Chapter 193 The Unlucky President


Duke was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Anna and found that she was looking at him with great excitement, her face full of tears.

Duke was overjoyed and immediately stood up and ran over. Then, the two of them kissed each other without any nonsense.

Everyone looked disgusted, these two guys actually sprinkled dog food on the spot.

"Duke, time is running out. Please ask for information quickly."

Scarlett shouted: "Anna, you have made many mistakes before, and you want to atone for your sins. Tell us everything. When the time comes, General Hawke and Nick Fury will intercede for you."

Scarlett's words caused Anna and Duke to separate. Duke said: "Anna, I was wrong before, and I will never leave you again in the future."

Back then, Duke took Anna's younger brother Rex to the battlefield. As a result, he failed to bring him back. Duke felt very guilty and stayed away from Anna. In fact, Rex was not dead. He obtained information about nanobugs on the battlefield. Become a Cobra Medic.

"I won't leave you either."

Anna looked at Duke longingly and said, "It was McCarron who asked us to steal the nano bomb. Everything was his plan."

"Is it that bastard McAllen?"

Everyone was stunned, and then started to curse. General Hawke said: "No wonder Anna and the others know the transportation route so well. It turns out that McCarran is up to something. This bastard borrowed our money to research nano warheads, then turned around and stole the warheads back."

Human Torch sneered and said, "Is this the legendary saying where people are stupid and have plenty of money, so come quickly?"

General Hawke's face was a bit dark. When this matter is over, various military projects must be re-examined to avoid similar things happening.

"I've long thought there was something wrong with Macallan. He didn't leave a backdoor for such an important thing?"

Tony snorted coldly, and everyone looked at him speechlessly. Dr. Banner complained: "Tony, stop talking, your image is about to collapse."

"This is just in case."

Tony was a little embarrassed. He asked into the microphone: "Anna, where are the three nano warheads?"

"It should have been transported to the Arctic submarine base."

Anna replied: "McCarren has built a super base under the Arctic ice with a large number of submarines and pulse cannons."

"Undersea base? Such a big deal?"

Everyone was stunned, and Tony couldn't wait to say: "Anna, specific coordinates, everyone hurry up and prepare, we will set off immediately."


Everyone began to make preparations, and now they had to race against time.

"Submarine fleet, set off for the North Pole immediately."

"Quinjet, fly to the North Pole immediately."

General Hawke and Nick Fury gave orders at the same time, even if they couldn't catch up, they should try their best to get there, maybe it would come in handy.

Tony thought of something and asked Anna again: "Anna, what is Macallan's purpose? Why does he want to destroy four cities?"

Anna replied: "I don't know the specific purpose. I only heard McCarron say that if the plan succeeds, he will become the most powerful person in the world."

“Becoming the most powerful person in the world?”

Tony frowned, and General Hawke asked: "He wants to threaten the whole world and make the whole world surrender to him?"

"This doesn't make sense. Major countries don't surrender that easily."

Tony shook his head, and Anna said: "Only he and the medical officer know the specific plan, not even the White Ghost.

By the way, you take me to the North Pole. Without me to lead the way, you can't even find the entrance. "

At this point, Anna gritted her teeth and said, "I want to kill that medical officer myself. He actually controlled me for four years."

Tony and General Hawk hesitated, and Duke said, "Without Anna, we don't know anything yet. She is not a bad person."

"The problem is, that medical officer might still be able to control you. Anna, you can use the holographic projection to help us guide the way."

Tony said, Anna hesitated and chose to nod - the medical officer can control her life and death.

Soon, everyone was ready and teleported together to the vicinity of the Arctic base.

Because Scarlet's load capacity is limited, there is no unmanned suit or Quinjet fighter this time, only a group of superheroes and special forces elites.

"It's so cold."

We arrived in such a hurry that we didn't have time to change into thick clothes. Hawkeye and the others couldn't help but shiver. This was the North Pole covered in ice and snow.

"I hope I can make it in time."

Tony said, and Rhodes was "shocked" when he heard this: "It's over, it will definitely be too late, Tony has been slapped in the face a lot recently."

Tony said with a dark face, "Shut your crow mouth, let's start taking action, Anna, lead the way."

"Go forward."

Anna's holographic projection nodded and led everyone quietly towards the entrance of the submarine base - an ice cave.

