American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2453: One versus Three

Sure enough, as soon as the notification was given, the King of Negativity unleashed his trump card to stop the King of Superpowers. The Lord of Chaos had no choice but to send Cain out. None of these allies were reliable, they were just a bunch of insects.

Cain was also helpless. He felt that he was just a tool. First, his clones kept sending him to death, and then he was deprived of his subordinates. Finally, it was his turn to go out and fight for his life.

Cain secretly sighed: "As expected, I still have to change jobs. If you don't change jobs, how can your boss take you seriously?"

What is the King of Negativity’s trump card? It's not those negative monsters at the Father God level that haven't yet awakened, but a weapon.

I saw a skull staff appearing out of thin air in the void. As soon as it appeared, the void instantly solidified, and then all the space squeezed towards Andrew at the same time.

The full name of this skull staff is the Void Staff. It is an artifact specially refined for the Lord of Negativity when she took the Void Demon as his subordinate.

Yes, the purpose of this artifact is to enhance the strength of the Void Demon, because the Void Demon will be the spokesperson of Ska.

Who would have thought that the Void Demon would actually betray and join the King of Superpowers. While the Negative King was angry, he modified the Void Staff and turned it into a weapon specifically designed to restrain the Void Demon.

If the Void Demon appears during this war, Ska will immediately throw out this staff, control the space around the Void Demon, and then squeeze her alive to death.

Now that the Void Demon has not appeared and the female leader is in danger again, the Negative King can only throw out the Void Staff to save people.

"Rita, catch the Void Staff, it will be yours from now on."

Scar shouted, although he has many faults, there is one thing about him that Sithorn and the devil cannot compare with, that is, he is very generous.

After the Void Staff trapped Andrew, it immediately flew towards the female commander. The eyes of space around the female commander were shattered one after another. The female commander was overjoyed and grabbed the flying staff of the void.

Then, a large number of runes poured out from the void staff and sank into the arm of the female commander. It was the staff recognizing its owner. The female commander was overjoyed. She did not expect that it would have such great benefits.

"The first time I was in danger, I got the mark of the King of Negatives. The second time I was in danger, well, there was nothing. The third time I was in danger, I got an artifact, the King of Superpowers. I can be in danger again, I don't mind. ”

The female commander was elated, and immediately wanted to help the demon clone release its restraints. At this moment, the Void Staff sent a dangerous reminder, and she hurriedly waved her hand to set up a space barrier in front of her, and at the same time, quickly retreated.

The space barrier had just been set up when Andrew arrived. He smashed the space barrier with one punch and pulled forward with both hands. The female leader flew towards Andrew involuntarily. This was because the space had been moved.

"Sacred weapon? I like it very much. Bring it to me."

Andrew sneered, and a large amount of cold air emerged from his body, shrouding the female commander. The female commander hurriedly waved the Void Staff, creating a small space and swallowing all the cold air.

Then, the female leader pointed the void staff at Andrew, and a powerful force of space exploded, and Andrew's body quickly flew backwards.

Before the female leader could breathe a sigh of relief, she was horrified to find that she was flying in the direction of Andrew - superpower: void synchronization.

This was not over yet. Then, Andrew raised his hand, and the female commander's right hand was raised together. Then, Andrew made a move to let go. Although the female commander was unwilling, her palm also released her hand, and the staff, uh, did not fall. , still firmly stuck to the palm of the female commander's hand.

Are you kidding me? This staff has recognized its owner and will never leave its owner. However, the female leader is only its second owner. Its first owner will always be Ska, the King of Negativity.

Of course Andrew would not do anything in vain. After the female leader let go of his hand, Andrew opened his other hand, a strong suction force came, and the Void Staff flew towards Andrew uncontrollably.

The Void Staff has its own consciousness and uses the power of space to stop itself in mid-air, trying to prevent Andrew from sucking it in.

At this moment, Andrew sneered, and the clothes of the female commander suddenly turned into real life. Then, it actively decomposed into filaments and penetrated into the female commander's body to destroy it.

Normal clothes are useless even if they are turned into thin threads, but after the clothes of the female commander turned into real life, the material was comparable to god-level metal, and it was specially designed to destroy the energy nodes on the female commander's body, and the female commander suddenly screamed. .

"It turns out that the goal of the King of Superpowers is not to snatch the Void Staff, but to sneak attack on me. Fa Ke, when did he control my clothes? Also, what kind of superpowers are these, so weird?"

The female leader cursed in her heart and hurriedly tried to recall the Void Staff, but due to Andrew's restraint, the Void Staff was unable to return to her hand.

The female commander has no choice but to pray for help from others. Fortunately, although the villain has never been reliable, because Andrew is too powerful, the two allies of the female commander this time are very 'reliable'.

