American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2293 Old Nest

Andrew continued: "The reason why the leader of the fire dragon can be the leader of the dragon clan is not because he has any amazing talents, but because he is the only male dragon in the dragon clan.

It would definitely be interesting if there was one more one. By then, it might be possible to split the dragon clan and make them kill each other. "

"There is only one male dragon in the whole clan, so it is naturally very harmonious. But when there are two male dragons in the clan, everything will change."

Tony said with great approval: "As long as we are an intelligent race, some things can never be avoided."

"I'll go find Orochimaru to discuss this matter. You should send the steel suit over to move the dragon as soon as possible."

Andrew said: "You have Pym particles over there. You can help them recover yourself. Speaking of which, you can use Pym particles to save some materials."

Pym particles are really amazing. In the movie, Dr. Hank and his family bought a small pizza, and then used Pym particles to turn it into a large pizza and ate it.

Since food can grow in size, so can materials.

"It is true that Pym particles can be used to enlarge materials. The question is, is it not worth the loss? The material only costs a few dollars, and the cost of each drop of Pym particles alone is as high as tens of thousands of dollars."

Tony complained: "Andrew, it's a good thing you didn't go into business, otherwise you would definitely lose money."

"You think I am you? Going bankrupt without Pepper?"

Andrew scoffed, and then he contacted Orochimaru and told him about it.

"You want me to perform sex reassignment surgery on Long?"

Orochimaru was speechless. Of course he could do this, but wasn't he a little overqualified? It's just sex reassignment surgery.

"If you are doing it for people, of course you are not needed, but the dragon is a new creature after all, and it must be done perfectly, at least with the ability to reproduce."

Andrew said: "In addition, you also need to brainwash the dragon so that it accepts that it is a male dragon and that it can interact with the female dragon. Ordinary doctors cannot do this.

Orochimaru, I know that you have stolen a billion dollars from the island country's officials and are buying instruments all over the world, but those instruments are not that easy to buy, and some of them are not even available at all.

You help me once, and I will sell you the instruments I have. The missing ones will be made for you on the spot, ensuring quality and quantity. "

"I bought things from you to make you money, but I still owe you a favor to help you perform sex reassignment surgery on Long. Mr. Wang, you are really a genius."

Orochimaru complained: "By the way, those things are still second-hand. If I guess correctly, you must sell them to me at the original price."

Andrew said: "Nonsense, am I that kind of person? I have to sell twice as much, Orochimaru, you have to know that you may not be able to buy what you want if you have money."

"Mr. Wang, you really don't look like a villain, okay, I'll take this job."

It won't take long for Orochimaru to take over this matter, but changing gender recognition is a bit difficult, but other aspects are easy to solve.

"Speaking of which, Orochimaru, have you ever thought about using the Fuzo Reincarnation Jutsu to reincarnate into the body of a female dragon, and then turn yourself into a male dragon?"

Andrew touched his chin and said: "In this way, you can have thousands of female dragons and suddenly become a winner of dragon birth."

"Mr. Wang, you have a really big imagination. I think you should go to Jiraiya and tell him this. He might really be moved. If those fire dragons can turn into women like the dragons in the novel, Then he will be 100% moved.”

Orochimaru complained that he had no interest in women at all. In fact, he once had a woman's body and was known as Aunt Snake in the world.

"Is that so? It doesn't seem difficult to create a human transformation technique?"

Andrew smiled and said: "Let's not talk about this for now. You go to Tony and ask for a female dragon and transform it into a male dragon."

"Okay, you can send me the equipment I want as soon as possible. I can't wait to do the experiment."

Orochimaru washed his face with his tongue and said excitedly that half of the experiments he was going to do were related to himself, and the other half were related to the locomotive - a project in collaboration with Tony.

Tony was very efficient. Soon, steel suits appeared in London and took away the fire dragons. The American military and the English military both wanted some fire dragons to study. Andrew gave them several dragon corpses. As for the living dragon, you can catch it yourself if you have the ability.

Tony was very excited when he got these fire dragons. Yes, he was very excited. He was just pretending to be dull before. He had great ideas about these fire dragons. Well, don't get me wrong, it wasn't Jiraiya's idea.

"Batman, that bastard, has never allowed me to carry out the Iron Suit to Guard the Earth Plan, so I will change it to the Mechanical Dragon to Guard the Earth Plan."

Tony looked at these fire dragons and thought to himself: "I will try my best to transform these fire dragons so that their strength will reach a level that is only one step away from God the Father.

Hundreds of super-enhanced mechanical dragons are enough to fight against all enemies below Heavenly Father God and protect the earth. In addition, those with new powers will definitely not dare to be too arrogant under the deterrence of the mechanical dragons.

