"My destruction speed cannot keep up with the dry well's recovery speed. Now we are in trouble."

The demon clone looked at the frog with gritted teeth and shouted: "Get the magic lamp back for me, and then make a wish and cancel the previous wish."

"I don't know how to get it back?"

The frog said innocently: "My friend gave me the magic lamp, and he took it back just now."

The demon clone threatened fiercely: "Is there really no way to get it back?"

"There is no way."

The frog was so frightened that he shook his head repeatedly. Then he reacted and shouted: "Don't scare me. I'm not afraid of you. You can't kill me anyway."

As long as this dry well is not destroyed, the frog is immortal, so it does not need to be afraid of the demon clone. The demon clone cursed, but there is really nothing that can be done to the frog.

"Sithorn, there's something wrong here. I may have to go out later. Damn it, what can I do to make the frog change his mind?"

The demon body said helplessly to Sithorn, who was stunned. After listening to the demon's introduction, he said: "As expected of the Mechanical Demon King, he has made all preparations."

"Sithorn, don't always praise the enemy."

The devil said angrily: "Where are the others, have they made any breakthroughs?"

"Alessa's side is in a stalemate. Billy and a bug king are at a disadvantage. Wade and the new bug king are fighting more and more fiercely, but the outcome is not clear for the time being."

Sithorn said: "The two insect kings fighting Superman are setting up traps, which may be able to kill Superman. Once they succeed, the situation will open up.

In addition, Death, Seth, and I are all in good condition. Give us some time and we should be able to deal with our opponents and break the core area. "

Sithorn, Seth, and Death are, after all, multiple entities. Even if they are just one clone, their combat power is still off the charts, so they all have the upper hand in battles.

In the forest, Sithorn controlled the shadow of resentment, pressing down on the soldier boy and beating him. There were strange lines all over the soldier boy's body, which were Sithorn's curse. Once the curse was completely completed, it would be difficult for the soldier boy not to die.

Yato Harun, the river god has been killed by death three times, yes, a full three times. That is to say, the river god is in a special situation. As long as Yato Harun is immortal, he will not die. Otherwise, he will definitely have pounced on him. street.

Elsa also had some wounds that could not heal on her own. She looked at death solemnly. This was the strongest enemy she had ever encountered. However, she would not give up because she was the queen of Arendelle and she wanted to protect her. Arendelle.

In the sea, the Ocean Goddess and Eka merged and fought against Set. On the surface, the Ocean Goddess was not injured, but many islands in the sea were destroyed - those islands shared the Ocean Goddess's injuries.

The Ocean Goddess was very angry about this. Fortunately, Andrew promised to resurrect those dead lives when everything is restored. Otherwise, He might turn black again.

"In other words, we have an advantage in the overall situation?"

The devil's eyes lit up, and Sithorn nodded: "Yes, we have an advantage in the overall situation. The Machine Demon King has indeed arranged many means, but unfortunately, his arrangements are not as many as ours.

However, we cannot be careless. We must break through the situation as soon as possible and destroy the earthlings in the core area. The mechanical devil may leave the small space of the tortoise and the hare at any time.

Although we have made many arrangements in the Tortoise and the Hare space, you and I both know that the Mechanical Demon King is not an ordinary person. He has always been good at creating miracles.

Once the Mechanical Demon King escapes before we break the situation, the situation will be completely different. Everyone knows how terrifying the Mechanical Demon King is, and he alone can turn the entire situation around. "

The devil was a little unhappy when he heard this. The League of Losers was good in other aspects, but he liked to brag about the Machine Demon, just like the fans of the Machine Demon.

"We have to break it before he escapes."

Despite being unhappy, the demon still recognized Sithorne's judgment and said to everyone. Everyone nodded and tried to find a way to break the situation as soon as possible.

"Dad, can you do it?"

Alessa turned around and told Andrew Sithorn's analysis. Andrew said: "Think about how to run away. Before running away, remember to take away half of the Insect King, Billy, and one of the Underground Insect King and the Escape Insect King." .

As for Wade, you don't have to pay attention, that guy can't be killed no matter how hard you hit him. "

"Wow, Dad, one of those four people is your undercover?"

Alessa asked excitedly, Andrew smiled and said nothing, one? You underestimate your old father too much. There are two of them. In addition, the reason why the two insect kings were allowed to escape together was to avoid suspicion.

"Maybe, you don't have to worry so much. In short, be prepared to escape."

Andrew said: "By the way, although the insect kings cannot leave the virtual world, if they are willing to give up their bodies and most of their souls, and give up world authority, then part of their souls can escape."

"Then, let them deceive the devil?"

Alessa giggled, and Andrew said seriously: "Daughter, we must respect those who give us benefits. We cannot call them the scapegoat. We should call them the captain of the transportation team."

"Is this different?"

