American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2013 Capture


After hearing this, everyone started to transform one after another. Soon, the small building was filled with holy light, which almost blinded Morpheus and others.

"So they are all angels? I understand. They must be specially here to protect the Savior."

Morpheus shouted in surprise, no wonder they couldn't leave the matrix world. It turned out that they were all angels. They must have been acting before.

It is perfectly normal for a person who believes in the Savior to believe in angels.

After the transformation, Sithorn and the others greatly increased their strength. However, the situation was not immediately reversed, because the King of Kung Fu, Hogs, Ganata, and the programs also began to use their abilities.

The King of Kung Fu turned into a vampire, and his figure was like electricity, flashing around the Crimson Demon God. Even the Crimson Demon God could not catch up with his speed.

The Power Demon thought that after his transformation, he could easily capture Ganata. Unexpectedly, Ganata's body suddenly swelled, and her strength and speed increased significantly at the same time.

Ganata giggled and said, "Do you think you are the only ones who have made progress?"

As a result, the battle in the small building became more and more intense. Sithorn cursed in his heart. As an upright person, it was okay for him to cheat. Why did the villain also cheat?

The reason is simple. Andrew is familiar with the plot. While enjoying the fierce battle in the small building, he is waiting for news from Seve.

In the movie, although Seve successfully killed Tank's brother, he was killed by Tank because he failed to give Tank a last hit. At the same time, it also verified Morpheus's theory that the savior is immortal.

Since Andrew knew about this, he must have warned Seve in advance. Although Seve didn't know why, after knocking down the tank brothers, he still followed Andrew's instructions and gave them two finishing blows to kill them completely.

Then, Seve used the tank's communicator to contact Alice. Then, with the help of Alice, he asked Andrew: "BOSS, I have killed Brother Tank, what should I do now?"

"Go and remove Neo's tube immediately, don't say any nonsense, don't waste any time, do it immediately."

Andrew said that although he had intentions towards Neo, it did not prevent him from killing Neo, because Neo had to die once if he wanted to awaken.


Seve had no nonsense and immediately went to pull out Neo's tube. His current idea was very simple, listen to Andrew's words, and then enjoy the life of a great director. When he thought that he could play female stars casually in the future, he almost trembled with excitement.

"Prophet, Architect, I really want to know, what will you do?"

Andrew narrowed his eyes. The so-called savior was actually created by the architect and the prophet. There was no mysterious destiny at all. The movie The Matrix is ​​a complete science fiction film.

Neo, who was running away with Trinity, suddenly pressed his head in pain and even screamed. Trinity stopped in a hurry and asked: "Neo, what's wrong?"

"Seve is about to pull out my tube. He is walking towards me step by step."

Neo said with dull eyes. Trinity was shocked. She was shocked both by Neo's abilities and by Seve's actions. She said anxiously: "It's terrible now. No one is cooperating. We can't return to reality at all." world."

"I feel like I can go back."

Neo said, and then his figure quickly disappeared. Trinity was stunned at first, and then was pleasantly surprised. She was now completely convinced that Neo was the savior.

After hesitating for a moment, Trinity did not leave, but waited where she was because she didn't know if Neo would reappear here. After all, he did not leave normally this time.

"BOSS, the savior program in Neo's body suddenly started."

When Neo left the matrix world, Alice said excitedly: "This is an abnormal startup. Therefore, the program is in chaos. My erosion program jumps directly from the original 1% to 7%."

"It took you so many days to erode only 1%?"

Andrew couldn't help complaining, and Alice said: "One hundred percent is very good, but this program was not activated at all."

"Keep staring at the Savior Program, this is just the beginning."

Andrew said, if nothing else, it was the Architect or the Prophet who forcibly activated the savior program in Neo in order to protect him.

This shows that the real world outside is real, unlike what some people have speculated - many people speculate that Zion is also a virtual world. In fact, this view has quite a market.

Then, Andrew did not stop where he was, but took the ball and walked towards a place. As for the battle in the base, just leave it to the King of Kung Fu and the others.

On the spaceship, Seve walked up to Neo and was about to pull out his tube. At this moment, Neo opened his eyes suddenly. Seve was startled and subconsciously took two steps back.

After all, Seve was not mentally strong enough to pull out the tube immediately. This gave Neo a chance. Neo grabbed the ashtray next to him and threw it at Seve. With a bang, Seve His head was smashed and bleeding, and he screamed repeatedly.

