Chapter 2514: Deploying troops

The demon clone and Ska hurriedly retreated to avoid being affected by the energy explosion. At this moment, the rampaging energy suddenly calmed down. This was not good news, because they were calm because they were controlled by Andrew.

The demon clone and Ska were more and more shocked, how could this be possible?

Everyone's divine power, or magic power, has their own strong imprint and will, and is completely subject to their command.

If it is said that after the attack was carried out, it was swallowed and controlled by Andrew, then the demon clone and Ska can still understand, because when the other party swallows them, their brand and will will be destroyed.

But the situation is different now. Those energies are in their hands. Why did they suddenly lose control and even be controlled by the King of Superpowers?

Even the Eye of Chaos of the Lord of Chaos cannot achieve this level. He can at most cause chaos in energy and cannot seize control, unless the other party is not Heavenly Father God.

Of course, the crushing situation caused by different levels can be whatever you want. The problem is that they are at the same level as the King of Superpowers. No, in fact, their levels are higher than the Temporary King of Superpowers. God the Father is higher.

"Why do you have to be so serious? Life should be happy. Don't fight and kill all day long. It's so boring. Let's be happy."

Andrew continued to clap, and the demon clones and Ska used the energy to condense their killer weapon, and suddenly transformed into Q versions of themselves, of course, much smaller.

Then, the Q version of Ska clapped her hands towards Ska and said: "Come on, come after me. If you catch up with me, I will let you have fun."

After saying that, the Q version of Ska turned his feet into windmills and ran away into the distance. Ska was speechless. Who would really chase you? The next second, he couldn't help but chase Q version of Ska.

The two of them chased and escaped, and soon came to the city. Then, various accidents happened. Ska kept falling, bumped into the door, and was hit on the head by a flower pot, etc. The audience was shocked at first, but then it turned into haha. laughing out loud.

Is this a live-action version of Tom and Jerry? That villain is so stupid.

"Ska, what are you doing? Get back to normal."

Sithorn couldn't help but cursed, "This son is so embarrassing. Although Sithorn is defeated by the Machine Demon King every day, he has never been so embarrassed."

"My clone can't do it. His consciousness is awake, but his body betrayed him. He wants to catch the Q-version guy at all costs. Moreover, his body is weakened."

The main body of Ska cursed loudly. He has been trying to help the clone control the body, but it has no effect at all, just like before in the illusion.

"Illusion? This is an illusion, a very, very, very clever illusion."

Ska's main body secretly thought, what is different from before is that this illusion is cast on the body of the sad clone. The King of Superpowers is so powerful that he can actually cast an illusion on the body and completely separate the body and consciousness.

"The consciousness is awake, but the body betrays itself?"

Sithorn was stunned, why did this sound a bit familiar? Well, it seems that human men and women often use these words as an excuse for cheating.

Of course, it was obviously no excuse now. Sithorn had a headache. The King of Superpowers' style tonight was completely different, but still difficult to deal with.

When the demon clone saw the fate of Scar's clone, he couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. He looked at the Q version of himself. Next, he wouldn't be as embarrassed as the sad clone, right?

"Don't worry, devil, because there's no use worrying."

Andrew said with an evil look on his face. Then, the Q version of the demon raised his hand, and the demon clone raised his hand as well. The demon clone's expression changed, and he already knew the ability of the Q version of the demon: synchronization.

The Q version of the devil and the devil's clone are synchronized. Whatever the Q version of the devil does, the devil's clone will follow suit.

The demon clone tried to open his mouth, but unfortunately, he couldn't. He gritted his teeth and controlled a large amount of black energy to emerge, turning into black meteorites and blasting towards the Q version of himself.

The Q version of the demon did not dodge, and allowed the black meteorite to hit its body hard. It, uh, nothing happened to it. Instead, the demon itself screamed, because all the damage was transferred to him.

Not only the movements are synchronized, but the damage can also be transferred. Isn’t this too shameless?

"With all the troubles in the world, why can't we just relax? Come on, devil, sing and dance."

Andrew chuckled. Then, the Q version of the demon began to spin in the air, jump, and close its eyes. The demon clone was forced to do so. His face looked quite ugly. I am a great demon king, don't you want to lose face?

The audience laughed loudly when they saw it. The majestic Demon King was actually forced to dance there by the King of Superpowers. The King of Superpowers was really awesome.

Not only was the demon furious, Sithorn and the others also looked ugly. They originally planned to besiege the King of Superpowers, but as a result, the siege was broken by the King of Superpowers before the siege even started.

The demon clones and Scar were both in a strange state. As for the three-eyed demon, he was even worse. He was treated like a ball and kept being beaten around.

