American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 250 Black Robe Reappears

"Damn Heaven, isn't it just colluding with the Demon King? What's the big deal? Ghost Rider colludes with the Demon King to save the world!"

Many people cursed in their hearts, and this day in Paradise received countless negative comments.

"Xie Te, why did the problem happen at this time?"

Pierce cursed loudly. Although he had been dreaming about the Ghost Rider losing his powers, he couldn't do it now. The whole earth was waiting for him to save his life.

"By the way, this shouldn't be our Hydra's fault, right?"

Pierce felt a little guilty. In order to deal with the Ghost Rider, he sent many people to the church to report to the Ghost Rider through prayer. Now it seems that this trick seems to be working?

"Ghost Rider can't take action?"

Nick Fury's heart sank, even he felt a little desperate at this time.

"Can't Ghost Rider do it too?"

Tony sighed. At this time, his phone rang. It was Carter. He hesitated and walked aside to answer it.

At the same time, the camera moved away from the conference room and moved to the Titan creature destroying the city.

"Tony, Steve has a business card on him. You can use it to make a deal with a powerful being and realize your wish at the cost of your soul after death."

Carter said straight to the point: "I know that it is dangerous to make a deal with a powerful being, but at this time, I can't care so much."

"Powerful existence, soul after death?"

Tony was stunned, why did this deal sound so familiar? He thought for a while and asked tentatively: "Aunt Carter, is that powerful existence you mentioned stronger than the Demon King, or weaker than the Demon King?"

Carter was stunned, and she asked: "Tony, have you ever traded before?"


Tony smiled and said: "Aunt Carter, I finally know how you become young."

"It was Steve who made the deal with the Devil, not me."

Carter smiled and said, since Tony has also traded, there is no need to hide what he said, after all, he is an insider.

Tony shook his head and said: "Aunt Carter, it's useless to make a deal with the devil. One soul can only save one person. Now the whole world is in danger."

Carter said: "People's souls are different. My soul is only worth a teleportation stone, which is the one that transported Killian to Miami.

And Steve's soul is enough for the Devil to save the world.

That time with Shredder, he traded his soul for the black-robed mage to take action, and he also gave me an eighteen-year-old body. I heard that an eight-year-old one would be fine, but Steve didn't agree. "

"Wow, the case has finally been solved, and there are still two of them."

Tony suddenly understood, and then he said with great dissatisfaction: "Wait, why is that old antique's soul worth so much more than me? Not only does it save the world, but it also gives gifts?

In terms of demeanor, charm, wisdom, and overtime hours, how am I inferior to him? "

Carter said quietly: "He is taller than you."

Tony's face is a bit dark. If you weren't my aunt, I would definitely show you Iron Man's iron fist today.

"There may be high-value souls similar to Steve among superheroes. Let everyone give it a try."

Carter continued: "The devil we traded with is the one who has been dealing with Ghost Rider. He keeps his promise."

"The devil is the devil after all. We cannot and should not trust him."

Tony sighed and said, "However, I have no choice now but to give it a try."

After saying that, Tony put down the phone and returned to the conference room. Then, he clapped his hands and said, "Except for the superheroes, everyone else please leave first."

Everyone was stunned, and Dr. Serizawa asked: "Iron Man, is there anything you can do?"

"I have a bad idea, I don't know if it will work."

Tony said: "Please leave first and let's discuss it."

Everyone looked at each other, nodded and left. Then, Tony asked Jarvis to monitor the surroundings to prevent someone from secretly spying here.

After doing this, Tony said to Steve: "Captain, take out that business card."

Steve was stunned when he heard this. He hesitated, took out the business card from his arms and put it on the table. After Carter used it, he returned the card to him.

"business card?"

Everyone was a little surprised. Can a business card save the world?

Tony introduced the functions of the Demon King's business card in detail, and then said: "Now, we can only try our luck and see if there is a more valuable soul among us.

Of course, this is voluntary. In addition, what is traded is only the soul after death. That powerful being is very trustworthy and will not kill you immediately after the transaction. Steve and I are proof. "

"No problem, I'm willing to trade my soul."

The Electro immediately stated that as a die-hard fan, he would go wherever the captain goes.