Alessa complained, completely relieved, it was obvious that everything was under the control of her father.

Of course, the insect kings and demon kings don't know this. They are still full of confidence at this moment. Although the situation is different from what they expected before, and the difficulty coefficient has also risen sharply, judging from the current situation, the advantage is still on their side.

The Mechanical Demon King lives up to his name, he is indeed very powerful. He has secretly found so many Heavenly Father Gods and arranged various means to stop them, but sorry, they are even more powerful.

The Underground Insect King used his consciousness to say to the escaping Insect King: "That's almost it. We have basically mastered Superman's current strength. It's time to deal with him."

"Is there any problem with the Chrono Magic Ball?"

The escaping insect king asked without objection. The underground insect king nodded with certainty: "No problem, it has been activated and can be activated at any time."

"Then get ready to start."

The escaping insect king nodded, and he sided to avoid the heat ray of the long-haired superman. Then, he and the underground insect king raised their hands, and endless cold air sprayed towards the long-haired superman, and the surrounding area quickly froze.

When the long-haired Superman saw this, he shouted loudly, his whole body lit up with dazzling light like the sun, and the cold air quickly dissipated. It was not over yet. He clapped his hands hard, and countless solar arrows were densely shot at the escaping Insect King and the Underground Insect King.

This move has not been used by the long-haired superman before. It is a new ability that only appeared after the djinn strengthened it.

The escaping insect king is waiting for the long-haired superman to use his ultimate move. After using the ultimate move, the power in the body will lag for a short time. This is the best opportunity.

The bodies of the escaped insect king and the underground insect king turned into nothingness at the same time. Then, they appeared next to the long-haired Superman through quantum teleportation.

The long-haired Superman sensed something was wrong immediately, and vibrated his hands quickly, knocking the two insect kings out of their quantum state. They were both old rivals, so he naturally knew how to break this move.

The two insect kings had already expected that the escaped insect king would use his spirit to shock the long-haired Superman's consciousness. Of course, with the strong belief and spirit of the long-haired Superman, the mental impact of the escaped insect king could only make him dazed for an instant at most. time.

In an instant, it was enough for the Underground Insect King. He activated the time-travel magic ball, and the long-haired Superman's time stopped and he was completely unable to move. Even the rotation of his consciousness became extremely slow.

"It's done."

The two insect kings took this opportunity, and with extremely violent thunder in their arms, as well as a temperature comparable to the core of the sun, and a darkness that could turn everything into nothing, they slashed at the long-haired Superman's neck simultaneously, one on the left and the other on the right. All were split open.

This is the ultimate attack of the two insect kings. After using it, their arms will be crippled. Even the long-haired superman will not be able to escape from this attack.

Just when the two insect kings thought they could succeed, suddenly, an arm appeared from the chest of the long-haired superman, accurately grabbing the time-space magic ball in the hands of the underground insect king, trying to snatch it away.

There is no doubt that this arm is the arm of time. It has been hidden in the long-haired Superman. Only he can resist the power of time in this way.

The Underground Insect King was shocked and immediately held the time-space magic ball tightly. Under the action of two forces, the time-space magic ball split from the middle, leaving one person in half.

Then, the light of the time-travel magic ball dimmed, and at the same time, the effect of time stopping disappeared.

"Finally caught you."

The long-haired Superman returned to normal, he grinned, and his body suddenly disappeared, leaving only a sun that was swelling crazily and getting bigger and bigger.


The two insect kings cursed at the same time and wanted to teleport, but found that the surrounding space was disturbed. With the next breath, the sun exploded, and the sky and the earth were white. Everything was vaporized, and even the forest in the distance burned.

The other Heavenly Father Gods quickly stopped fighting and stayed away from here. Their expressions were extremely shocked. With such a huge battle, was this Heavenly Father God self-destructing?

The figure of the long-haired Superman appeared in the distance, weakly kneeling on the ground. It was almost like the self-destruction of Heavenly Father God just now. All his energy turned into the sun, and then the sun exploded.

"I don't believe it, I can't even kill you."

The long-haired superman said happily. He was very depressed after several attempts in vain. This time, he could finally make a contribution, right?

"Don't waste time. The battle is not over yet. I'm here to help you regain your strength."

Time flew out of the long-haired Superman. Then, he pointed half of the time-space magic ball at the long-haired Superman. A clock appeared on the long-haired Superman. Then, the clock went back fifteen seconds. The originally weak long-haired Superman immediately Become a lively and energetic person again.

"The time ability is really useful."

The long-haired Superman marveled, looking at the increasingly dim time-space magic ball in his hand, and said: "It can only be used this time, after all, it has been broken."

“And it’s a knockoff.”

Shi Shi complained secretly. To be honest, he had no idea what the BOSS was playing. Of course, he didn't dare to say anything.

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