"How strange. I wander through so many novels every day, and I don't understand what's going on? Do you want to come up with some famous Eastern movie memes?"

Wade said arrogantly, and Andrew waved his hands hurriedly: "No, please don't. It feels like the taste has completely changed. It's better not to say some things."

"BOSS, you are the protagonist, you have the final say."

Wade shrugged, and then asked belatedly: "Wait, BOSS, why did you suddenly cut my arm? Even if you are my BOSS, you are not qualified to do this. I will find a lawyer to sue you. ”

"I'll give you a three-month salary increase."

Andrew said lightly, and Wade immediately said with great respect: "No problem, BOSS, you can chop if you want. By the way, do you still want to chop? I still have an arm here?"

"I'll leave it to you for now, so I don't get hacked by others."

Andrew laughed loudly, and then he sent this arm directly out of the black-robed supernatural universe. Sending things into the black-robed supernatural universe is difficult, but sending things out is very simple.

"Machine Demon King, what do you mean?"

Seeing Andrew's actions, the Lord of Order was very surprised. Andrew smiled and said, "Shouldn't you be shocked at this time that I gave something away again?"

The Lord of Order was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that his old face turned red. He was bullying others too much. The Machine Demon King was really bullying others too much.

Andrew smiled and continued: "Lord of Order, the reason why I sent the things out is very simple. To verify whether you can really kill Wade?"

"Mechanical Demon King, what exactly do you want to do? What is the significance of this kind of verification?"

The Lord of Order asked in a deep voice, and Andrew said: "Meaning? It doesn't mean much, but you can use it as a bet. If you can destroy Wade's arm, I will lose, and conversely, you will lose."

"How could I not destroy one of Deadpool's arms?"

The Lord of Order said disdainfully, and at this moment, the urgent voice of the Lord of Chaos sounded in his mind: "No matter what the Machine Demon King says, you must not agree to this bet, even if you think you can win 100%.

Please remember this, I am not joking with you, and I must not agree to it. "

"Lord of Chaos, do you think I'm that stupid? I'm just attracting the attention of the Machine Demon."

The Lord of Order said angrily, and the Lord of Chaos breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this. If the Lord of Order was really fooled, then the winner would be decided between the two sides without waiting for the decisive battle.

"It's useless to just talk. Lord of Order, do you want to bet or not?"

Andrew said: "My bet is quite generous. If I lose, I will tell you the location of a big tree in Compound No. 5."

"The big tree in Compound No. 5?"

The Lord of Order's eyes lit up, and then he asked suspiciously: "Mechanical Demon King, will you tell me the location of the No. 5 compound tree? That is the key to the decisive battle."

"Since I chose to tell you, there must be some problems with the location of the big tree in Compound No. 5, but that location is real. As for the problem, wait until you defeat me and get the information, and then think about it slowly."

Andrew said: "How about it? Are you willing to take a gamble?"

The Lord of Order pretended to be moved and asked: "Then if I lose, what price will I have to pay?"

"Of course the price is..., haha, you have already paid the price."

Andrew laughed suddenly, and then he said to Wade, who had climbed up and his arm had recovered: "This guy actually believed that my purpose was to make a bet with him? Do you think it's funny? How did he survive until now when he was so naive? "

While Andrew was speaking, the Wade arm he sent out suddenly dissipated, and the multidimensional beings were stunned. It was actually a fake arm?

In fact, it was not a fake arm. The fake arm couldn't be hidden from a group of diverse bosses. It was really Wade's arm, but there was something wrong with the cells and it would dissipate as soon as time came.

"There's a problem. The Machine Demon King has obviously arranged something. That arm and that bet are all to distract you."

The Lord of Chaos screamed: "Lord of Order, don't perform that task again, check your whole body quickly to see if there is anything wrong?

Especially regarding curses, be sure to investigate them carefully. That guy Sithorn was hit by two curses from the Machine Demon King, and he still hasn't gotten rid of them. One of them can't even be discovered. "

It's just that Sithorn didn't hear this, otherwise he would definitely get angry. Doesn't it mean I don't want to lose face?

Originally, upon hearing Andrew's taunt, the Lord of Order wanted to get angry, but the Lord of Chaos's warning caused his expression to change. Without caring about anything else, he hurriedly returned to his seat and quickly checked his body.

Andrew smiled contemptuously, drank tea lightly, and didn't do anything else at all. Seeing this, Wade came up to him, looking like an agent talking to each other, and asked in a low voice: "BOSS, how did you trick the Lord of Order?"

"In this way, in that way, the Lord of Order will be tricked."

Andrew said, Wade suddenly realized and said: "So it's like this, like that, I understand, BOSS, you are still wise."

"You understand? I don't even know what I'm talking about, okay?"

Andrew complained, Wade blinked, and then asked in confusion: "BOSS, didn't you make it very clear, like this, like that?"

