American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2349: The Depths of Hell

Although Andrew reached an agreement with the female leader, Dave was still hesitant: "Rita, this matter is still too dangerous."

"If you want to become the King of Negativity and gain eternal security, how can it be possible without being dangerous?"

The female leader said impatiently: "Dave, stop chirping. You want me to be safe. What's the use of talking nonsense? Improve your strength as soon as possible and break through Heavenly Father God. By then, I will definitely be safer.

If you achieve Heavenly Father God, even if I am discovered by the King of Negativity, He will not kill me, but will only use me as a hostage to threaten you. Heavenly Father God is precious at all times. "

"That's true."

Dave nodded, and then said confidently: "Rita, don't worry, I will definitely achieve Heavenly Father God as quickly as possible, and then I will be able to ensure that you are safe and sound."

"One thing brings another, Dave will be eaten by the female leader."

Andrew shook his head secretly and asked, "Dave, you seem to have a lot of confidence?"

"I awakened Merlin's memory."

Dave said happily: "Maybe it was the stimulation of the illusion that caused me to awaken part of Merlin's memory. I believe that as long as you give me a little time, I can completely obtain Merlin's memory. By then, I will become a great magician. "

"Merlin's memory? Will it affect your personality?"

Andrew asked, he didn't want Merlin to be reborn in Dave. After all, no one knew what Merlin's position would be - although in this version, Merlin is a good person, but Dave used it well, why should he change?

"Don't worry, it won't affect my character. Merlin has no plans to resurrect. I am me, not Merlin."

Dave said with great certainty that what he awakened was just pure memory, without emotions or anything like that, just like watching a movie.

"That's good."

Andrew nodded. If so, it would be a good thing. No one would have too much.

Andrew said: "Then, the matter is settled like this, Miss Rita, next, you pretend that nothing happened, wake up normally, and then do whatever you need to do.

I will ask Director Tianjian to provide you with a special communication device to ensure that even Heavenly Father God cannot find it. In addition, except for transmitting messages, you don't need to worry about other things for the time being. "

"Don't worry, I care about my own safety more than anyone else."

The female leader said, and Andrew smiled and asked: "By the way, who is the Lord of Negative Energy? Also, what is the depth of hell like?"

The female commander glanced at Andrew after hearing this, knowing that the word 'Lord of Negative Energy' means the King of Superpowers. No, it should be said that Director Tianjian has a plan in hell, because this word is specially used by Sithorn and Ska. Created to fool people.

"The depths of hell are a garbage dump, filled with endless negative atmosphere."

The female leader said: "I think you must think that there is a country composed of our negative auras in the depths of hell, and then a group of negative auras are discussing there how to destroy the world and the universe?"

Dave asked curiously: "Isn't it?"

"Of course not. In the beginning, we had no self-awareness."

The female leader said: "We are a fusion of negative auras. For example, I am a fusion of all the negative auras that hate that I am not a beauty."

Before this negative disaster, I had no self-awareness. I just kept absorbing the same negative vibes as me to strengthen myself.

Then, some time ago, the universe changed, and a negative disaster was about to break out. A group of leaders and I simultaneously gave birth to self-awareness. Well, at that time, we did not have a body.

After we gained self-awareness, we did two things. One was to actively absorb suitable negative breath, which is much more efficient than passive absorption.

The other thing is to enlighten other negative auras and turn them into the monsters you call them. To put it simply, the negative monsters under each of our leaders are all summoned by ourselves. "

Andrew smiled and said: "Bring your own soldiers and horses and rations to fight for the Lord of Negative Energy."

"That's pretty much it."

The female leader said: "In this process, we will gradually grow and even have the prototype of a physical body. When we enter the material world and merge with the breath of the world, a real body will be born."

"The process of giving birth to your body is really complicated."

Dave sighed, and somehow an idea came to his mind, that is to say, Rita has never had other men?

For Dave, a nerd and a pure man, this is quite important. Of course, it is not only physically clean, but also spiritually clean.

"This is because there is no matter in the depths of hell, it is a purely conscious dimension."

The female leader said: "King of supernatural powers, Dave, this time, it is just a small negative disaster. The awakened negative aura may not even reach one millionth, so it can only be regarded as a small fight. At this point, I hope You know it.

It is almost impossible for you humans to defeat the Negative Legion. If it weren’t for Dave, I would never have boarded your pirate ship. "


Dave took a breath, this is too scary, isn't it? But if you think about it carefully, this is normal. The universe has been born for tens of billions of years, and the negative aura accumulated during these tens of billions of years is endless.

