American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2299 Nanomechanical Dragon

Looking at the new male dragon who was almost drooling, Orochimaru was a little speechless. Did he accidentally add Jiraiya's genes when he was doing experiments before? Why do you look so obscene?

"Don't be anxious. If you go back now, you will only be torn apart by the original fire dragon leader."

Orochimaru followed Andrew's words and said, "You should know very well that the other party will never leave you alive. Although your power is very strong, its power is even stronger."

This new male dragon has powerful abilities, otherwise, it would be impossible to be selected. After all, it faces huge challenges.

The new male dragon couldn't help but shrink its neck when it thought of the power of the fire dragon leader. It said: "Maybe I can secretly take away a few, uh, dozens of female dragons and hide them. I don't want much at all."

"Dozens? You really don't want much."

Orochimaru habitually washed his face with his tongue and said: "The problem is that the leader of the fire dragon will not tolerate you. I believe you should know this. That is the hatred of seizing his wife. Even those female dragons may not tolerate it at all." not give a damn about."

"It's understandable. As a male dragon, how can you allow a female dragon to be snatched away?"

The new male dragon nodded in agreement. It was very satisfied with its current identity, which was why it was brainwashed so quickly.

There are thousands of female dragons in a race, but only one male dragon. Now, he has changed from a female dragon to a male dragon. This is undoubtedly the best of all good things. Apart from other things, he no longer has to worry about mates.

"As long as you humans kill the leader of the fire dragon in the next battle, all the female dragons will automatically surrender to me."

The new male dragon thought for a while and said: "When the time comes, I will take them away and return to our original world."

"Sit back and enjoy the fruits of your life, that's pretty good what you think."

Orochimaru sneered: "Our goal is indeed to defeat the fire dragon leader, but you also have to do your part. I hope you can accept my transformation and make yourself stronger.

In this way, you can help us contain a large number of female dragons when the decisive battle comes. "

To make the new male dragon stronger, it is not possible to challenge the leader of the fire dragon. The leader of the fire dragon has the power of space rules because of the Lord of Chaos. Although the new male dragon is not weak, it is not as powerful as the fire dragon. Dragon leader, still far from it.

Therefore, the new male dragon is by no means the opponent of the fire dragon leader, but the new male dragon can contain a large number of female dragons. When the female dragons see it, they will never kill it, they will only want to capture it alive, and there will be many female dragons. Shaken by it.

There is only one male dragon in a group, and suddenly there is an extra one, which must have an extraordinary influence.

"There must be no problem with the transformation. Anyway, I was originally transformed by you."

The new male dragon asked: "The question is, how strong can I be?"

"Even you yourself are amazed."

Orochimaru said excitedly that recently, in addition to transforming the new male dragon, he also joined forces with Tony to study how to help the locomotive and be promoted to the god of heaven.

In the process, Orochimaru gained a lot of inspiration, and he just happened to experiment on this new male dragon. Anyway, it has strong vitality and will not die so easily.

Orochimaru's excitement made the new male dragon a little creepy, but in the end, he chose to nod. After all, he was the male dragon who wanted to become the King of Dragons.

On the other side, Green has created Kakashi and Uchiha Obito. Uchiha sighed: "I didn't expect that we were just characters in anime before.

By the way, where is the author? Don't look at me like this. I don't want to kill him to get revenge for what he did to me. I just want to have a chat with him. Can I be a human being in the future? "

Everyone laughed. Uchiha Obito was a living treasure before he turned black. In order to prevent his mind from getting too heavy, Green set his mind to the state of his childhood.

"Whether it was true before or not, the most important thing is, it is true now."

Kakashi shook his head and said: "Mr. Green, I am very grateful to you for creating us. I am happy to protect this world."

"Thank you, Kakashi." Green said with a smile. He did not give orders to Kakashi just because he was the 'Creator'. In his opinion, all anime characters were his friends.

"Me too. Of course, I won't deny it. I want you to help me create Lin."

Uchiha Obito said: "Anyway, I will work hard. I have done so many wrong things before. This time, I will make up for them all. By the way, has that guy Uchiha Madara created it? I want to beat him up." ”

"You are very ambitious, let's give it a try."

A rebellious voice sounded, and Uchiha Obito froze, and then said: "Haha, I didn't expect to have auditory hallucinations. Mr. Green, were you absent-minded when you created me?"

Everyone was speechless. Uchiha Madara shook his head and said: "Boy, if you want revenge for what happened in the past, just come here. I owe you, but don't expect me to let you go. If you don't have the ability, how can you take revenge?"

