American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2209: Judgment

"Sacrifice her to gain stronger power."

The remaining sacrificial psychics roared at the same time, and a war escalated directly. Ashley looked disdainful. They were just ants. What if they were angry? Today, they were destined to die in the hands of this flame witch. This was their fate.

Then, the two sides started fighting again. Ashley was not at all inferior. She took several controlled sacrificial psychics and fought fiercely with Du Ren and his men.

At the beginning, the two sides were evenly matched, but the balance of victory gradually tilted towards Ashley. The reason was very simple. Once the sacrificial psychic was hit by Ashley's flame, it immediately turned into an angry life.

One plus one minus, it means that Du Ren and his men directly lost two combat power. In this case, it was normal for them to be suppressed.

While Ashley was gaining the upper hand, Blair was besieged by Bing Ren and his men. Bing Ren attacked directly and used the gravity control of a sacrificial psychic to forcibly pull Blair down from the sky.

Then, Blair was besieged by the sacrificial psychics and monsters. In order to save Blair, the angels were forced to come down to fight. The situation on Blair's side suddenly became difficult.

"I won't fail so easily."

Blair sneered secretly. On the surface, she pretended to wave her spear anxiously to fight against the monsters. In secret, a ray of holy light spread out from under her feet, silently carving magic circles on the ground.

Even Ashley is making progress, not to mention Blair, the academic master, her progress is greater than Ashley.

Bingren didn't know this. He brought a group of sacrificial psychics and kept using psychics on Blair. If it weren't for the outstanding defense of Blair's armor, I'm afraid she would be injured.

"That armor is so powerful, this is a good thing. After killing her, that armor will be mine."

Bingren was very excited. Two cold air came to Blair's feet silently, freezing her feet. At the same time, several sacrificial psychics launched their mental powers together, making Blair fall into an illusion.

In Blair's illusion, she saw a super powerful, young version of Andrew with muscles all over his body. The other party picked up a car and smashed it everywhere. Blair almost drooled at the sight of his muscles.

"Is this what I yearn for? That's right. In fact, I have a good impression of the uncle, but the uncle has no muscles. I have always been a little unwilling. After all, I really like muscular men."

Blair sighed and left the illusion without any nostalgia. Although the illusion was beautiful, she didn't rely on the illusion to escape reality. At most, she would let the uncle exercise his muscles.

After Blair woke up, she found that her feet were frozen. At the same time, several monsters around opened their bloody mouths and bit her fiercely.

Blair snorted coldly, and the holy light on her body burst out violently. Several monsters were all blown away. At the same time, the ice on her feet was shattered.

Blair was obviously a little tired after the big move. Bingren was overjoyed when he saw this. He immediately called other sacrificed superpowers to continue the attack. He saw that the armor was very burdensome and the angel could not hold on for long.

Bingren guessed correctly that the armor was indeed very burdensome, but the reason why Blair was so tired was because she was setting up a magic circle. Otherwise, she could at least sustain this intensity of battle for half an hour.

Blair was no longer the three-second girl she used to be. Now she was very powerful.

In this way, Blair acted for a while, and then she suddenly smiled and asked, "Are you very proud?"

Bingren noticed something was wrong and wanted to retreat immediately. At this time, hundreds of angels exploded at the same time, turning into a large number of angel chains, trapping the sacrificed psychics and a large number of monsters in this area.

At the same time, Blair flapped her wings and flew high into the sky. Then, a dazzling holy light magic circle lit up on the ground, and a very pleasant holy sound sounded around.

"Holy light, judgment."

Blair shouted loudly, and the next second, a huge column of light fell from the sky, covering the entire magic circle area. The sacrificed psychics turned into ashes in the holy light with shrill screams, and those monsters were no exception and were all judged.

Holy Light Judgment is a kind of judgment magic. If it is a good person, no harm will be done to him, but if it is a bad person, he will be completely purified and no longer exist.

Are the sacrificed psychics good people? Of course not. Each of them deserves death, not only because they sacrificed, but also because their souls have been polluted by Sithon, which is equivalent to demons.

So, are monsters good people? Also not. They have killed many humans and deserve to die. The judgment is based on Blair's morality. So, don't talk about the law of the jungle. In Blair's view, hurting humans is a big sin.

"This is too powerful. Is it really an angel coming?"

Looking at the light column full of holy breath, Monica and others were shocked. Some soldiers even knelt down directly. At this moment, Blair was definitely a goddess among goddesses.

