Those security guards even threw away their guns in order to reduce their load. Are you kidding me? The plane is about to crash. Who has time to protect any company? Life is more important, okay?

"Isn't the Machine Demon King too cruel? He actually hit the plane directly?"

The Power Demon was stunned. He couldn't help but complain: "Didn't he say that he is the savior, is very good to the people, and is a positive person? What positive person would fly a plane into the company headquarters?"

"The Machine Demon King is indeed a positive character."

Indigo analyzed it and said, "Although he hit our headquarters with a plane, he is still a positive figure because no one will die.

The Machine Demon King has calculated the time so that everyone can escape. In addition, there is an artificial lake outside Cybertron Company, which can effectively buffer the impact of the explosion.

To put it simply, as long as you are not out of your mind and refuse to escape, you will basically not die, and you can also watch a fireworks display for free, which is great value for money. "

Everyone looked at Indigo speechlessly. They always felt that this woman's style changed after she was captured by Wade. By the way, did anything interesting happen to her while she was captured?

"What about us, shall we escape?"

Seth asked, and the demon clone said with an ugly expression: "How to escape? Genesis, or the body of Indigo is here. It is very huge and cannot be taken away at all.

The Machine Demon Lord crashed a plane into the Cybertron headquarters for two purposes. One was to make all ordinary people retreat, and the other was to see if Skynet could be directly destroyed.

Of course, the latter is impossible. Skynet is at the deepest point underground, and the impact of aircraft is not enough. In fact, even nuclear bombs may not be able to do it. "

As an artificial intelligence, Skynet's servers are naturally huge. Not to mention other things, heat dissipation alone is a huge problem.

Seth asked: "In other words, we are going to face the Machine Demon King head-on?"

"Yes, what's worse is that the huge impact caused by the plane's impact will cause problems with the large number of traps I laid out before."

Indigo said: "I suggest that we wait until the Mechanical Demon King comes in and we directly blow up the time machine. The Mechanical Demon King is too ruthless and insidious, and our chances of winning are very low."

"Admitting defeat before fighting? This is not my style."

The Power Demon snorted coldly and said: "Indigo, activate the self-destruct function of the time machine first. Once you find out that we are defeated, it will explode immediately.

But don’t do anything until we lose. Let us have a good fight with the Machine Demon King first. "

"I also think that we should at least have a fight first."

The demon clone also said that he was doing this purely for the sake of face. What a joke. He was a demon, and he blew himself up before being beaten. How could he behave if word got out?

"Although I don't think it's necessary, you have big fists and I will listen to you."

Indigo said, and then he threw the modified liquid metal to the Power Demon King. The body composed of holographic projection disappeared, but it returned to Skynet's main server and prepared to explode.

Soon, the plane appeared above Cybertron Corporation, and flew downwards diagonally. If nothing else happened, it would hit the headquarters of Cybertron Corporation, and then, a huge explosion would occur.

"What a madman. Don't let me find out which company is responsible for this, otherwise I will kill him."

The colonel sat in the helicopter, looking at the scene in the distance, and cursed with an ugly expression. The pilot nodded with deep understanding. To be honest, this was really outrageous.

Soon, the plane, flying at an increasingly lower altitude, hit the Cybertron Corporation's headquarters, and then, uh, then the plane passed through the company's headquarters, submerged into the artificial lake and disappeared.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone was collectively confused. Why did the plane suddenly disappear, as if it was just a shadow?

"Is it fake? No, the radar clearly detected the target before."

The colonel looked puzzled, and so did Indigo and the others, but soon they realized that the Machine Demon King was using holographic projections to scare people.

As for the radar scanning the target, this is too normal. With the technology of the Machine Demon King, how difficult can it be to create a false target?

"He is indeed a savior. In order to avoid hurting innocent people, he specially created a holographic projection to scare people."

Indigo sneered: "It is true that no one will die if we do this, but there are two disadvantages. First, the special forces and security guards can come back. Second, the traps in the headquarters are safe and sound, and our chances of winning are obviously better. one cent."

"He is a merciful savior after all."

Seth smiled, but he didn't think so in his heart. The reason why the old silver coin of the Mechanical Demon King was so merciful was simple. He was 100% sure.

"Quickly notify others to come back to save the scene."

The demon clone said, Indigo nodded, pretended to be the security director, and called others to come back.

After receiving the notice, the colonel hesitated and asked the three armed helicopters to rush back together. On the one hand, since he had received money from others, he must perform well, and Cybertron would not be offended.

