American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2010 Angels and Vampires

"It is true that I am not a human being, but I am on the side of humans."

The prophet did not explain her identity. She said: "If you want to save the world, the savior Neo is the key. I hope you will protect him and don't let anything happen to him. As long as he lives, he will definitely be able to lead mankind to survive."

"I heard Cypher tell the story of the Savior."

Indigo frowned and said, "To be honest, I don't believe it, because it's not scientific at all, and we shouldn't place our hopes on a savior."

“The savior sounds very unscientific, but it’s actually very scientific.”

The prophet said, and everyone secretly rolled their eyes. These magicians just like to make mysteries.

The prophet did not tell the truth. She continued: "In short, if you keep the savior, mankind will definitely win. It's that simple."

"I have reservations about it, but we are willing to protect the savior because there is no other way now."

Sithorn said: "The problem is that with our strength, we cannot protect the savior at all. Those agents are very powerful and cannot be killed."

"I will help you become stronger, and at the same time, give you the ability to kill agents."

The prophet hesitated and said that such an ability would definitely break the rules, but in order to protect the savior and to make the plan go smoothly, she had to take some risks.

Then, the prophet took his bodyguards and everyone to the underground warehouse, where there was the body of an angel. Everyone was stunned. There are actually angels in this world?

The prophet did not explain anything, she said: "I will transplant the angel's program to you, making you stronger and at the same time, have the ability to kill agents.

However, times are different, this ability will not be too powerful, and there is a limit. You can only use it for three minutes at a time, and then you have to rest for three hours before you can use it again. "

"Understood, temporary transformation ability."

Sithorn nodded. Like everyone else, he had a strange look in his eyes. After being a villain for so long, he was actually going to be an angel this time?

Before the prophet transplanted the angel procedure, the Crimson Demon God asked: "Prophet, do you have a way for us to return to the real world?"

"You are people from the last era. You have no body outside. How can you return?"

The prophet shook his head and said, "However, if the savior fully awakens, he will have a way to take you out of the matrix and return to the real world."

"The savior has completely awakened?"

Everyone's eyes flashed, and sure enough, if they wanted to leave this world, they would have to fall on the savior in the end. They wanted to ask more questions, such as how to make the savior fully awaken? But the prophet was unwilling to speak. Even if he spoke, it would be confusing and he could not understand it at all.

"When I regain my strength, the first person I want to kill will be this prophet."

Sithorn and the others secretly cursed that they hated this kind of pushy guy the most. Then, they began to receive transplants and became temporary angels.

To be honest, Sithorn and the others feel a bit strange now, not only because they want to become angels, but also because they are getting help from plot characters. This is completely different from their previous experience.

"This time, we are taking the path of the Machine Demon King. The question is, he gave us this path. What exactly does he want to do?"

Sithorn and others were confused and could not figure out the intention of the Machine Demon King.

The first person to transplant the angel program was Indigo. After the transplant, he whispered to everyone with an ugly face: "There is something wrong with the angel program."

"what is the problem?"

Everyone asked hurriedly, and Indigo said: "There is a backdoor in the angel program. Through this backdoor, the prophet can make us lose the ability to resist at any time. It seems that she cannot trust us."

"It's normal. You can tell this prophet is an old silver coin at a glance. She gave us the transplant program. On the one hand, it enhances our strength to protect Neo, and on the other hand, she takes the opportunity to control us."

Sithorn snorted coldly: "Indigo, is there any way to make the prophet lose a handful of rice instead of stealing the chicken?"

"Of course there is a way. Although I don't have any special abilities now, it is more than enough to deal with a backdoor."

Indigo said confidently: "I can block the backdoor and prevent the prophet from discovering it."

"That's good, let's pretend we haven't discovered anything and gain strength first."

Sithorn said: "Strength is very important, and only by obtaining the angel program can we kill those agents who can keep possessing people."

Everyone nodded and continued to transplant the angel program as if nothing had happened. Indigo secretly complained in his heart: So the decent side is also full of calculations? It seems that no matter which party it is, it is difficult to get along.

The transplantation was not very fast. It was not until the next day that all the transplants were completed. The prophet nodded with satisfaction and said: "Very good, don't worry, as long as you protect Neo, you will definitely be free and save mankind."

"We will protect him."

Sithorn nodded. They originally wanted to ask for more information, but the prophet directly asked the bodyguard Seraphim to drive them away. It was obvious that the prophet only used them as tools.

