American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 201 Big Bang

"Who is Badr? Where is his office?"

Spider-Man was a little confused and asked hurriedly. Just as Daredevil was about to answer, a fist hit him in the chest and knocked him away.

Then, two enhanced soldiers went to pick up the particle wave guns on the ground. Spider-Man hurriedly fired spider silk to stick to the two guns. Then, he pulled hard and the two guns flew away at the same time.

The two enhanced soldiers were furious, one dealt with Daredevil who got up, and the other charged at Spider-Man fiercely, and the four soon fought together.

In the office, Scarlett could not speak and stared at Bader with her eyes.

Badr smiled and said: "Don't worry, you won't die. The commander is very interested in your magic. He specifically asked me to keep you alive. This is why I called you to the office."

"You think you're going to win?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, and then, a shadow emerged from Scarlett's body, which was Scarlett's soul.

It is worth mentioning that this technique is not called out-of-body experience, but astral projection.


Bader was startled, then reacted and hurriedly grabbed the pocket-sized battle suit around Scarlet's waist.

Scarlett's soul snorted, cast a spell with both hands, and the suit quickly grew in size. Then, she flew into the suit and merged with it.

Upon seeing this, Bader immediately took out a small ball from his waist and threw it at Scarlett's feet. The ball exploded with a bang and turned into a large amount of green mist that wrapped around Scarlett's feet.

This green mist is the nanobug. In the past two months, relying on huge funds from oil interest groups, the commander's nanobug technology has advanced by leaps and bounds.

Scarlett's expression changed, and the suit suddenly split from the middle of the waist, and the upper part flew into the air alone. This was a separation technique learned from Tony Stark.

Then, Scarlett raised her left hand and aimed at Badr. Badr immediately grabbed the desk next to him and smashed it hard at Scarlett.

This Badr is obviously also an enhanced person.

Scarlett released a strong wind that blew the desk away, and Bader took the opportunity to turn around and flee. At this moment, a force enveloped him, making him unable to move. It was the confinement magic.

Baldr's expression changed, and he immediately wanted to crush the remote control. At the critical moment, a crossbow arrow shot out, piercing Baldur's right wrist. Baldr screamed, and the remote controller fell downwards.


Badr shouted loudly, covering his right hand, and then, the remote control exploded with a bang, and parts flew everywhere.

Scarlett couldn't help but want to curse, and Bader laughed loudly: "Do you think we will still be so stupid after learning about the short-circuit device?"

Scarlett shouted angrily: "What on earth do you want to do? Say it quickly, otherwise don't blame me for killing you!"

"What to do? Of course, to destroy you."

Baldr laughed while struggling hard to get rid of the confining magic.

"Destroy us?"

Scarlett wanted to ask again, but at this moment, the nano bugs gnawed away half of the suit and flew towards her quickly.

Scarlett's expression changed, and she hurriedly shot Badr through the head with a crossbow arrow. Then, she grabbed the computer host next to her and threw it at the nanoworms. The nanoworms immediately wrapped the computer host and ate it quickly.

Taking this opportunity, Scarlett picked up her unable body and escaped from the office as quickly as possible.

The nanobugs didn't chase him, they stayed in the house chewing other metals.

Scarlett breathed a sigh of relief and flew towards the open space. When she saw the four people fighting in a melee, she immediately raised the crossbow in her left hand and shot the two enhanced men dead.

"Miss Scarlett, what's going on with you?"

Spider-Man and Daredevil were both shocked. Scarlett was about to speak. Suddenly, Iron Man flew over the station with two unmanned suits and shouted: "Hurry up and release all the superheroes, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." .”

"iron Man!"

Everyone was shocked. At this moment, an idea flashed in Scarlet's mind, and she suddenly guessed Badr's plan, and her expression suddenly changed drastically.

While controlling the strong wind to sweep the bodies of the two enhanced soldiers into the corner, Scarlett shouted anxiously: "Spider-Man, Daredevil, take Duke and Circuit Breaker to the recreation room immediately."

After saying that, Scarlett rushed to the entertainment room as quickly as possible without any explanation - she had no time to waste, and if she was even a second late, everyone might be annihilated.

Spider-Man and Daredevil knew something was wrong, so they immediately picked up Duke and Circuit Breaker and rushed to the recreation room.

Leaving aside the actions of Scarlett and the others, the arrival of Iron Man and the unmanned suit made the reporters excited at the same time. They hurriedly pointed the camera at Iron Man and reported loudly:

"Viewers, Iron Man is very dissatisfied with President Ellis's decision. He is ready to save superheroes. Let us wait and see what will happen next."

"Something's wrong. Iron Man's appearance at this time will only add fuel to the fire."

Melinda frowned and hurriedly called Nick Fury.

