American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2381 Transfer

"Of course it's your business. If you don't develop offspring, there won't be so many vampires. Without vampires, I won't be cheated by selling blood, or even hunted down."

Wade said confidently: "So, you are the source, you must be responsible."

"Then you should ask God to be responsible. If God didn't curse me into a vampire, there wouldn't be a group of vampires at all."

Cain sneered: "Go ahead, I strongly support you to settle accounts with God, and I can even give you a certificate."

"God? He seems to be richer than you, but only children make choices, and adults, of course, want both."

Wade chuckled and continued to chase Cain. Cain was a little impatient and turned around. The boundless sea of ​​blood rolled towards Wade. Then, he opened his hands, condensed blood magic, and waited for Wade to counterattack.

Facing the sea of ​​blood, Wade had no defense at all and continued to rush forward. The next second, he was completely covered by the sea of ​​blood, and the next second, he was swallowed by the sea of ​​blood, leaving nothing behind.

"So simple?"

Cain was stunned. At this moment, the sea of ​​blood disappeared, and Wade's arm reappeared. He shouted in a gloomy voice: "Give me back my life."

Cain was shocked. Next, he used ninety-nine ways to kill Wade, but every time, Wade could be resurrected. He couldn't even seal him because he would commit suicide and then appear inexplicably around him.

Cain looked at Wade with a little more fear. In terms of immortality, he always considered himself the best in the world. He didn't expect that someone was braver than him.

What a joke, even Cain couldn't be resurrected when his whole body was blown into pieces. At least one drop of blood would be left, but Wade could.

Wade's immortality ability is completely unscientific and is at the BUG level. In short, as long as there are readers who want to see him, he will never die.

"You just killed me a hundred times. You have to pay more."

Wade shouted loudly. Cain's face was extremely ugly. He finally knew how disgusting an unkillable opponent was - it used to be his enemies who were disgusting.

Cain wanted to ignore Wade and go over there to help the Lord of Order, but unfortunately, he was intercepted by Wade every time. This guy not only has the ability of immortality, but also has super space-time ability. Cain couldn't help but complain: "Were you born to disgust people?"

"How did you know?"

Wade asked in shock: "You actually know the ultimate secret of my popularity. It seems that I can't keep you. Of course, if you are willing to pay more, then I can discuss it with you."

Cain rolled his eyes and simply stopped attacking. He kept competing with Wade in speed. Anyway, He came here to play soy sauce this time, with a salary of several hundred yuan a month, so why work so hard? No, He didn't have a penny of salary.

Without Cain, Van Helsing could finally fight the Lord of Order one-on-one. The Lord of Order sneered: "Van Helsing, or Gabriel, do you think you can defeat me one-on-one?

Even God lost to me, why do you think you can defeat me?"

"Because I am not Van Helsing, I am Wolverine Logan, and I am best at killing those self-righteous guys."

Van Helsing grinned, opened his hands, and six adamantium bone blades emerged. Then, he quickly approached the Lord of Order, obviously wanting to win through close combat.

The Lord of Order is good at long-range spells. If you want to defeat Him, you can only use your own advantages to attack the opponent's disadvantages.

"Wolverine? Humph, under the order, no matter who you are, you must surrender. I declare a new order. You are not allowed to approach me within ten meters."

The Lord of Order snorted coldly, and the voice sounded like an oracle. Van Helsing, who was charging, soon found that no matter how he rushed, he could not reach the area ten meters in front of the Lord of Order.

Then, the Lord of Order raised his hand and aimed at Van Helsing. Van Helsing's adamantium claws actually began to retract, because long bone claws did not conform to the normal order of humans.

When all the bone claws retracted, the Lord of Order clenched his hand, and Van Helsing let out a shrill scream. The adamantium in his body was moving inside him, trying to get out of his body.

Van Helsing's clone had adamantium in all his bones, so the adamantium's rampage made him unable to move.

"Fuck, why do I feel like I've met Magneto?"

Van Helsing cursed in his heart. Of course, this was not magnetism, but the Lord of Order's power of order. He sneered, "Do you think you are really qualified to fight me? I just didn't take it seriously."

Van Helsing's face was extremely ugly, but he couldn't stop it all. His body seemed to no longer belong to him.

At this moment, Andrew shouted from a distance: "Don't be scared by the old guy, he is just a clone, his power of order is very weak, as long as you use a strong attack, you can break the blockade of the power of order."

"Do you think he can do it? King of superpowers, after Van Helsing dies, it's your turn."

The Lord of Order sneered. It is true that he is just a clone, and the strength of the power of order is limited, but it is enough to deal with Van Helsing. Van Helsing is the reincarnation of Gabriel, and his strength is not weak, but not at their level.

Andrew smiled and said: "Have you heard of the Eight Gates of Dunjia?"

"Eight Gates of Dunjia?"

