American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2470 Deadpool Curse

After the war, Sithorne took the initiative to bring up the matter of Hera. The devil thought about it carefully and chose to contact the Lord of Chaos to participate together. There was no other way, as Sithorne had tricked him too many times.

In fact, the Lord of Chaos doesn't care much about most things. He only cares about chaos. However, the fact that Sithorn is so anxious about it actually makes him a little interested.

"What can tempt that guy Sithorn is by no means simple. My intuition tells me that the three Zeus brothers will be a big treasure."

The demon said greedily: "What's even better, Zeus and Poseidon are all seriously injured now, it's the best time to deal with them."

"That's why Sithorne is so anxious. It seems that this time it's not completely without good things."

The Lord of Chaos shook his head and said: "The bottle of breath that Sithorn took away is fake. As long as he carries that bottle of breath, I can monitor everything. In short, Sithorn cannot escape from our hands."

That bottle of aura was disguised by the Lord of Chaos using the rules of chaos, plus the aura belonging to the world of gods in Hera's territory. It was not a problem to hide it from the three Zeus brothers - at the beginning, Hera brought the fragments of the hell of the world of gods, Forcibly integrated into the main world of hell.

"Okay then, let's see, what exactly does Sithorn want to do?"

The demon nodded first, and then he thought of something and asked curiously: "Lord of Chaos, do you think Sithorn will play Hera himself and have a show of a cross-dressing boss?

Although there is the aura of Hera, it is not easy for ordinary people to hide from the three Zeus brothers. The best way is for Sithorn to do it himself. "

The Lord of Chaos glanced at the demon speechlessly, and said: "At our level, who cares about men and women? When necessary, it doesn't matter whether we are male or female, or even whether we are male or female. In essence, we have no gender. "

"The Machine Demon doesn't care, that guy picks up girls every day."

The devil said quietly, and the Lord of Chaos said: "That's because he was just born a few years ago. In another hundred, one thousand, or ten thousand years, his reaction when he sees a woman will be no different from when he sees wood. .

In fact, the Machine Demon King is not a real boss at all now, because his character has not changed. His heart is still a human heart, not a god's heart. "

"But he beat us until we were running away."

At this time, a voice came from the Lord of Chaos. There was no doubt that it came from the Lord of Order - the Lord of Chaos was helping the Lord of Order to check his body.

The Lord of Chaos and the demon are a little unhappy, what are you talking about? The devil asked: "Still haven't found any problem?"

"It's still unclear how the Machine Demon King plotted against the Lord of Order. However, it should be a curse, the Deadpool Curse, or the Deadpool Virus."

The Lord of Chaos sighed and said, and the demon nodded and said: "Deadpool's curse? It's quite appropriate. When the Lord of Order said those words, he was as mean as Deadpool."

"That's why I call it the Deadpool Curse."

The Lord of Chaos said: "Once an attack occurs, the Lord of Order will show the characteristics of Deadpool. For example, he has a mean mouth, drools over beautiful women, puts valuable things directly into his pockets when he sees them, etc."

"That's very Deadpool."

The devil complained, and He asked: "Is there no solution? It shouldn't be difficult for big guys like you to deal with a prank curse, right?

This time the Mechanical Demon King cursed silently, without a medium or special means, so it shouldn't be a big curse.

The real curse is the one between Sithorn's eyebrows. Even now, when I see those eyes, I still feel terrified. "

"You are right, it is indeed just a small curse, but because it is small, it is difficult to solve. In fact, I didn't even find out where the curse is, let alone break it."

The Lord of Chaos sighed and said: "I heard you say every day that the Mechanical Demon King is a master of curses. I didn't really believe it. I thought it was because your skills were too low. Now I know how much the Mechanical Demon King's curses are. fear?

Fake, isn't this guy a positive person? How can any positive person curse so easily? It is estimated that in the multiverse, his curse is the best in the world.

Hey, we can only study it slowly first. No matter what the Machine Demon King comes out from now on, we will have to stay away.

The curse of the Mechanical Demon King was obviously arranged through Deadpool's arm. Hey, wait, I remember you told me that Deadpool was brought into this universe by death, right? "

"Indeed, Deadpool was originally a helper brought by Death. Later, he was instigated by the Machine Demon King to rebel, and now he has become the Machine Demon King's man."

The devil nodded and said: "To be honest, Deadpool is very disgusting, not only disgusting in terms of being a bitch, but also disgusting in another aspect.

