Chapter 2544 New Ninja


All the superpowers shouted in unison. They were all fanatical supporters of Duke Victor and did not pay attention to the president at all. They wanted to become the masters of this country and become nobles with privileges.

They deserve all this, because they are strong enough, and the world is controlled by the strong, isn't it?

"Ambition, Duke Victor, you intend to rebel, the evidence is conclusive."

Faced with Duke Victor's threat, the president shouted: "As the president, I declare that you are no longer heroes protecting the country. You are criminals who endanger the country. I will capture you and send you to prison."

The people applauded after hearing this. If the president had pronounced the sentence like this before, the people would have been very dissatisfied. But now, the evidence is conclusive and most people support the president.

This is also the reason why the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau chose to broadcast live. Now, it is not suitable to cause too big an incident.

"I'm sorry, Mr. President, it's not your turn to make the decision now."

Duke Victor smiled disdainfully and glanced at a strong superpower next to him. The superpower grinned and squatted down slightly. Then, he used both feet hard and shot towards the president like a cannonball. go.

At this moment, a blue energy shadow appeared behind the president, and a huge slap hit the person with superpowers.

The superpower was in the air and couldn't avoid it. He was sent flying directly and hit the ground with a bang, kicking up a lot of dust. When the dust dispersed, the poor superpower was already unconscious in the big pit.


Seeing the blue energy shadow, both the superpowers and the people present exclaimed in disbelief, how could their president be Susanoo? Could his real name be President Uchiha?

At this moment, a funny-looking figure came out from behind the president and said, "Duke Victor, I, Obito Uchiha, represent the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau and demand your immediate surrender."

"It seems that the reason why you know about me, Your Excellency, is because of the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau."

Duke Victor snorted coldly: "But, don't you, the Disaster Countermeasure Bureau, look down on me too much, that even an Uchiha villain wants to take us down?"

"Who is the Uchiha villain? Let me tell you, if you dare to slander me again, I will definitely sue you."

Uchiha Obito was furious and jumped off the building. At the same time, hundreds of ninjas jumped off the surrounding buildings one after another, surrounding Duke Victor and the others.

This group of ninjas includes Hatake Kakashi, but he is not the most terrifying. The most terrifying is a thick-browed ninja with a watermelon head and a green vest.

After the ninja came out, he gave a thumbs up to Uchiha Obito and said: "Obito, you are not a villain, you are the representative of Konoha's youth and love. Let's work together to bring more to the world. love.”

After saying that, the ninja's white teeth lit up with indescribable sunlight, but Duke Victor and the others felt cold all over their bodies.

Fake, how come this guy escaped and refused to let anyone live?

Who is this ninja? Of course, there was Queen Kai first and then there was Matt Kai, who opened all eight gates and kicked the immortal Matt Kai. Even Duke Victor, who thinks highly of himself, did not dare to say that he would definitely be able to defeat Matt Kai in the state of eight gates. Unless, he can break through God the Father.

"This Matt Kay is Mr. Green's latest creation, isn't it good? Black Dragon, please cooperate with me. In the future, I will ask Mr. Green to create several female characters in the series to date you."

Andrew said with a smile that he had been staying next to the iceberg and watching the live broadcast with the Black Dragon. Of course, he was also keeping an eye on the Black Dragon to prevent him from doing anything wrong.

In addition, Matt Kay was not created by Green, but by Andrew. He has experienced the stars of life several times in succession. His attainments in the rules of life are now as good as Green's.

The magical power of destiny is really easy to use. Andrew must gather nine big trees of No. 5 compound, and then summon the dragon, uh, no, summon the stars.

"Is it okay if there are corresponding actresses in reality?"

Heilong complained: "Wouldn't it be better if I just went out to date those actresses? Also, why just go on a date? Normally, shouldn't you give those women to me?"

"Actresses age. Moreover, actresses in TV series all wear heavy makeup, which is different from reality. What is more important? It is the character of the actress, which is different from the character of the character."

Andrew said: "As for giving it to you, you think too much. Any character created by Mr. Green is free. He will not force anyone to serve him, let alone give the character to others.

For him, those characters are equal to his children. It is not easy to get them to date you. You still want me to give them to you? Dream on. "

"You superheroes are the trouble."

Black Dragon looked disgusted, but he felt somewhat at ease in his heart. It is a good thing for superheroes to be pedantic, because it means that they will keep their integrity, and, given the choice, who would want to engage in intrigues with others every day?