As for Heavenly Father God and above, the responsibility is naturally given to Andrew. Anyway, it is not difficult for him.

"Batman, you can't stop me this time. Besides, my plan will never harm the earth."

Tony murmured to himself: "I, Tony Stark, have changed. I am no longer as arrogant as before. If I transform into a mechanical dragon, nothing will happen to me."

Andrew asked Tony to modify the mechanical dragons just to use mechanical devices to maintain their lives. Although he also wanted to make them stronger, he didn't have high hopes. The mechanical dragons could increase their strength by 10 to 20%, which was already pretty good.

But Tony obviously didn't think so. He wanted to transform the mechanical dragon into the strongest one below the Father God to complete his plan to protect the earth and prove how powerful he was.

Although Tony has changed a lot, his pride in his bones has never changed, because he is Tony Stark, the first genius on earth (self-proclaimed).

Of course, it is not an easy task to transform hundreds of nanoworm fire dragons into super strong ones, even for Tony. However, he is confident that he can complete this plan. He is eager to get busy immediately.

What Tony doesn't know is that his laboratory has been bugged by Batman.

What, Tony Stark didn't find the bug, how is it possible? In fact, he didn't find it. It's not that he was careless, but Batman took advantage of the loophole.

With Tony's personality, it is definitely impossible for him to personally check whether there is a bug in the laboratory. He will let professional security personnel check it once, and then use the instrument he designed to check it again, and finally, use artificial intelligence to keep an eye on everything.

Batman knew Tony's character, so he designed a very old bug.

Yes, an old bug. First of all, this bug cannot transmit the content of the bug to the outside. Secondly, it requires very little current, so little that it is completely undetectable.

The biggest weakness of this bug is that Batman must get the bug in person to know what is recorded in it, but in any case, this bug is successful because it has concealed Tony Stark.

Let's not talk about the battle between Iron Man and Batman for now. After Andrew handed over the matter of the fire dragon to Tony and Orochimaru, he took Samantha to join the disaster relief.

"How many people will die in London this time?"

Samantha looked at the ruined London with a heavy heart and couldn't help asking. Andrew said, "More than Los Angeles. Whether it is a major earthquake or a fire, the damage to human society is very great."

"The population is too concentrated."

Samantha shook her head. She didn't say anything more and focused on saving people. Many of the survivors who were rescued were crying loudly because it was really too tragic, and they thought they would die this time.

"Those fire dragons must die."

Samantha and other superpowers swore in their hearts. In fact, not only them, but also the people and the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau thought so. The fire dragons must die. They killed too many people.

At the same time, the fire dragons followed the angry fire dragon leader to a mountain range in Australia.

This mountain range is a primitive mountain range with no one living in it, but what is surprising is that there are a lot of very large caves here at some point. It can be seen at a glance that they are prepared for giant creatures.

Hearing the noise outside, a large number of fire dragons emerged from the caves. Yes, fire dragons. The Lord of Chaos did not send all the fire dragons to attack London this time. On the one hand, some of the fire dragons became weak after being transferred.

On the other hand, the Lord of Chaos believed that the fire dragon leader and thousands of fire dragons were enough to complete this test. Unexpectedly, they would be defeated by the King of Superpowers, resulting in failure.


Seeing the fire dragon leader coming back, the fire dragons shouted excitedly, but to their surprise, the fire dragon leader directly scolded: "Get out of here."

The fire dragons were frightened and quickly retreated to the back. The fire dragon leader landed on a mountain peak and roared to the sky. The sound shook a lot of rocks from the mountain peak. It could not accept this failure at all.

The fire dragons who came back with the fire dragon leader shook their heads, fell to the side of other fire dragons, and whispered about the previous things. At the same time, this was also a rest. This time, they were exhausted. Some dragons were even in a shrinking state and were very desperate.

At this moment, the consciousness of the Fire Dragon Leader was suddenly pulled into an illusion, in which were the Lord of Chaos and Xisong.

"My Lord, Lord Xisong."

The Fire Dragon Leader did not dare to neglect and hurriedly saluted. The Lord of Chaos did not waste words and raised the branch to point in the air. All the nano bombs in the heart of the Fire Dragon Leader were destroyed.

This was not over yet. Then, the Lord of Chaos carefully checked the Fire Dragon Leader and nodded after confirming that there was no problem.

Xisong actually wanted to check and do something to the Fire Dragon Leader, but the Lord of Chaos was here, so He did not dare to do anything more.

The Fire Dragon Leader felt relieved and said guiltily: "My Lord, I disappoint you."

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