"I will definitely defeat you."

Uchiha Obito turned around and said viciously. Uchiha Madara snorted and turned to leave. He just sensed a familiar aura and came here specifically to meet him. In any case, he was indeed a little sorry for Obito.

After Uchiha Madara left, Uchiha Obito slapped his chest repeatedly, looking frightened: "It scared me to death. Madara-sama's aura is as terrifying as ever."

Green couldn't help but want to cover his face. Did he set it wrong? Isn't this Uchiha Obito too out of touch?

"Forget it, it's already created, it's impossible to change it."

Green shook his head and took out a bracelet. Then, a light screen appeared with a lot of information on it: "Although I have already input a lot of common sense into you when I created you.

But in order for you to digest this common sense faster and understand some important matters, I will give you a lesson."


Uchiha Obito looked disgusted. As the last one in the class, he hated classes the most. Kakashi couldn't help but cover his face. His mental age was at least 30 years old, and Obito was at most 12 years old. Can they still be friends?


"This is my masterpiece."

Tony Stark looked at the fire dragon in front of him with excitement. On the surface, this fire dragon looked no different from an ordinary fire dragon, but as Tony gave the order, a large amount of nanometal surged out of it, covering its entire body and turning it into a mechanical dragon.

That's right, Tony Stark did not use ordinary metals with lower costs, but high-tech nanometals. For this, he even embezzled other funds from the institute.

There is no way. Tony Stark wants to transform not one dragon, but hundreds of fire dragons, and the funds are not enough.

"Nanomechanical dragons can not only heal themselves, but also the nanoparticles in their bodies can form various high-tech devices. In addition to their special abilities, the strength of each of them is second only to the seeds of the Father God who possess the power of rules."

Tony was somewhat proud and unwilling at the same time. He originally wanted to create the strongest mechanical dragon below the Father God, but failed because these mechanical dragons could not comprehend the power of rules. After all, they were just puppets.

In addition, Tony has not yet created a technological device containing the power of rules. He still has a lot of work to do.

Therefore, Tony can only lower his requirements. However, there are many nanomechanical dragons. Facing the seeds of the Father God, they may not lose. After all, they can fight in groups.

Tony is very satisfied with these nanomechanical dragons. Then, he turned his head and looked in another direction. There was another group of female dragons. They were not mechanized, but injected with the desperate virus.

The desperate virus not only greatly enhanced the dragon flame power of these female dragons, but also gave them the ability to self-heal, regenerate and self-destruct. It can be said that their strength has been greatly increased.

The only problem is that these female dragons are unwilling to surrender, so they are still controlled by nanoworms.

"The new male dragon on Orochimaru's side has been dealt with. Maybe we can let it collide with these female dragons. Although the control of nanoworms is stable, it has no potential and will not adapt to changes."

Tony shook his head. He no longer wasted time to control the machinery and transform the remaining nanomechanical dragons. He wanted to transform all the mechanical dragons before the misappropriation of funds was discovered.

By then, even if Andrew found out, it didn't matter. After all, the rice had already been cooked.

What Tony didn't know was that Batman was contacting Andrew at this moment. He asked in a low voice: "You know everything Tony did, why didn't you stop him?"

That's right, Andrew knew everything Tony did, whether it was privately transforming mechanical dragons or misappropriating funds. After all, the laboratory network was controlled by Alice. Although Tony also designed an artificial intelligence, how could he hide it from Alice?

Although most of Alice's threads are dealing with the game space, even a small number of threads can still monitor everything.

"First of all, money doesn't matter. I have never lacked it. Whether it is tens of billions or hundreds of billions, it is nothing."

Andrew said: "Secondly, I know you are worried that these nano-mechanical dragons will go out of control or be controlled by someone, causing huge damage.

The problem is that you don't need to worry, because it is not Tony's artificial intelligence that controls these nanoworms, but Alice. Tony dares to do this because of this."

"Alice controls the nanoworms? That's better."

Batman nodded: "However, I still think it is too dangerous, and Iron Man acts on his own. I think it is necessary to teach him a lesson, otherwise, he will be more bold in the future."

"He has learned a lesson. Although his creativity is very bold this time, his style of doing things is actually very cautious."

Andrew shook his head. He thought of something and said: "Speaking of which, if you really want him to learn a lesson, you can seduce Pepper. With your looks, the chances of success are still very high."

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