"Haha, I'm not that easy to pull."

Hearing Matt Kai's praise, Uchiha Obito touched the back of his head and laughed proudly. Kakashi was speechless. Obito was really a tease when he wasn't darkened.

"The Disaster Countermeasures Bureau only noticed Duke Victor and did not discover us. Otherwise, there would never be only this few people coming."

Conqueror Kang watched all this with cold eyes and said: "In other words, their existence has no impact on our plans at all. It just gives us more fun to watch."

"Don't be careless. The Disaster Countermeasures Bureau is here. If anything happens, the King of Superpowers will come immediately."

Sithorn said: "I asked others to prepare. When the King of Superpowers arrives, they will immediately surround him and then deal with him as quickly as possible."

"By the way, do you have a way to crack the prank rules of the King of Superpowers?"

Kang the Conqueror asked what he thought of. To be honest, he was very interested in the prank rules, because this rule was not scientific at all.

"Of course there is. We spent a lot of thought and energy and finally came up with a treasure that specifically restrained the King of Superpowers' prank rules. Therefore, he is dead today."

Sithorn said confidently. Thinking of that treasure, he sighed. Even he shed a lot of blood this time, all in order to defeat the King of Superpowers.

"That's good." Conqueror Kang nodded and continued watching the show.

"There are only so many people from the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau?"

The appearance of the ninjas surprised Duke Victor, and then he said disdainfully: "Your Excellency, President, do you think these people can protect you?"

"Duke Victor, their numbers are indeed small, but they are strong."

The president smiled and said: "What's more important is that the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau is standing behind them. If they can't handle it, more people will come to support, so you don't have to worry about us.

Duke Victor, you are going against the grain and you are destined to not end well. You should surrender. Considering your past achievements, I will give you a lighter sentence. "

"You want to punish me? I will let you know that the future world belongs to those with powerful powers. Take action, kill other people, and capture the president."

Although Duke Victor was a little afraid of the disaster confrontation situation, at this time, he had no way of turning back and gave the order directly. ,

"Kill them and help His Majesty the King ascend the throne."

The superpowers roared at the same time and rushed towards the ninjas with great ferocity. On the way, many superpowers entered the beast-like state.

Beast transformation is a special ability of animal superpowers. Simply put, it means becoming half human and half animal. In this way, all attributes will be improved.

"That's it? You are not qualified to dance with me."

Uchiha Obito imitated Uchiha Madara and said arrogantly. Then, his Susanoo suddenly grew in size, and then he pulled out the long knife from his waist and pointed it towards the animal type creature below with fierce fire. The capable ones cut them off hard.

"Who should Obito imitate? Uchiha Madara?"

Kakashi shook his head secretly and summoned a cyan-blue Susanoo that was exactly the same as Uchiha Obito and was called a couple's outfit by Andrew. Then, Susanoo swung his sword and struck down hard with thunder.

Just two Susanoos were able to contain nearly a hundred animal-type psychics, and the rest began to fight with the ninjas.

Almost as soon as they met, there were animals with supernatural powers who were injured. This is because the abilities of ninjas are too weird. Animal psychics are used to being straightforward, and they know how to clone, stand in, teleport, and all kinds of ninjutsu when faced with them. The ninja was at a disadvantage.

In addition, don’t forget another group of troops, the soldiers of the presidential palace itself.

This era is the era of superpowers. Half of the guards at the Presidential Palace are superpowers. They inject superpowers into bullets to form thunder bullets, freezing bullets, etc. and shoot them at animal superpowers.

Soldiers without special powers are also capable of fighting, because they have high-tech weapons such as sonic guns, energy guns, laser guns, etc. They cooperate with the ninjas to quickly injure the enemy.

Duke Victor looked a little ugly. The crushing he expected did not happen. Of course, it was right to think about it. The Disaster Countermeasures Bureau knew about this in advance, and the reinforcements sent out would definitely be able to fight with them, otherwise , sent here to do what, to die?

"It's still up to me to open up the situation."

Duke Victor took a deep breath and walked forward step by step. Each step caused the ground to shake violently and at the same time, left a deep footprint.

At this moment, a green figure appeared in front of Duke Victor, raised his hand and said: "Mr. Duke, I will be your opponent, let us burn youth together."

Duke Victor's face was a little solemn, because this man was the blue beast of Konoha, and he almost kicked out the existence of the finale. He held the ax and asked: "Matt Kai, if I give you a choice, you Are you still willing to sacrifice yourself?”

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