erode his mind. Unfortunately, the other person's mind was protected by a powerful and strange energy, and Ashley's spiritual energy could not erode it.

Ashley was a little irritable. At this time, Blair passed a passage into her mind, and she was immediately overjoyed. Sure enough, Blair was more, uh, cunning.

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