American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2232 Undercover Candidate

"Who should I choose? This person must be very loyal, smart, and more importantly, determined."

Andrew has a headache. Loyalty is definitely required. If you are not loyal, you will be won over by the God of Stars. As for being clever, if you are an undercover agent, those who are not clever will die.

The last thing is to be strong-willed. This is to avoid being eroded by the seeds of rules and becoming like a murderer.

Andrew glanced at Tony and couldn't help but sigh. It would be great if he agreed. This guy fully meets all the conditions, and with his IQ, he can definitely fool the God of the Stars.

"Wow, what's your look like? It's so disgusting. Although I am very philanthropic, I don't like men."

Tony looked disgusted, and Andrew pointed his middle finger and explained the matter briefly. Tony suddenly realized that Andrew wanted to find someone to fuse the Starlight Rule Seed, and then let him sense the God of Stars and cheat Him.

"A Heavenly Father God seed just died, and an identical Heavenly Father God seed came out. Is it possible that the God of Stars was fooled?"

Tony asked suspiciously, and Andrew said: "I will transform this rule seed so that its essence remains unchanged but its function changes. Moreover, the God of Stars is not too smart. After all, he has only just been born."

"This mission is quite interesting, but this power is really not suitable for me. Starlight powers are for fighting and are not helpful for scientific research at all."

Tony shook his head and Andrew shrugged. At this moment, he thought of something and his eyes lit up: "Wait, Tony, if you can't do it, I can go find Pepper. She also meets the conditions."

With the ability of Xiaojiajiao, the female president of the Trillion Group, it is easy to deal with the God of the Stars who was just born.

"Hey, Andrew, how could you let Pepper go undercover? Do you know how dangerous it is?"

Tony said dissatisfied, and Andrew said: "Don't worry, I will keep Pepper's soul. Even if she dies three hundred times a day, she will not really die, uh, except for mental breakdown."

"No, I don't agree. Besides, she has to stay at home to take care of little Morgan."

Tony flatly refused. At this moment, Pepper's voice sounded: "Tony Stark, in your heart, I am just a nanny who takes care of your children?"

Tony glared at Andrew. This guy's heart was as dark as ever, and he actually secretly called Pepper to trick him. He hurriedly said: "Pepper, I'm worried about you. Do you know what this guy wants you to do as an undercover agent?

He wants you to lie to a Heavenly Father God, who is a Heavenly Father God. If you think about it, you will turn into meat paste. Although you can be resurrected, the feeling of death is very bad. I even suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. "

"Lying to a Heavenly Father? How exciting!"

Little Pepper said excitedly: "Mr. Wang, are you sure I won't die? If you are sure, I can take over this task."

"Pepper! You can't take any chances."

Tony shouted again: "Andrew, I'll take this mission. Starlight powers are starlight powers. No problem. I'll fight that star god."

"Tony Stark, shut up and don't take my mission."

Little Pepper said angrily: "I'm exhausted from running the company all day long and taking care of that little devil star. I finally got something fun, how could I miss it?

Besides, Mr. Wang said that if I succeed, I will have the opportunity to become Heavenly Father God. That will be Heavenly Father God. After I achieve this, I will no longer have to put on makeup and I will be eighteen years old every day. It is really wonderful. "

Andrew and Tony were speechless at the same time. The reason why these women want to become Heavenly Father God is exactly the same - to stay young forever.

"Tony, I know you love your wife and don't want her to take risks."

Andrew said: "But you have to know one thing. You, Tony Stark, have met me and become my good partner. You are destined to become God the Father in the future. It's just a matter of time."

Tony is different from Batman. Batman doesn't want to become a god. He will always be an ordinary person. But Tony is willing. Of course, he doesn't want to become a god through magic or anything like that. He wants to become a god through technology.

"I can become Heavenly Father God because of my wisdom, not because of you."

Tony snorted coldly. He, Tony Stark, has never been weak in his life. How could he become God the Father because of someone?

"Your wisdom is indeed extraordinary, but without me, your limit would be similar to that of your father Howard."

Andrew shook his head and said: "Don't say this, Tony, you are very arrogant, but you should know that Pepper is equally arrogant. Do you think that after you become Heavenly Father God, Pepper will obediently become your follower, and with the help of Will your power continue to exist?"


Tony was a little hesitant. Over the years, Pepper has become more and more powerful. She is no longer the little secretary she used to be. She has always been on an equal footing with him, and she definitely does not want to become his vassal.

