American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 213 Ether Particles

Gwen turned around awkwardly, then she hugged Andrew's arm and pulled him towards the cinema: "The movie has started. Let's go in quickly. It's hard to get premiere tickets. I finally got two."

Andrew looked contemptuous. Susan obviously gave you a stack of premiere tickets, okay? Of course, he didn't reveal it and went into the cinema to watch the movie "Spider-Woman" with Gwen.

"Spider-Woman" is the first real superhero movie produced by Marvel Studios, a subsidiary of Rebirth Group. The heroine is not Gwen, but a female star decided by Andrew himself.

Superheroes are spreading into every aspect of society.

In the car, Hellboy looked around nervously. The colleague driving the car asked: "Baron, why are you so nervous?"

"You may not believe it. I don't know why I am so nervous. In short, I am very nervous."

Hellboy touched the severed horn and said a little irritably. His colleague didn't take it seriously. He said in a vulgar way: "Baron, are you holding it in too hard and causing mental stress? Do you want me to take you to have fun?"

"Who wants to receive a guest like me?"

Hellboy sighed and said: "Get off the car ahead, I hope my partner will not be abused by those vampires."

In Asgard, a hundred black widows wearing steel suits were fighting against a hundred strong Asgardians. The strong Asgardians were knocked away by iron fists one after another - the suits can be used, but not Use features like flying, missiles, lasers and more.

The strong men had thick skin and thick flesh. After being knocked down, they immediately got up and attacked again. The fight between the two sides became more and more fierce, and the spectators nearby kept cheering loudly.

The bearded Volstagg, one of the Three Warriors of Asgard, shouted while charging: "Defeat these Earth women and let them know that the Asgardians are the strongest."


The strong men roared in unison, their morale soared, and then they were beaten away by the black widows again.

"The strongest thing about you Asgardians is that you have the nerve to challenge us after being defeated by us more than twenty times."

Yelena looked disdainful and rushed forward quickly. Then, she lowered her body and sent Vostagg away with a sliding shovel.

Before it was over, the two black widows jumped up high and hit Volstagg hard on the face with their fists. Volstagg rolled his eyes, and his huge body fell to the ground with a bang, and he passed out.

"Beat them, Black Widow is invincible."

The black widows cheered together. The ferocity of this group of women was not inferior to the elite warriors of Asgard.

"Don't fight alone, cooperate with the people next to you, avoid it..."

Deep in the palace, Odin was supposed to be in Odin's sleep, shouting at the rune screen: "You bunch of idiots, if you lose again this time, I will punish you to clean the toilet, you might as well be an Asgardian warrior." , to be defeated by a group of Earth women more than twenty times in succession, it’s really embarrassing.”

At this moment, Odin sensed something, turned his head sharply, and saw Andrew's figure appearing out of thin air in the palace.

Seeing Odin watching the game, Andrew smiled and said, "Prince Thor, who is away on an expedition, would never have imagined that you are so energetic."

Odin looked away from the screen in displeasure and asked: "Machine Demon King, do you know how to be polite? You actually entered the place where I sleep without permission?"

"If I'm not polite, do you think you can find me?"

Andrew sneered: "Don't waste time, I'll ask you something."

Odin said impatiently: "What's the matter? Ask quickly? However, I don't guarantee that I will answer."

Andrew asked straight to the point: "Where are the ether particles?"

The ether particle is the reality gem among the six infinity stones. It has the power to modify reality, but it usually exists in liquid form.

Odin was stunned for a moment, then replied: "Aether? It was destroyed thousands of years ago by my father, God King Baur."

Andrew looked contemptuous: "Stop pretending. You collected infinity stones when you were young. Do you know that the ether particles are fine?"

The lie was exposed, and Odin was a little embarrassed. He asked: "Why do you suddenly care about ether particles?"

"Two days ago, I suddenly sensed the fluctuation of ether particles. After investigating the data, I found that the ether particles are in the hands of Asgard."

Andrew said casually: "I have a space gem, which can produce some reactions with other gems."

"The six infinity stones can indeed sense each other."

Odin did not suspect anything. He said: "The ether particles were sealed in a secret place by my father, God King Baoer. Mechanical Demon King, I would like to advise you that the more infinite gems, the better.

Ether particles are very dangerous. I won’t tell you its location. I’ll just let it continue to be sealed until the end of the universe. "

"The problem is, the etheric particles don't want to be sealed forever."

Andrew shook his head and said: "It will find a way to leave the seal. This celestial convergence is its best time."

"How can ether particles be so spiritual? Besides, the seals of us Asgardians are always foolproof."

Odin disapproved and said: "Okay, after asking, you can leave. By the way, take that earth woman with you."

The Earth woman refers to Jane Foster, who has been in Asgard for almost a year.

Andrew sneered: "Your tone is really mean, like a bad old man who dislikes poverty and loves wealth."

