In the sky over Paris, the red-haired Scarlett chased after Anna, but did not dare to get too close. She gritted her teeth and cursed: "Despicable."

Why didn't Scarlett dare to get too close? Because Anna holds the short-circuit device in her hand, if Scarlett comes close, she will immediately crush the short-circuit device and scatter it in two pieces.

The confinement magic can only make Anna unable to move, but cannot prevent her from destroying the short-circuit device.

Anna giggled as she flew forward: "This is called smart, little girl. She is quite innocent. Have you not been in love yet?"

"none of your business?"

Scarlett shouted: "Anna, do you know that you will kill many people if you do this? Give me the short-circuit device quickly, it's still too late to turn back now."

"so what?"

Anna disdainfully said that she had been brainwashed by the medical officer using nanobugs and no longer had any moral concepts.

It is worth mentioning that Anna did not know that the medical officer was her brother.

Scarlett gritted her teeth and said, "Thanks to Duke for saying that you are a good woman, you are more vicious than any other woman."

"A good woman? A good woman who was abandoned?"

Anna snorted coldly and said: "Little girl, I'll give you a piece of advice, don't pin your happiness on men, because men are unreliable."

At the same time, Gwen chased after her. Seeing that the situation was strange, she did not approach rashly and quietly followed behind with the help of the cover of high-rise buildings.

After being unable to retrieve the short-circuit device, Scarlett was anxious, but had no choice. At this time, the McCarran Group's fighter plane flew over here. A smile appeared on Anna's face and she accelerated towards the fighter plane.

"It's now."

The back of Tony's left hand, who was following the fighter plane, lit up red, and then a red laser roared out, splitting the fighter plane into two parts as he turned.

Boom, the fighter plane exploded and turned into a fireball and fell towards the river below.

Tony didn't take action before because he was worried that the fighter plane would fall and hurt innocent people.

Anna's expression changed. She stopped where she was, holding the short-circuit device in her hand, and shouted loudly: "No one is allowed to come near, or I will crush the short-circuit device immediately."

Tony and Scarlett had to stop at a distance. Tony asked: "When are you going to press the short-circuit switch? You have been keeping it for a long time. It is definitely not for collection."

Anna smiled and said: "As expected of Tony Stark, don't worry, I will end everything after Paris is destroyed."

"After the destruction of Paris?"

Tony and Scarlett looked extremely sad. Once Paris is destroyed, a large number of Parisian people will die.

At this time, White Ghost rushed over. When he saw the situation here, he flew to Anna and discussed the retreat with her.

Tony became more and more anxious when he saw this. At this moment, Gwen's voice came from the communicator: "Mr. Stark, how does that short-circuit device work? Do you need to enter a password?"

"No, just press the button. It's very simple."

Tony said: "It's the red button in the middle. Once pressed, seven million nanoworms will short-circuit at the same time."

Gwen adjusted her web launcher and said, "That'll be easy, Mr. Stark, you and Miss Scarlet will help me distract them."


Tony nodded. He winked at Scarlett first, and then shouted loudly to the white ghost: "The guy in the white suit, do you dare to continue fighting with me?"

"I'd be happy to chop off your head and keep it for my collection."

White Ghost didn't talk nonsense, and flew to the side to fight with Tony. Anna frowned a little, but didn't stop him, because White Ghost was extremely arrogant and never listened to other people's advice.

At this moment, Scarlett's chest suddenly lit up with a dazzling magical light, and Anna quickly focused on her.

"It's now."

Gwen suddenly jumped out of the building, and more than ten spider silk balls shot at Anna at the same time. Anna was startled and hurriedly controlled the aircraft to avoid it.

At this moment, Gwen's hand shook and two spider silk balls collided together. One of them shot straight towards the short circuiter and hit the red switch.

As soon as the switch was pressed, except for the part in Andrew's hand, all the other nanobugs short-circuited and dissipated into the air.

The Paris nanowarhead crisis has come to an end.

Seeing that Gwen successfully completed the task, Tony and Scarlett were overjoyed at the same time: "Spider-Woman, well done."


The white ghost cursed and immediately jumped towards the river below. At the same time, the aircraft lit up and crashed into the crowd in the distance, looking like it was about to self-destruct.

Tony hurriedly flew over to stop the aircraft. Anna also wanted to escape, but was trapped by Scarlett's confinement magic and unable to move.

Seeing this, Gwen immediately shot out a spider silk to catch Anna's particle wave gun. Then, she pulled hard and snatched the wave gun away from Anna's hand.

Scarlett started the thrusters and quickly flew towards Anna, preparing to use the battle to teach her a lesson and make her pay for what she had done.

Because of her, many people died in Paris.

"I surrender."

Seeing Scarlett flying over, Anna smiled slightly and raised her hands in surrender. Scarlett was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "How can you surrender?"

