American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 237 Beginning

"It has a lot of nuclear radiation in it. Eliminating it will cause big problems. Moreover, we want to study it and find out the secret of the Titan."

Dr. Serizawa explained, and then said: "Muto is the best experimental subject. After we complete the arrangements, we will notify you to come over for the experiment."

Nick Fury asked coldly: "Where is the other spore?"

Dr. Serizawa said: "We will dissect it and hand it over to the American military. It should be placed in a place where nuclear waste is disposed of."

"Has it been dissected? That's better."

Nick Fury exhaled, thought for a while, and asked Dr. Serizawa: "How is King Kong lately? I am an old rival with him. I remember when we fought on Skull Island, we were almost Just burn it."

Vivian was stunned. She couldn't help but ask: "Didn't you get beaten by King Kong and kneel down to beg for mercy?"

"When have I ever begged for mercy? And kneeled down to beg for mercy?"

Nick Fury asked angrily. Back then, he did lose to King Kong because of the betrayal of his teammates, but he didn't beg for mercy. He kept standing, super straight.

Speaking of which, the bastard who betrayed him looked like Loki, even his hairline was exactly the same.

"The natives painted the battle on the mural."

Dr. Serizawa hesitated for a moment and said, "After you knelt down and begged for mercy, King Kong felt sorry for you and decided to let you go."

"Mazefak, those bastard natives, how dare you slander me? I can't spare them."

Nick Fury yelled, and it was obvious that the natives had vilified him in order to promote their 'god'.

The question is, does Nick Fury have no face? If others saw this, they would think that he was really kneeling down to beg for mercy!

Dr. Serizawa warned: "Director Fury, don't take advantage of King Kong. His ancestors are mortal enemies of Godzilla. Once it leaves Skull Island, Godzilla will immediately find it and fight it out."

"Can that gorilla be an enemy of Godzilla?"

Nick Fury was stunned. He didn't know that the King Kong he saw back then was just a 'child' more than thirty meters tall, but now the King Kong has grown to more than one hundred meters, which is the same level as Godzilla.

If not, how could Nick Fury defeat King Kong?

"King Kong is worthy of competing for the position of King of the Monsters."

"Dr. Maya Hansen is taking care of it," Dr. Serizawa said.

"I hope she doesn't inject the Extremis virus into King Kong. I don't want to see a fire-breathing gorilla."

Nick Fury stood up and said: "Dr. Serizawa, I'm waiting for your call. The sooner the better, no one knows when the next disaster will happen."


Dr. Serizawa sent Nick Fury away. When the door closed, Vivian couldn't help but ask: "Teacher, why did you agree to him?"

"Because we have no choice. If we don't agree, the United Nations will forcefully take over the Monarch organization. If we agree, we can also control the development of the situation and prevent the idiots from SHIELD from causing disaster."

Dr. Serizawa shook his head and whispered: "Tell everyone to conceal the information about Titan. I have heard about Nick Fury. He is a super bastard. He will definitely send someone to steal our information."

In fact, there have been SHIELD agents in the Imperial organization for a long time, but because they are only at the lower level, they don’t know much.

"Serizawa has concealed a lot of information. There are more than just a few Titans. We must find out their number, location and capabilities. Only in this way can we prevent disasters as soon as possible after someone makes a mistake."

Nick Fury secretly thought that he was looking forward to the Titan control plan. Once successful, the world would become a safer place.

In a blink of an eye, time came to May 2011, this day, the lunar base.

Andrew stood under a silver-white, oval-shaped spacecraft and said to Yelena, who was wearing a black uniform: "Yelena, the Mir is handed over to you, don't let me down."

"Don't worry, Boss. I will definitely let the Peace Knights flourish in the universe and bring you a lot of alien technology and alien souls."

Yelena assured loudly, and the heroic black widows behind her nodded with confidence.

"Very well, let's set sail. If you encounter danger, ask for help from the moon base. Our rainbow bridge can teleport to most of the galaxy."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction, and he ordered: "Remember, you can throw away anything, but you can't lose the majesty of our rebirth in hell."

"Yes, BOSS."

Yelena shouted loudly, then she raised her hand, and a ray of space light fell, bringing the black widows into the spacecraft.

Yelena did not leave with him, she said hesitantly: "BOSS..."

Andrew smiled and said: "You want to talk about injecting Natasha with a human enhancement potion? Yelena, that's the potion you redeemed with your contribution. You can strengthen whoever you want."

"Thank you BOSS."

Yelena breathed a sigh of relief. The earth was getting more and more dangerous. Yelena was really worried about Natasha's safety, so she secretly gave her a shot from behind while she was sleeping.

"lets go."

