American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 221 Arrangement

"I said, can't you knock on the door? Is the door over there a decoration?"

Odin snorted and said: "I thought clearly. When the celestial bodies gather, I will make it clear to Hela and raise her again.

This time, I will not use her as a tool, I will make up for her and let her have a happy childhood. "

"That's your business."

Andrew stretched out his hand and said, "Odin, how to make the Infinity Gauntlet and the Ice Box."

Although Odin was very unhappy, he did not break his promise and handed the two things to Andrew. Then, he said: "Mechanical Demon King, Dark Elf and Demon King will not give up. What are you going to do next?"

"Leave it to me, you and Asgard will wait and take action."

Andrew smiled and said: "Next time, I will annihilate the dark elves, really annihilate them."

After saying that, Andrew disappeared with the Ice Treasure Box.

Odin gritted his teeth in anger. What does this bastard mean when he keeps emphasizing 'really genocide'? Are you mocking me for being deceived by my father?

Just then, Andrew reappeared and said, "Yes, I was just mocking you."


Odin raised the Eternal Spear and roared, and Andrew laughed and disappeared completely.

Odin put down the Eternal Spear and complained angrily to Frigga: "This guy has such a bad character. I want to be thousands of years younger and promise to block the door of hell and beat him."

"The Demon King of Hell, do you still expect him to be peaceful?"

Frigga disagreed and said: "Leave the calculations to the Machine Demon King and Ancient One. We are waiting to deal with the dark elves. When has Asgard been invaded like this?"

Odin nodded fiercely: "The dark elves and those demon kings will all have to pay the price."

The former Mephisto Hell is now the Black Heart Hell. The Black Heart Demon is organizing more demons to go to the space nodes to attack the Kama Taj Guardian Formation.

This process is not smooth, and the reason is very simple. Many demons are dissatisfied with the Black Heart Demon and feel that his position as the Demon King was given to him by the Machine Demon King.

In addition, too few succubi are also one of the reasons. Demons cannot live without succubi.

"My position as the Demon King was not given by the Machine Demon King. I got it by stabbing Mephisto in the back. I, the Black-Hearted Demon, am no worse than anyone else."

The Black-Hearted Demon cursed that he urgently needed a victory, a victory that would increase his prestige. Only in this way could his position as the Demon King be secure.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded behind the Black Heart Demon: "It is true that I did not give you your position, but without me, you would never be the Demon King."

The Black-Hearted Demon suddenly turned his head and saw Andrew sitting on his throne. His expression suddenly changed. Why couldn't he feel that the Machine Demon King was already at his side?

It's not magic.

The Black Heart Demon said with a dark face: "Mechanical Demon King, that is my throne, please leave."

"It's just a seat, why are you so stingy? I'm not your woman."

"There can be many women, but only one throne."

"Okay, you send the woman over, and I'll give you the seat."

Black Heart Demon: "..."

"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person. However, Black Heart Demon, I think you should give me an explanation."

Andrew put his chin on his hand and asked: "The devil is plotting against me, why didn't you inform me in advance?"

"It's not that I don't want to inform you, it's that they didn't take me to play with them at all. They knew about my relationship with you and were always on guard against me."

The Black Heart Demon was very dissatisfied with Andrew's attitude, but he did not have an attack. He said: "Mechanical Demon King, I have not broken my covenant."

Andrew has an alliance with the Black Heart Demon. The two sides help each other. If one side is attacked, the other side has to help.

However, it was just a verbal contract, and neither party was willing to sign a binding formal contract—how could they cheat the other party if they signed it?

Andrew looked down at the Black Heart Demon and asked, "Really?"

It was obviously his home court, but the Black Heart Demon couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. He nodded and said, "Of course it's true."

"That's good."

Andrew leaned on the throne and said: "Don't send too many troops to Kama Taj. Next, I will give you a big victory."

"A big victory?"

The Black Heart Devil's eyes flickered, and he asked: "What big victory?"

Andrew came down from the throne, patted the Black Heart Demon on the shoulder, and said, "Just make preparations. You don't need to ask too many questions. I'm one of my own, and I won't cheat you."

The Black Heart Demon smiled and said, "Of course I believe you."

"I've improved more than before."

Andrew laughed. In the past, the black-hearted devil was straight-forward and arrogant. After becoming the devil, he became obviously more powerful.

Andrew didn't say anything more and teleported away. The smile on the Black Heart Demon's face slowly disappeared. He knew that Andrew was here to warn him not to stand on the wrong side.

"This bastard is so arrogant."

The Black Heart Demon cursed, of course, he has the ability to be arrogant, and even Mephisto died in his hands.

The Black Heart Devil's current strength is less than half of Mephisto's, and he doesn't dare to offend Andrew at all. This is why he was so honest before.