The special forces did not respond to 'Iron Man'. They directly started their machine guns and fired wildly at Iron Man - remotely controlled, and Badr had done something to the defense facilities in advance.

"You are seeking death."

White Ghost pretended to be angry and used a machine gun to fight back. Seeing a large number of bullets flying around, the reporters were frightened and ran away while screaming.

However, not all reporters ran away. Several reporters continued to report despite the hail of bullets. This was super big news. Whether they could become famous reporters depended on this time.

While the White Ghost was acting, he asked backstage: "Have Badr and the others withdrawn?"

The backstage said: "Something happened and we can't contact Badr and the others."

White Ghost asked: "What should we do? Go in to find them, or bomb directly?"

"Direct bombing."

The background replied: "The nanocontroller has been activated, and no one inside can escape."

"You have the final say."

White Ghost didn't waste any time. The missile popped up from behind and blasted towards the open space below.

Let's move the time forward a few seconds. In the entertainment room, Scarlett's soul floated out of the suit. Spider-Man was shocked. Is this a ghost? Hey, wait, Miss Scarlett died?

Astral projection magic, as long as the user is willing to let others see her, others can see her.

Scarlett had no time to explain. She took off the teleportation bracelet from her wrist as quickly as possible.

Then, Scarlett activated the bracelet, which lit up with a large number of dazzling runes. Then, the runes turned into white light and enveloped everyone around her.

"We can only save so many people, and we really can't save others."

Scarlett sighed and teleported away with everyone. The next second, the missile hit the open space, and the high-energy battery below exploded simultaneously. A strong electric light enveloped the entire station, as if a small sun was rising.


There were screams all around, most of them had their eyes hurt by the strong light, and a few were burned by the sputtering electric light, and their whole bodies were burnt black.

When the lightning subsided, the entire station disappeared, leaving only a large pit full of red crystals.

The special forces station was completely destroyed.

The fake Iron Man was fine. He remained silent for a few seconds and flew away with two unmanned suits - the two unmanned suits were scraps sold to them by Whitehall at a high price.

"Iron Man destroyed the Special Forces station, and all Special Forces members and superheroes died."

Some reporters who were not affected reported with horrified voices: "Iron Man has become a complete evil. He not only killed superheroes and special forces, but also killed many reporters."

Looking at the tragic situation on the screen, the audience was completely speechless. Iron Man actually went worse, killing superheroes and a large number of special forces members?

At this moment, Iron Man's reputation was completely ruined. There were people who used to defend him, but now, they are completely gone.

Everyone had only one idea: catch him quickly, send him to the electric chair, and electrocute him.

Half an hour after the station explosion, President Ellis spoke again at Fort Sumter: "In order to prevent Tony Stark from causing a greater disaster, I declare that all of Tony Stark's suits will be confiscated.

Please rest assured that we will catch Tony Stark and put him on trial as soon as possible. "

As soon as President Ellis made the announcement, the military rushed into the Malibu Villa and Stark Tower, packed up and transported all the steel suits inside, leaving not even a single part for Tony.

The military has long been looking forward to this day.

The Stark Group's luxurious legal team stood aside helplessly. They had tried their best.

"When Tony comes back, he'll get it all back."

Pepper watched all this and said bitterly. Then, she looked up in the direction of Washington, silently praying that Susan and the others could successfully rescue Tony.

In the tea room, Andrew was drinking tea when he suddenly sensed a spatial fluctuation. He frowned slightly and turned his hand, causing the spatial fluctuation to be distorted.

Then, a white light lit up, and Scarlett's soul, body, and half of the suit appeared in the tea room at the same time.

"Mr. Wang, where are the others?"

Seeing that no one else was teleported over, Scarlett's Soul's expression changed and she asked hurriedly.

"I moved it to the warehouse."

Andrew said calmly: "Scarlett, I remember telling you that I don't like strangers stepping into my tea room."

Scarlett apologized hastily: "I'm sorry, Mr. Wang, I really can't help it, otherwise I wouldn't be teleported here."

In this situation, Scarlett had no place to hide.

Andrew said: "This will never happen again."

"Thank you Mr. Wang."

Scarlett breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, she thought of something and hurriedly took out her phone from her body and opened TikTok to check the news about the special forces station.

It is worth mentioning that Scarlett’s mobile phone is specially made and its signal will not be tracked.

Soon, Scarlett saw a large empty pit, with all the people and objects on it gone.

"McAllen, I will never let you go."

Scarlett gritted her teeth and said that although she tried her best, she could only rescue half of the people, and the remaining half were all killed.

"Poor Macallan, taking the blame again."

Andrew shook his head. It was the commander who planned this incident, not McCarran. The commander was much more ruthless than McCarran.

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