American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 204 Preparation before the war

"They have nano-warheads, and they are probably using them to threaten the whole world. If you don't surrender, I will immediately use nano-warheads to destroy your country."

Tony said: "Other countries don't know, but France should surrender. Last time aliens invaded, they were the first to surrender."

Everyone rolled their eyes, how much do you look down on France?

"Now that we know he is a fake president, can we just make this public?"

Jessica asked: "For example, make it public on Kuaidu."

"No, Tony's reputation is completely ruined. No one will believe anything he says. Besides, the fake president can launch nuclear weapons at any time."

Natasha said: "No one knows what they will do if they alert the enemy."

Everyone felt a headache: "It's really troublesome."

Steve thought for a while and said: "McCarlan will definitely go to Fort Sumter tomorrow at noon, where we will kill him and the Cobra. Only in this way can this crisis be completely resolved."

Natasha said: "The method is correct. The problem is that in addition to Cobra's own forces, Fort Sumter is also closely protected by the military. With our strength, we cannot attack it at all."

"We don't attack it, we just teleport it in. Miss Scarlett's teleportation technique is very useful."

Steve said: "Of course, there must be someone outside to contain the military and Cobra. This task is left to SHIELD and Tony's suit corps."

Tony nodded: "No problem, I'm 100% sure to get the suit back."

Natasha said: "Director Fury should be able to mobilize some agents, but it will be very troublesome afterwards."

Tony said, "There won't be any trouble if we win, well, and there won't be any trouble if we lose, because we're dead."

"What you said makes sense. I'm completely speechless."

Everyone complained, and Jessica sighed: "I never thought that one day I would attack the place where the president is."

"That's just a fake president, no big deal."

Susan said: "We must rescue the real president. Without him, the follow-up will be very troublesome."

"They don't know we're not dead, so they shouldn't move President Ellis."

Tony said: "Tomorrow, our troops will be divided into two groups, one to attack Fort Sumter, and the other to attack the White House."

Jessica raised her hand and said: "I applied to attack the White House. I have had a dream since I was a child, to demolish the White House."

Everyone was speechless, and Tony complained: "Are you sure you are a superhero and not a super villain?"

"This is probably the strategy. We will slowly discuss and fill in the specific details."

Steve said, everyone nodded, Tony thought of something, stretched out his hand towards Natasha and said: "Give me an encrypted phone, I'm going to call Pepper and ask her to send something over.

Jarvis is the key to controlling the suit, and I need to fix it as quickly as possible. "


Natasha handed the phone to Tony, who went aside to make a call while the others discussed the details, such as how to sneak into the castle - there must be someone inside to control the situation.

Not long after, Tony called back. He first returned the phone to Natasha, and then motioned for Steve to come aside to talk.

"I just checked. The virus in Jarvis has a similar style to Ivan."

Tony whispered: "In addition, when the White Ghost attacked the special forces station, there were two unmanned suits beside him. Although they changed their coating, I am sure that they were both made by Ivan."

"You mean, Hydra is also involved in this?"

Steve took a breath and asked, "Does Cobra have a violent potion in his hand?"

Tony said with a headache: "I don't know, maybe there is, maybe not."

Steve asked: "Trouble, by the way, Tony, have you made your anti-rage creature suit?"

"The production is done. The problem is, they have nano bugs."

Tony sighed: "If only you could give me a few more months. By then, I will definitely be able to work out a way to crack the nanoworms."

"Nanite bugs plus violent creatures are really troublesome."

Steve thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "I asked Carter to find a way to deliver the violent potion."

During the last disaster, Steve seized two potions from Severn. After verification, one was a violent potion and the other was an R19 potion that kept violent creatures sane.

"You want to inject a berserk potion?"

Tony exclaimed: "Are you crazy? That potion is very dangerous. Even if it succeeds, you will become a big monster."

Steve waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, I won't use it until it's a desperate situation. If it's a desperate situation, I won't even think about using it."

Tony was silent. After a moment, he said: "I will tell everyone about the violent creatures in a moment. Maybe there are other methods."

Steve nodded: "I must tell everyone that no matter whether the Cobra has violent creatures or not, a battle tomorrow is inevitable."

"Well, by the way, there's another thing. This time, Nick Fury has been helping us."

Tony said: "Could our previous speculation be wrong? Could he just be a simple corrupt director?"

"It's quite simple. He only embezzled tens of billions of dollars."

Steve complained, he thought for a while and said, "It's possible, but we still have to be careful. That guy is greedy for so much money, so he is definitely not a good person."

"I agree with this. After we finish dealing with Hydra, shall we expose him?"

Tony said, and Steve smiled: "I think this is possible."

Then, Tony and Steve told everyone about the violent creatures, and everyone gasped at the same time. The violent creatures were really haunting.