There were many soldiers on guard in the ice cave. Scarlett, Natasha, and Snake Eyes quietly sneaked in and eliminated them silently.

Then, everyone was about to sneak into the base. At this moment, the ground suddenly shook violently, and a lot of white snow fell from above. Anna screamed: "They are launching rockets."

Everyone's expressions changed, and they hurriedly left the ice cave and flew in the direction of the rocket launch.

Soon, everyone saw three rockets rising rapidly into the sky amidst flames and black smoke. Tony immediately started the thrusters and chased after them without saying a word.

Then, Tony fired a laser at the rocket on the left. The rocket was instantly cut in half and exploded in the air. The nano warhead melted rapidly in the high temperature.

At the same time, Rhodes launched micro-missiles into the sky, but the distance was too far and the micro-missiles missed.

Scarlett used the teleportation boots to teleport near the rocket on the right. Then, she raised her left arm, and the armor quickly transformed into a crossbow. Then, a red high-temperature crossbow arrow quickly formed, getting bigger and bigger.


Scarlett shouted, and a meter-long high-temperature crossbow whistled out and hit the rocket. The rocket exploded with a roar, flames and air waves surged wildly. Scarlett was too close and was thrown away.

"Only two were blown up, and one flew away."

Everyone looked at the rocket flying through the sky, their expressions a little ugly. A nano warhead represented a city.

At this time, Tony and Scarlett flew down from the sky, and Tony asked Scarlett: "How long will it take for you to teleport again?"

"About four minutes."

Scarlett replied, and Tony calculated and said, "It may not be in time. Let's enter the base and look for the short-circuit device."


Everyone nodded, and Anna shouted: "Go in from the rocket launch position, that's the shortcut."

Everyone didn't waste any time and immediately ran towards the rocket launch location.

At the submarine base, McCarron saw three missiles being launched and said triumphantly: "Soon, this world will belong to me."

At this moment, the soldier reported: "Rocket No. 3 was shot down."

Before McCarran could react, another soldier shouted: "Rocket No. 2 was shot down."

"Shet, what's going on?"

McCarron screamed, fearing that Rocket No. 1 would also be shot down. That was the most important rocket, and it was crucial to the success of the plan.

Fortunately, Rocket No. 1 was not shot down. It successfully entered the atmosphere and flew towards its intended target.

McCarron breathed a sigh of relief and shouted loudly: "The superheroes must be here. The entire base is on alert. Medical officer, send all the remaining Neobasilis out. I want all those superheroes to die in this place." here.

Farke, how on earth did they find this place? "

"Yes, sir."

The medical officer nodded. In fact, he had the same doubts as McCarron - how did the superheroes find this place? This unscientific.

At the same time, in the White House, a group of agents rushed into the President's Office and shouted to President Ellis: "Three missiles were launched from the Arctic ice cap. The superheroes destroyed two and the remaining one entered the atmosphere. The target may be Washington." .

Your Excellency, you must enter the underground bunker immediately. "

President Ellis frowned: "What on earth are they thinking, launching missiles without even mentioning the conditions?"

"Your Excellency, please enter the bunker first."

The agents shouted and President Ellis nodded and followed the agents to the underground bunker.

Soon, President Ellis entered the underground bunker with various living facilities, and the agents outside slowly closed the door.

President Ellis breathed a sigh of relief. With the protection of the bunker, even if a nuclear bomb bombed Washington, he would be safe.

At this moment, two agents suddenly drew their guns and shot at the other agents. Bang bang bang, the other four agents were all shot and fell down.

President Ellis was startled. He shouted: "What are you doing? Are you crazy?"

"They're not crazy."

Following this familiar voice, a familiar figure walked out of the room and looked at President Ellis with a smile on his face.

President Ellis was shocked when he saw this man, because he looked exactly like him - his appearance, hairstyle, clothes, and leather boots were all exactly the same. It was like looking in a mirror.

President Ellis asked in shock: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"Who am I? I am President Ellis of the United States."

Zatan laughed, he was MacAllen's man, a master of disguise, very good at pretending to be other people.

The core of McCarran's plan is not the nanowarhead, but Zatan, and he wants to use Zatan to replace President Ellis.

With the President of the United States in hand and other preparations, it is not difficult at all to become the most powerful man on earth.

