American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2510 Invasion

"Sirens? Disaster strikes again?"

The piercing siren woke up countless New Yorkers from their sleep, including Samantha, who was about to be tortured crazy by learning, and Samantha, who was about to be tortured crazy by Tony.

Samantha was originally responsible for directing affairs in Los Angeles, but she had to return to New York because she had to study. After she woke up, she quickly dressed and asked through the communicator: "Director Newman, what's going on?"

"The Negative Legion is invading, Samantha. You and the superheroes immediately go to intercept the Negative Legion and try not to let them leave Queens. I will dispatch superpowers and the army as quickly as possible to support them."

Director Newman ordered hurriedly, and Samantha quickly put on her clothes and rushed out of the house. Then, she assembled a propeller behind her and rose into the sky, flying quickly towards Queens.

"Where is the King of Superpowers? Isn't he here?"

After flying into the sky, Samantha asked: "I sensed a very powerful wave over there in Queens, maybe it was Heavenly Father God."

"Father God? Fake, I will go over immediately to deal with that Father God. As for the King of Superpowers, he is not here and I can't contact him."

Director Newman said that his clone is the corpse of the devil, and he can barely fight the Father God. Well, he basically gets beaten, but it can delay it for a while.

There was no way, after all, this was just the corpse of the Demon King, and Director Newman's combat experience was really average.

In addition, Andrew is now merging with Kaguya Otsutsuki. He has turned off all signals. He can't appear in the movie where he is eavesdropping on the villain's conversation and his phone suddenly rings, right?

Of course, Andrew knew about this, but he didn't expect Ska to be so bold and dare to invade New York.

Samantha suddenly became a little worried: "Not here? Doesn't that guy have some black technology and claims to be able to contact people on the moon? Did something happen?"

"Probably not...Fake."

Director Newman was mid-sentence when he suddenly cursed. Samantha asked hurriedly: "What's going on? Did something really happen to the King of Superpowers?"

"It has nothing to do with the King of Superpowers. The satellite discovered that ten undersea legions are landing on the coast. This time, they are attacking together."

Director Newman scolded: "I will send troops over immediately. Hey, the frontline army was actually prepared in advance to intercept the undersea army on the shore?"

That's right, the ten undersea legions were all blocked by the human legions. Blair, Ashley, Minato Namikaze, Dave and others each led a legion to fight against the undersea legions.

Ten undersea legions sound like a lot, but in fact, the undersea empire dispatches not many troops and cannon fodder. After all, Poseidon just wants to contain humans, and does not really want a war.

"It's just that little, how can it be enough for me to kill?"

Ashley said arrogantly and dissatisfied, and a group of superpowers beside her cheered enthusiastically and flattered her. In the last battle, she gained a lot of soldiers and superpowers fans.

The other legions are also confident. After all, there are really not many enemies this time, and they are calculated mentally but not intentionally.

On the sea, in addition to the ten undersea legions being intercepted, Poseidon was also intercepted by Perseus.

In fact, Poseidon didn't want to come, but he had to come and sing the whole play that he didn't want to sing.

"Perseus, was it you who discovered my army?"

Poseidon asked with an unhappy look on his face, not only unhappy that his army was intercepted early, but also unhappy about seeing Perseus.

The army was intercepted in advance, which meant that it was difficult for the undersea soldiers to come back. The King of Superpowers was really ruthless and did not let the soldiers of the undersea empire go just because he had surrendered.

"Of course it's me, I'm Poseidon."

Perseus held the Poseidon Trident and said: "I have been sensing the sea. I discovered your legion as soon as it was dispatched. Then, I notified the King of Superpowers immediately, and he dispatched his troops to intercept you. ”

"Obviously it was me who informed the King of Superpowers in advance, okay? Well, it should be the King of Superpowers who is looking for an excuse."

Poseidon secretly complained. He looked at the trident that belonged to him with an unhappy expression and shouted, "Do you think you can stop him? Perseus, go to hell."

After saying that, Poseidon raised Mjolnir and released a huge bolt of lightning towards Perseus. Yes, Zeus lent Mjolnir to Poseidon.

There is no way, Poseidon's injury has not healed, and if he does not use Thor's hammer, he will probably die.

Perseus raised his trident to block the thunder. Then, with a strong wave of the trident, huge waves rose from the sea and hit Poseidon hard.

"That's my trident, you thief."

Poseidon roared, and then the two sea gods fought again on the sea, continuing the unfinished battle last time.

Let’s not talk about the things above the sea. In New York City, Samantha smiled and said: "It must be the work of the King of Superpowers. Only the King of Superpowers can skip your deployment of troops."

"It should be him. He didn't show up, which means there are more important things to do."

Director Newman nodded. She did not feel that the King of Superpowers was seizing power, because the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau did not belong to her. The Disaster Countermeasures Bureau had only one master from beginning to end, and that was Director Tianjian.