Although they were shocked, no one had any intention of backing down. What does a superhero do that is not dangerous?

"It's a pity that tomorrow's battle will be during the day."

Natasha thought of something and sighed: "If it is night, we will have one more powerful help."

"Yeah, it's a pity that it's daytime, and it's a pity that the previous Ghost Rider made a lifestyle mistake."

Everyone sighed and looked at Gwen and Susan. Susan looked guilty. As for Gwen, she was confused. What do you think I am doing? What does Ghost Rider have to do with me?

More than half an hour later, Pepper, with Scarlett's help, delivered a large amount of things to the Washington safe house.

Tony immediately picked up his laptop to help Jarvis kill the virus. With him and Alice joining forces, it won't take long for Jarvis to return to normal, and by then, all the suits will be under Tony's control again.

In the teahouse warehouse, with the help of the strong magnetic jammer, everyone returned to normal one after another. Then, Scarlett teleported everyone to the Washington safe house.

On the one hand, Andrew doesn't like to be disturbed. On the other hand, the safe house has the equipment everyone needs.

Heavy Artillery looked at the arms in the warehouse and sighed: "Your SHIELD is really rich. These equipments are even enough to fight a small war. Wow, these are high-end goods produced by the Stark Group before."

"The thing I'm most satisfied with about SHIELD is the safe house. You can take it as you like, and the director won't mind. In addition, a batch of energy guns will be delivered tomorrow."

Hawkeye smiled and said, that is to say, Nick Fury was not here, otherwise he would have cursed: "Is it easy for me to be greedy for some money and build a safe house? Are you squandering my fortune like this?"

A large part of Nick Fury's greedy money was used to build safe houses. It is worth mentioning that these safe houses are not in the S.H.I.E.L.D. sequence, which means that only Nick Fury knows where they are.

"Pleasant enough."

Heavy Artillery picked up a machine gun and said through gritted teeth: "I must make McCarran pay the price."

"That's right."

Other members of the special forces nodded. This time, the special forces suffered heavy losses, and McCarran must pay with his blood.

Hawkeye nodded with satisfaction, his morale was ready. Only such a team could win tomorrow's super tough battle.

Hawkeye patted Heavy Cannon on the shoulder and said: "We may not be able to come back alive tomorrow. Put the suicide note in the safe house. If we die in the battle, someone will help us deliver the suicide note to our relatives."


Heavy Artillery was silent for a moment, neither refusing nor flinching, and the same was true for other members of the special forces.

"A suicide note?"

When Scarlett heard this, she looked a little hesitant. At this moment, she was not thinking about her relatives, but about Andrew.

"I might die in battle tomorrow, so I can't leave myself any regrets."

Scarlett made up her mind. She was not a coy woman in the first place and immediately teleported back to the tea room.

That night, a certain demon king was forcibly captured.

At the same time, Steve, Natasha, Susan and others carefully discussed the details. Tomorrow's battle is very important and affects the fate of the entire earth. There will be no mistakes.

Nick Fury did not participate in the discussion because he wanted to quietly mobilize troops. Without the military noticing, he transferred a large number of agents, Quinjet fighters, and killer weapons to Fort Sumter.

The military did not notice, but Hydra did. Pierce thought about it and chose to wait and see what happened, without doing anything more.

Time soon came to noon the next day. The superheroes split into two groups and lurked outside the White House. When the battle at Fort Sumter began, they immediately attacked the White House.

This road consists of Susan, Jessica, Colleen, Spider-Man, Daredevil, and Luke Cage. Although there are not many people, the main force of Cobra is not here, so there should be no problem.

The other group stayed in the safe house, waiting for Natasha's signal. Once the signal appeared, Scarlett immediately led everyone to teleport to Fort Sumter for an internal flowering.

At the same time, Garrett led a large number of SHIELD agents lurking near Fort Sumter, waiting for the battle to begin.

In the safe house, Gwen saw that Scarlett was in a bad state, her eyes were frighteningly bright, and her clothes were moving automatically without wind. She couldn't help but ask: "Miss Scarlett, are you okay?"

Scarlett is the core of this plan. If something happens to her, everyone can just go to sleep.

"It's okay. I broke through last night and my magic power increased greatly. I'm in great shape now."

Scarlett told lies with her eyes open. She didn't expect it at all. She just didn't want to leave any regrets. As a result, she accidentally obtained a large amount of magic power, resulting in an excess of magic power now.

Scarlett gritted her teeth secretly: "Is that bastard made of magic power? So much magic power?"

"Breaking through the realm?"

Gwen didn't realize it, she smiled and said: "This is a good thing, congratulations."

"A good thing? Maybe."

Scarlett said with a complicated expression, and then she shook her head. The battle was about to begin, so she couldn't think too much about it. Let's wait until the battle is over.

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