American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1938 Entering the game

The long river of time, both the enemy and ourselves, stopped at the same time, because everyone knew that the fateful node was coming, and when the time came, the long river of time would change.

"Machine Demon King, it seems that your injuries are not healed yet?"

The demon clone looked at the King of Kung Fu, Andrew, across from him, and sneered. There were still many places on Andrew's body that were scorched black, which meant that he was still injured.

"Just because I'm not fine doesn't mean my body is not fine."

The King of Kung Fu snorted coldly: "Devil, I'm here to play with you this time. You are no longer qualified to let the main body do it again, because you are really, really bad."

"Mechanical Demon King, I will definitely kill you."

The devil was furious. He always thought highly of himself, how could he tolerate such humiliation?

"Devil, please be patient. This time, we will definitely defeat the Machine Demon King."

Sithorn comforted, and the demon nodded and said, "I believe this, otherwise you wouldn't increase your investment and transfer a lot of energy to these clones."

The devils have learned their lesson now. No matter how powerful Sithorn and the others brag, as long as they don't increase their investment, they will definitely be cheating him.

"This time, we won't be disappointed."

Sithorne smiled. On the other side, Van Helsing asked the King of Kung Fu: "BOSS, how sure are you? If you lose, the earth in this universe will be gone."

The long-haired Superman looked at the King of Kung Fu intently, first in despair, then in hope. Even a being like him, who was more divine than human, became impatient.

"I'm not very sure. The total is only 98%, not 100%."

The King of Kung Fu said, "Everyone wants to complain, but 90% of them say they are not very sure. How humble are you?"

Now, everyone was relieved. They all admired Andrew very much. When he said 98%, it must really be 98%.

"Indigo, don't look so grim. We are on the side of justice this time, and justice will prevail."

Wade shouted excitedly, and Indigo looked at him speechlessly. Could this guy have forgotten that when the battle is over, they will go back to hell.

If the devils win, that's okay, but if the devils fail, who knows if those guys will spread their anger on them?

Wade picked his nose and said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, I can't die anyway."

"The problem is, I feel so angry that I'm dead."

Indigo gritted his teeth, always feeling that nothing good would happen if he encountered Wade. If this level could be passed smoothly, he would definitely design a program to teleport away as soon as he encountered Wade.

"Wade, come here, I have an important task for you."

Kung Fu Dynasty Wade waved his hand, and Wade immediately flew over and said: "BOSS, although we are brothers, and although you are as handsome as me, I still want to say that if you accept private work, you have to pay more."

"Not only will I not give you money for this private job, but you will also give me money in return."

The King of Kung Fu smiled, and Wade was curious: "Is there such a private job? Working for money? Tell me, let me hear it."

The King of Kung Fu heard the message. Wade's eyes widened after hearing it. Without saying a word, he took out a comic and said: "I took this private job. This is the latest photo of Death. As a reward, Wolverine wanted it before, but I didn't want it." I’m willing to give it to him.”

Van Helsing rolled his eyes. This grandson was slandering him again. Starlight Anne glared at Wade. This guy actually used his girlfriend to seduce Director Tianjian and wanted to corrupt him. He was indeed not a good person.

Death on the opposite side saw the cover of the comic. Although he didn't know what they were talking about, it was obvious that he had been sold by Wade again.

With the earth in ruins, the Insect Mother led a group of insect kings to kneel in front of the blood cocoon. For this decisive battle, she summoned all the insect kings back. Not counting the time-consuming batch, there were more than twenty of them.

The Zerg are really terrifying. As long as they have enough resources, they can produce gods. There are not many races in the multiverse that can do this.

"Get ready to go. We will definitely win this battle. There is no doubt about it. I will lead you to conquer all the universes I see."

The Zerg master said confidently that he did not leave the blood cocoon immediately. If the insect mother and the others could successfully defeat the mechanical demon king, then he would naturally not need to be born in advance, which would cause considerable losses.

"My Lord, we will follow you and conquer all universes."

The insect mother and all the insect kings were very excited. Conquering and devouring were the deepest genetic imprints of all the insect races, and they were also the purpose of their lives. As for enjoyment, they, the insect race, did not have such low-level things.

Soon, the time was up, and the insect mother and the insect kings began to disappear. At the same time, in the long river of time, both the enemy and ourselves emerged from the river at the same time, entering the time vortex that had just appeared above.

On the other side, Thicke, the leader of the ten Zerg brothers, had no nonsense and teleported to Earth with Darkseid and Steppenwolf.

"Now, into hell."

Thanos shouted loudly, and six demon kings including the Golden Demon entered the earth from a stable space channel at the same time. On the way, the Golden Demon threw a statue made of gold out of the space channel.

Thanos asked hurriedly: "What are you doing?"

"Don't worry, it's a good thing."