Andrew looked at Wade in astonishment, and Wade looked at Andrew in confusion. The two guys stared at each other for a long time, and then Andrew withdrew his gaze in disgust. Wasn't he a little too bored, and he was actually talking to a guy? Are you crazy?

Soon, the Lord of Order completed the inspection and found nothing. He looked at Andrew in surprise. Andrew looked indifferent and continued to drink tea, as if he had won.

"There is a problem, 80% of the time there is a problem."

The Lord of Order gritted his teeth and continued to check his body, and used more advanced methods. Andrew smiled contemptuously and continued to watch the show. As for what exactly he did to the Lord of Order, we will talk about it later.

Although the matter of attracting the attention of the Machine Demon King failed, it did not affect the actions on the sea. As the saying goes, the arrow was on the string and had to be fired.

The Shark King ordered the powerful being to quietly hide in the sea below Samantha, waiting for his orders.

"As long as Sir Sithorn gives the order, I will take action immediately. The powerful life is now at the level of Heavenly Father God. Plus me, Samantha will never be able to escape this killing situation unless she is promoted to Heavenly Father God."

The shark king is elated. If he kills Samantha, he can break through the Los Angeles defense line and dedicate the human soul to God. When the time comes, God will definitely give it a large reward and even allow it to reach the sky in one step.

At this moment, the Shark King noticed something, turned his head sharply, and saw a huge aircraft carrier heading this way. The Shark King was stunned, why is a human aircraft carrier here? Without a defensive cover, it is completely vulnerable.

Although he was puzzled, this did not prevent the Shark King from casually releasing a large number of water arrows and shooting them densely at the aircraft carrier.

Upon seeing this, Samantha immediately released the force field shield to block all the water arrows. Then, she moved her back and a large number of micro-missiles flew out, densely shooting towards the Shark King. The Shark King could only deal with these micro-missiles first and could not attack anymore. aircraft carrier.

"Everyone, leave the aircraft carrier."

Samantha took the opportunity to say, "The captain and soldiers on the aircraft carrier were very puzzled. They asked us to come over and then asked us to leave the aircraft carrier. What are we doing?"

Without operators, an aircraft carrier is just an iron lump. You must know that these aircraft carriers have a long history and have no intelligent systems at all.

"Order again, everyone, leave the aircraft carrier, leave now, immediately, immediately."

Samantha shouted again. Although she was puzzled, the captain had no choice but to let everyone leave in fighter planes, helicopters and boats. The soldiers cursed in their hearts, what kind of breaking the war, not firing a single shot, and being kicked out of the aircraft carrier?

The captain also scolded: "When I get back, I will definitely file a complaint against that woman. She is insulting me and the aircraft carrier."

Not only was the captain shocked during this retreat, but the Shark King was also puzzled. It knew a lot about human technology. What was the use of the aircraft carrier if no one was operating it?

"Ignore it for now. Whether the aircraft carrier is intact or not, it can be towed back to the undersea city and displayed as a trophy. After all, it is the crystallization of mankind's highest technology."

After thinking about it, the Shark King stopped paying attention to the aircraft carrier. It was just a piece of shit anyway, and it had no time to pay attention to the aircraft carrier now.

The American army fled very quickly. Not long after, all the personnel retreated. Samantha breathed a sigh of relief, and then excitedly flew towards the aircraft carrier. This aircraft carrier would become famous all over the world together with herself.

"Operation, and stop Samantha from getting close to the carrier."

At this moment, Sithorne's voice sounded in the Shark King's mind. Sithorne didn't know Samantha's plan, but he knew very well that what the enemy wanted to do must be stopped.

The Shark King was overjoyed. After waiting for so long, he could finally take action.

"Samantha, your time has come to die."

The Shark King laughed loudly, and the seawater on his body turned into a large number of seawater chains, which densely attacked Samantha.

Samantha snorted coldly, opened the armor on her arm, and hundreds of lasers emerged at the same time, frantically cutting the seawater chains. The seawater chains quickly turned into seawater and fell down.

Just as the two sides were fighting for their ultimate moves, suddenly, a green giant emerged from the sea, with nine huge heads, biting Samantha at the same time.

That's right, the powerful life that Poseidon recruited was not any other monster, but the famous Hydra in mythology, also known as Hydra. It was not originally green. It turned green because it was injected with Seth. of blood.

Seth has the powerful ability to make others turn green.

At this time, Hydra was already the temporary Father God, so even the space was shaking under its attack, and Samantha could not move at all, let alone dodge.

Seeing that Samantha was about to be bitten, she hurriedly activated the Pym particles, and the steel armor quickly shrank, avoiding the nine big mouths of Hydra.

When the Hydra saw this, it was very angry. One of its heads opened its mouth and sprayed a large amount of venom towards Samantha.

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