American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2303 Intelligence

"Understood, I will carry out the order immediately, but time is a bit tight."

Marvin couldn't wait to say that he admired Andrew very much. No wonder he could be a commander. He was really awesome.

"What I said before cannot be spread out for the time being."

Andrew explained: "Those superpowers will definitely have opinions. Just say it's my order. With my prestige, there won't be any big problem. As for the time issue, Earth Turtle will build it with you."

"That's no problem."

Marvin nodded and went out to gather all the earth-type superpowers. At the same time, he asked the logistics department to prepare for retreat.

The logistics department was confused. At the critical moment when the war was about to begin, Marvin actually asked them to retreat. Could this guy have been bribed by the fire dragon?

People in the Logistics Department were puzzled, and some even called Director Newman to complain about Marvin. Fortunately, Director Newman was very supportive of Marvin and Andrew and asked everyone to obey orders.

Under the mandatory orders from the superiors, the entire front line became busy. At the same time, Uchiha's special car, no, Uchiha Obito also rushed over to help the logistics department move.

"Don't panic, don't be anxious. My Shenwei space is very big. It doesn't matter how many people can fit in it. I've also prepared juice and food inside to ensure that everyone feels at home and wants to come again."

Uchiha Obito said enthusiastically. Everyone was speechless. Are you retreating or traveling?

Then, the superpowers built city walls, dug holes, moved materials, and moved materials. The entire front line seemed chaotic. Many people frowned. The war was about to start. It was such a mess. No matter how you look at it, you are going to die.

It was not that no one raised objections, but they were all suppressed by Marvin in the name of the King of Superpowers. The sign of the King of Superpowers was still very useful. After thinking over and over again, everyone decided to execute the order first and talk about the rest later.

Andrew ignored these things because he had already arranged it. Even if Marvin couldn't handle it, he had backup plans. Moreover, he had more important things to do now, which was to arrange the 'enchantment'.

As Andrew raised his hands, the entire town was shrouded in a transparent light shield. This light shield contains a variety of powers. It not only has strong defense power, but can also intercept most communication methods, whether it is magical. , or technology, can intercept it.

The only problem is that it can't stop the space magic. Fortunately, Andrew can sense the fluctuations in space. Once he finds something wrong, he will take action immediately.

Not long after the barrier was opened, the leader of the fire dragon received the news. He frowned a little. What did humans do? Why did the town suddenly close down? Is it because the decisive battle was imminent?

"Sora, get your scout bug back, I need to know why."

The leader of the fire dragon told a female dragon next to him that the other party could use her mental power to condense void insects. Not only were these void insects highly concealable, but more importantly, they could also teleport through space, so they were used as detection insects.

The only problem is that the information cannot be transmitted directly. The void worm needs to return to know what the other party saw.

The fire dragon Kong had no nonsense and immediately recalled the scouting bugs. Unexpectedly, as soon as the scouting bugs were teleported back, they exploded and died in front of them.

"The King of Superpowers."

The leader of the fire dragon looked ugly because he sensed the aura of the King of Superpowers. It was obviously the King of Superpowers who had moved his hands. It seemed that this old rival had come to the front line.

Of course, this is normal. Tomorrow is the decisive battle, and there is no way the King of Superpowers will not come.

The leader of the fire dragon cursed, contacted the Lord of Chaos and Sithorn, and asked them if they knew what happened to the human town?

The Lord of Chaos did not answer, but looked at Sithorne. This guy has undercovers in many places. I heard that he learned from the Machine Demon King.

"I do have undercover agents in town, but they didn't send me messages. Of course, it's possible that the messages they sent were intercepted. If it was the latter, they might have been caught by now."

Sithorne said helplessly that He had placed many undercover agents in the town, but among them there were no sacrificed superpowers or slaves whose souls had been corrupted by Him.

The reason is very simple. The King of Superpowers can sense the sacrificed superpowers. Therefore, the souls of those undercover must be intact, otherwise, they will just die.

This kind of undercover agent is different from those who sacrifice their powers. Sithorn cannot directly perceive the other party's thoughts, nor can he see the surroundings through the other party's eyes. He can only wait for the other party to take the initiative to contact him.

There is no way, only in this way can we not be discovered by that guy who is the King of Superpowers.

Now that the barrier is there, it's okay if those people don't contact them, but once they take the initiative to contact them, it's probably a disaster.

In fact, as Sithorne thought, many undercover agents were dug out by Andrew. Andrew snorted, "Who gave you the courage to play undercover tactics in front of me?"

"That means we can't know what humans are doing?"

The Lord of Chaos frowned. The most important information in the war was that if they didn't know anything, it would be very detrimental to them.

"It takes time. It's just a barrier. I always have a way to get information."

Sithorn said that the Lord of Chaos didn't want to wait that long. He controlled a branch and prepared to check the future destiny. Unexpectedly, a big hand came directly from the river of destiny. He quickly destroyed the branch to avoid being killed by the bastard opposite. Follow the clues and find them.