Andrew waved, and Yelena saluted Andrew and teleported to the Mir. Then, the Mir was launched, with the mission of rebirth in hell, and officially began its journey to the universe.

After Mir disappeared, Andrew went to Utopia to inspect and found that mutants were living well and thriving.

"Actually, there are many problems within Utopia. For example, weak mutants are jealous of strong mutants, strong mutants want more privileges, etc."

Professor Charles smiled and said: "However, overall it is quite stable. After all, it is not easy for mutants to have their own city.

Moreover, disasters often occur on the earth, whether they are nano-crises or demonic invasions. Everyone cherishes the tranquility of Utopia. "

"Don't tell me that your TV station broadcasts news about earth disasters every day?"

Andrew complained, he thought of something, and asked: "By the way, how about the aliens?"

Professor Charles said: "Black Bolt is making reforms, but many people are opposed to it. The current situation in Attilan is a bit chaotic."

"Those with vested interests are definitely not willing to give up their original interests."

Andrew shook his head and visited the increasingly prosperous Utopia accompanied by Professor Charles.

In the middle, Andrew also met Jean Gray, whose eyes were, how should I put it, quite seductive.

"Qin's two personalities are gradually merging. My hard work for so long is worthy of it."

Andrew was very satisfied. Wolverine and Cyclops were jealous every day, but little did they know that someone had already taken the lead.

After the visit, Andrew teleported back to Earth and went to the airport to take a plane.

That's right, by plane, Gwen went to San Francisco to attend an event, and Andrew went shopping with her.

At the San Francisco Airport, Gwen pushed and saluted, and asked Andrew in confusion: "Andrew, why did you suddenly come to San Francisco with me?"

Andrew said casually: "While San Francisco is still there, let's take some photos. Maybe they will be gone in a few days."

Gwen stopped suddenly and looked at Andrew in astonishment - last time, this man said that the Eiffel Tower was about to disappear, but she didn't think so. As a result, when she turned around, the Eiffel Tower disappeared.

The photo of myself and the Eiffel Tower directly became the "posthumous photo" of the Eiffel Tower and was included in the museum collection.

Because of this incident, she also got another title: Miss Eiffel.

"Andrew, are you just talking, or did you sense something?"

Gwen asked hurriedly, if what he said was true, then there was a big problem.

"No one knows whether it will happen until it actually happens."

Andrew shrugged. No one knew whether the Mutos and Godzilla would have a decisive battle in San Francisco like in the movie.

What, how did Andrew know about Muto?

It's simple. Alice has been monitoring SHIELD. With her ability, the SHIELD server is almost like her own home to her.

Regarding S.H.I.E.L.D.'s desire to control the Titan beasts, Andrew could only say that you are really good at it.

"It's Schrödinger again."

Gwen rolled her eyes, and as she continued to walk forward, she sighed: "I hope you won't be a super crow mouth like Mr. Stark."

In a New York speakeasy, Tony Stark couldn't help but sneeze. Who was scolding him?

Tony shook his head and asked Carter in front of him: "Aunt Carter, go on, what did Whitehall do?"

"He is heading to the island country. I suspect it is related to SHIELD's Titan control plan."

Carter said that during this time, she disguised herself and infiltrated Whitehall's company to collect information about Hydra.

Tony was startled: "You mean, Hydra is also planning on the Titans?"

"They probably have mastered nanobug technology."

Carter said solemnly: "In other words, they can control the Titan beast. In this case, it is normal for them to want to attack the Titan beast."

Tony immediately said: "They must be stopped, and they must not be allowed to get the Titan."

"Of course."

Carter said: "You secretly follow and cooperate with Steve to stop Hydra's conspiracy. Tony, remember, try not to let Hydra discover that we already know their existence.

Hydra's power is terrifying, and we must proceed with caution. "

"Understand, even SHIELD is just a branch of them."

Tony nodded, and then he mobilized seven battle suits and quickly rushed to the island country.

At the same time, Steve, Natasha, Hawkeye, Commando Captain Rumlow and others arrived at the island country's airport. Natasha was carrying two boxes and was protected by everyone in the middle.

Two boxes, one containing the Mark V and the other containing the Psychic Scepter.

"Titans? This world is so amazing. It has everything."

Steve couldn't help but shake his head. He just learned about the Titans a few days ago. To be honest, he was shocked.

Steve originally thought that the violent ferocious beast was terrifying enough, but in the end, he was just a little brother in front of the titan beast.

Hawkeye frowned and said, "To be honest, I really don't think controlling the Titans is a good idea."

Steve nodded in agreement: "I think so too."

Rumlow spread his hands and said: "There are orders from above and we must execute them. It's that simple."


Steve thought of something and turned to Natasha and asked: "Natasha, you don't have any special tasks this time, right? The Titans are scary, so don't make things more complicated."

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