"Since the King of Superpowers has made arrangements, let us concentrate on dealing with the negative legions and leave other matters to the King of Superpowers."

Director Newman said happily, and Samantha smiled and said: "No problem. Although that guy is a bastard and a scumbag, he is still trustworthy at critical times."

Then, Director Newman handed over the troop deployment to Marvin and teleported himself to the location of the Negative Legion. Although the time was short, some superheroes had already rushed over to intercept the negative monsters as much as possible and prevent them from leaving the area.

There's nothing I can do about it, New York doesn't have many things, except that there are a lot of superheroes.

At the same time, the surrounding people fled the area as quickly as possible. They were quite experienced in this regard, and every house had bicycles, which were much easier to use than cars when escaping.

"Negative Legion, you are really lingering, and you actually came to invade the earth again."

Director Newman stood at the front of the portal and shouted loudly at the Negative King Ska floating in the air.

Scar looked at Director Newman and said disdainfully: "Let the King of Superpowers come out, you are not qualified to stand in front of me."

Ska's purpose is to lure the King of Superpowers out, and then the Three-Eyed Demon and the Devil's clones will appear together to besiege the opponent and strive to completely eliminate him. This is also one of the reasons for starting a war in New York, so that the King of Superpowers can take advantage of him. .

"A person like you who hides his head but misses his mark is not worthy of being attacked by the King of Superpowers."

Director Newman looked straight at Scar. An abnormal energy appeared out of thin air in Scar's head, and it swelled rapidly.

Scar snorted and shook his head slightly. The abnormal energy left his head instantly and exploded beside him.

"That's it? Since the King of Superpowers doesn't come out, then I will destroy this New York."

Scar looked disdainful, he opened his hands, and a powerful aura of sadness swept across the city. Countless people in the city fell to their knees, full of sorrow, and cried loudly.

"Go to hell, human."

The monsters of the Negative Legion took the opportunity to strangle the humans who stopped and refused to run. Although the superheroes tried their best to stop them, the effect was not good because the number was too small.

To make matters worse, negative monsters kept rushing out of the portal, and the monsters became more and more numerous.

At this moment, Samantha rushed over. When she saw something was wrong, she immediately transformed into a steel suit without saying a word.

Then, Samantha's arms turned into six-barreled energy machine guns, and at the same time, a large number of muzzles emerged from her body. Then, a large number of energy bullets and energy cannons roared down densely, wildly blasting those negative monsters.

A large number of negative monsters were killed and dissipated. Samantha was like mowing grass. Wherever she passed by, negative monsters disappeared in large areas.

"The aircraft carrier robot is coming?"

The superheroes were overjoyed, and their morale was greatly boosted. They followed Samantha to eliminate the negative monsters. The problem now is that the air of sadness enveloped the whole city. The people stopped crying and stopped running away. They were all like targets.


Director Newman was frightened and angry, but he didn't know how to relieve his sadness. He could only kick his feet hard and hit Scar fiercely like a cannonball.

Ska did not dodge, and Director Newman successfully bumped into the opponent, but the opponent turned into mist and disappeared. Then, another Ska appeared, raised his hand, and shot hundreds of sad spears toward Director Newman's back.

Director Newman turned around hurriedly, his eyes widened, and all the sorrow spears exploded. Then, Director Newman shouted, and the air exploded, turning into a huge shock wave and hitting Ska.

Scar was still full of disdain. He raised his hand, and the power of sadness formed a huge crystal shield in front of him, blocking the shock wave. Then, he slapped his hand, and the crystal shield shattered into countless crystals, which were densely shot at Newman. Director.

Director Newman had no time to detonate all the crystals, so she could only protect her body with her hands to form a defensive shield to resist the crystals. Although she was indeed blocked, her body was kept flying back by the crystals.

Scar catches up and continues the attack. He wants to defeat Director Newman and force the King of Superpowers out.

If the King of Superpowers doesn't come out, everyone can't besiege him, and they don't even dare to take action.

"Wait one minute, one minute later, if the King of Superpowers doesn't appear again, the Three-Eyed Demon, the demon clone, you will all come to New York at the same time, destroy everything, and force the King of Superpowers to show up."

Sithorn ordered, but the King of Superpowers didn't appear for a long time, and he felt something was not good.

The demon clone said happily: "No problem, I will not waste my soul if I earn it."

"I want the King of Superpowers to die, I want the King of Superpowers to die."

The three-eyed demon roared, and Sithorn was surprised. Why did the three-eyed demon after resurrection look like a beast?

At this moment, a figure appeared in New York. He raised his hand, and all the sad energy flew over and condensed in his hand. It was Andrew coming, or in other words, Andrew's earth clone.

Since the Earth Turtle can form six earth clones, Andrew can naturally do the same. The strength of the earth clones is definitely not as good as the main body, but it is enough to support the scene. More importantly, there is more than one earth clone.

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