The Golden Demon King chuckled. The next second, the statue and the altar exploded at the same time. Immediately afterwards, a huge gate to hell rose, and the evil atmosphere filled the surroundings.

"This is the Gate of Hell. With its existence, we can come to the earth at the same time as quickly as possible. Otherwise, we have to squeeze out one by one, which is too troublesome."

The Golden Demon King explained that this was the advice given to him by Constantine, and he had to admit that Constantine was really reliable.

Thanos breathed a sigh of relief. He was about to say something. At this moment, dozens of space passages suddenly appeared out of thin air and connected to the gate of hell. Then, the breaths of dozens of demon kings came from the space passages.

Obviously, there are dozens of demon kings heading to the earth. The golden demon king is stunned. What is going on? Hey, wait a minute, that wave is the Three-Gong Demon?

Everyone was shocked when they sensed the aura of the Three-Gong Demon. In this hell of the universe, the Three-Gong Demon is undoubtedly the strongest demon king.

Not only the Golden Demon King and the others were shocked, but the other Demon Kings were also confused. Why were there suddenly so many more Demon Kings? Didn't Constantine only contact one of them?

Thanos also looked puzzled, but this seemed to be a good thing?

"Demon kings, I, Constantine, have fulfilled my promise. I wish you a happy stay on Earth."

Zha Kang's voice sounded, and the demon kings yelled, "Does this count as fulfilling your promise?" The one-to-one service promised has now become one-to-one service for dozens of people. Where is your professional ethics?

"Get out of here, the earth is mine."

The domineering voice of the Three Palace Demons sounded, and all the demon kings were shocked. The Golden Demon King gritted his teeth and shouted: "Three Palace Demons, don't be arrogant. There are so many demon kings among us, how can we still be afraid of you?"

"That's right, don't be arrogant."

Other demon kings also shouted that if they were the only ones, they would run as far as they could when encountering the Three Palace Demons. But with so many demon kings now, do they need to be afraid of the Three Palace Demons?

"court death."

The six eyes of the Three Palace Demons lit up red at the same time, and then a large number of lasers roared out, piercing the surrounding space and destroying the space channels. Obviously, the Three Palace Demons wanted to prevent other demon kings from entering the earth.

The demon kings were frightened and angry, and immediately counterattacked. A battle between demon kings broke out in the void space. As a result, the space passage was greatly affected, shook violently, and could be broken at any time.

"The Demon King's virtue is not unexpected at all."

Zha Kang smiled and began to prepare at the Gate of Hell. To be honest, he was under a lot of pressure to stop dozens of demon kings by himself.

"The pressure is indeed great, but this is the fun. Only in this way can I prove that I, Constantine, am the best."

Zha Kang laughed. He looked like a scumbag. In fact, uh, he was even scumbag. But he was also a very proud person. So what if I’m not a professional magician? What magician can do what I can do? arrive?

"Don't fight anymore, enter the earth first."

Seeing the war between the demon kings, Thanos was shocked and angry, and hurriedly shouted: "Three Palace Demons, Golden Demon King, if you continue to fight, no one will be able to enter the earth. Stop, after entering the earth, you can do whatever you want.

Also, don’t you want to fix the person who lied to you? If you continue to fight, it will only give him an advantage. "


The demon kings were stunned when they heard this, and then they stopped fighting one after another. They looked at each other and said together: "We will talk about it after we enter the earth. However, we must reach the gate of hell at the same time. No one can be the first to do so."

"Yes, we must arrive at the same time." The demon kings nodded, and a temporary agreement was made.

"I want to tear Constantine into pieces. I was so good to him, even giving him my favorite succubus, and he actually did this to me?"

The Golden Demon King gritted his teeth and said sincerely that he was wrong. Everyone said that the Demon King was shameless, but no matter how shameless the Demon King was, how could he be as shameless as Constantine?

Hearing this, the Hexagonal Demon King snorted coldly: "If it's not your turn to kill him, I'm going to eat him alive. That bastard, he even slept with my daughter, and he still dared to deceive me."

"When will it be your turn? Constantine slept with my sister."

"What does that mean? Constantine even slept with me. What are you looking at? Have you never seen such a beautiful female devil?"

All the demon kings cursed in unison, and Thanos became more and more speechless as he listened. Where did this talent come from, and he actually managed to trick so many demon kings around, and even slept with the demon king's daughter, the demon king's concubine, and the female demon king?

Fortunately, Thanos is here. If it were Van Helsing or Wade, he would definitely kneel down and shout: "Idol."

"Don't praise me like that, I'll be embarrassed. Actually, I'm really average."

Zha Kang's humble voice sounded, and all the demon kings cursed, are we praising you?

Zha Kang chuckled and asked, "So many demon kings want to kill me and devour my soul. Which demon king is responsible for taking action?"

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