Natasha spread her hands: "It's not that I don't want to, but I'm sorry, my soul has been sold."

Dr. Banner shrugged: "Me too."

"Well, although I don't remember what happened, I know that my soul no longer belongs to me."

Barton said, Dr. Reed, Human Torch, and the Stone Man nodded at the same time. Their souls had already been sold to Andrew.

Everyone looked at each other, a little surprised, what a coincidence, your soul has also been sold?

"Have all of these people sold their souls? Wait, couldn't they have sold them all to that demon king?"

Tony secretly complained: "It seems that we won't be alone after going to hell. We can form a Hell Avengers."

"Is this the Avengers or the Demon King's human representative alliance?"

Hellboy complained that he really didn't expect that the souls of so many superheroes already belonged to the Machine Demon King.

Hellboy said: "My soul is a little special and cannot be sold."

"I don't know why, but I feel like I can't sell my soul."

Susan said, and Gwen also said, "Me too."

Scarlett spread her hands: "My soul belongs to my teacher."

In the end, only the souls of Spider-Man, Peter Parker, Daredevil, Wonder Man, Luke Cage, Jessica, Colleen, the Four Turtles, Rhodes, and Electro could still be sold.

"Then give it a try, there is no other way anyway."

Spider-Man and others looked at each other and put their fingers on the Devil's business card. The next second, they were all pulled into the illusion.

The superheroes looked around and found that they were on a floating island. At the same time, a robot that looked like Coulson but had very thick hair stood opposite them.

Spider-Man asked in shock, "Mr. Coulson?"

As the mayor of the Novice Village, Coulson had many interactions with Spider-Man before his death.

"it's me."

Coulson did not deny his identity. He said: "I was responsible for other projects, but hell is very busy today, so I came over temporarily to entertain you."


Everyone was shocked to find that the business card was actually the Demon King's business card. The question was, why did the captain have the Demon King's business card on his body?

"It seems that our captain has also fallen."

Jessica complained, and the electric man glared at her, how dare you insult my idol?

"Don't worry, our hell is very honest."

Colson smiled and said, "Okay, without wasting time, what kind of deal do you want to make?"

Jessica got straight to the point and asked, “What are our souls worth?”

Coulson replied: "Except for Spider-Man, all other people's souls can only be exchanged for one."

"In other words, Spider-Man's soul is valuable?"

Everyone's eyes lit up. This time, the bet was won.

"Very valuable."

Coulson nodded affirmatively, and then he said to Spider-Man: "Spider-Man, you will become a great hero like Captain who will always be remembered."

Spider-Man touched his head in embarrassment and said, "I'm not as great as Captain."

Colson didn't say much, he said: "What do you want?"

Jessica asked: "Do we have enough souls to destroy the Titans?"

"Spider-Man's soul, plus yours, is enough."

Coulson smiled and said, "If it's not enough, I'll say enough. Anyway, the BOSS will definitely take action. This is free money."

Jessica complained: "Why does it sound like we're adding to the mix?"

Rhodes said: "Because we are just adding to the mix."

Colleen said simply: "Sign the contract and save people immediately."


Colson didn't waste any time and released the contract. After everyone read it, they signed their names one after another.

"The Titan beast will be destroyed soon. In addition, you cannot tell uninformed people about what is happening here, otherwise, the Demon King will immediately take away your souls."

Coulson put away the contract and sent everyone out of the illusion with a wave of his hand.

"Colson, are you so honest? I thought you were going to do tricks secretly."

Andrew's voice sounded: "For example, use the mechanical body to play Morse code so that Daredevil can hear it."

Colson was speechless. BOSS's character was as bad as ever. He said, "BOSS, please don't worry. If I secretly pass on the message, you will definitely not discover it."

"I'm not worried at all."

Andrew complained. Coulson hesitated and couldn't help but ask: "Boss, how many Hydras does SHIELD have? Also, is Nick Fury a Hydra?"

Coulson knew about Hydra from Howard and Ivan. To be honest, he was shocked that SHIELD, which he had been fighting for, actually hid a large number of Hydra?

Andrew replied with a smile on his face: "You should ask, how many SHIELD agents are there in Snake and Shield?"


Colson was confused. They were the few who dared to love him?

