American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2243 Super Large Magic Array

"Billy, I know you hate the people of your country, but experiments can't be rushed. After all, neither you nor I want to fail."

Sithoen shook his head and said, "Also, this time I came here, I want you to leave the laboratory temporarily and go with me to deal with someone. After that, you can go back to the laboratory and continue the experiment."

"Who to deal with?"

Billy was stunned. The Perfect Doomsday experiment was so important, but Sithoen actually assigned him to deal with other people? Who was so important?

"Your former good friend, Huey, is now also a Father God. He can teleport on a large scale and will not leave his clothes behind."

Sithorn said: "For the sake of the overall situation, he must be eliminated. Of course, if he can be turned against, that would be even better."

"Huey has also become a Father God? Lord Sithorn, Huey is not easy to turn against."

Billy shook his head and said: "He is the kind of honest man who looks harmless and easy to bully, but once he makes up his mind, he can't be pulled back by nine bulls.

However, he is not without weaknesses. His girlfriend was hit and killed by a locomotive. He hates the locomotive to the bone. Perhaps we can start from this aspect and make him degenerate.

As a good person, you can't kill the locomotive, because the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau does not allow it. The locomotive is openly a superhero. If you want to kill the locomotive, you can only be a bad guy."

"This is a good breakthrough. Tell me in detail about his girlfriend being hit and killed."

Sithorn said with interest. Billy did not refuse and told the story again.

To put it simply, one day, Huey and his girlfriend were being intimate on the sidewalk, and the next second, Huey's girlfriend was hit into a pulp, leaving only two hands and flying teeth. Huey was shocked on the spot and could not accept this at all. What made him even more angry was that the locomotive that hit his girlfriend to death actually said that his girlfriend was on the road, not on the sidewalk, and even threw money to make him shut up. Billy saw the opportunity and went to Huey to persuade him to join the Black Robe Pickets to fight superheroes together. "The scene of his girlfriend's death is Huey's biggest nightmare."

Billy sighed, "He once told me that for a period of time after his girlfriend died, he didn't dare to close his eyes. Once he closed his eyes, he saw his girlfriend explode."

"How good is the relationship between Huey and his girlfriend?"

Sithorn asked again, and Billy replied, "So good that they are about to get married. Huey still doesn't have a new girlfriend. You can imagine how much he loves her."

"There is love and hate. This person is not difficult to deal with."

Sithorn smiled and said, "Billy, I will first find a way to turn Huey against the enemy and make him fall. You should be prepared. If the rebellion fails, you will kill him.

He cares about you very much. With your ability, it is easy to kill him as long as you are willing."

"For revenge, I can give up everything, not to mention that Huey has been my pawn from the beginning."

Billy said coldly, Sithorn nodded with satisfaction, explained a few words, and turned away.

After Sithoen left, Billy quickly informed Andrew of the matter: "Boss, Sithoen is going to attack Huey and make Huey fall."

"You care about Huey."

Andrew smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have arranged for several Heavenly Father Gods, they are not so easy to fall."

Billy breathed a sigh of relief. He did use Huey at the beginning, but later, Huey's sincerity made him really regard him as a good brother. He said, "That's good, but if the rebellion fails, Sithoen will let me do it."

"If I tell you that you may not be able to beat Huey, do you believe it?"

Andrew laughed and asked. Billy said confidently, "How is it possible? Although Huey has become the Heavenly Father God, he is definitely not my opponent."

"Then wait and see."

Andrew smiled and interrupted the communication. Billy couldn't help frowning. Could Huey really defeat him? How is this possible?

For Billy, Huey is equivalent to his younger brother, who always needs his care. If one day, Huey knocks him down, then his thoughts will definitely not be happy and relieved, but confused, lost, and angry.

How can a big brother lose to his little brother who has always been protected by him?

"Since the boss said so, Huey, let me see how you grow."

Billy snorted coldly and decided to have a good fight with Huey to let him know that Big Brother is always your Big Brother.


In the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau, Huey suddenly sneezed, and Marvin looked at him speechlessly: "Will the Father God sneeze?"

"A normal Father God will definitely not, but the one in front of us may not be."

Frankie shrugged, Huey rubbed his nose and said: "Don't think I can't hear you scolding me. I say, I am the Father God, why don't I have any majesty in front of you?

When you see other Father Gods, don't you all nod and bow, and dare not make a sound?"

Huey was very dissatisfied. I am the Father God, don't I have face?

"Maybe it's because we often see you without clothes."