After the demon clone rushed out of the eye of space, he saw Andrew pressing down on the female leader to fight. He hesitated for a moment, but still rushed over. Then, with a wave of his hand, countless negative energy turned into sharp blades, cut through the space, and slashed at Andrew densely.

The demon clone doesn't care about the life or death of the female commander, but if the female commander dies, it might be his turn next, so he must save the female commander.

While the demon clone was attacking, a blood shadow appeared behind Andrew. Then, countless blood streaks struck Andrew's back, and it was his old friend Cain who appeared again.

Andrew was attacked from both sides and had to let go of the Void Staff. Then, he glared at the demon clone, and the demon clone flew backwards uncontrollably. He felt very aggrieved. I am a demon, but I was forced back by the king of superpowers with his eyes. What kind of superpower is this?

This is naturally a combination of superpowers, which is a combination of mental oppression, repulsion, space transfer and other superpowers.

After glaring at the demon clone, Andrew did not turn around. Countless green threads emerged from his back and entangled with the blood-colored threads.

Then, the green threads and the blood-colored threads fought fiercely in the air. What made Cain incredible was that his blood-colored threads were completely defeated and eroded by the green threads all the way, even approaching his palm.

"How is this possible? What are those green threads?"

Cain was shocked. He immediately cut off the blood threads on his hand, turned into a blood light, and prepared to escape from here. At this moment, a large number of green threads released by Andrew shuttled through space and continued to spread towards Cain.

Cain did not dare to touch these green threads. The blood light exploded and turned into countless blood drops to flee in all directions.

Andrew saw this and snorted coldly. His right hand vibrated violently, causing the surrounding space to vibrate. All of Cain's blood drops vibrated and were forced to stop in the air.

The green threads released by Andrew did not stop and quickly entangled Cain's blood drops. Cain found that those blood drops were gradually out of his control and no longer belonged to him.

Cain's face changed drastically and he hurriedly asked for help from others. The demon clone cursed and waved his hands, and the rolling black gas blasted towards Andrew.

The female commander did not lag behind. She held the void staff and calmed the space. The remaining blood of Cain quickly escaped, reorganized in the void, and recovered his body.

Cain looked at Andrew who easily broke all the black air, and was horrified: "How could the King of Superpowers become so strong? He used to be at the same level as my clone, but now, the three of us, the Father God, are all suppressed by him."

Cain and the demon clone are both real Father Gods. As for the female commander, after she possessed the Void Staff, her strength was equivalent to that of the real Father God, and she was not weak.

"Because he has transformed."

The demon clone said solemnly: "He is so strong, which means he is on the right path. Once he fully understands the rules of superpowers and is promoted to Father God again, he will ascend to heaven in one step and directly become a strong man at the level of Mechanical Demon King, Lord of Chaos, and me, Xisong."

"So strong?"

Cain looked incredible. A newly promoted Father God could actually rival those big guys, no, giant guys of the Lord of Chaos?

You know, between the new Father God and the Lord of Chaos, there are two major levels, the old Father God and the peak Father God, and each major level takes thousands or even tens of thousands of years to achieve.

"He is so strong that he can suppress us, but he is not without weaknesses."

The demon clone said: "The first weakness is the injury on his soul. If you attack his soul, it will definitely have a miraculous effect.

In addition, the reason why he can have the strength of a temporary Father God is because of the three tails. We may be able to think of a way in this regard."

Cain thought quickly: "Soul attack, and the three tails?"

Andrew naturally would not give his opponent too much time. After breaking the attack of the demon clone, he quickly drew lines in the void, and black lines of space attacked the three people at the same time.

The three did not dare to neglect and fought back with all their strength. It was impossible to defeat the King of Superpowers, but it should be no problem to contain him.

Although Andrew was fighting one against three, he was not at all inferior. He defeated the three Heavenly Fathers by himself. The three demon clones cursed in their hearts, but they did not dare to slack off and fought with Andrew.

"Long live the King of Superpowers."

The audience cheered. The King of Superpowers was indeed mighty. Although the enemy was despicable and shameless and sent people to besiege the King of Superpowers, they were not the opponent of the King of Superpowers.

Xisong and others looked ugly. They did not expect that such a lineup would still be suppressed by the King of Superpowers. The King of Superpowers must die. If he does not die, he will become a disaster in the future.

"At least, we don't have to worry about the Mechanical Demon King taking action."

Xisong said with a smile, and everyone rolled their eyes. Is this something to be happy about? They used many means to deal with one of the Mechanical Demon King's subordinates, but they were suppressed and beaten by him. It was a shame, right?

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