"What should we do next? The Machine Demon King is arrogant, and the other Demon Kings... are all bastards, and none of them can be trusted. If you help them, they might turn around and be tricked to death by them."

The Black Heart Demon had a headache. He hesitated for a long time and decided not to send demons to support the front line.

The Machine Demon is a bastard, but the problem is that the other demons are not even as good as bastards.

In Watheim, the hometown of the dark elves, Loki was sitting on a big rock blowing in the wind. The strong wind blew his long hair, making him look quite melancholy.


Loki sighed quietly, and at this moment, Lorelei kicked him off the mountain. Why are you pretending to be in this damn place?

Bang, the unlucky Loki hit a big rock at the foot of the mountain and fainted on the spot.

Lorelai was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "Loki, stop pretending, a big rock can't kill you, take me away from this hellish place quickly, I want to enjoy it."

Lorelai, the enchantress, is characterized by her desire to get something for nothing and her greed for vanity.

Loki was not lying to Lorelai, he was really in a coma - his consciousness was pulled into the illusion by Andrew.

"It's really you."

Loki was not surprised when he saw Andrew opposite him. He exhaled and sat down opposite Andrew.

Andrew smiled and asked: "You knew I would look for you?"

"You gave me an inexplicable memory and then specifically let me go. You will definitely come find me."

Loki said: "As a demon king, you can't just be bored and play around with others, right?"

Andrew felt a little guilty and said: "That is not an inexplicable memory. If it were not for me, it would be a real memory. I believe you know this."

Loki was silent. His behavior in that memory was no different from the real him.

After a moment, Loki asked: "Why did you give me this memory?"

Andrew replied: "I want to see if you still have some humanity left in you?"

"human nature?"

Loki was stunned and asked: "If I hadn't gone to Frigga at that time, would you have killed me?"

"Do I look like such a cruel person?"

Andrew had a look of astonishment on his face: "I won't kill you, I will just use the Mind Stone to erase your personality and replace it with an obedient puppet personality."

"Isn't this crueler than killing me?"

Loki complained, feeling scared for a while, but it was a good thing he went to find Frigga himself, otherwise, he would be worse than death.

The devil is the devil.

Andrew said calmly: "It's not illegal to erase your personality. It's not illegal. It's not cruel at all."

Loki took a deep breath and asked, "Demon King, what do you want from me?"

"Go be an undercover agent and find out all the arrangements of the dark elves."

Andrew said: "After the matter is completed, I will give you two choices. The first one is that I will intercede and erase all your guilt and let you continue to be the third princess of Asgard."

Loki reminded: "I am the second prince."

"I understand, Third Princess."

Andrew continued: "Second, after this incident is over, I will send troops to the Frost Giant Kingdom. If you are willing, you can become my agent, the King of Frost Giants."

"I'm not interested in being the king of primitive tribes."

Loki looked disgusted and asked: "If I don't agree...hey, don't take out the Mind Stone, I agree."

"Don't worry, I didn't bring the Mind Stone."

Andrew took his hand out of his pocket and said: "Loki, you are a smart man, a smart man, you should know how to stand on the side of the winner."

Loki asked: "Are you sure of victory?"

"Of course, we can't lose from the moment the ether particles fall into our hands."

While dispelling the illusion, Andrew said: "Three princesses of Asgard, if you betray Odin and Thor, they will forgive you because they are your relatives.

But I'm not, please remember that. "

After saying the last word, the illusion completely disappeared. Loki opened his eyes suddenly and saw a slap coming towards him.

Snap, the slap fell hard on Loki's face, leaving an obvious slap mark. Lorelei retracted her hand lightly and said, "This trick works very well, Loki, you don't have to thank me for waking you up."

"Thank you. I woke up before your slap fell, okay? Lorelei, what grudge do I have against you? Not only did you kick me, but you also hit me?"

Loki was furious, got up and wanted to hit Lorelai, but was kicked to the ground by Lorelai.

"You seem to have forgotten that my fighting ability is on the same level as Sif's."

Lorelai sneered while repairing her nails: "Loki, in Asgard, you can't beat anyone unless you use trickery."

Loki was lying on the ground with a look of grief and anger. He decided that after the incident was completed, he would ask the Demon King for strength. Strength was everything. He, Loki, wanted to become stronger and defy the heavens.

At this moment, some memories suddenly appeared in Loki's mind.

"Asgard was destroyed by Surtur, and I was strangled to death by Thanos. How is this possible?"

Loki was very shocked, and then he got angry: "Devil, you come again, do you think my head is a trash can, and you keep throwing things into it?

Hey, no, these memories don’t seem to be given to me by the Demon King… These memories are…”

Loki was deep in thought, and Lorelai said impatiently: "Loki, don't waste time, get out of here quickly."

Loki did not get up. He lay on the ground in a large shape and said, "This time, I really need to be quiet."

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