Andrew thought about those space bugs that were banished to the depths of hell. No wonder they wandered for so long and still found nothing. It turned out that there was no matter, no country, and no gathering place in the depths of hell.

“Quantity doesn’t mean anything, quality matters.”

Andrew said: "How many Heavenly Fathers do you have in your negative army? This is the key."

“I don’t know how many Heavenly Father Gods there are specifically, but in addition to the King of Negativity, which is the Lord of negative energy in your mouth, there are also many negative Heavenly Father Gods, which are composed of the most powerful and widespread negative aura. "

The female leader said: "For example, the King of Resentment is composed of the resentment of intelligent life, there is also the King of Despair, the King of Jealousy, the King of Greed, etc. There are definitely many in number.

Of course, they have not awakened yet. They will only be truly born when the world-destroying disaster breaks out. Under the leadership of the King of Negativity, they will destroy the universe.

To put it simply, our Negative Legion has a mission, and this mission is to destroy the universe. "

"We can destroy the universe, so you can imagine how strong we are."

After a pause, the female commander continued: "Originally, the apocalyptic disaster will take a long time, after all, the depths of hell are far from being filled.

However, due to abnormal changes, the time of the apocalyptic disaster may be greatly advanced, and it may not even break out in a few years. Just like this negative disaster, it should not have broken out, but it still broke out. "

Andrew asked: "The cause of the accident should be related to the Lord of Negative Energy. Rita, how much do you know about Him?"

"We don't understand at all. He has no communication with us except giving us orders."

The female leader shook her head and said: "I only know that He has been absorbing the negative aura to grow. It is an outsider. I don't know why, but it has occupied the depths of hell. It has been recognized by the negative aura and has become the King of Negativity.

By the way, His true form is a big tree. I have seen it once. It covers the sky and the sun and is bigger than a city. "

"Big tree?"

Andrew was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the so-called master of negative energy was a big tree of compound No. 5.

In this case, everything makes sense. There is a No. 5 compound with negative rules. Under the influence of the supernatural world, it enters the depths of hell and becomes the king of negatives.

After that, the No. 5 compound tree absorbed the negative aura to increase its strength. Because of its absorption, some things changed, and thus, there was this small negative disaster - although this disaster affected five big cities, it really The ones are only small.

A real negative disaster will affect the entire universe. At that time, negative legions will emerge from everywhere and attack all intelligent life.

The birth of the Void Demon can be said to have arisen at the right moment. It was an introduction, an introduction to the outbreak of negative disasters.

Andrew doesn't know that there are actually three Compound No. 5 trees currently appearing. One is the God of Stars, the other is Scar Bro, the King of Negativity, and the third one is merging with Kaguya.

In fact, Kaguya was also paying attention to this battle. She was observing the performance of the ninjas. She originally looked down on the ninjas. After all, the ninjas were just 'defective products' created by her son, the Sage of Six Paths.

In Kaguya's view, only ninjas with the blood of Otsutsuki are real ninjas. However, after being sealed by the ninjas, she had some changes.

"White Zetsu is of no use at all. If you can turn all ninjas into subordinates, it will be easier to do whatever you want in the future, and your safety will be guaranteed."

Kaguya thought secretly, and then she remembered Andrew's previous proposal and fell into deep thought. Should she continue to be a bad person or a good person?

Kaguya herself has no concept of good and evil. There is only one criterion for her choice of being a good person or a bad person - whichever side has more benefits, it's that simple.

Kaguya's thoughts aside, Andrew guessed the identity of the Negative King and did not hide it, informing the female leader and Dave about it.

"Is this the No. 5 compound tree that Director Tianjian has been looking for?"

Dave was shocked: "It actually became the King of Negativity?"

"The nine No. 5 compound trees are the key to this world of superpowers. Any situation that occurs is normal."

Andrew said: "Rita, remember, after you go back, don't do anything else except deliver important information, let alone fight against the King of Negativity. Before the end of the world of superpowers, He has the vast blessing of the world, almost There is no disadvantage.

Only Heavenly Father God is qualified to oppose Him, because Heavenly Father God has the power of rules. "

"I really didn't expect that the Lord of Negativity is actually a big tree that was born not long ago."

The female leader sighed, and at the same time, she secretly clenched her fists. Since the No. 5 Compound Tree can become the King of Negativity, why can't she?

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