"Fortunately, I'm dead, otherwise I might have been mad to death." Coulson complained.

In the conference room, Spider-Man and others regained consciousness, and Natasha hurriedly asked: "How was it? Was the transaction successful?"


Spider-Man nodded and said, "That being agreed to take action."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The earth was finally saved. Hellboy rolled his eyes secretly. It's good now. The souls of all superheroes belong to the mechanical devil.

The earth is completely hopeless.

Tony asked impatiently: "When will that one take action?"

"An old acquaintance who has a lot of hair now told us that it will be soon."

Jessica said, everyone was stunned, who is the old acquaintance with a lot of hair?

Soon, it meant that they would not take action right away. Everyone looked at the screen and waited impatiently.

On the screen, Titan beasts were destroying cities one after another. Even though the Peace Knights were saving people, many people still died, which was too tragic to watch.

The worst thing was that the city where Raton was located was full of flames and there were countless casualties.

Everyone kept praying in their hearts: "Hurry up, hurry up..."

Andrew is not in a hurry, because a large number of soul contracts are being entered into the account every moment - more than a dozen disaster-stricken cities, plus desperate people, the harvest this time will be far greater than before. After all, this is sponsored by the American military. Doomsday disaster.

Of course, Andrew will not keep delaying. There is a line there. Beyond that line, Ancient One will take action himself. Andrew will take away the Titan beast before Ancient One takes action.

This is the tacit understanding between Andrew and Ancient One.

Time passed by minute by second. At this time, Gwen, who had been staring at the screen, suddenly shouted in surprise: "The black-robed mage! The black-robed mage has appeared."

Everyone hurriedly turned their heads and saw the black-robed mage striding towards the raging Fire Demon Raton - just like last time, he was walking in the air.

Scarlett beamed with joy: "The teacher is here!"

"Is the black-robed mage here?"

Jessica was stunned, and then asked: "Wait a minute, the black-robed mage is here, haven't our souls been sold in vain? Can we get a refund? Isn't it popular now to return goods within seven days without any reason?"

Everyone rolled their eyes. How could there be a seven-day reason to return the goods after making a deal with the Demon King?

Steve looked at the figure of the black-robed mage and complained: "He was the one who took action last time. If I'm not wrong, that being has outsourced it again."


Everyone is confused, is outsourcing popular in hell?

Hellboy secretly complained: "No, it is the devil who takes action. It is insourcing, not outsourcing."

"Not only did you gain a lot of souls, but you also earned the souls of a bunch of superheroes for free, which is really good."

Andrew was very satisfied. As he walked towards the Balrog Raton, he ordered Alice: "Multi-camera shooting, make sure that I am wise, powerful, handsome and handsome in every shot."

"BOSS, don't worry, I will definitely show your best side to the audience."

Alice immediately promised, she secretly complained in her heart, why is a hell demon so fond of being in the limelight?

"The black-robed mage is here!"

At this moment, the world's attention is focused on Andrew, and everyone is looking at him with expectation, hoping that he will defeat the Titans, save mankind, and save the earth.

The reason why Andrew came to Raton first was partly because it was a weakling, and partly because the bastard kept attacking the robots that were saving people.

Most of the other Titan beasts ignored the robots and just destroyed the city crazily. Only this damn big firebird kept waving its wings and burned the robots and contractors to ashes with high temperatures.

Over the burning city, Raton roared excitedly. As a born bad species, he loved to see others despair, die, and wail.

At this moment, a golden whip struck Laton hard, tearing a gash. Laton was in pain and hurriedly flapped his wings and flew into the sky.

Then, Raton looked in the direction of the attack and found a human in black robes floating in the air.

Raton was a little surprised. Humans could actually hurt it? Then, it roared angrily, flapped its wings and flew towards Andrew.

Before Laton arrived, the scorching wind had already swept through Andrew. Andrew smiled contemptuously, and his robe did not even move.

Then, Andrew turned his right hand, and the space around Laton quickly rotated. Laton felt like he had fallen into a washing machine, the world was spinning, and he was completely unable to resist.

A moment later, there was a loud boom, and Raton hit the ground hard. The ground shook violently, and a wave of air mixed with dust roared out.

Fortunately, the surrounding buildings had collapsed before and there was no chance of another collapse.

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