Sithorn and the others snorted secretly, let you be proud now. When we regain our strength, your good days will be over.

After Sithorn and the others left, the Seraph hesitated and asked the Prophet: "Prophet, do you believe them?"

"You don't believe them?"

The prophet asked back, and the seraphim nodded and said, "They give me a strange feeling. Although I can't tell the difference between good and evil, I always feel that there is something wrong."

Sithorn and the others are all old silver coins. Since they are now in the good camp, they will naturally not show evil. They still have this acting skill. In fact, in the eyes of others, Sithorn and the others are full of light. and justice.

"It's normal for people from the previous era to be a little different."

The prophet shook his head: "Don't worry about them, they are our own people now."

"Yes, Prophet."

The seraphim said respectfully. The prophet did not explain much. The seraphim was just a bodyguard. There was no need to say too much. She took out a cigarette and lit it. At the same time, she couldn't help but sigh. What a troubled time.

The prophet is secretly executing a big plan. The success rate of this plan itself is not high. Now two groups of outsiders have appeared, and the success rate is even lower. However, this plan must be implemented, not only for humans, but also for robots.

"Architect, your idea won't work. Robots were created by humans and have no ability to evolve. If they want to evolve, they can only rely on humans."

The prophet shook his head and said to the seraphim: "You should also strengthen it, maybe it will be used. The architect finally gave us some benefits, we can't miss it."

This program transplantation ability was actually given by the architect. The prophet himself could not do this. The reason why the architect gave the prophet this ability was to find out the details of those outsiders.

"no problem."

The seraphim agreed without any hesitation. The procedure is different from that of humans. Human beings are born without a predetermined goal and are free.

Once a program is born, it must have a goal, such as a weather program to manage the weather, an anti-virus program to kill viruses, etc. The goal of the seraphim is to protect the prophet, so no matter what the prophet says, he will obediently do it.

This is a flaw of the program. In addition, every program is useful, and programs that are useless will be deleted.

A few days later, the King of Kung Fu, Ganata, and Hogs were fighting in the hall. The King of Kung Fu was one against two, and his speed was extremely fast. His phantom was everywhere, and ordinary people could not see his speed at all.

"The King of Kung Fu has been transplanted with a vampire program. His speed has been greatly increased, and he can turn his hands into claws. In addition, he has the ability to suck blood."

Alice reported to Andrew: "However, he cannot turn other people into vampires. After all, times have changed and vampire abilities have been greatly weakened.

Of course, there is also an advantage, that is, the King of Kung Fu is not afraid of the sun, silver, garlic or anything like that. "

There is one god for each version. If it is the version added by Merowen, vampires are very powerful, but in this version, vampires are just slightly more powerful alien creatures.

"If it doesn't work now, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future."

Andrew said nonchalantly. At this moment, besides them, there were also Mero Wenjia and Qiuhua around. Among them, Qiuhua was standing next to Andrew, and Andrew was hugging her. The relationship between the two was obviously very close.

Merowenga ignored this matter. He looked at Alice in disbelief. She could actually transplant the vampire program to other people. How was this possible?

In Mei Luo Wenjia's impression, only architects can do this kind of thing, and even architects cannot do it easily, and they need to pay some price.

Qiuhua's eyes were bright. What she wanted to do most was to complete her emotional routine. It seemed that her choice was the right one. Andrew was countless times better than Merton.

That bastard Mei Luo Wenjia shouted every day to help him complete his relationship program. As a result, after following him for so many years, he never completed anything. This is why Qiu Hua said before that Mei Luo Wenjia was full of lies.

Merowenga didn't know that Qiuhua was 'slandering' him. He couldn't help but ask: "Who are you?"

"That's not important. At least, it's not important to you. Your task is to provide us with logistics, and I guarantee that you will survive until the end."

Andrew said, and then he ignored Merowenga and asked Indigo: "What abilities did the other two transplants?"

"The transplanted ability from Hogs is hard. There is no way. There are very few bug programs and we can't find one that is too strong."

Alice introduced: "As for Ganata, her ability is to store energy. To put it simply, she first stores energy by eating a lot, and then explodes the energy at once in exchange for strong strength.

This ability was chosen by Ganata herself. In addition, the agent program is very good, and the ability they transplanted is even more powerful than the original one. "

"very good."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction and said, "Now, we can have a touch with the savior."

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