American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2306: Taking the Hook

"King of Superpowers, don't you want us to go there? Then we will go there and give you a big surprise."

The leader of the fire dragon gritted his teeth and shouted to the female dragons: "All fire dragons, obey my order and come with me to attack the human castle and kill them all without leaving a single one."

"Yes, King."

The remaining female dragons looked at each other and nodded. They had just gained wisdom not long ago. They didn't have many thoughts about themselves and were relatively simple.

Then, all the fire dragons, led by the fire dragon leader, covered the sky and flew towards the human castle. Before them, there were already a large number of female dragons flying towards the human castle at the fastest speed, looking for that handsome dragon.

"We lost in the beginning. This king of superpowers is really difficult to deal with."

The Lord of Chaos sighed and said, Sithorne said: "Losing at the beginning does not mean that we will lose at the end. With thousands of fire dragons and the trump card we have prepared, we still have a great chance of winning even if we lose the home field advantage.

Of course, the odds of winning are certainly not as great as before, so we must be prepared to retreat, just in case. "

The Lord of Chaos couldn't help but glance at Sithorn. This guy was still as stubborn as ever, but this time, he didn't refuse. On the one hand, he had learned the lesson from last time, and on the other hand, it was a bad start.

A good start is half the success, and a bad start is half the failure.

"I will let Cain's clone follow those dragons."

The Lord of Chaos said that he did not let Cain use his true body. On the one hand, the target was too big and easy to be discovered. On the other hand, he did not want to break the tacit agreement between the two parties not to use Heavenly Father God for the time being.

Cain rolled his eyes secretly and asked me to be a coolie and nanny again. Sure enough, he should change jobs.

The Lord of Chaos naturally didn't know what Cain was thinking. He said to Sithorn: "Sithorn, let's join forces to remotely project the power of the world to the human castle. Damn it, this will consume at least 70% of the power of the world. Moreover, it will consume a lot of our strength.”

"There is no way, who made us lose in the beginning? To be honest, I really didn't expect the King of Superpowers to succeed."

Sithorn shook his head helplessly, and joined forces with the Lord of Chaos to monitor the battle situation and project the magic circle.

"My plan has come true."

Seeing a large number of female dragons flying towards the human castle, Andrew laughed loudly, and Ashley asked hurriedly: "Uncle, did it really succeed?"

"Of course I succeeded. When have I failed?"

Andrew raised his hand and waved, and a light curtain appeared. In the light curtain, a large number of female dragons with red eyes rushed towards this side as fast as possible. Even though they were dragons, Ashley and Blair were human beings and they still felt it. their desire.

"Uncle, you are so awesome, you can think of such damaging moves."

Ashley sighed, and Andrew looked disgusted. Are you praising me or scolding me? He said: "Tell everyone that the Dragon Clan is about to attack. Don't take it lightly and prepare for battle immediately."


Blair nodded and informed everyone through the communicator. Everyone was shocked. The Dragon Clan actually took the initiative to attack them? Were their heads collectively kicked by a donkey?

No one doubts Andrew's words, and who can be so stupid as to lie about something that can be verified in a few minutes?

"Does the King of Superpowers have a superpower that can lower the IQ, lowering the collective IQ of the dragons?"

Some people couldn't help but complain that this was really unbelievable. Although Marvin knew the plan in advance, he was amazed when he saw that the plan was really successful. The method of the King of Superpowers is really not ordinary.

"Don't talk nonsense and be ready to fight. The King of Superpowers has worked hard to shift the home court to our side. If we lose, we will have no shame to see the King of Superpowers again or the people in the future."

Marvin shouted: "Also, this final battle will be broadcast live. Everyone, perform well. Whether you can increase your followers, receive endorsements, and increase your worth depends on your performance today."

Everyone cheered in unison. America is a society that values ​​money. Therefore, Marvin directly talked about interests and did not say anything about righteousness. In fact, most of the superpowers came to this battle for interests.

There are only a few people who serve the people of the world. Captain America attached himself to an officer and sighed: "America has not changed in decades. Back then, when I joined the army and said that I would fight for the country, there was laughter all around."

"Captain, as far as I know, they are laughing because you are short and full of diseases, right?"

The officer complained that he had completed "Captain America" ​​dozens of times, how could he not know about this?

"Maybe part of the reason is because of me."

The captain smiled, and then he immediately changed the subject: "Okay, let's start commanding those with superpowers. They are unruly and cannot be ordered and prohibited, but at the very least, we must let them have a clear goal instead of fighting in a swarm."

The officer burst into laughter. Compared with the real captain, this game character captain has become very slippery because he has had too much contact with players during his growth process. Of course, the core has not changed, and the captain will always be the same captain.

