American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2005 Leaving

Neo looked at the two pills with some hesitation, but soon he picked up the red pill and threw it into his mouth. Then he said, "I want to know the truth."

"very good."

Morpheus smiled, he knew that Neo would definitely take the red pill, because Neo is the savior. He clapped his hands, the door outside opened, and a group of people walked in, it was Sithorn and others.

Neo looked confused, wondering why Morpheus called so many people in? Hey, wait a minute, could it be that the medicine was a medicine that made the whole body weak, and then these people did something to him?

Since meeting Andrew, Neo's style has obviously deviated.

Morpheus naturally didn't know what Neo was thinking. He took out two bottles of medicine and said to Sithorn and others: "You must have heard what I said before. Now, it's your turn to choose. Take the red one." , still blue.”

"Is this medicine still wholesale?"

Neo secretly complained that Sithorn and the others naturally chose the red pill. When Sithorn swallowed the pill, he glanced at Neo. Is this guy the protagonist? Apart from being handsome, there seems to be nothing special about him?

Seeing that everyone had taken the red pills, Morpheus was very satisfied and took everyone to another room. Then, he asked everyone to sit on chairs, and then put on various devices on them.

"If so many people are locked up at once, will there be any problems?"

Trinity asked a little worriedly, and Morpheus said confidently: "There will be no problem. With the savior here, we will definitely have smooth sailing."

Trinity glanced at Morpheus and said nothing more. She had very complicated feelings about the savior. Reason told her that she couldn't believe it, but her sensibility made her hope that the savior was real, because human beings were too miserable and too miserable. A savior is needed to save everyone.

In addition, the prophet once said that Trinity would fall in love with the savior. I don’t know if it is true?

"It may not be impossible to be so handsome."

Trinity glanced at Neo, and the resistance in her heart was reduced by half. There was nothing she could do, the handsome guy could do whatever he wanted.

"The Mechanical Demon King didn't make any movement at all?"

Sithorne and others, who had always been vigilant, looked at each other in confusion, not understanding what was going on. If they were ordinary agents, it would be normal for them to be unable to find them, but that was the Mechanical Demon King. Who could believe that he was able to get rid of him so easily?

"The Machine Demon King must be planning something. Should we leave early?"

Sithorn asked. The Crimson Demon thought for a moment and said, "No, keep going. I want to see what the Machine Demon wants to do."

"Okay, anyway, this round is dominated by you."

No one objected. Anyway, they couldn't guess what the Machine Demon King wanted to do. In this case, they stopped guessing and just went ahead. At the very least, they wouldn't lose their hair because of thinking too much.

Everyone who was preparing did not know that Alice knew everything that happened here, because there was an erosion program hidden in Neo's body.

"BOSS, are you really not going to stop them?"

Alice asked Andrew: "Once the Crimson Demon Gods return to their bodies, any of your calculations will be in vain, because each of them has the ability to overturn the table."

The combat power of the hacker world is really nothing in front of a group of Heavenly Father Gods. For example, the hundreds of thousands of mechanical octopuses that attacked Zion in the second part can be dealt with by Sithorn and the others with just a wave of their hands.

"Don't worry, this game is not that simple. I don't do anything because I don't have to do anything."

Andrew said calmly: "How can it be so easy to return to the original body? Without breaking my game, they will not be able to return at all. In the end, they will not even have the strength to struggle."

"BOSS, what you said doesn't sound like a villain at all."

Alice complained, and Andrew laughed: "I'm sorry, in this world, I am the villain. Although this movie is very exciting, I don't like the ending of the movie, compromise, peace? Haha, I don't accept it."


Alice smiled and continued to ask: "Speaking of which, BOSS, do you really have no idea about Trinity? She is a heroine and has a heroic appearance. Isn't she just right for you?

If you don't take action, Trinity will definitely be with Neo. Let's not talk about the entanglement of fate. Neo's appearance alone is enough to make most women's hearts flutter. There is no way, women are visual creatures. "

Andrew looked unhappy: "Wow, who do you think I am? Am I the kind of person who steals the hero's future girlfriend?"

Alice answered with certainty: "Yes."

"It seems to be true."

Andrew laughed and said: "Forget it about Trinity, although it is cool, it is too tough and I have no interest in it. Besides, there are better things in this world."

The person Andrew was talking about was naturally the Earth Ball in the second movie. Although this Earth Ball with a ridiculously good figure also appeared in the previous world, she was already old in that movie. In The Matrix 2 Just right.

"It turns out there are other candidates."

Alice understood, and she said: "Just now I was worried that you were fake, BOSS, but now I'm relieved."