On the other hand, the plane just now should use holographic projection technology. This technology is so awesome that it can not only deceive the naked eye, but also deceive radar. It must be obtained, otherwise it will threaten the security of the United States.

Any advanced technology that does not belong to the United States will threaten the security of the United States. There is no doubt about this - this is the idea of ​​the American military.

At this moment, the pilot suddenly shouted: "Colonel, there is a target rapidly approaching the Cybertron headquarters, uh, a very strange target."

"Strange target?"

The colonel was stunned. He looked at the picture displayed on the screen and couldn't help but be stunned. He saw a group of people flying quickly towards Cybertron Corporation.

That's right, they were flying, with flames spraying from their feet. Two of them seemed to be robots that could only be seen in science fiction movies.

"What's going on? Get close to them, machine guns ready, missiles ready."

The colonel was stunned, and then immediately gave the order. Just as everyone was about to nod, three armed helicopters suddenly turned around uncontrollably and flew into the distance.

"what happened?"

The colonel asked the pilot angrily, his right hand even placed on the handle of the gun at his waist. This pilot may have surrendered to the enemy.

"I don't know what happened, but the helicopter suddenly lost control."

The pilot shouted in panic, lest the colonel didn't believe it, he raised his hands to show his innocence, and even without his control, the helicopter still turned around, which was very magical.

The colonel was stunned. He thought of something and turned to look at the robot at the Cybertron headquarters. A sudden realization came to his mind: "It should have been made by the robot over there. Isn't this too high-end?"

The other party can control the helicopter, and it is easy to kill them. Now they just make the helicopter turn around, which is undoubtedly showing mercy.

At this time, other soldiers asked from the colonel's earphone: "Colonel, what should we do?"

"What to do? Of course, do nothing. This is not something we can get involved in."

The colonel shook his head and said, "Everyone, stay still. I will ask the Pentagon and let them formulate a strategy."

The colonel's idea was simple. This situation was too big for him to handle, so he decided to pass the blame.

The reason why the helicopter lost control was Hoggs' fault. This is one of the abilities of the TX robot: controlling machinery. However, it cannot be controlled remotely. Liquid metal must be injected into the machinery to achieve the purpose of control.

Before the emergence of holographic projection aircraft, Andrew sent Hogs to sneak into the soldiers and do tricks on the helicopter - this is not difficult, both T1000 and TX can transform.

Except for the elderly Terminator and Lear, everyone else in Andrew's group could fly, so they arrived at the gate of Cybertron Company very smoothly.

As for the old Terminator, he held Sarah's feet and lamented the impermanence of life. In the past, his daughter relied on him, but now he relies on his daughter.

As for Lear, Wade will be responsible for leading him. The two have a good relationship now, but they are almost sworn friends.

"Mr. Karl, I knew you were joking before. You are truly a savior. You easily solved the troubles of ordinary people, and no one died."

Lear landed on the ground and said with admiration. Of course, he is not a good person. The reason why he is so happy is because the savior is easy to fool, and the savior will definitely not go back on his word.

"Karl, you are amazing."

Sarah’s eyes were also bright, Karl was really awesome, now, there was no need to choose at all.

"If you can avoid killing people, of course it's better not to kill people."

Andrew said pretentiously, and then he ordered: "Wade, blow up this bridge, and then stay here and don't let anyone else in."

"BOSS, you are trying to reduce my role. This is not okay. I am also shouldering the heavy responsibility of promoting Deadpool III."

Wade shouted hurriedly, then he turned his head and looked into the void and asked: "By the way, the first trailer for Deadpool 3 has been released, have you guys seen it?

I successfully entered the Marvel Cinematic Universe. From now on, I will be the savior of Marvel. The declining Marvel movies will rebuild their glory because of me. Who am I? I'm Deadpool, ouch. "

Andrew kicked Wade into the artificial lake, and then, without wasting time, he led everyone into the Cybertron headquarters.

Why keep Wade here? Because Wade is an uncertain factor, the time machine is more important to Andrew, and he cannot let Wade destroy it, so he decided to leave Wade outside.

To put it simply, to reduce variables - the time machine created by Indigo and the demon clone is much more advanced and more powerful than the time machine of the elderly Terminator.

After Andrew and others left, Wade climbed up from the artificial lake. The boss must be jealous of him and worried that he would steal his limelight, so he left him here.

"It's not good for people to be too handsome. They are easily targeted by their superiors, and they even wear small shoes. But it's not my fault that I'm handsome?"

Wade fell into narcissism and even rolled on the ground. The military personnel monitoring the place looked at each other. Is this a psycho?

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