"Of course I don't want to. Moreover, I want to be like Tony and become God. I didn't have the chance before, but now that I have such a good opportunity, I don't want to give up."

Pepper said: "Well, if I can become God the Father faster than Tony, that would be better. I can divert my energy to Tony."

Andrew added: "It's like giving Tony pocket money now."

Pepper laughed, and Tony's face darkened. He said: "Pepper, you know, I have always respected you. If you really want to try, I can agree, but I have a request.

If you die during the mission, the mission will be stopped immediately. Death is not such a pleasant thing. I don't want you to have any psychological trauma. Also, Morgan needs someone to take good care of him. "

"Don't worry, Happy will take care of Morgan, and there are so many robots you left behind."

Pepper waved her hand and said, "I agree to your conditions, Mr. Wang, what kind of undercover mission is it?"

Andrew told the story again, and Pepper said, "No problem, a new god is easy to deal with, but I need a complete identity. Even if it is a new god, it is not completely without scheming. He will definitely investigate everything about me."

"Leave this to me, I will make up a perfect resume, a resume related to the Star God Sect."

Andrew smiled and said, "In addition, this resume is true, not false, everything about you is real."

"So magical? I have always been interested in mysterious powers, and this time, I can enjoy it. "

Pepper said excitedly, Andrew nodded: "It's really fun. If you succeed this time, you will get a lot of benefits from the God of Stars, which will greatly shorten the time it takes for you to become the Father God.

However, Pepper, in order to prevent you from being eroded by the rules and becoming a believer of the God of Stars and a slave of the rules, I will train you for a period of time. "

"Don't worry, I'm not that easily eroded. "

Pepper said confidently. She was the female president of Stark Group. She had seen all kinds of scenes. Who could corrupt her?

Seeing that the two had reached an agreement, Tony stopped talking nonsense and secretly made up his mind to achieve the Father God as soon as possible. Otherwise, what if he couldn't beat Pepper in the future? What, he couldn't beat her before? Well, that's fine.

This undercover plan was very important to Andrew. Therefore, he spent a lot of time to fabricate Pepper's resume and trained her with Tony. Because he was too busy, he even reduced the time to contact Ashley.

Ashley was very dissatisfied with this. She had just agreed to become the uncle's girlfriend, and he ignored her. What would happen in the future?

Ashley accelerated the speed of completing the task and tried to return to New York as soon as possible to give the uncle a "surprise".

However, this matter could not be rushed. Because of Ashley's amazing performance, many cities invited her to help clean up monsters, not only in the United States, but also abroad, especially in the neighboring Mexico. There were many monsters there, and they spent 100 million. US dollars for Ashley to help clean up.

Ashley is a bit greedy, she took on several cleaning tasks and collected deposits in advance. With her current fame, she would definitely not break the contract, so she could only complete these tasks first.

Of course, this is also good for Ashley. Well, it's not about money, but fame - every time she cleans up the monsters in a city, her fame will be much bigger. At the same time, the number of fans will increase greatly, and some people even follow her and broadcast her actions live.

Let's put it this way, Ashley is now striving for the status of a first-class superhero. Now she is really popular.

Although Andrew reduced the time to contact Ashley, he was not vague about the business. What business? Of course, he secretly leaked to Blair that Ashley became his girlfriend.

What, shameless? Andrew said that he just wanted to be fair to both parties, well, just listen to it seriously.

Blair reacted greatly when he heard about this. Ashley, that woman, actually ran away. It was really despicable.

"How about I agree too? But one man and two women..., and this is too cheap for uncle. "

Blair was a little hesitant. That night, she had a dream. In the dream, she saw Andrew and Ashley constantly showing off their affection. When eating, I feed you, you feed me and show off affection. When washing dishes, they hug each other and show off affection.

When watching TV at night, they flirt and show off affection. When sleeping, well, it's not just showing off affection, but noise pollution. Those two guys have no sense of public morality at all. It's too much.

Blair woke up from the dream and gritted her teeth. She couldn't stand this situation. This dream had nothing to do with Andrew. He wasn't that mean.

"How about giving it a try first? Maybe the three of us will be happy together?"

Blair persuaded herself, but she still couldn't make up her mind. Of course, she didn't do nothing. She kept staring at Ashley's schedule. Before Ashley returned to New York, she had to make a decision.

Either the three of them were together, or they left. In short, she would never stay in a Chinese restaurant and watch them show off their affection every day. It was too much. Single dogs are also dogs.

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