American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2297 Looking for someone

Why does Samantha know this?

Because she once quietly went to Namikaze Minato and wanted to learn ninjutsu, especially the shadow clone technique. After learning it, she could let the clone work and rest by herself - don't be surprised, there are many people who have this idea, including President Nathan, but he wanted the shadow clone technique to work together.

It is a pity that Namikaze Minato and the others did not come from the world of Naruto, but were created by Green with life powers. Therefore, ninjutsu can only be used by themselves and cannot be passed on to others because they cannot cultivate chakra. .

If Kaguya, the ancestor of chakra, is created, there may be a turn for the better. However, Kaguya is not here now, uh, she shouldn't be here, right?

"You, who haven't graduated from middle school, of course can't learn it. I graduated with a doctorate."

Andrew pushed up his non-existent glasses and said with a haughty look on his face. Samantha gritted her teeth. She was most annoyed when people said she had academic qualifications. I didn’t eat your hamburger. What’s wrong with not graduating from high school?

The Earth Turtle rolled his eyes and followed the Paper Crane while listening to the two arguing and bickering. To be honest, it was quite interesting.

"Speaking of which, if the Thousand Paper Cranes are so slow, when will they be able to find someone? If it's in London, it's fine. If it's somewhere else, maybe by the time someone is found, the main world, the Earth, will have been destroyed."

Just as the Earth Turtle was thinking this, the Paper Crane suddenly began to accelerate, flying forward quickly like a white light.

The Earth Turtle was stunned for a moment, and then used its power to chase after him like a sports car. Are you kidding me? How could this majestic Earth Turtle be left behind by a paper crane?

"Why does this earth turtle run so fast? Isn't it a turtle?"

Samantha asked in surprise, and Andrew pretended to be angry and said: "What's wrong with the turtle? Can't the turtle run fast? You are discriminating against the turtle. You are shivering. What is wrong with the world? We, no, they When will the turtle stand up?"

Samantha just has no hands now, otherwise she will definitely beat Andrew up. Is this human talk?

"Of course the Earth Turtle can't be very fast, but it can control the soil and let the soil push it forward."

Andrew looked at the billowing dust behind and explained: "Apart from the bigger dust, there is nothing wrong with it."

"I see."

Samantha suddenly realized that the Earth Turtle was still very powerful. Of course, Andrew was even more powerful because he had surrendered the Earth Turtle.

Thousand Paper Cranes is naturally not a ninjutsu, it is a kind of person-finding ability. Under normal circumstances, you need the breath of the other person to find the target, but Andrew directly used Destiny Lock and can still find the person.

There's nothing you can do about it, you can do whatever you want if you have many superpowers.

The movie "Empire of the Fire Dragon" is actually a two-male lead cast. Two handsome guys kill dragons together. The heroine has very little role and is basically dispensable.

Therefore, the heroine did not receive much favor from the world. After the Lord of Chaos ordered the fire dragon leader to kill the two male protagonists, although he sent a dragon to chase the heroine, he did not pay much attention to it.

The heroine's name is Alex Jensen. She was seriously injured and has been in a coma. The survivors in the underground base are considering whether to euthanize her?

It's not that these people are cruel. On the one hand, Alex Jensen is worse off than dead. It's better to give her a happy life.

On the other hand, the food in the underground base has begun to be seriously insufficient. In a world where fire dragons are raging, food is very scarce. After all, everyone cannot go out to farm. They can only pick some fruits and other things to satisfy their hunger like primitive societies.

Or, venture into the city and go to supermarkets and warehouses to get some cans with a long shelf life. Relying on these, humans have been able to survive until now.

In short, food is very scarce, not to mention, Alex Jensen is now in a vegetative state, and it is very troublesome to provide her with nutrition and medicine, so everyone wants to give up on her.

"Give her a happy life. I hope she can find happiness in heaven."

A man said, and everyone was silent. To be honest, they no longer believe in God. If God really exists, why would humans be defeated by the fire dragon and even on the verge of extinction?

No one objected to the man's proposal. Seeing that the last hope of mankind was about to be destroyed, at this moment, the ground suddenly shook violently. They hurriedly held on to the things around them, and their hearts were filled with panic. Was there an earthquake?

It was not an earthquake, but the Earth Turtle used its own ability to raise the entire underground base to the ground.

Then, the Earth Turtle's heart moved. Several walls of the underground base were broken, and sunlight shone into the base. Many survivors closed their eyes. They had been underground for too long and were no longer accustomed to the sunlight.