It can be said that the situation has been completely reversed. Now it is Andrew who is playing tricks with three Heavenly Fathers. This can also be heard from his laughter.

The only good thing is that none of these three guys' lives were in danger. After all, it was just a prank, and pranks can't kill people.

"Unfortunately, it was just a prank."

Andrew shook his head secretly. It wasn't that he didn't want to get rid of the clones of the Three-Eyed Demon and the Negative King, but the law of mischief meant that he could only play pranks.

In addition, the reason why Andrew can use the Rule of Mischief is because he embodied Loki's Mask of Mischief, and can use this rule with the help of the power of the treasure.

"Next, it's almost time to plant trees."

Andrew's heart moved and he used his consciousness to contact the others: "Ashley, Blair, Samantha, Dave, Betty, Jiraiya, Namikaze Minato, Earth Turtle, and Pepper!"

"Green-faced man, what are you doing with me? Haha, uncle, we can try this look next time. It's quite interesting."

Ashley's voice sounded first, and Blair hurriedly said: "Ashley, I can hear it."

It was obvious that this was a group chat, and Ashley shrugged indifferently. She was not the shy woman like Blair. It didn't matter if someone heard this kind of thing. At most, she was said to be really good at playing.

Andrew said seriously: "During this serious time, some people should not think about dirty things, lest they lead me astray."

Ashley booed, I brought you down, you brought me up, right? Wasn’t everything I know taught by you? Before I met you, although I had a lot of theoretical experience, I had no practical experience at all, okay?

"Not to mention nonsense, according to the information I got, the attack of the Undersea Legion and the Negative Legion is just to attract our attention."

Andrew said: "Next, they will carry out their real conspiracy. You should be prepared. Once their conspiracy begins, I will teleport you over and confront the enemy head-on.

You must not be careless. Although Heavenly Father God certainly does not, their methods will never be simple. After all, war is just a prelude to their conspiracy.

In addition, you should arrange things on the battlefield and don't let the battlefield fall into chaos just because you left. "

"No problem, leave it to us."

Ashley immediately said: "I just think those cannon fodder are too weak, I want to see what methods those demon kings have?"

Others also nodded in agreement, including Andrew's girlfriend, music goddess Betty, and Tony's wife, Pepper Potts. Only one person and one turtle raised objections.

That turtle was naturally the Earth Turtle, and it shouted dissatisfied: "Why do I have to be the main force?"

Andrew said: "Because fighting can make you progress, don't you want to get rid of me? Come on, when you break through Heavenly Father God, you can get rid of me."

"That's true. I will definitely work hard to break through Heavenly Father God as soon as possible and get rid of your clutches."

The Earth Turtle said, and everyone was speechless after hearing this. This Earth Turtle is really easy to fool. It is estimated that even if it breaks through the Heavenly Father God, it cannot hope to escape the control of the King of Superpowers.

"Well, King of Superpowers, I'm just an ordinary director. Why do you want me to participate in the battle?"

Jiraiya asked, he didn't want to fight. If he had time, he might as well study more art. He was now a master of art and had many fans all over the world.

Moreover, Jiraiya's recent movie was not going well, so he needs to focus more time and energy on it.

"There are many reasons. For example, I want you to be severely beaten, understand that strength is the most important, and then work hard to practice, break through the Father God, and give mankind another protector."

Andrew said casually, and everyone couldn't help but want to complain. Can such words be said in front of Jiraiya?

Jiraiya was speechless. God and God were too troublesome. Now he just wanted to make more art films to benefit the people. Of course, he had to finish the movie in hand first.

"If you join the war, the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau will invest 10 million in your new movie."

Andrew said: "It's that movie with increasing investment and a so-called bottomless pit. Do you know how many people in the island country jumped off the building because of your movie?

How dare you invest hundreds of millions of dollars in an art film? You can’t recover the cost at all, okay? "

Jiraiya wanted to make an art movie about superheroes, and the investment was extremely huge. The people on the island country had a good impression of Jiraiya, so he stupidly jumped into his big trap and was tricked half to death by him, eh , some are already dead.

"This is art, art I have to pursue."

Jiraiya emphasized, and then he said: "Ten million U.S. dollars? No problem, let alone the Demon King's conspiracy. For ten million U.S. dollars, even the Demon King, I dare to face him head-on. I am too short of money now. It’s for art.”

"Suddenly I feel that the devil is so shameless. Ten million dollars can make people fight against the devil."

Andrew complained and arranged various things. He planned to let these people take the lead. If something unexpected happened, his clone would come up.

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