American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2318 Change of Ownership

Angel Andrew saw this and shouted coldly: "Don't be messy. This is a common trick used by bad people. They enslave the souls and bodies of good people and let them kill each other with their own people. Then, the bad people hide behind and laugh happily.

Everyone, step forward to entangle the two leaders. Alex, be prepared. I know you admire your two leaders very much, but what you should do most now is to fulfill their wishes and destroy the fire dragon. "

"Yes, I should fulfill their wish and destroy the fire dragon. And, only in this way can they be freed."

Alex woke up after hearing the words. She clenched the weapon in her hand and shouted loudly to the two leaders: "Second Lieutenant Alex, remember the teachings of the two leaders, and you will do your best to eliminate them at all costs." Fire Dragon."

"We will definitely destroy the fire dragon. Long live mankind and long live the angels."

Other survivors also shouted, and then they rushed towards the two leaders bravely. They came here and had no intention of going back. This time, either humanity will be completely destroyed or the fire dragon will be destroyed.

There was a flash of struggle in the eyes of the two leaders, but it immediately turned into chaos. Then, they waved their swords, forming a chain of swords, and slashed at the people who were rushing towards them.

Half of the survivors saw this and immediately took the hands of their companions. Then, they took their companions and entered the virtual state at the same time. The two leaders' big swords swept past them.

Before the two leaders could attack again, the survivors recovered their physical form. Then, the other half of the survivors looked at the two leaders and activated their abilities.

The two leaders' eyes flashed, and they appeared in a bustling city with busy traffic. They looked at all this in confusion, and their consciousness gradually recovered.

As mentioned before, Andrew can make an awakened person awaken specific powers. This time, he made half of the survivors awaken the virtual power, and the other half of the survivors awakened the mental illusion power.

The virtualization ability is used to avoid attacks, and the mental illusion is used to control the enemy - in fact, Andrew's expected opponent is the remaining dragon clan, and other abilities are completely useless against the dragon clan.

For example, the attack power cannot even break through the dragon's defense. The control power can be easily broken by the dragon with just a struggle. Therefore, mental illusion is the best choice.

Of course, ordinary superpowers using mental illusions could not trap the powerful dragons at all, so these people teamed up to use illusions.

At the same time, they also use special methods to stimulate their own potential and greatly increase their spiritual power. The price is that their life span is greatly shortened, and some people even have gray hair.

But this is a necessary price. If the dragon clan is not destroyed, humans in this world will have no future at all.

In fact, those with virtual powers also have to pay a price. The virtual powers are too powerful. Although Andrew can let them awaken this power, their lifespan is also greatly shortened.

Everything is for the purpose of destroying the Dragon Clan, allowing humans to become the masters of this world again, and at the same time, allowing the light of human civilization to bloom again.

The illusions that the survivors tried their best to cast were very effective on the two leaders. In particular, they chose the bustling city before the dragons were ravaged as the background of the illusion.

The two leaders looked at the bustling city and almost shed tears. How many times had they dreamed back to before the disaster, but when they woke up, they were surrounded by only coldness. And now, they are finally back.

Isn't the reason why the two leaders are so desperate to kill the Dragon Clan just to bring back the past?

"Oops, damn it, why do these people have the same superpowers? Is this scientific?"

Due to the stimulation of the illusion, the consciousness of the two leaders quickly recovered. The Lord of Chaos' complexion changed, and he hurriedly used the chaotic energy in their bodies to interfere with their consciousness, and at the same time, he wanted to destroy the illusion.

The two leaders and a group of psychics had painful expressions on their faces at the same time. At the same time, confusion appeared in the eyes of the two leaders again.

Upon seeing this, the virtual power users connected their mental power to their companions and used their own power to help each other, even if they suffered great pain as a result.

"Alex, go ahead, don't waste the opportunity everyone created for you with their lives, Kakashi, get ready."

Angel Andrew shouted loudly, and then his body quickly changed and turned into an angelic sword shining with holy light.

"I won't let you down."

Alex held the angel sword, roared, and quickly rushed towards the magic circle. At the same time, her body expanded rapidly and she soon turned into a little giant.

Alex is different from others. The power she awakened is the giant power of Blair's father, Ray.

Andrew, and the world, need her to use her absolute power to thrust out a sword, break the magic circle, and welcome the light of mankind.

"Don't even think about it."

The Lord of Chaos controlled the energy of the magic circle and formed a barrier to stop Alex.

At this moment, a piercing bird call sounded, and then, a figure with lightning struck the barrier heavily, and the barrier instantly shattered. It was Kakashi and his Chidori.

