American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1957 Awakening

Not only the Zerg masters thought this way, Sithorn, Seth, and Death also notified their clones as quickly as possible. Who knows, the black-robed supernatural universe was blocked by a force, and they could no longer contact their clones secretly. .

"It is stipulated in the contract that we cannot interfere with the clone's actions."

Andrew said calmly: "In the past, you cheated secretly. I was a nice person and just pretended not to see it. But now, you still want to cheat. Don't you think too little of the rules?"

"That's right, no more cheating."

Hogus said loudly, and the Crimson Demon God Cytorak glanced at everyone and said: "Rules must be followed."

Sithorne and the others looked ugly. Although such a blockade could not last for long, the problem was that the situation was critical now. If the Machine Demon King found a flaw in the Zerg Master in the illusion, it would be over.

Everyone has never seen the Perfect Day of Destruction before. Although it sounds very powerful, no one knows the specific situation. What's more, the Zerg Overlord was born in advance, which caused a flaw in itself.

"Now how to do?"

The Zerg master was a little anxious. He had not prepared any backup means. Once the Zerg Doomsday fell, he would lose, completely lose. Like the beholder Shuma over there, he would be slaughtered by the winner.

The Zerg Overlord has confidence in Perfect Doomsday. The problem is that the Mechanical Demon King is so yin that he silently puts his clone into the illusion, and then searches for a way to kill Perfect Doomsday in the illusion.

"Do you know it's urgent now?"

Sithorn snorted secretly, I asked you to stay as a backup before, but you looked so awesome and refused to stay no matter what, and you still despised us. Do you regret it now?

What we told you before are all based on our experience. We bought them with blood and tears. It's a pity that you don't cherish them.

"Diverse existences are all proud. No one thinks that they are worse than others. It is normal for this kind of thing to happen. The same is true for the previous demons. However, he has a chance to regret, and the Zerg master may not have it."

Although Sithorn was disdainful, he did not refuse the Zerg Master's request for help and seriously thought about how to help the Zerg Master. After all, this was a good ally. His previous arrogance was only due to the lack of love from the Machine Demon King.

"Don't worry, Perfect Doomsday is not that easy to crack. We still have time."

Sithorn said: "In order to avoid being discovered by your clone, the time flow rate in the illusion should be the same as that in the outside world."

"My clone must be woken up as soon as possible, otherwise something might really happen."

The Zerg Lord shouted. Seth glanced at him and snorted secretly. He said: "Things have to be done step by step. Let's think about how to get the news in first?"

Death heard the words and glanced at Hogs quietly. Maybe he could pass the message through Hogs. After all, the Machine Demon King would only guard against them, not Hogs.

"There is no need to send a message. The clone cannot receive my answer and will definitely know that something happened. When the time comes, he will guess the truth and waste a little time at most."

Sithorn said: "The problem now is that even if we know the truth, it will be difficult to wake up the Zerg Overlord, because our clones are trapped in the battlefield and cannot go to another timeline."

"I have a solution for this."

The Lord of the Insects said: "Insect Mother and Insect King are all my believers. You can sacrifice an Insect King, burn yourself, and awaken my clone. Insect Mother and the others should be able to think of this method."

"hope so."

Sithorn nodded. At the same time, in Times Square, Sithorne's avatar had not heard the reply from the original body for a long time. He was suspicious. He tried to deliver the message again, but was blocked by a mysterious force.

"The Mechanical Demon King has blocked the supernatural universe. This means that there is something wrong with the projection in the sky."

Sithorne was shocked. He hurriedly sensed another timeline, but found no problem. The two really kept talking there.

"There's definitely something wrong."

Sithorn gritted his teeth, sacrificed part of his life, and sensed again. This time, he found that the two of them were not talking, but stood there blankly, motionless.

"Illusion! The Zerg Overlord was pulled into the illusion by the Machine Demon King. How did he do it?"

Sithorn was shocked and hurriedly contacted others. When he told the story, everyone looked in disbelief. The Insect Mother repeatedly shouted: "How is this possible? With my Lord's strength, why can the Machine Demon King pull Him into the illusion?"

Even if he could, my lord wouldn't be trapped for that long, and he would definitely leave the illusion soon. "

"The premise is that he knows that he is in an illusion. I suspect that the Zerg master does not know that he is in an illusion at all now."

Sithorn said: "We must find a way to wake up the Zerg Master, otherwise he may really lose."

Seth said helplessly: "In our current situation, we can't go to another timeline at all. How can we wake up the Zerg master?"

"I have a solution."

The insect mother gritted her teeth and said: "We are all believers of our Lord. We can directly contact Him through sacrifices. However, now there is a timeline and the mechanical demon king's blockade. We may have to sacrifice an insect. Only the king can do it.”