"What image do I have in your mind?"

Andrew complained that Alice's emotions were getting richer and richer, but her character was also getting worse and worse. I don't know who influenced her?

In the cabin, Trinity looked at the screen, frowned and said, "Morpheus, Neo's position was successfully locked, but the positions of the other people were completely unable to be locked, as if they had no bodies."

"how so?"

Morpheus was stunned, Sithorne and others looked at each other, and a thought came to their minds at the same time: "It's really not that simple."

"It doesn't matter, help us leave the matrix. When the time comes, we will find a way to escape from the battery field on our own."

Sithorn thought for a while and said, according to previous experience, as long as Morpheus and the others activate the device, the consciousness of the awakened person will awaken on the body.

However, the bodies of the Awakened have not been used for decades and are basically useless, just like a vegetative state that wakes up after sleeping for many years. Therefore, Morpheus and the others need to drive a spaceship to rescue them, otherwise the Awakened will only Become nourishment and provide for other human beings.

This is why it is necessary to locate the awakened person first. In addition, there are a lot of bugs in the battery field. The spacecraft must sneak in quietly, pick up the people, and then escape immediately.

The problem is that others need to adapt, but Sithorn and the others do not. As long as their consciousness returns to their original form, they no longer need the help of Morpheus and the others.

"Without advance positioning, we may not be able to find you, and by then, you will die."

Morpheus said in shock, Sithorn said: "Believe us, we won't die, it will be a long night and a dream, let's get started."

"All right."

Morpheus and Trinity looked at each other and nodded. At this time, it was impossible to give up.

Then, Morpheus started the instrument, and Neo felt his surroundings begin to distort. At the same time, a mirror appeared in front of him. He tried to touch the mirror with his hand. As a result, the mirror turned into liquid, starting from his arms, and quickly wrapped around his whole body.

Neo felt like he couldn't breathe, couldn't help but let out a loud scream, and stood up straight. Then, he found that he was soaked in a strange liquid and connected to a large number of tubes.

At the same time, Neo was in a nutritional warehouse. Because of his actions, the nutritional warehouse opened automatically. He looked outside and found that the outside was densely packed with three-dimensional nutritional warehouses, and lightning flashed from time to time.

"Battery Field? What they say is true, this is reality."

This idea flashed through Neo's mind. At this moment, a mechanical bug flew over and looked directly at Neo. Neo was shocked. Before he could do anything, the bug stretched out its tentacles and pulled out the pipe behind him. Lose.

Then, the nutrient compartment starts its clearing function, and Neo slides into the nutrient pool along with the nutrient solution. If no one rescues him, he will be absorbed and melted by the nutrient pool, and then become nutrients for others.

Fortunately, Morpheus and the others rushed over and rescued Neo into the spaceship. Neo fainted and was completely unconscious.

Morpheus carefully put Neo into the treatment chamber. His expression was as if he was worshiping a saint. After all, this was the savior.

Trinity waited for Morpheus to finish and asked the staff member Tank nearby: "What's going on with the other awakened ones? Have their signals been detected?"

"Well, those people have not left the matrix. Their consciousness is still in the matrix and has not awakened."

Tank replied that he was a programmer who could see a lot of information from data and was an indispensable scientific and technological talent.

Everyone was stunned, and Morpheus asked: "Our methods have never failed, why don't they wake up?"

"I don't know, but you should remember that we couldn't lock their location before."

Tank hesitated and said, "Maybe they are programs. Programs naturally have no body and will not wake up."

"Are they programs? Impossible. If they were programs, we would have been surrounded by agents."

Morpheus shook his head. He thought for a moment and said, "Let Seve stay and contact those people while the others retreat. We stayed too long and were easily discovered by agents. We will talk about other things later."

For Morpheus, the savior is the most important. As for the others, he will deal with them when he has time. What he has to do now is to teach the savior, let him grow up, and lead everyone to defeat the robots.


Everyone nodded, and soon, the others retreated, leaving only Seve. Seve was a bald man with a beard. When he saw that he was left behind, not only was he not afraid, but he became excited.

Why? Because Seve is ready to become a traitor, and he wants to use Morpheus and the others' whereabouts in exchange for great wealth in the future.

To put it simply, take refuge in an agent, then let the agent erase his memory of the real world, and then give him the identity of a rich man, so that he can enjoy life happily.

As for the truth and saving humanity, are those important? It doesn't matter, because it's impossible for humans to win. In fact, he has always hated Morpheus for helping him awaken. In such a cruel world, why did you ask me to awaken? Suffer?

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