Taking this opportunity, Neo stood up and picked up the electric current gun next to him. A huge electric current hit Seve, and Seve directly turned into a scorched corpse, just like the tank he attacked.

Seve's dream of becoming a Hollywood director was over.

After successfully dealing with Sever, Neo breathed a sigh of relief. Then, without wasting any time, he rushed to the console immediately, picked up the tank's communicator, and said: "Morpheus, Trinity, it's me, you guys." Hurry to the phone and I'll get you out."

"Neo? You returned to the real world? How did you do that?"

Morpheus asked incredulously. Neo hesitated and told the story again. Morpheus was overjoyed. Sure enough, Neo was the savior and his judgment was not wrong.

Not only Morpheus is excited, but others are also excited. Neo is really the savior, which means that they can be saved and mankind can be saved.

Before, they were only half-convinced that Neo was the savior, but now, like Morpheus, they completely believed that Neo was the savior.

"Sithorn, you..."

Morpheus remembered something and hesitated. Seeing this, Sithorn said: "Don't worry, we have a way to escape. You should leave as soon as possible."

Sithorn is very excited now. Neo can leave the matrix world on his own without any device. This shows that the savior can really take them back to the real world. This is more important than anything else.

In this case, Sithorne naturally has to establish a good relationship with Morpheus and the others. When the relationship reaches a certain level and another opportunity arises, he can ask Neo to take them away.

In addition, even without this incident, Sithorn and the others would have to retreat, because their transformation time is only three minutes, and the King of Kung Fu and the others obviously cannot win in three minutes.

"Okay, be careful."

Morpheus nodded and led everyone to retreat to the room with the phone. Seeing this, the King of Kung Fu did not stop him because it was not necessary.

"He truly is a savior."

Trinity's expression was a little complicated. Then, she shook her head and ran from the sewer towards the base. At this moment, there was a bang, and the bricks above the sewer shattered and fell down. If it wasn't for Trini Di hid so fast that she was afraid that she would be hit.

"Miss Trinity, we meet again."

Andrew, who was wearing sunglasses, said with a smile on his face. In his original identity, he had hunted down Trinity many times.

Trinity was shocked and immediately destroyed her communicator, then turned and ran away. Why did she destroy her communicator? Because she was worried that Neo would know what was going on here and come to save her.

Although Trinity is beautiful and has a good figure, she has never been a flower vase. She is a true warrior.

"really not bad."

Andrew smiled slightly, his body turned into nothingness, and flew through the obstacle to Trinity. Then, he turned back into reality, grabbed Trinity's neck, and lifted her up.

That's right, the program Andrew transplanted was the program of the Twin Ghosts.

Trinity was about to kick Andrew with her feet when lightning suddenly lit up in Andrew's palm. She was numb all over and unable to move. Andrew didn't waste any time and jumped back to the ground with her.

"You brought me here just to capture a beautiful woman?"

Ball Flower was puzzled, and Andrew threw away all the weapons on Trinity, then threw her to the ground and said: "Of course not, she is the woman of the savior. The prophet once predicted that the savior will fall in love with her."

"The woman of the savior?"

Qiuhua was a little surprised, and she asked: "Andrew, what are you waiting for?"

"Of course she is the woman who is waiting for the savior to come and save him." Andrew said, "It's time for him and I to meet again."

Qiuhua shook his head: "How could he come? This is obviously a trap?"

Trinity on the ground also looked at Andrew mockingly. Neo would definitely not come. Even if he wanted to come, Morpheus would stop him.

"Because he is the male protagonist. In which movie does the male protagonist ignore the female protagonist?"

Andrew smiled and said that he knew that Neo would definitely come, because Neo had to die once before he could awaken, and Trinity was very important to the prophet's plan, so the prophet would definitely promote this matter.

In the world of The Matrix, whether it's Neo, Morpheus, or the silly Merowengar, they are just chess pieces, and only the prophets and architects are the chess players.

At present, the architect thinks that the prophet is with him, but he does not know that the prophet has his own plan, and Trinity is the key to her plan.

On the other side, Morpheus successfully withdrew from the matrix world. Before he could be happy, he heard Neo shouting: "Trinity, Trinity..."

"what happened?"

Morpheus hurriedly came over and asked. Neo looked at the green data stream on the screen and said with an ugly face: "Trinity has lost contact. In addition, there are two more codes next to her. One of them should be an agent." code."

Originally, only tanks knew how to obtain information from data, but now Neo is self-taught. Don't ask, asking is the savior.

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