American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2337 Command

After killing humans, monsters will be strengthened to a certain extent. Well, it is not the soul that is devoured, but the negative aura that is devoured. When people die, negative auras will definitely emerge in large quantities, such as despair, unwillingness, hatred, etc.

As for the soul, according to the agreement between Compound No. 5 Big Tree Scar and Xisong, He alone takes 50%, and the remaining 50% will be divided by Xisong and the Lord of Chaos.

To be honest, neither side is very satisfied with this division. For Scar, the main force is the negative army I sent out, and I only get 50%?

For Xisong and them, we help you contain the mechanical demon king and handle various things, and we have so many people, and we only get 50%?

Although both sides are not satisfied, everyone has a big picture view, so the two sides reached a cooperation to harvest human souls together.

The first commander Bone Demon is in charge of the negative army in Berlin, and the second commander Sword Demon is in charge of Paris. It is not a humanoid, but a knife, a super big knife that is ten meters long and looks murderous.

The orders given by the Sword Demon were the same as those given by the Bone Demon. He took his personal guards to guard the altar, and other monsters went to kill humans.

The altar was the most important. As long as the altar was there, the negative army would be transmitted to the earth in an endless stream. Therefore, although the Sword Demon wanted to kill humans himself, he still held back.

The third commander, the Wind Demon, was in Miami. On the surface, it looked like a human wearing a windbreaker, but its essence was a ball of wind, which was somewhat similar to the Wind Demon that Andrew once served under.

The fourth commander, the Explosion Demon, was in New Delhi. This was a strange monster with a mouth full of mouths. Although it also guarded the altar, it was different from other commanders. It kept making explosives and throwing them at the city, and each one was incredibly powerful.

"Explode, let everything in the world explode. The universe was born from explosions and should also be destroyed by explosions."

The Explosion Demon laughed. I believe many people have had such an idea: tired, let the world explode. The Explosion Demon was born because of these negative emotions.

Because of the existence of the explosive demon, New Delhi suffered more serious losses than other cities. Their president quickly sent police and superpowers to deal with the explosive demon and monsters, and at the same time, called the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau for intelligence support.

It was just intelligence support. The Indians were very confident in themselves and believed that they could solve this disaster. Moreover, their superpowers were quite considerable and their combat effectiveness was much stronger than those countries in Europe.

New Delhi was unwilling to ask for help, which was a good thing for the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau. After all, the disasters in four cities at the same time were not ordinary disasters, and the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau was far from enough.

It was mentioned before that the biggest feature of the Negative Legion was its large number. There was no way. The universe garbage dump had accumulated countless garbage for tens of billions of years, and there were countless monsters. As long as the altar was not broken, monsters would appear in an endless stream.

These monsters were born specifically for killing. They could sense the breath of living beings. At the same time, they were very powerful, and each had at least the combat power of a US team.

Therefore, the people suffered heavy losses. Fortunately, there are more and more superpowers now. Some superpowers choose to escape, but some superpowers choose to fight monsters to protect the people.

As for the police and soldiers, although they rushed over to support as soon as possible, it takes time to travel, and with their strength, they can't stop more and more monsters. Their role is just to help the superheroes.

To save the disaster, superheroes are still needed.

In order to create chaos, Sithorn uploaded the images of the four cities to the Internet as soon as possible and broadcast them live. When the people saw the monsters and the miserable conditions of the citizens, they couldn't help but curse, coming again?

"I always feel that disasters are becoming more and more frequent. Is the end of the world really coming?"

Someone sighed worriedly, and another person complained: "Who gave you the illusion that the end of the world has not come yet? The end of the world has come a long time ago, but the superheroes have been trying their best to stop it."

"What will happen to this world in the future?"

Many people are confused and afraid. These confusions and fears will become the source of chaos. There is no way. There are too many disasters and the people are gradually unable to bear it.

"Even if every disaster is prevented, but every disaster kills millions of people, who can bear it?"

Sithoen sneered secretly. Now is different from the past. Although there were disasters before, not many people died. Now, two consecutive deaths of millions have greatly shaken the people's sense of security.

In fact, if the King of Superpowers had not saved the situation twice in a row, the people's sense of security would have been gone long ago, and chaos would have broken out long ago.

"Ignore New Delhi for now. We must send troops to support Miami, Paris, and Berlin immediately."

Director Newman of the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau pointed to the big screen and said, "According to the intelligence investigated by Director Tianjian, four altars are connected to the depths of hell. If the altars are not broken, there will be more and more monsters, endless.

