American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1971 Terminator

Andrew and his party, as well as Sithorne and his party, entered the world of the Crimson Demon God almost at the same time. As soon as they entered, everyone's heart skipped a beat because the surroundings were filled with blood.

This is the distinctive feature of the Crimson Demon God. Ganata couldn't help but complain: "Crimson Demon God, you still said that you don't know kung fu, no, you also said that you don't control the world?

You basically tricked the Machine Demon King into killing him, right? BOSS, you old silver coin has finally been tricked. "

Andrew knocked Ganata on the head angrily and asked loudly: "Crimson Demon God, should you give me an explanation?"

"Is there any explanation?"

Sithorn and the others were right next to them. Sithorn said excitedly: "Crimson Demon God, quickly deal with the Machine Demon King. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Don't worry, we will never tell anyone about this matter.

In fact, it doesn't matter even if you say it out loud. When you achieve more than diversity, who will care about this little thing? "

Everyone else's eyes lit up. If the Crimson Demon God really did this, it would be the best thing. The only pity is that the curse they worked so hard to refine is no longer useful.

During this period of time, they spent a lot of effort on the curse. They were sure that as long as this curse was integrated into the body of the Crimson Demon God, even the Crimson Demon God would not be able to resist it.

Of course, except for Andrew and Alessa, no one else knew about Indigo's manipulations, including Indigo himself.

"Sithorn, I'm not you."

A huge figure appeared in front of everyone, it was the crimson demon god Cytorak. Behind him was a burly figure, but it was the demon king of strength who was full of muscles.

Andrew was not too surprised to see the Demon King of Power appear here, because he had long discovered that the Demon King of Power was related to the Crimson Demon God.

In fact, if the situation in hell were not too complicated, Andrew would have already attacked the Demon King of Power and found out the relationship between him and the Crimson Demon God.

Compared to Andrew, the demon clones, Sithorn and the others were very surprised. They did not expect that the Power Demon King was actually the pawn of the Crimson Demon God. Fortunately, there was no decisive battle before, otherwise something would definitely happen.

The Crimson Demon God continued: "It is true that this place is completely under my control, but this world is very interesting. It not only has a future, but also a past."

"In the past?" Andrew narrowed his eyes and asked, "Does this world have different timelines?"

"Yes, this is how the world would have developed if I hadn't come."

The Crimson Demon God introduced in detail: "On August 29, 1997, the Skynet system created by humans awakened and launched a nuclear war to destroy human society, resulting in the death of more than three billion people. This day was called Judgment Day by the survivors. …”


The words of the Crimson Demon God made Andrew and Wade stunned at the same time. Wade shouted: "Next, is there a guy named John Connor who will lead mankind to defeat Skynet?"

"how do you know?"

The Crimson Demon looked puzzled. Sithorne and others also looked at Wade in astonishment. Thanos thought of something and said: "Wait, Terminator? I remember that in the last world, humans mentioned the term Terminator. ? It seems to be related to the savior?"

There is a "Terminator" series of movies in the Flash parallel universe, but of course Thanos will not go to the movies, he just heard about it.

"How do I know? Of course I know it by watching movies. I didn't expect that this world would be the world of the Terminator."

Wade said excitedly: "Both Sarah Connors are very beautiful. I don't know which world it is? The original version or the Dragon Mother version? BOSS, which one do you want?"

"Children make choices, of course adults want them all."

Andrew said matter-of-factly, and everyone booed, and Ganata even gave a middle finger, as expected of you.

"The Machine Demon King also knows the plot?"

Sithorn's eyes flickered slightly, but if he thought about it carefully, it was normal. The Machine Demon King had artificial intelligence, and all human things could not be hidden from him.

"I see, this is not surprising. The world will automatically emit information. Some humans will receive information from other worlds, and then write this information into books or make movies."

The Crimson Demon said: "So, some movies are actually real reflections of another world, such as The Terminator."

"In that case, it is necessary to pay attention to various movies, novels, or comics in the future."

The demon clone and Sithorn thought at the same time that knowing the plot in advance would definitely be very helpful to the overall situation. Needless to say, this point.

"Crimson Demon, please continue to introduce the plot of The Terminator. Although I have seen this movie, others have not."

Andrew said, Sithorne and others couldn't help but glance at him, would this old silver coin be so kind? Immediately, Sithorne realized that the Machine Demon King wanted to verify whether the content of the movie was the same as the development of this world?

Moreover, they also have Wade who knows the plot, so there is no need to hide it.

"After Judgment Day, humans formed a resistance organization. Under the leadership of the savior John Connor, they finally defeated Skynet after decades of fighting."