Kakashi is a genius. If he didn't have the Sharingan, he might be able to go further, and he wouldn't be surpassed by Sasuke, his disciple, in his signature abilities.

Alex ignored Kakashi and rushed directly into the magic circle. Then, she raised the angel sword in her hand high and stabbed hard towards the center of the magic circle with all her strength.

"For humanity."

With Alex's roar, the angel's sword pierced the magic circle hard. The next second, the magic circle exploded with a bang, and both Alex and Kakashi were thrown away.

"It's over."

The face of the Lord of Chaos was as gloomy as iron. The magic circle was destroyed. He could no longer control the Fire Dragon World. The source of the world power was completely gone. In the sky, the useless Fire Dragon leader relied on the power of the world to tie with the King of Superpowers.

Xisong also cursed. Nothing in this war went smoothly - a large number of traps were set up in the gathering place, and even means of mutual destruction were prepared. As a result, he was forced by the King of Superpowers to take the initiative to attack the human castle, and all preparations were in vain.

Then, a guardian of the earth put the dragon clan in a dilemma, and Cain was sent to sneak attack the Earth Turtle, but was sealed by Minato Namikaze.

Prepared to use the power of the world as a trump card, guess what happened? Even the Fire Dragon World was taken away by someone, surprise?

Even Xisong couldn't help but have an idea at this time: "Is my luck this year bad? Should I go to worship a god? Pah, what the hell, I am a god myself, okay?"

In the Fire Dragon World, as the magic circle exploded, the world consciousness escaped, and He immediately cut off the control of the Lord of Chaos over the world. At the same time, He closed the world and did not allow the fire dragon and others to come in again.

Finally, the world consciousness turned its attention to humans, and a large number of world favors flew into the bodies of the survivors as if they were free. They will be the leaders of future humans and lead humans to rebuild civilization.

The angel sword, that is, the angel created by Andrew, also received a lot of world favors, even more than others, because the world consciousness knew very well who was the leader of this incident.

Without Andrew, the Fire Dragon World could not be saved at all, there is no doubt about that.

Andrew was very satisfied. It was worth his hard work for so long. Not only did he successfully cut off the source of the world's power, but he also gained a lot of benefits.

Of course, this is just the beginning. Next, Andrew will slowly turn this world into his territory, and all the resources of this world will belong to him.

In addition to Andrew, Alex is the one who has received the most world favor. There is no doubt that she will be the first leader of the new human empire.

Kakashi also received a lot of world favor, and even his blind left eye became much better. He was shocked. Is this an illusion or something else?

In fact, this is an illusion, but not an illusion. The world's favor will not directly improve strength, but as long as Kakashi stays in this world for a while, he can find a way to restore his eyes, or even go to the next level.

Since there are fire dragons in this world, there are naturally other magic things.

Because the magic circle exploded, the souls of the two leaders were liberated. They floated in the air, bowed to Alex and a group of survivors, and said: "Thank you, thank you for fulfilling our dreams, thank you for letting us be liberated, thank you for saving the world."


Alex and the survivors burst into tears at the same time. If it weren't for the teachings of the two leaders, they would never have come to this day.

The fire dragons were rampant, and all countries were destroyed by them. The remaining humans did not dare to fight against the fire dragons at all. The biggest prayer every day was not to be eaten by the fire dragons.

It was not until the two leaders appeared and used the dragon corpse to prove that the fire dragon could be killed that the fire of human resistance was ignited. If it were not for the Lord of Chaos, the two of them could really save the world.

Then, the two leaders ascended in the light. With their achievements, they were enough to go to heaven. Alex and the survivors waved together and said their final goodbyes.

The angel sword turned back into Andrew's appearance and said to everyone: "We won, but everything is just beginning. Next, we will tell this good news to all mankind, and then gather all the survivors to rebuild human civilization."

Everyone nodded excitedly. A good life will be tomorrow.

"Of course, before that, we have one more thing to do."

Andrew smiled slightly and said: "That is to leave this place quickly. The nuclear radiation here will take your lives in an instant, Kakashi."

Everyone was stunned, and then reacted and laughed. Kakashi shook his head, put everyone into the Shenwei space, and then ran away quickly.

While there were laughter and joy here, the fire dragon leader was in trouble. The power of the world suddenly disappeared, and the light column formed by the sun broke through the space barrier and hit it hard.

The fire dragon leader let out a shrill scream, and the huge dragon body was pushed back by the light column. The parts of his body that were hit quickly melted and turned into black ash.

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