So, we must send troops to break the four altars as quickly as possible to end the disaster. The longer the time is delayed, not only will more people be killed and injured, but our chance of winning will also be lower.

King of Superpowers, it's still the same. I will be responsible for logistics and other aspects, and you will be responsible for the front line. Let us stop the disaster again.

By the way, Dave has activated the magic circle and can teleport everyone at any time. He is now more and more proficient in the magic circle and his efficiency is much higher than last time."

"No problem, time is pressing, so I won't talk nonsense. The sooner the altar is solved, the less people will suffer."

Andrew walked onto the stage without hesitation and said: "First of all, Obito Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, come up."

"You didn't make fun of my name?"

Uchiha Obito stepped forward and asked in surprise. Andrew said with pity on his face: "I still respect the dying people."

"A dying person? Are you talking about me? Well, did you see something with your superpower, for example, my Death Star is flashing?"

Uchiha Obito was stunned, and then asked in horror, he didn't want to die, after all, Lin had not been resurrected, and he had not found the guy who dared to pick up Lin in the novel. It was too much, and Lin didn't even let her go. Pass.

Kakashi also looked at Andrew in shock, Obito wouldn't be so unlucky, would he die again?

Andrew didn't speak, but just raised his hand towards Uchiha Obito and Kakashi. Then, the shadows of the two people came to life at the same time, turning into two shadow people and appearing in front of them.

Uchiha Obito and Kakashi looked at the black version of themselves across from them in astonishment. Uchiha Obito blinked and made various funny moves, but the other party actually followed his actions, and he suddenly laughed.

Both Kakashi took a step aside at the same time, looking disgusted. Obito was as funny as ever.

"This is my superpower, Shadow Man. To put it simply, it is the evolved version of the Shadow Clone Technique."

Andrew said: "The biggest advantage of the shadow people is that they are exactly the same as you. If you can do it, they can do it too. I plan to send four of you to rescue people in four attacked cities."

"That's great. I was worried before that Kakashi and I wouldn't have enough, but now it's just right."

Uchiha Obito said happily. He also patted his shadow on the shoulder and said, "Let's work hard together."

Others also nodded excitedly. Everyone who has used the Kamui Space of Uchiha Obito and Kakashi knows how easy it is to use. It can be called a magical skill.

"Don't be too happy. There is a flaw in my power. Your shadow will want to kill you and replace you. Therefore, you must be extremely careful. Maybe at some point, they will rip out your heart and lungs."

Andrew said with a solemn expression. Uchiha Obito froze and quickly retracted his hand, only to see his own shadow laughing brightly at him, with his teeth coming out, which was quite... creepy.

The two Kakashi's eyes were as dead as ever, because they thought Andrew was playing tricks on Uchiha Obito, and the words "heart-breaking" were enough to explain everything.

Before Uchiha Obito could say anything, Andrew said: "Let's go. The earlier you set off, the more people you can save. Don't participate in the battle. You are only responsible for saving people, and others will be responsible for the battle."


Uchiha Obito and Kakashi nodded at the same time, and then, the two shadow people of Kakashi and Uchiha Obito walked towards Dave's teleportation array at the same time.

As for Uchiha Obito, he was a step late because of worry and hurriedly caught up with him. However, he was far away from his own shadow. He didn't want to have his heart and lungs ripped out.

With these four people taking action, the casualties among the people will definitely be greatly reduced. After all, as long as they see the target, they can take the opponent into the divine power space.

"Invisible Man, Nicki..."

Andrew continued to order: "You will lead the agents, superpowers, ninjas, and soldiers of the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau to rush to the three cities, and cooperate with the soldiers and police there to stop the monsters and evacuate the people."

The people Andrew named were all veteran superheroes who were very experienced in disasters. After hearing this, they all nodded and immediately led the superpowers to set off.

After these people left, the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau was quite empty, and Andrew continued to issue orders.

"Minato Namikaze, Ashley, Blair, and Dave."

Andrew said: "The four of you form a team, and when the main monster force is restrained, you attack the altar, kill the monster general inside, and break the teleportation array.

After breaking one, immediately attack the other until all four altars are broken. Is there any problem? "


Namikaze Minato agreed immediately and said, "I'm applying for some more powerful bombs. I can use the Flying Thunder God to transfer the bombs to the altar."

"The premise is to break the defensive shield. That defensive shield is a space defensive shield. Your Flying Thunder God cannot break through."

Andrew thought for a while, then turned to look at Samantha. Samantha's face was a little dark, but she still walked to Andrew.

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