When Deadpool was with us, apart from causing chaos, he basically had no positive effects and had numerous negative effects. After he switched jobs to the Machine Demon King, he made many military exploits and even received a few more months of salary. You Is it disgusting? "

"Have you ever considered that this is your problem, not Deadpool's?"

The Lord of Order complained. It was obvious that the Deadpool curse had struck again. The devil snorted, "How could I have a problem? The problem is Deadpool."

"Devil, help me find Death and ask him to give me Deadpool's detailed information."

The Lord of Chaos thought for a while and said: "Also, ask Death, did Deadpool enter this universe with the help of his power? If so, I have a way to expel Deadpool.

Once Deadpool is banished from this universe, the curse on the Lord of Order may disappear, because the source of the curse is Deadpool. "

"Let me ask you a question."

The devil nodded and began to contact Death. After a moment, he said: "Deadpool's information is a bit complicated. I will send it to you later. In addition, Death said that it was not him who brought Deadpool into this universe, but Deadpool himself. of."

"Deadpool came in by himself? How is this possible? We can't even come in even if we want to. Those multiple existences are not blind."

The Lord of Chaos shouted in disbelief, and the demon shrugged and said, "Death indeed said so. He also said that the reason why Deadpool was asked to help was because he didn't have to do anything and Deadpool could come in by himself.

As a result, if a big trouble comes in, it is better not to come in. "

"Give me Deadpool's information and I will study it carefully."

The Lord of Chaos had a headache. There were only two ways to solve the Deadpool curse. One was to find the rightful owner, the Mechanical Demon King, but this was obviously unrealistic. It was impossible for the Mechanical Demon King to help the Lord of Order lift the curse. What was worse, Can't beat that bastard.

The other is Deadpool. The origin of this curse is related to him, and he should be able to get the solution to the curse from him.

"no problem."

The demon nodded and sent the information to the Lord of Chaos. The Lord of Chaos became more and more troubled. Even multiple existences couldn't completely destroy the slayer? Is this scientific?

In the space passage, Deadpool suddenly approached Andrew and said with an embarrassed and nervous expression: "BOSS, I suspect I changed my direction."

Andrew asked in confusion: "What does changing direction mean? I don't understand."

"It just changed the direction of my preferences. I used to like women, especially beautiful women."

Deadpool scratched his head and said: "But now I don't know why, the Lord of Order often appears in my mind, and I can even hear what others say to Him.

Of course, not all of them, just some occasionally. BOSS, tell me, are those editors trying to make me correct? It's so popular outside now, and Marvel Comics might make me gay for the sake of sales. "

Andrew suddenly felt guilty, because everything was his fault. He used Wade's arm to temporarily connect the fates of Wade and the Lord of Order, so this situation occurred.

This is both a curse and not a curse, it is a fate-the King of Superpowers is always making progress, and Andrew is also making progress, and he never stops moving forward.

"There is no way, this is the mainstream now, you can only change, close your eyes, grit your teeth, and it will be over soon. Anyway, your wife has bombed you before."

Andrew comforted, and Wade said angrily: "BOSS, you actually peeked at me and my wife?"

"It's in your movie. What can I do? Do you think I want to watch it?"

Andrew looked disgusted and said, "You should accept it slowly. Maybe one day you will become a woman. Well, is the female Deadpool in the Deadpool 3 trailer the same as you?"

"BOSS, please go to the cinema and watch it yourself."

Wade said sternly, and then he turned to look at the Lord of Order sitting on the chair. The Lord of Order sensed his gaze, opened his eyes and looked over. The two looked at each other and looked away at the same time.

Wade had goosebumps all over his body. He didn't want to be a gay. As for the Lord of Order, he was afraid that his curse would deepen. That guy was so disgusting.

Andrew watched with a secret smile, believing that Wade would be able to give the Lord of Order more surprises. He shook his head and continued to watch the battle while preparing for what was to come next.

What’s next? Of course, it is against the God of Stars. This guy is a fish on the chopping block and needs to be chopped.

At this moment, the Ocean Empire suddenly welcomed a special guest. Poseidon, Hades, and the hidden Andrew sensed each other's aura and were a little surprised, because this person was actually Hera.

Andrew secretly thought: "Hera? No, it's the fake Hera. Let me see, who are you?"

The mental power of 'Hera' entered the Ocean Temple and said coldly: "Poseidon, Hades, do you plan to shut me out?"

Poseidon and Hades looked at each other, and Poseidon said: "Hera, although your breath is fine, how do we know that you are really Hera?

Gods will indeed be born in the supernatural world, but Hera should not be in this category, because only important gods will be born. "

Hades also said: "Also, there is something wrong with you because you have the aura of the Demon King."

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