"This girl is still inexperienced. How can she use up her psychic power at this time? On the battlefield, you must always leave some magic power."

Andrew shook his head and hurried to clean up the remaining psychics. By the way, he seemed to have never encountered the problem of running out of magic power? There is no way, I am too talented.

In contrast, those who sacrificed their special abilities were shocked and angry. Why is it so powerful?

Death Mist gritted his teeth. Even if you are so powerful, you will still die. No one can stop me from completing God's plan. No one.

Relying on the Holy Light Magic Array, Blair wiped out all the enemies at once. However, the consumption was too great and she could no longer maintain the angel armor. The clothes on her body changed back to their original clothes, and then fell to the ground with a bang. pant.

"The consumption is greater than imagined. We must return to uncle immediately, otherwise it may be dangerous."

Blair sensed something was wrong and hurriedly ran towards the defense line. At this moment, a black mist appeared around her out of thin air and enveloped her. Then, a knife emerged from the black mist and stabbed Blair in the neck.

Blair hurriedly tried to escape, but her consciousness was pulled into the illusion again. This time, it was not a good illusion, but an extremely tragic illusion. In the illusion, all her relatives were dead.

This wasn't over yet. While pulling Blair into the illusion, another sacrificer controlled Blair's shadow, making her unable to move.

"This angel is dead."

Death Mist sneered as he took action. At this moment, a laser accurately hit his right hand holding the dagger. Death Mist screamed, and Black Mist hurriedly left Blair's side.

But Blair's crisis was not over. More than a dozen steel spears were fired at Blair at the same time, trying to penetrate her completely. At this time, although Blair was freed from the illusion, she was still unable to move.

Blair was not panicked, because the uncle took action. He saved himself once, and he would definitely save him a second time.

As for how the uncle can save him, it doesn't matter. Anyway, Blair believes that the uncle must have a way.

Sure enough, a bolt of white lightning shot from a distance and landed on Blair. Blair felt that her supernatural power was quickly restored. She was immediately overjoyed, and the holy light erupted from her body again. At the same time, the angel armor reappeared.

More than a dozen steel spears were bounced away by the holy light on Blair before they even got close to her. As for the shadow control technique, it was cracked on the spot.

"Uncle, you can actually supplement my superpower? What else can't you do?"

Blair asked in surprise through the earphones while controlling the holy light to form a cross slash towards the black fog in the sky.

Andrew said quietly: "Let you believe that I am only twenty years old."

"Uncle, you are so kind. Not only did you save me, but you also told me jokes."

Blair chuckled, and the Holy Light chased Black Mist. Death Mist cursed and kept retreating. At the same time, he asked all the remaining sacrificed superpowers to come out and deal with Blair together.

After hearing this, the last twenty or so sacrificed superpowers appeared one after another and jointly attacked Blair. Blair had to stop and resist the attacks of these people first.

Before Death Mist could breathe a sigh of relief, a ball of fire fell from the sky and completely enveloped him. Then, the fire turned into a tornado of flames, trying to completely burn him.

Death Mist cursed, and his body suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he was on the grass beside him. At the same time, he returned to his original appearance. In addition, there was an obvious puncture wound on his right hand.

"It's quite capable."

Ashley descended from the sky and said in a cold voice. At the same time, behind her, ten sacrificed superpowers controlled by angry flames were quickly arriving.

Not only that, Andrew also brought Monica and the superpowers on the defense line over, and the situation on both sides suddenly reversed.

"It seems that you are the leader of those who sacrifice supernatural powers. What exactly do you want to do?"

Andrew asked towards the death fog: "I can understand you sacrificing superpowers. After all, you are scum, but why do you attack the defense line and the city hall? What good does this do to you?"

Monica also asked: "Yes, why do you do this? Do you know how many people have been killed because of your actions?"

"Why do you do this? Of course it's because of my god's order. You fools don't know the greatness of my god. The only way to survive is to rely on my god."

Death Mist said enthusiastically: "Do you think you have won? In your dreams, my god will give me the power to kill you all."

Along with the sound of the death fog, a tree shadow appeared behind him, and then integrated into his body. His aura surged wildly, and strong winds even blew around him.

There is no doubt that this is the tree shadow of the Lord of Chaos - not a real tree shadow, just a projection of power.

The original plan of the Lord of Chaos was to take advantage of the chaos in the city to enter the city of Milan to look for the Ten-Tails. Unfortunately, due to the presence of Andrew and the three of them, the plan completely failed. Although the situation in the city was a bit bad, it was far from the level of chaos.

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