Don’t forget, McCarran also has space-based weapons in addition to nano warheads.

In addition, Zatan's disguise was completed using nanobugs, which was perfect. There were no flaws in his appearance.

President Ellis asked in astonishment: "You are President Ellis, then who am I?"

Zatan smiled and said, "You are a pathetic kid who was kidnapped again."

"Am I being kidnapped again?"

President Ellis smiled miserably. He thought he had lucked out, but the cruel reality told him that he was still the unluckiest president in history, without any change.

"Do you know who was the most worried about you the last time you were kidnapped?"

Zatan smiled and said, "It's me. I've been studying you for eighteen months, imitating all your words and deeds. But in the end, you were kidnapped. I almost died of fright.

If you die, all my preparations will turn into a joke. Fortunately, you are not dead and are still alive. It seems that I am quite lucky. "

"You are really lucky, unlike me, who is extremely unlucky."

President Ellis sighed. He was kidnapped twice in a row. Who else could he be kidnapped besides him? Well, there seems to be a Tony Stark.

President Ellis shook his head and asked: "What are you going to do with me? Kill me?"

"Don't worry, we won't kill you, you are still useful."

Zatan sat down in his seat with a happy expression on his face. From now on, he will be the President of the United States.

"Dear viewers, the nano-missiles have been launched. The superheroes successfully destroyed two of them, and the remaining one is flying towards Washington."

Shake it up, Rosanne is live broadcasting: "That's right, Washington, residents of Washington are asked to evacuate as soon as possible, uh, you ask me why there are a bunch of men lying next to me?

They tried to kidnap me but were defeated by my assistant. I guessed that they were related to the nano missiles and were preparing to send them to the police station. "

The audience was a little surprised and speechless. Someone actually wanted to kidnap Luo Shan? Don't you know that she has an affair with the goddess of luck and is never afraid of any disaster?

After the report, Roshan turned off the live broadcast and asked with concern to Johnny, who was bruised and swollen at the side: "How are you, are you okay?"

All those men were defeated by Johnny. Although he couldn't transform during the day, he didn't stay in Kama Taj for nothing. The mages there were better at fighting each other, and he learned a lot of fighting skills.

Johnny shook his head and said, "It's okay. All wounds will heal in the evening. Roxanne, you are too popular now, so be careful."

"What are you afraid of? Who doesn't know that I have nine lives?"

Roxanne said proudly, and Johnny sighed. In the past, the devil of hell was guarding him, so Roxanne would not be in danger. The problem was that after he came back, the devil gave him the responsibility of protecting Roxanne. After all, he was Luo Shan. Shan's man.

Johnny secretly thought: "We must find a way to completely tame the spirit of revenge in the body. Only in this way can we transform during the day and protect Roxanne."

"Fake, it's really us."

After listening to Rosanne's report, Washingtonians immediately began to flee anxiously. Some people had already fled to the suburbs before and were feeling quite relaxed now.

"I knew it was Washington."

"I have a question, superheroes are ours, right?"


"Then why are other countries fine, but we, Washington, were attacked with nano warheads?"

"..., yes, why are we the only one who has trouble while other countries are fine? What are the superheroes doing?"

"Do you think it's possible that it's not that the superheroes are incompetent, but that we in the United States are too hated?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

At the same time, at SHIELD headquarters, Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief after reading Roxanne's report: "Great, it's Washington."

Everyone looked at Nick Fury in shock. Director, we are in Washington. Are you scared?

"Hill, order the Quinjet to take off. Also, activate the energy cannon and prepare to knock down the missile."

Nick Fury shouted an order. Last time the lycanthropes attacked SHIELD headquarters, Nick Fury secretly installed energy cannons in the headquarters in the name of repair.

With the power of the energy cannon, it is not a problem to blow up the missiles, not to mention there are a large number of Quinjet fighters loaded with energy weapons.

That's why Nick Fury is so happy.

"After experiencing so many disasters, if SHIELD has not made any progress at all, then wouldn't my position as director be in vain?"

Nick Fury looked proud. At this moment, he thought of the cheating Cosmic Cube, and the smile on his face suddenly froze.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube wants more and more things, and Nick Fury can't find a substitute, so he can only keep satisfying the other person and completely become his wage earner.

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