"Goat meat is not suitable for banquets. Earth women are not qualified to be the queen of Asgard."

Odin made no secret of his disdain for Jane, which means he was pretending to be unconscious now, otherwise he would have driven her away long ago.

Of course, if Odin didn't pretend to be unconscious, Thor wouldn't have the guts to take Jane back to Asgard.

"Your stupid son with a negative IQ is able to marry a female doctor. He is lucky in his previous life. How dare you despise Jane?"

Andrew snorted, but did not refuse to take Jane back. Since Odin was unwilling to tell where the ether particles were, he would take Jane back to complete the plot.

Odin glared at Andrew: "Do you dare to humiliate the son of the God King?"

"How about I humiliate the God King instead?"

Andrew was not afraid. He was not even afraid of being beaten by a group of demon kings. Why was he afraid of a bad old man?

Just when the two were at war with each other, Queen Frigga's magic projection appeared out of thin air, and she exclaimed: "No, Jane is missing."


Odin was stunned, and Andrew's eyes flashed. It couldn't be such a coincidence, right? He hurriedly said: "Give me the magic coordinates and I'll be there right away."

Frigga asked in surprise: "Machine Demon King? Why are you here?"

"I'll explain it later. Let's talk to Jane first."

Andrew said, Frigga nodded and passed a magic coordinate to Andrew, and Andrew disappeared instantly.

Then, Frigga's projection also disappeared, leaving Odin alone in the palace as a lonely old man. He thought for a while and used magic to check Frigga's situation to prevent her from being tricked by the Machine Demon King.

In a cave, Andrew appeared out of thin air. While sensing the surrounding space, he asked Frigga: "How long has Jane been missing?"

"For about half an hour, she likes to run around Asgard and study astrophysics."

Frigga said: "In order to prevent her from being in danger, I always asked a guard to follow him."

Andrew glanced at Frigga in surprise. As far as he knew, the relationship between Jane and Frigga was very ordinary - Yelena and the others reported that because they were both from Earth, Yelena and Jane had a very good relationship.

Frigga noticed Andrew's gaze and explained: "Thor likes Jane very much. I will not make him sad. In addition, she is a guest of Asgard, and I have an obligation to protect her safety."

"Guest?" Andrew shook his head and said nothing more.

Frigga continued: "Before, Jane entered a cave and suddenly disappeared. After the guards searched to no avail, they immediately came back to report to me.

I came here personally to investigate, but I only sensed some spatial fluctuations and was unable to locate Jane's location. "

"The space here is a bit special. It's normal that you can't sense it."

Andrew soon discovered the clues, and then, his body lit up with space light and disappeared into the cave.

In a dark, dark and mysterious place, Andrew appeared out of thin air and saw Jane lying on the ground unknown to him.

Andrew opened the Demon King's Eyes and looked at Jane's body, and found that there was a tyrannical force flowing in her body. There was no doubt that it was ether particles.

"It actually happened?"

Andrew was a little speechless. He could only say that Jane and the ether particles were destined to be destined. Even if she ran to Asgard, she would still be possessed by the ether particles.

Of course, this must be bad luck.

Andrew didn't say much, used magic power to lift Jane, and teleported her back.

Seeing that Andrew had rescued Jane, Frigga breathed a sigh of relief. She was about to step forward to check on Jane when Andrew said: "Don't touch her. Her situation is a bit special. Let's talk about it back to Fairy Palace."

Frigga nodded: "Okay."

Andrew wasted no time and teleported Frigga and Jane back to Odin's palace. Then, he said to Odin with a look of disgust on his face: "You old man pretending to be unconscious, please give way."

Odin snorted and got off the bed. Andrew put the unconscious Jane on the bed. Odin asked: "What happened?"

Andrew raised his hand and gently swiped it across Jane's arm. A red liquid flowed rapidly in her arm. Odin shouted in shock: "Aether particles? How did the ether particles enter Jane's body?"

Andrew mocked: "Because your family's seal is foolproof."

Odin's old face is a bit dark, isn't this slap in the face too fast?

Then, everyone checked Jane's body. Odin frowned and said: "Jane is too fragile and cannot withstand the power of ether particles. She will die soon."

"Will you die soon?"

Frigga asked hurriedly: "Odin, can't you get out the ether particles?"

"Only the dark elves know how to get the ether particles out."

Odin shook his head and said, "The problem is that the dark elves have been exterminated by my father."

Andrew said: "The dark elves may not really be exterminated. Your Odin lineage has a tradition of bragging about yourself and deceiving your sons."

Odin was very dissatisfied: "That's nonsense. When did the Odin family have this tradition?"

Andrew said lightly: "Flowers, peace, Hela, big snake, adopted son, coma..."

"Shut up."

Even with Odin's shamelessness, the old man's face was a little red at this time, and Frigga was speechless. Thinking about it carefully, Odin, this bad old man, really told a lot of lies.

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