American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2309 Nanoworm Control

In the large, airtight warehouse, Tony looked at the unsightly fire dragon battle below and wanted to bang his head against the wall. What sin had he committed to preside over this terrible thing here? We also want to see such a disgusting animal world.

"It's a pity that these dragons can't turn into beautiful women like the dragons in the novel. Otherwise, it would be a visual feast, comparable to Jiraiya-sensei's masterpiece."

A staff member sighed, and others nodded in agreement. Tony rolled his eyes. Even if a fire dragon can turn into a beautiful woman, it is still a dragon. Why would anyone be interested in them?

Also, what’s up with Jiraiya-sensei’s masterpiece? This guy has only been out for a long time, how did he become so famous? Um, do you want to buy a movie with Pepper and watch it? Don’t get me wrong, it’s purely for the study of art.

"Okay, don't waste time, start the device, but don't make the concentration too high to avoid being discovered by the fire dragon."

Tony Stark clapped his hands and said, "Also, don't activate the nanobugs unless I give you an order, do you hear me?"


The staff responded one after another, and then, the special device on the ceiling was activated, and a large number of invisible nanobugs floated into the air, entering the bodies of the fire dragons with their breathing, and then flowing along the blood and concentrated into their bodies. in the brain.

This is Andrew's real purpose. Luring the fire dragons here is not the point. The point is to get them concentrated here, and then send the nanobugs into their bodies.

This is a closed environment, and they are in a super excited state and need to breathe a lot of air. It is not difficult at all for nanobugs to enter their bodies.

However, things are not that simple. When the nanoworms were concentrated in the brain of the fire dragon, the researchers discovered some problems.

"Andrew, as you expected, the fire dragon's brain was tampered with by Sithorn and the others. There is something like a black mist inside, but I don't know what it is specifically. It should be related to magic."

Tony said: "That black mist-like thing occupies the core area of ​​the brain. Nanobugs cannot enter. Once they enter, they are immediately eroded and damaged by the black mist.

It is impossible to completely control these female dragons without entering the core area. I estimate that this is the cracking method that Sithorn came up with after you used nanobugs last time. "

"Sithorn has a great idea of ​​using magic to crack technology."

Andrew snorted. In addition, the fire dragon leader's bloodline ability should be to prevent his virtualization ability. Sure enough, as long as the details of the killer weapon are known, it will be useless.

At this time, Tony discovered something again and said in surprise: "Hey, it's a bit strange. Most fire dragons have black mist in their brains, but some fire dragons don't."

"Part of it has black mist, and part of it doesn't? That should be Sithorne's zombie dragon curse."

Andrew said, what, how did he know about this? Of course, it was because he had quietly done some tricks on some fire dragons - during the London War, so many fire dragons appeared, and it couldn't be easier for Andrew to do some tricks on one or two of them.

This is why Andrew knows that the fire dragon has become stronger.

Tony asked: "Zombie dragon curse? Magic is really troublesome. Andrew, do you have a way to break it?"

"It's not easy to crack. After all, my current character is the King of Superpowers, not the King of Magic. As for the so-called reincarnation of Merlin, it is impossible to crack Sithorn's magic."

Andrew thought for a while and said: "In that case, Tony, we don't control the female dragon's brain, but directly control the female dragon's nervous system. In this way, we can also control the female dragon. After all, the brain's instructions must be transmitted throughout the body through the nervous system. "

"In this case, more nanobugs will be consumed and the time will be longer."

Tony said: "Of course, it's not a big problem. After all, with the current situation of the female dragons, it is impossible to detect the nanoworms. They have nothing in their eyes except the male dragons.

However, this can only cure the symptoms, not the root cause. Moreover, after these female dragons die, they will turn into zombie dragons, and it is likely that they will no longer be able to be controlled.

Uh, wait, no, it's not that simple. The black mist might be able to actively activate it and turn the female dragons directly into zombie dragons. "

"You are overthinking. If you can take the initiative to activate it, Sithorne will definitely activate it as soon as he sees the female dragons entering the portal."

Andrew said: "No, when the female dragons rebel, Sithorn will inspire them. In that case, there won't be so many things later."

This is also true. If Sithorn can actively activate the black mist, then he does not need to give the fire dragon leader the black needle at all and can directly turn the female dragons into zombie dragons. Wouldn't it be better?

Why can't Sithorn activate the Black Mist?

This is the request of the leader of the fire dragon and the Lord of Chaos. Are you kidding me? If Sithorn can take the initiative to inspire it, wouldn't it be possible to turn the dragon clan into his puppets in an instant?