"You seem disappointed? I know, you want to take the opportunity to beat me up, right?"

Anna smiled and said, "I'm sorry to disappoint you. I can't beat you anyway, so why don't you surrender? Remember to get me a cup of good coffee. I won't drink coffee that costs less than a thousand dollars."

"You thought you were staying in a hotel?"

Scarlett cursed bitterly and stepped forward to arrest Anna.

Soon, Tony flew back and said with an ugly face: "The guy in the white suit ran away."

Scarlett said: "It's okay, Anna is the key. We will find a place to ask for information immediately."


Tony nodded, and at this moment, a row of cars appeared below. Immediately afterwards, a large number of agents got out of the cars and pointed their guns at Tony and the others.

"Wow, they arrived just in time. I'll deal with them. You take Anna to the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch. Spider-Woman, you go to the particle acceleration laboratory to see if the battle is over."

Tony complained, opened his visor and flew down to explain. Scarlett and Gwen nodded and left separately.

At the same time, Luo Shan continued the live broadcast: "The nano warheads have been destroyed by the superheroes, and Paris successfully escaped. However, according to intelligence, the villain still has three nano warheads in his hands.

Audiences in big cities are asked to be vigilant and never stay in places with a lot of metal. "

"Shet, there are three more?"

The audience yelled, but other cities were fine. New York and Washington citizens consciously picked up their backpacks and went to the suburbs for vacation.

New York citizens are experienced, while Washington citizens are self-aware. Which is the most hated country in the world? America!

There is no doubt that Washington will definitely receive a nano-warhead. Washingtonians are very confident about this.

"it is finally over."

The running Paris citizens breathed a sigh of relief and stopped in place to gasp for air. They were exhausted just now.

The French President immediately ordered the plane to return to Paris. He was going to give a speech and publicly condemn the United States.

Although the nanobomb has been subsided, it caused huge damage to Paris. Most importantly, it destroyed the Eiffel Tower, which is the symbol of France.

"Hundreds of thousands of souls, that's okay. After all, there's still a second half, or even a second half."

Andrew smiled, there are so many good people in this world.

Not long after, the battle in the particle acceleration laboratory ended, and all the Neobasilicon died. One of them chose to self-destruct before dying, causing the laboratory to collapse.

Fortunately, the superheroes were fine. They gathered at the SHIELD branch. Some rested and some went to interrogate Anna.

Anna said nothing and looked confident. Everyone was very angry and decided to use an extraordinary method - injecting her with a drug similar to truth serum.

At the submarine base, seeing that the disaster in Paris had subsided, McCarron was very dissatisfied: "They actually overturned the situation, and even Anna was captured?"

"Don't worry, the other three nano-warheads will not have a similar situation, because the short-circuit device is in our hands."

The medical officer asked: "What should we do with Anna?"

The medical officer can remotely control the nanobugs to kill Anna. Although Anna is his sister, he no longer cares.

"Will she leak our information to the enemy?"

McCarron hesitated and asked. He was still very reluctant to let go of Anna, otherwise he would not let the white ghost kill Daniel.

The medical officer said with great certainty: "Don't worry, she will never betray us."

Nanobugs are perfect, and the creatures controlled by them will never betray. As for taking out the nanobugs, haha, not even the creator, the medical officer, can do it, let alone others.

"Then leave her alone for now and save her after we rule the world."

McCarron nodded and said, "How long will it take for the nano warhead to arrive at the Arctic base?"

"almost there."

The medical officer said: "In addition, Zaitan has entered the underground bunker of the White House and is waiting for the big fish to come."

McCarron laughed and said: "Very good, haha, they must not have thought that the American company that built the White House underground bunker was actually run by me."

"Of course they didn't expect..."

While the medical officer was talking, McCarron's cell phone suddenly rang. He glanced at the number and saw that it was the Middle Eastern prince calling.

McCarron picked up the phone and said with a smile: "Your Highness, things are going smoothly, you don't have to be so anxious."

"I have great confidence in your plan."

The Middle Eastern man said: "I'm calling you because someone wants to trade with you."

McCarron was stunned: "Who wants to trade with me?"

"The force with the violent potion and steel suit."

The Middle Easterner said: "They are also part of the oil interest group and want to exchange the violent agent for the nano warhead in your hand."

McCarron refused without any hesitation: "Reject them, we will succeed soon, no violent potion is needed."


The Middle Eastern man just helped spread the word without saying much. He warned: "McAllen, be careful of those superheroes, don't fall on the last step before success."

"Don't worry, those superheroes can't stop me. In fact, they don't know anything. They are like headless flies."

McCarron said confidently: "Your Highness, it won't be long before this world will belong to us."

"very good."

The Middle Easterners nodded with satisfaction and interrupted communication.

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