Chapter 2525 Aftermath

"Xithorn, give me a few more minutes, I will be able to defeat this demon king's corpse soon."

Hades said reluctantly, there was no way, he was used to being poor, Xithorn snorted coldly: "After we leave, do you think the King of Superpowers will give you a few minutes?"

"The King of Superpowers? Damn it."

Hearing the name of the King of Superpowers, Hades couldn't help cursing, and then, he looked at Director Newman reluctantly, teleported to the side of the three-eyed demon, grabbed his shoulders, and prepared to take him away.

There were always hands and feet around the three-eyed demon. When they saw Hades wanted to save people, they immediately appeared at the same time and slapped the three-eyed demon and Hades.

Because of Xithorn's reminder, Hades was well prepared. A black gas emerged from his body, rolled up the three-eyed demon and fled to the side, and then, his body left in place was smashed by a big hand and flew backwards.

This is not over yet. Next, those hands and feet chased Hades' body and attacked him continuously, hitting him like a ball, just like the three-eyed demon before.

"A prank is just a prank after all. Even if you can't find the flaw, as long as there are variables, it can be broken."

Seeing this scene, Xisong knew what was going on. He was very happy. The next time the King of Superpowers used this trick again, he would definitely make him look bad.

"Xisong guessed right. It was not that easy. He left a special clone to escape."

Hades breathed a sigh of relief and let the clone enter the explosion countdown to avoid falling into the hands of the King of Superpowers. This clone is not simple. It contains his essence, blood and divine power. Otherwise, it can't be hidden from those hands and feet.

Well, it seems that falling into the hands of the King of Superpowers is nothing. After all, the three brothers are now undercover agents of the King of Superpowers.

Hades shook his head and prepared to teleport away with the three-eyed demon. At this time, the three-eyed demon, who had regained his freedom, roared: "I won't leave. I will kill the King of Superpowers. I must kill him. No one can humiliate me like this. No one."

The three-eyed demon was really angry. In this battle, except for a few moves with Andrew at the beginning, he was always beaten like a ball.

The three-eyed demon's IQ was not very good to begin with, and under the impact of anger, it directly became a negative number. Now, he just wanted to kill the King of Superpowers to vent his hatred.

Hades saw this and prepared to let go. What a joke, the three-eyed demon's strength was above his. If he forcibly stopped him, he would only get hurt. In this case, why should he care about his death?

At this moment, the three-eyed demon suddenly rolled his eyes and fainted. Then, the voice of the Lord of Order sounded: "Hades, take him away immediately."

"Lord of Order, why don't you try to fight again?"

Hades' eyes flashed, and he asked: "The three-eyed demon has regained his freedom, and the King of Negativity has also escaped safely. Three against one, maybe there is still hope."

"First, morale has been lost, and fighting now is not good for us."

The Lord of Order shook his head and said: "Second, the King of Negativity and the three-eyed demon have not cracked the prank, so the King of Superpowers has not been backlashed, and he can arrange two more pranks.

In this case, fighting is meaningless and will only repeat what happened before, so you retreat first, as long as everyone is fine, wait until everything calms down, we will discuss it carefully, and there must be a way to crack the rules of the prank."

"That's right."

Hades didn't say any more nonsense, and teleported away with the three-eyed demon. Then, Hades's clone exploded, and all his hands and feet disappeared in the rolling air waves.

At the same time, the Q-version Negative King also disappeared. Not only that, the green on Andrew's face quickly faded, and his hat and suit also disappeared.

"Devil, run away quickly, the King of Superpowers is exiting the God of Mischief mode. Once he completely exits, he can kill people."

Seeing this, Xi Suo En hurriedly shouted. Although He had quarreled with the devil before, this did not prevent Him from reminding the devil now, because the devil's clone must not get into trouble. If something happens, they will lose a combat power.


The devil's clone, who was resentful before, saw that Andrew wanted to "return my original face", and was frightened and teleported away without saying a word.

"Want to escape?"

Andrew snorted coldly, and his right hand followed the space fluctuations and reached into hell, grabbing the devil's clone in the air, trying to pull him back.

The devil's main body was furious when he saw this, and he took action himself. The huge space blade slashed at Andrew's hand as if destroying the world.

Andrew was not afraid and directly used his hand to catch the space blade. The next second, the demon clone screamed miserably and his body was split into two. It was Andrew's damage transfer ability.

"You are lucky this time. Next time, you will not have such a good opportunity again."

Andrew left a word and retracted his hand. Of course, all he did was just acting. As for the injured demon clone, it was not a big problem. The demon could heal his clone with a little effort.

Andrew did this to give the demon a little shock on the one hand, and on the other hand, to let the demon find a way to strengthen the demon clone so that he would not be humiliated by others next time.