The atmosphere in the castle quickly changed from doubtful and irritable to solemn. Although everyone had confidence in themselves, everyone knew how powerful the fire dragon was and this would definitely be a fierce battle.

"The reincarnation of Merlin, Little Sun, Kenji, are you ready?"

Andrew looked at the fire dragons in the light curtain and asked with his mental power. Dave, the reincarnation of Merlin, said: "Although I am indeed the reincarnation of Merlin, why do you feel so malicious when I say it from your mouth?

In addition, the magic circle and I are ready, so there should be no problem. However, the efficiency may not be too high. After all, the debugging has not been completed, and the guy who likes not wearing clothes has disappeared again. "

"My name is Namikaze Minato, not Taiyang."

Namikaze Minato said helplessly: "I'm also ready, but let me tell you in advance that if those female dragons resist, I can't move them. Their vitality is too strong."

"My name is not Xianji. Don't think I don't know. In fan fiction, people use the name Xianji to despise me every day."

Uchiha Obito said dissatisfied: "Also, I am also prepared. Like the teacher, if those female dragons resist, I will not be able to bring them into the Kamui space.

In addition, after this mission is over, I have to go back to Dave and have other missions. "

"You actually read Naruto's fan fiction? You are a villain."

Andrew was surprised: "Speaking of which, how would you feel if you saw yourself being robbed by NTR and Nohara Lin by others?"

"There is such a book, who wrote it? I will kill him."

Uchiha Obito was furious. He did read fan fiction, but he either beat him or saved him in advance and turned him into one of his own. He really didn't find NTR him. After all, Lin was a bit young.

"Look for it slowly. We are ready to take action. Remember, we only have one minute at most, so we must move all the female dragons that can be moved away as quickly as possible."

Andrew said, Dave, Namikaze Minato, and Uchiha Obito nodded at the same time. They knew very well that with every additional female dragon transferred, the chance of winning this war would increase.

Then, Andrew said to the male dragon who was still posing: "Male dragon, you are ready. Next, you have to deal with hundreds of eager female dragons. As long as you hold them back, you will have done a great job. , you will be crowned and become the Fire Dragon King."

"I never thought that my fight for the position of leader of the fire dragon would depend on that."

The male dragon complained: "King of supernatural powers, I think you are not a serious person. A serious person cannot think of such a method."

"That's nonsense. Who doesn't know that I'm the most serious person? I only have dozens of girlfriends, how serious I am."

Andrew retorted. Everyone who heard this sentence showed a middle finger in silence. Only the male dragon nodded. He only has dozens of girlfriends, so he is indeed quite serious.

Then, Andrew stopped talking nonsense, waved his hand, and teleported the male dragon to a large, airtight warehouse.

Tony looked at the sudden appearance of the male dragon with a look of displeasure on his face. The nose is not a nose, and the eyes are not eyes. I, the dignified Iron Man, the billionaire Tony Stark, ask me to do such a thing?

Tony didn't want to come at all, but after it was exposed that he had stolen funds from the research laboratory, he had no choice but to come and help. Tony still had a lot of face.

After transferring the male dragon, Andrew's eyes glowed with divine light, and then, a thought poured into the consciousness of the female dragons flying here.

"Don't resist the space fluctuations. The space fluctuations will transfer you to the male dragon."

For this idea, in addition to the mental voice power, Andrew also used the hypnotic power, the positive character power (which will make the other party feel that you are very trustworthy), and the affinity power (the other party will feel that you are one of their own).

With the superposition of various powers, the female dragons instantly believed Andrew's words. Of course, this was also related to their current wrong state. At this moment, their minds were full of male dragons.

After transmitting his thoughts, Andrew opened a huge portal directly in front of a group of female dragons. Because the portal was too huge, he had to absorb the life force of the earth turtle.

The Earth Turtle, uh, is in a very calm mood. After all, this is not the first time. It is used to it. It is now guarding the bottom line of three thousand years. If Andrew breaks the bottom line, then it will fight with Andrew.

Opposite the space portal, there was a male dragon in a majestic pose. When the female dragons saw this, they immediately flew towards the space portal without saying anything. When they saw the male dragon, their saliva was almost drooling, and there was no thought in their minds. something else.

At the same time, Dave activated the magic circle with all his strength, and space fluctuations fell on the female dragons behind him, teleporting them to the male dragons - because the departure time was different, the positions of the female dragons were also different, and some were even different. Hundreds of miles.

Because of Andrew's previous thoughts, most of the female dragons did not resist the spatial fluctuations, but there were a few who resisted. As soon as Dave sensed their resistance, he immediately canceled the spatial coordinates on them, saved magic power, and teleported other female dragons.

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