Neither the Fire Dragon Leader nor the Lord of Chaos would accept such a thing, so they could only act passively.

"It seems that I am indeed overthinking."

Tony nodded and asked curiously: "I don't know much about zombie dragons. Do zombie dragons control their bodies or rely on their nerves? If so, it doesn't matter. Even if the female dragons turn into zombie dragons, they are still under our control. .

But if not, it would be a bit troublesome. Magic is really not scientific. For example, a bone dragon has only bones left in its body. Why can it still move? "

"Because magic replaces nerves and muscles."

Andrew said: "If these female dragons really become zombie dragons, the nanoworms will probably not be able to control them. In this case, we should try our best to prevent them from dying.

As for the black fog, we will deal with it after the battle. Tony, after controlling the female dragons, inject them with the desperate virus. In this way, they will not die so easily. Even if they really die, we can use the desperate virus to completely destroy their bodies."

"Good idea, but it adds to my workload. You really like to order people around."

Tony said unhappily. Not only did he work for Andrew, but Pepper also worked for Andrew. In addition, his father Howard also worked for Andrew. In the future, his daughter Morgan would not work for Andrew, right?

In that case, wouldn't the Stark family become the long-term workers of the Demon King's family? This is not okay. I have to achieve the Father God as soon as possible and get rid of the fate of working.

At this moment, Tony Stark, a worker, set his dream of becoming his own boss (God). Uh, why does it feel weird?

Andrew thought of something and asked, "By the way, what would happen if the brain of a fire dragon injected with the Extremis virus was blown up? Can the brain heal itself?"

"You think too much. The Extremis virus can work because the brain is giving orders. If the brain is gone, how can the Extremis virus work?"

Tony complained that the brain is the weakness of the Extremis virus. Er, why didn't he invent a device specifically for head blasting back then?

"Yes, I'll leave this to you. You should deal with it as soon as possible and let the female dragons join the battle."

Andrew said that he did not persuade the female dragons to "abandon the dark and join the light" like the protagonist of justice, join their camp, and fight against the fire dragon leader and Xisong together.

On the one hand, this is difficult. Although there are male dragons, the female dragons will not easily attack their own kind.

On the other hand, there is no time. The war is imminent. Of course, the nanoworm control is directly used, and then slowly persuaded after the event.

Tony looked at the dragon war over there with a look of disgust. Sure enough, it was wrong to embezzle funds, and now the retribution has come.

While Andrew and Tony were talking, a steady stream of female dragons were sent in, some through the portal, some by Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God, some by Uchiha Obito's express car, and at the same time, by Dave's magic circle.

When things were almost done, Uchiha Obito left first, and Dave also focused on other aspects. They had their own tasks - to deal with those guys who took advantage of the fire.

Andrew shook his head, he grabbed the single dragon wing he cut off, and returned to the castle. This dragon wing was good and could be used as a curse material.

What, the King of Superpowers doesn't curse magic in his character setting?

That's right, the King of Superpowers does not curse magic, but superpowers are all-encompassing, and there are superpowers similar to curses.

This is normal. Do you still remember that there was a woman whose superpower was that as long as she had someone's head tattooed on her body, she could know everything about the other person, including the past and the present. If she was lucky, she could even know what would happen in the future.

This is a kind of destiny power. There is even destiny power, not to mention curse power. Andrew has tens of millions of powers in his hands.

Andrew sneered: "The fire dragon leader was not my opponent before. Now his confidence is broken. I have dragon wings and a lot of dragon blood in my hands. Why does he fight me?"

The fire dragon leader obviously did not agree with Andrew's judgment. He roared: "King of power, I will kill you. I must kill you."

At this moment, there are two very thick blood lights connected to the fire dragon leader and the two female dragons. As time goes by, the two female dragons shrink quickly, and the neck of the fire dragon leader heals quickly.

It is obvious that this is Cain's blood magic. The fire dragon leader recovers quickly through this method. After all, the war is imminent, and it is impossible for it to recover slowly.

The female dragons hide far away, looking at all this in horror and resentment-the fire dragon leader has not only killed other female dragons before, but even eaten them, but at that time, the female dragons had no wisdom and no other ideas except fear.

But now, the female dragons have become wiser. The fire dragon leader's behavior of attacking their own people makes them very uncomfortable. Many female dragons secretly regret that they would have escaped if they had known earlier.

In the past, there was only one male dragon, so there was no choice. Now, the female dragons just want a kind leader.

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