The Crimson Demon nodded and continued: "Skynet was unwilling to fail, built a time and space machine, and sent two terminators back to the past to kill John Connor's mother and him as a boy.

This is the original plot. After I came, both Skynet and humans became my servants. The most important task every day was to please me. "

"The way to please you should be to fight every day, right?"

Andrew asked with a smile. At the same time, he secretly communicated with the remaining world consciousness of this world.

The Crimson Demon's method of acquiring the world is different from Andrew's. The Crimson Demon's method is to directly kill the world's consciousness and then replace it.

As for Andrew, he communicates with the consciousness of the world to gain the other person's favor, and then the other person becomes his willingly.

Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. Among them, the Crimson Demon God's method has the advantage of being fast, but it is relatively difficult and requires a very strong person. Andrew's method takes a long time but is relatively less difficult.

However, the Crimson Demon God's method has a huge flaw - the world consciousness will not be destroyed so easily. It is dependent on the world. Even if it is killed by the Crimson Demon God, there will still be residues, secretly planning to overthrow the Crimson Demon God.

In fact, the Crimson Demon God is very aware of this kind of thing, but he usually does not stop it, but is happy to see it happen, because it is a good pastime. He will wait for the so-called saviors to come to challenge, and then send out his warriors Respond to the challenge.

If the savior wins, then he will give the savior some benefits. If the savior performs well, the Crimson Demon God is even willing to return the world to him, but if the savior fails, the savior and the people around him will die.

The Crimson Demon God is such a arrogant and diverse existence who can find his own fun.

Therefore, some world consciousness remains in this world, and Andrew is communicating with the world consciousness as his helper.

"The war between humans and Skynet is very interesting. Even though humans are so weak, they were able to defeat Skynet in the end."

The Crimson Demon God nodded and said: "Mechanical Demon King, next, I will open the time and space channel to help you go back to the past. As long as you can break Skynet's destiny of destroying the world, you can erase my control of this world.

At that time, we will stand at the same starting point. Of course, I will send the Demon King of Power to stop you. As for what Sithorn and the others want to do, that is their business. I will not interfere with it, Hogs and Gana. The same goes for towers. "

"Breaking Skynet's fate of destroying the world?"

Andrew frowned. The first movie in the "Terminator" series was about the Terminator played by Arnold, hunting down Sarah Connor, the mother of the savior. Then, John Connor sent a man named Carl Reiss. Go back in time to protect your mother.

In the end, this man named Carl fell in love with Sarah Connor and made Sarah pregnant with John Connor. As for Carl himself, he died at the hands of the Terminator.

The second part is about Sarah Connor, John Connor, and the Terminator T800 who protect them, fighting together against the pursuit of the liquid metal robot T1000. In the end, they not only killed the T1000, but also destroyed the prototype of Skynet. Let Skynet not be born.

It sounds like it is easy to break Skynet's fate of annihilation. The problem is that there is still a third part of "Terminator", and the third part clearly states that Skynet's annihilation is inevitable.

Not only that, at the end of the third part, Skynet has begun to use nuclear bombs to clear the land, and by the fourth part, it becomes a war between Skynet and mankind.

As for the fifth part, it's more complicated. I'll talk about it later. The sixth part, uh, is basically the female version of "Terminator 3" with a very similar plot.

Having said all this, I actually want to explain a problem. Skynet's destruction of the world is destiny and is almost impossible to break. The destruction of the world can only be postponed but cannot be prevented.

Sithorn and the others didn't know that much. Sithorn quietly asked Wade: "Can Skynet's fate of destroying the world be broken?"

"This director said yes, and the other director said no."

Wade showed his hand, the reason why the plot of Terminator is confusing is because of different directors.

"Is that so? Since the Crimson Demon God takes this as a condition, it is probably impossible to break. In other words, the trend is on our side, and this is a huge advantage."

Sithorne was a little excited. When the demon clone heard this, he said with a look of disgust: "Don't say such things again. Every time you say such things, you will be slapped in the face."

The others nodded in agreement. Sithorn was a little embarrassed, and then said: "It will definitely not happen this time."

Wade complained: "I have said this before."

"You should have some restrictions on us, right? With the power of Heavenly Father God, it's easy to go back to the past, let alone break fate and turn the world into a paradise."

Andrew asked, and the Crimson Demon God nodded. He said: "Of course there are restrictions. You are not going back in body, but in a ray of consciousness. In addition, you can only use the power of the corresponding race when you choose which race you go back."

Andrew asked again: "Race? Human and machine?"

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