The Lord of Order's eyes condensed, he knew what the Eight Gates of Dunjia was-as more and more Naruto characters, both the righteous and the villains, pay more and more attention to Naruto comics, and they remember the basic plots.

Then, the Lord of Order sneered: "I don't know, Van Helsing knows the Eight Gates of Dunjia?"

Van Helsing looked at Andrew with a painful expression. Sorry, I didn't know I knew the Eight Gates.

"It's okay, I know it, Earth Turtle, Earth Guardian."

Andrew shouted, and the Earth Turtle rolled his eyes. A yellow light appeared beside Andrew, protecting him tightly.

Then, Andrew clapped his hands, and a large energy Bagua appeared in his hands and quickly took shape.

"Three-eyed demon, stop the king of superpowers."

The Lord of Order shouted at the first time. Although he didn't know what Andrew was doing, it was definitely not a good thing, and he must be stopped.

The three-eyed demon hesitated, and a fluctuation of the level of the Father God burst out of his body. Then, he shouted loudly, and a punch with the power of the sky and the earth hit the yellow light guardian, and the fist was full of space cracks.

The Earth Guardian is very strong. He has made many military achievements before, and even blocked the siege of hundreds of fire dragons. However, no matter how strong it is, it is not a defense of the Father God level. It can't stop the attack of the three-eyed demon at all, and it cracks directly with a punch.

Of course, the Earth Guardian is already very powerful. If it were any other defense, it would not be able to consume all the power of the Three-Eyed Demon.

The Earth Turtle could not help but curse, and vowed in his heart that he must become the Father God as soon as possible and no longer suffer this humiliation.

"King of Superpowers, now you know why I stand on the side of the Lord of Order? Because He can make me the Father God, die."

The Three-Eyed Demon laughed arrogantly and punched Andrew fiercely. At this moment, an angel shadow appeared beside Andrew, which was Blair's angel guardian.

The Three-Eyed Demon was very disdainful. He punched down, and the angel shadow collapsed on the spot. At the same time, the remaining power of the Three-Eyed Demon continued to bombard Andrew.

Andrew ignored the remaining power and threw the Bagua condensed in his hand directly in the direction of Van Helsing. The Bagua turned into a ray of light and flew into Van Helsing's body.

"Eight Gates of Ninjutsu, open, rest, life, open."

Van Helsing shouted and opened three gates directly. The whole body emitted green light. The power of order of the Lord of Order was instantly broken, and Van Helsing's body returned to normal.

Then, Van Helsing controlled the adamantium alloy in his body to return to its original position, and then he showed his bone claws again.

"Lord of Order, let's continue to play."

Van Helsing grinned and rushed towards the Lord of Order quickly. Although there was the power of order around the Lord of Order, this time, the power of order could not stop Van Helsing and he was forced into it.

However, because of the existence of the power of order, Van Helsing's speed slowed down a lot, just like moving in the depths of the sea.

Even so, it was enough for Van Helsing. He kept waving his bone claws, and even the void was torn into cracks one after another. The Lord of Order did not dare to take it head-on, and hurriedly retreated, while casting order magic against Van Helsing.

Before, Van Helsing was no match for the Lord of Order, and he could only hold off with his self-healing and regeneration ability, but now, the two sides finally fought.

"How could this happen?"

The Lord of Order could not understand this at all. Why did Van Helsing suddenly know the Eight Gates of the Ninjutsu? This is unscientific?

The reason is very simple. Andrew temporarily lent his Eight Gates of the Ninjutsu to Van Helsing. This is an advanced application method of power transfer.

The power of "power transfer" can only transfer power in the hands of the original owner, but in Andrew's hands, memory, ability, and even skills can be transferred.

Andrew, the king of power, is no joke. Innovation is a basic ability, needless to say.

After sending the gossip, Andrew's body turned into nothingness, easily avoiding the remaining power of the three-eyed demon. Then, his body returned to normal, and he sneered at the three-eyed demon: "This is the power you get in exchange for disregarding morality, it's nothing more."

"Moral? Where does morality come from for demons? Besides, this is the power of the Father God. Do you know what the Father God is? How dare you say it's nothing more?"

The three-eyed demon snorted coldly. As a demon, he didn't think he had done anything wrong, because all demons were like this.

"I don't know what the Father God is?"

Andrew sneered. The three-eyed demon was really a frog in the well. When the three-eyed demon heard his laughter and wanted to say something, the demon clone sneered: "Stupid, the King of Superpowers is also the Father God, and the real Father God. You are not qualified to compare with him at all."

The demon clone was very unhappy with the three-eyed demon. After all, he was the original Lord of Hell. In his eyes, the three-eyed demon was a lucky guy who took advantage of him.

Moreover, although he knew that the previous incident was a disguise of the King of Superpowers, the demon clone was still very dissatisfied and even did not trust the Three-Eyed Demon.

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