"I didn't expect that the Mechanical Demon King would still have the power to monitor the river of destiny."

The Lord of Chaos cursed, it seemed that the forced fusion of the Fire Dragon World did not put too much pressure on the Machine Demon King, at least, not so much that he could withdraw his other powers.

"The Machine Demon King is very accomplished in destiny magic. It is impossible to predict the future through destiny."

Sithorn shook his head and said: "I will conduct reconnaissance first. I will get information before the decisive battle."

The Lord of Chaos nodded: "Okay, the problem shouldn't be too big. Humans will definitely attack the Dragon Mountains. The King of Superpowers probably just wants to hide some of his trump cards, such as the fire dragons he captured."

"That is, if they don't attack tomorrow, the people's saliva will probably drown them."

Sithorn smiled and said: "So, what are you doing to protect the people? Those people are stupid and selfish. They only think about themselves. Only fools will risk their own lives to protect the people."

The Lord of Chaos glanced at Sithorn and said nothing. If the Machine Demon King is a fool, then who are you who have been defeated by him many times? The idiot among idiots?

Sithorn saw what the Lord of Chaos was thinking, his face darkened, and he turned around and left.

The leader of the fire dragon couldn't help but sigh after hearing that Sithorn and the Lord of Chaos didn't know what happened in the human town. His intuition told him that what happened in the town was very unfavorable to him.

The Earth Turtle and the Earth Superpowers joined forces, and in a short period of time, the town turned into a large fortress. At the same time, Andrew also moved a large number of laser cannons from Tony and installed them on the city walls, and even a super weapon produced by Wakanda. Defensive cover.

In addition, a large number of tunnels and caves were dug underground in the town to deal with the flames of the fire dragon. In order to avoid being collapsed, many reinforcement methods were made.

"Of course, if it's not necessary, it's better not to go into the hole. It's too dangerous."

Andrew shook his head. He walked into a warehouse. Inside were nearly two hundred mini fire dragons. Each one was about the same size as Jingba. They were the shrunken fire dragons.

Hundreds of them are nano-mechanical dragons that Tony has carefully modified, standing quietly aside, perfectly showing the order of mechanical creatures.

Nanomechanical dragons have no self-awareness. They are all controlled by nanobugs, and nanobugs are controlled by Alice.

When handing the nanomechanical dragon to Andrew, Tony once said arrogantly: "Each nanomechanical dragon can defeat at least six ordinary fire dragons. If it can't defeat it, how much did it cost you? I, Tony Stark, will pay you ten times." you."

"Ten times? Do you know how much money you spent on me before? You can't even afford to sell your wife."

Andrew said angrily: "When the time comes, you won't even be able to be a kidnapper, you can only be a kidnapper."

In fact, Tony's nanomechanical dragon cannot defeat six ordinary fire dragons. The reason is very simple. Tony uses the fire dragons of London City as a reference unit.

The fire dragons in the mountains have been strengthened again. They have sacrificed half of their lifespan to at least double their strength.

Therefore, Tony's nano-mechanical dragon can only deal with three ordinary fire dragons at most.

"You're the one selling your wife. The most I can do is sell you my loyal Happy."

Tony looked disgusted, and Andrew rolled his eyes. If you say this, aren't you afraid that Happy will become a black man? That guy is not only your bodyguard, but also the director of the "Iron Man" series of movies.

In addition to the nanomechanical dragon, there is also a male dragon and dozens of female dragons in the warehouse. Those dozens of female dragons were all injected with the Extremis virus. They were originally controlled by nanobugs, but after seeing the male dragon, they chose to surrender. So now back to myself.

Of course, the nanobugs are still in the bodies of these female dragons. If they behave strangely, the nanobugs will instantly take control of their bodies. With Alice's computing power, this is too simple.

"Go away, don't pester me, I'm so annoying."

The male dragon pushed away the approaching female dragon with a look of displeasure on his face. When he first came into contact with these female dragons, he was very happy and even showed off his power. But after three days, he got tired of it because it was too easy to get, and... Those female dragons are too cruel, they keep asking for it, and it can't stand it.

"I don't want to be the leader of the fire dragon at all now."

The male dragon said with a sigh on his face. He couldn't handle dozens of them. But as the leader of the fire dragon, he had to deal with thousands of them. It was scary to think about it.

"It's your business if you don't want to, do you think the leader of the fire dragon will let you go?"

Andrew smiled and the male dragon sighed. It didn't mind sharing the dragon clan with the leader of the fire dragon, but the leader of the fire dragon obviously cared about it.

"Get ready. Next, you have to show off your majesty as much as possible and seduce other female dragons."

Andrew said. The male dragon glanced at the female dragons and smiled bitterly: "I don't think I can show it. I really have lost every drop."

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