When they opened their eyes, they saw a man walking in like an angel in the sunshine.

"Hello, you can call me the King of Superpowers, or you can call me the Savior. I will lead you to defeat the fire dragon and save the world."

Andrew said: "Don't doubt or be afraid. When I come, the world will be saved. When I come, you will be safe."

While speaking, Andrew raised his hand, and rays of holy light flew out and fell on the unhealthy survivors. The survivors immediately felt that the pain on their bodies disappeared, and they felt extremely comfortable.

"Angel! God sent an angel to save us."

An old woman knelt down with a pop, and even cried with joy. In fact, she was not old, only in her thirties, but due to a long-term repressed life, her hair was all white and her face was full of wrinkles.

Others knelt down and worshiped Andrew. They began to believe in God again because the angel came to earth.

Samantha frowned a little. She didn't like what Andrew said before. On the one hand, as a police officer, she had beaten many bad guys. On the other hand, she was worried that Andrew would lose himself.

Moreover, unless they are really gods, those who claim to be gods generally do not end well.

"Don't panic, I haven't lost myself because of my great power. In fact, I used to be Heavenly Father God, and my current power is nothing."

Andrew's voice rang in Samantha's mind: "The reason I behave like this is because I don't have time to play any subjugation games, so I directly use the name of God to make them surrender to me and fight the fire dragon together.

This is not only fast, but also won't cause any problems, because mortals don't dare to resist God. As for the future, let's talk about it in the future. "

If we don't use this method and conquer these survivors as an ordinary person, God knows how long it will take to succeed. Moreover, let's not talk about whether they will surrender. Even if they really surrender, they may not have the courage to do so. Fight against the fire dragon.

"That's true."

Samantha felt relieved, as long as she didn't lose herself, everything would be easy.

Then, Andrew passed through the people kneeling on the ground and came to Alex Jensen's bed. He put his hands on her body. As the holy light bloomed, Alex Jensen woke up with a cry of ah. , however, she lay down for too long and could not get up.

"He is indeed an angel."

Seeing Andrew awakening Alex Jensen instantly, the survivors looked even more excited. This was definitely a method only possessed by God.

The next thing was simple. Andrew successfully became the leader of this base. At the same time, Alex Jensen also surrendered to him. After all, he was saved by the other party.

"I want to know how your two previous leaders died?"

Andrew asked, Alex Jensen recalled the scene at that time, a deep fear flashed on her face, she said: "At that time, we took the initiative to go to London, wanting to fight the fire dragon.

Because we discovered that among the fire dragons, there is only one male dragon. As long as we kill that male dragon, we can exterminate the dragon clan and save mankind.

This is not impossible. Both of our leaders have killed dragons before, of course, they were slightly weaker female dragons.

In addition, we also obtained a large amount of arms from an arsenal, including rocket launchers, a large amount of explosives, tanks, and armed helicopters, and one of our leaders happens to be able to fly a helicopter. "

After a pause, Alex Jensen smiled bitterly and said: "At that time, we really thought we could succeed. Who knew, when we arrived at the lair of the fire dragons, we were horrified to find that the strength of those fire dragons suddenly increased significantly for some reason. promote?

What's even more puzzling is that they suddenly have intelligence, the same intelligence as us humans, and can even speak, and they still speak standard English. Before, they were just beasts.

Our army was besieged by fire dragons as soon as we entered. Although the two leaders fought bravely to kill the enemy, in the end, we were defeated. Both leaders were swallowed by the male dragon, and only a few people were left. Escape, including me. "

Speaking of the latter, Alex Jensen couldn't help but cry. Andrew shook his head. Without the Lord of Chaos, these people might really be able to succeed.

It's a pity that with the Lord of Chaos, that army is almost like dying. The death of the two male protagonists, coupled with the arrangement of the Lord of Chaos, caused the position of the world's protagonist to shift from humans to those dragons.

Andrew asked: "Alex, I know you are in pain, but I want you to recall, is there anything special about the Dragon Clan's lair?"

"A special place? Let me think about it."

Alex Jensen stopped crying, she thought for a while, and said, "I vaguely remember that there was an open space in the middle of the dragon clan's lair, and there was something like a magic circle on top of the open space.

Uh, Lord Angel, I don’t know if I saw it wrong or if I remembered it wrongly? But my first impression was that it was indeed a magic circle. "

"Is there really a magic circle?"

Andrew's eyes lit up. To be on the safe side, after obtaining the other party's consent, Andrew put his hand on Alex Jensen's head. Then, a light curtain appeared, showing the decisive battle.

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