Marvin pretended to think about it and said, everyone laughed, Hughie's face was livid, he should be the most shameless father god, right?

"Hey, I'm setting up a magic circle, don't make me laugh, if anything goes wrong, the magic circle collapses, Director Newman will tear me down."

Dave shouted: "These materials were obtained by Director Newman with great difficulty, only enough to set up a magic circle once."

Dave, from the movie "The Sorcerer's Apprentice", is the reincarnation of Merlin and Balthazar's apprentice. He has considerable magical attainments. His current identity is the President's personal bodyguard and the Special Advisor to the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau.

Dave also learned kung fu in Kung Fu Panda World, but he hasn't practiced it yet. I don't know if it's due to the influence of magic power.

In addition, the goddess that Dave has a crush on is called Betty, who is one of Andrew's girlfriends (Dave knows that Betty has a boyfriend, but does not know that it is Andrew). She currently works in the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau and is known as the Sonic Goddess.

"Okay, joking aside, uh, what should I do if I want to laugh when I see Huey?"

Marvin waved his hand hurriedly, Huey rolled his eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to these guys. Because he was the instant God of Heaven, he was full of humanity and had no divinity. He was not much different from before.

When Huey lives for hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years, he will be like other Heavenly Father Gods, with only divinity left in his body and no humanity.

"Dave, can you do it? It took a long time to set up a magic circle?"

Huey asked, and Dave said angrily: "I can't do it, come on. On Earth, except for Director Tianjian, I have the highest magical attainments."

"Where are your disciples? Why don't you bring them along to help?"

Marvin asked. In the past few years, Dave has accepted many apprentices. This is the request of President Nathan and the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau. They want to carry forward the magic system and enhance the strength of the United States.

Dave didn't care about himself. He accepted several qualified apprentices through auditions, but at present, they are still in the apprenticeship stage and their strength is average.

Magic practice requires time and accumulation and cannot be achieved overnight. What, why can Dave and Betty become magicians quickly?

Dave is the reincarnation of Merlin. Isn't it natural that he will be quick? As for Betty, she has a huge demon essence in her body. If you want to follow her path, you should first find a demon boyfriend.

"If there are any materials left, we can let them come over and practice, but now there are only so many materials, so I'll do it myself."

Dave shook his head, and Frankie asked curiously: "Dave, don't we have Huey? Why do we need to set up such a huge magic circle? Isn't it a bit wasteful?"

"The function of this magic circle is not simple. It was designed by Director Tianjian himself. It is the pinnacle of magic."

Dave was very excited when he mentioned this. He said: "First of all, although we have Huey, if something happens to Huey..."

Huey glared at Dave, you guys can't look down on me, right?

Dave waved his hand and continued: "In case Huey is restrained, or something goes wrong, such as a sudden stomachache, this magic circle can temporarily replace Huey in transmitting troops.

You also know that there are disasters happening all over the world now, and Huey's teleportation ability is very important.

Of course, this magic circle cannot replace Huey, because it requires Huey to be pre-charged before it can be used. Once the energy is exhausted, this magic circle will stop working. "

Everyone nodded. It was still necessary to have a backup method. After all, Huey was really important now. Without Huey's teleportation ability, many cities would have been destroyed by animal disasters.

"Secondly, this magic circle can greatly increase Huey's abilities."

Dave continued: "Director Newman has an idea to connect the magic circle, teleportation ability, and monster detector together. Once the detector detects a monster, the magic circle is activated and uses the teleportation ability to teleport the monster to a predetermined place. .

In this way, on the one hand, the casualties of the people can be reduced, and on the other hand, the monsters can be easily dealt with. After all, we have the home field advantage. "

"This idea is good. Once realized, the city will be completely safe."

Marvin's eyes lit up and he said: "Oh, Huey's ability cannot cover the whole world. It is estimated that only New York can achieve it."

"No, Huey's ability is enough to cover the whole world. He is God the Father. He just hasn't fully mastered his ability yet."

Dave said: “Of course, this is just an idea at the moment, there is still a lot of work to be done, and when the preparations are completed, we will set up a branch in New York.

Once successful, it will gradually cover other cities. By then, we may no longer have to worry about disasters. Once an enemy appears, we will immediately teleport it to the attack area.

Huey, your responsibility is very important. Perhaps this is what Director Tianjian said, with greater ability comes greater responsibility. "

Everyone looked at Huey. This plan could not only deal with this disaster, but also deal with future disasters. It could be said that it was the future of the earth.

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