Even the three-eyed demon can be strengthened into the peak father god, let alone the demon clone. It's just that the demon is stingy and reluctant to use the treasure. This time, Andrew wants to force the demon.

"The three-eyed demon and the demon clone actually belong to me. Although they don't know it themselves, the three-eyed demon has been strengthened and can be recycled at any time. Now it's the turn of the demon clone."

Andrew smiled slightly. It feels really good to spend the enemy's money to train his own men.

"King of Superpowers, I will definitely kill you."

The demon's body was cursing angrily while retrieving his own clone. Unexpectedly, at the last moment, he would be severely beaten by the King of Superpowers. This guy is really a small-minded person.

"No matter what, the King of Superpowers must die. A Machine Demon King is already terrifying. If another one comes, will we still have a way to survive?"

The demon body gritted its teeth. He looked at the clone in his hand and began to think about how to strengthen it - he had not strengthened it before, not only because he was reluctant to part with the treasure, but also because he planned to make the clone the king of negativity. When the time comes, the clone can absorb negative energy and improve quickly. There is no need to strengthen the strength.

The devil has always been thrifty.

"Negative energy?"

The devil's eyes lit up when he thought of something. Maybe he could have a good chat with the King of Negativity, Ska. He must also hate the King of Superpowers very much.

Andrew naturally didn't know what the devil was thinking. After he returned to normal, he found that all other enemies had disappeared, leaving only a large number of negative monsters still resisting.

At the same time, on the sea, Poseidon retreated immediately. Perseus did not pursue him because he was not sure of killing Poseidon. However, if he was not sure, he was not sure. In the future, he would definitely kill him. The sea god who would kill fishermen must die.

As for other battlefields, those who should be evacuated have been evacuated, and those who have not been evacuated basically cannot be evacuated. For example, the ten undersea legions are destined to stay on land as prisoners, or as experimental subjects.

Andrew raised his hand and waved, and the negative door burst open. Director Newman flew over and said, "Fortunately, the battle ended quickly, otherwise, I would have been picked up by Hades. The way that guy looked at me, I don’t know how disgusting it is.”

"Change your body back and put the clone in the small hell. Next time, give Hades a hard blow."

Andrew said. Director Newman's eyes lit up and he said, "This is possible. My body has been undergoing training in the Little Hell and is at least twice as strong as before."

"You can take care of the rest of this while I go to other cities to take a look."

Andrew said, Director Newman looked at him speechlessly, how come this guy likes to blame others just like Director Tianjian?

"Go ahead. Don't worry about taking care of these monsters. Let the superpowers deal with them and let them practice their skills."

Director Newman, who felt very tired, waved his hand and said, "Especially the one named Charles. Not only can he turn into a red giant, he can also do kung fu. He is a good young man and can be cultivated well."

"If you can even remember such a long name, you are indeed a good candidate."

Andrew complained, and when he was about to leave, Director Newman reminded: "King of Superpowers, you use the power of the God of Mischief to stop the Villain Alliance this time. After they go back, they will definitely find a way to crack the God of Mischief's ability. You have to Be prepared in advance.”

"Don't worry, I'm just playing with them today, I'm not serious about it."

Andrew smiled and disappeared. Director Newman was surprised. He was beaten like this, was it just for fun?

After Andrew left New York, he came to the city where Uchiha Obito was located. With the White Zetsu Legion being taken away, the battle here had ended. However, the people were still worried because the rat army was still here.

Come on, who wouldn’t worry about hundreds of thousands of rats bigger than dogs in the city? Many people are asking Uchiha Obito on social software to get rid of those rats.

Uchiha Obito had a headache. The rat was an ally. How should he solve it? As for Namikaze Minato, he rushed to the seaside battlefield, and the battle there was not over yet.

Seeing Andrew teleporting over, Uchiha Obito was overjoyed. He hurriedly said: "King of supernatural powers, what should I do with these rats? Have they all been killed?"

"These rats are our own rats and cannot be killed. Obito, you are a superhero now. You must think like a superhero and you can no longer use villain methods to do things."

Andrew said earnestly: "Just like Uchiha Itachi in your clan, he had the Hokage's thinking at the age of five. Then, he kept doing things with the Hokage's thinking, and even destroyed the Uchiha family."

"King of Superpowers, what example are you giving? Can you change it to someone else?"

Uchiha Obito complained, and he said: "Also, Uchiha Itachi and I are actually suffering from war syndrome. We are patients."

The tragedy of Uchiha Itachi was that when he was three years old, his father took him to the battlefield to see the cruelty of war, and then he became ill.

Well, Thor was taken to the battlefield as a baby, why didn't he get sick? Is it because my IQ is too low?

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