"Without further delay, sacrifice as soon as possible." Sithorn heard this and said hurriedly: "It may be too late, something may happen."


The Insect Mother didn't waste any words. She told the story through the Insect Network. Then, she asked: "Who will sacrifice?"

The Insect Kings are a little hesitant. Although they are 100% loyal to the Insects, it is normal for them to hesitate when it comes to sacrificing themselves. Of course, in the end, they will all be willing. After all, the Insects are group creatures.

"Only ghosts are willing to sacrifice."

Half of the Insect King snorted secretly. After waiting for the others to express their stance, he would also express his stance together. With his current strength, the Insect Mother would definitely not ask him for sacrifice - with the help of Andrew, he got the support of several brothers. Strength and strength have become the best among the insect kings.

At this moment, Andrew's voice sounded in the mind of the Half Insect King: "Raise an army for a thousand days and use it for a while. The Half Insect King is the first to express his willingness to sacrifice."

"BOSS, I am loyal to you. You cannot sacrifice me. Besides, I am very useful. I can counterattack at any time and kill the mother insect for you."

The Half Insect King was anxious and quickly shouted in his mind that the reason why he became a traitor was because he didn't want to die. Even Andrew couldn't let him commit suicide.

"Do you think I will take the Insect Mother seriously? Half Insect King, the reason why I hired you as an undercover agent is so that you can plot against the Insect Master. Now is the best opportunity."

Andrew said: "Don't worry, you won't die. You will only lose your body and soul. I will help you resurrect. Maybe you will have a great fortune."

"Resurrection? Doesn't that mean death?"

The Insect King was still unwilling, so Andrew asked with a smile on his face: "You don't really think I'm asking for your opinion, do you?

Speak now, don't waste my time, do your best, I won't treat you badly, and the entire Zerg race will be yours in the future. "

Half of the Insect King felt a chill in his heart. Although the mechanical demon king in front of him always appeared as a savior, those who really knew him knew that this person was never a good person.

"Actually, I have no choice at all. From the moment I became an undercover agent, I was destined to sacrifice one day. This is the fate of an undercover agent. Now I just hope that the boss didn't lie to me."

Half of the Insect King gritted his teeth and shouted loudly: "Insect Mother, I am willing to sacrifice myself."

After hearing half of the insect kings speak, the other insect kings also shouted: "We are willing too."

The Insect Mother was a little hesitant. If other Insect Kings had spoken, she would have agreed directly. But for half of the Insect Kings, he had just merged the power of several Insect Kings. Wouldn't it be a waste to sacrifice them?

"Mother of Insects, my Lord is in danger now. I am strong and I am more confident in my sacrifice."

The Half Insect King said: "Several brothers gave me their power so that I could contribute to the Insects, and now is the time for me to devote myself."

"Okay, you can make a sacrifice, the Zerg will not forget your contribution."

The Insect Mother stopped talking nonsense and nodded directly. The Insect King stopped talking and punched the long-haired Superman away. Then, his whole body and soul began to burn.

"He's sacrificing, stop Him."

When the raven saw this scene, he immediately shouted. The demon kings glanced at it and pretended not to see it. They were forced to work for Andrew, so naturally they would not be more active.

The superheroes were naturally the first to stop it, but the Insect Mother led the other Insect Kings to intercept frantically. Although several attacks fell on half of the Insect Kings, they had little impact on the other half.

Soon, half of the insect king burned up and ceased to exist, but it completely sacrificed itself to the insect master.

Sithorn nodded with satisfaction. Only the Zerg could have such cohesion. If you were another race, if you dared to ask Heavenly Father God to sacrifice yourself, Heavenly Father God would dare to let you know what betrayal is.

Half of the Insect Kings absorbed the power of several Insect Kings, and their strength was astonishing. After the sacrifice, a powerful force rushed into the body of the Insect Lord, and at the same time, told him that he had fallen into an illusion.

"Illusion? Is this an illusion?"

The face of the Zerg leader who was fighting against various seals changed drastically, and he asked with deep disbelief: "How is this possible, that I can't realize that this is an illusion?"

"You still found out. Hey, you guys who cheat are the most annoying."

Andrew sighed: "If people outside don't cheat, you won't know until you die that this is a dream."

The Zerg master became more and more shocked: "Is this a dream? Mechanical Demon King, why can't I detect the dream?"

"Yes, a dream, a time dream."

Andrew nodded and said: "I made a timeline into a dream, and then pulled you into this time dream, because the timeline itself is real, so you can't tell the truth from the false.

As for how to pull you into a dream, look, what is this? "

Andrew took out a sheepskin scroll, but it was the contract that sealed Thanos. Then, with a slight shake of his big hand, Thanos inside spread out and turned into a large number of bloody threads.

These bloody threads belong to the Zerg Overlord.

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