American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1894 Making a Wish

Princess Anna was overjoyed. In a short period of time, she not only entered the door of the four rules of earth, water, wind, and fire, but also had a deep understanding of the rules of change. Give her a few years, she might really become a god.

Princess Anna thought of something and asked Andrew: "If I practice in seclusion like my sister, can I break through?"

"No, Heavenly Father God needs a lot of actual combat. He has been in seclusion all the time. It is impossible to break through."

Andrew shook his head. Princess Anna was a little disappointed. She hesitated and made her third wish: "Djinn, I hope my parents will be resurrected, is that okay?"

"Of course, it's within my capabilities, but I can only resurrect one person at a time."

The Djinn God said, of course there is a limit on the number. If not, what if someone calls to resurrect the dead people all over the world?

"Only one can be resurrected?"

Princess Anna was dumbfounded. This was a big problem of the century. Andrew smiled and said, "Let's postpone this wish. When Elsa comes out of isolation, you and she can each make a wish."

"That's true."

Princess Anna nodded happily. Then, she returned the magic lamp to Andrew and said, "Then wait until later. Thank you, Your Highness."

After saying that, Princess Anna took the initiative to kiss Andrew. Andrew hugged her and said, "This time, the two of us will come quietly to make Elsa angry."

Princess Anna giggled and glanced at Elsa secretly, feeling a little excited.

Time was running out now, so Andrew didn't stay much longer. He exchanged a few words with Princess Anna and headed to the sea.

Andrew went to the ocean to find the goddess of the ocean. The goddess of the ocean was regulating the situation of the sea through deep sleep, striving to eliminate the damage caused by the evil card as soon as possible.

After hearing Andrew's intention, the sea goddess said: "No problem, I also have the responsibility to protect this world. However, if I leave the sea, my combat effectiveness will drop a lot. In fact, my combat effectiveness is not strong to begin with."

The goddess of the ocean is kind-hearted in nature, and her fighting power is really not strong, otherwise she would not have been suppressed by evil cards for so many years.

"The Forest Kingdom is close to the sea, so there is no problem with your combat effectiveness."

Andrew smiled and said, then he went to Yato Harun and asked the River God to move to the vicinity of the Forest Kingdom to prepare for the decisive battle. After doing this, he took the time from the Underground Kingdom to the Forest Kingdom.

Soldier Boy, Van Helsing, Starlight Annie, Huey, Long-haired Superman, Djinn, and Little Match Girl have all come to the Forest Kingdom.

These people were discussing things with the soldier boy, and were surprised to see another Andrew appear. At this time, the soldier boy walked back into Andrew's body, and everyone suddenly realized that the previous Andrew was just a clone.

Andrew didn't let Soldier Boy regain his identity in case something bad happened.

"In order to hide Sithorne and the others, I have hidden you too. Please forgive me."

Andrew said, naturally no one cared, this strategy couldn't be more correct.

Then, Andrew did not waste time and said straight to the point: "Indigo has been released by Sithorn and the others. The card I put there cannot stop them."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then the long-haired Superman said: "In other words, they are in the Little Red Riding Hood Forest? We will kill them immediately and catch them all. This time, we will never let them escape again."

Not only did the long-haired Superman want to take the initiative, but the others were also ready to take action. After all, they had long wanted to deal with the people in Sithorne.

"Not for now."

Andrew shook his head and told about the time-space magic ball. Everyone was shocked. Is there such a treasure in this world?

Time, who was specially brought here, nodded and said: "The Time and Space Magic Ball is more powerful than you think. In fact, it represents the time of this world. It can not only travel through the past and future at will, but also control everyone's time."

"According to what you say, if the Insect King takes a person back to the past and meets him in the past, wouldn't the world be destroyed?"

The long-haired Superman asked in surprise, and Andrew said: "Indeed, but the Insect King will not do this. Their purpose is to occupy or devour the world, and will not let the world be destroyed. In fact, in that case, He They also cannot escape disaster.

Moreover, we have Alice here. If they go back in time, Alice will drive them back. "

"That's good."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Van Helsing thought for a moment and said, "Boss, the Insect King has just obtained the Time and Space Magic Ball and must not have fully grasped it. If we don't attack now, they will become stronger and stronger in the future."

Annie also said: "Yes, they can hide for a month, and then attack us at their best. By then, our chances of winning will be even lower."

"Don't worry, they don't have much time. Within two days, they will definitely come to attack the Forest Kingdom."

Andrew smiled and told Alice's story again, and then he said: "I have made a lot of preparations in the Forest Kingdom. We have geographical advantages here. More importantly, as long as they come, it will be difficult." Get out.

In addition, I have a way to greatly improve your strength, and then wait for them to come to your door. "

Everyone's eyes lit up: "How to improve strength?"

Andrew turned to look at Time, who was confused. Look at what I do. How do I know how to help you improve your strength?

"Even without the time-travel magic ball, you can still travel through time, right?"

Andrew asked, and Time nodded: "Yes, it is indeed possible, but doing so will greatly consume my time and power. Moreover, I need a treasure to help. By the way, I have brought that treasure."

"Very well, you take us to the future, the future where Alice becomes the consciousness of the world."

Andrew said: "At that time, Alice will impose a world mark on us. With the world mark, our strength will be fully restored."

"In other words, become Heavenly Father God again?"

Van Helsing was overjoyed, and so was Starlight Anne. They had always been suppressed in strength, and they were frustrated.

"That's right, become Heavenly Father God again."

Andrew nodded, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Well, although I can indeed take you to the future, Goddess Alice may not be able to win in the future.

Moreover, there is another world consciousness, and it will definitely stop us, just like Goddess Alice stopped the Insect King and them. "

"The future is uncertain and there are many possibilities. I will lock in a parallel world where Alice wins."

Andrew said: "As for the obstruction of world consciousness, it is not a big problem. The goddess Alice now has the upper hand. We can stay in the future for a few breaths, which is enough for Alice to imprint on us."

"That's good."

Van Helsing and Starlight Anne nodded. As for Huey and the others, they were not strong enough and there was no need to go to the future.

Andrew continued: "I will bring the soldier boy in. In addition, I also invited a few helpers. When the time comes, we will welcome the hell demons together."

"They will be pleasantly surprised."

Van Helsing grinned, and Andrew secretly complained: "You will also be pleasantly surprised."

Sithorne and the others went back to the past, and Andrew and the others went to the future. Everyone's goal was the same, to become Heavenly Father God. As for who would win in the end and who would lose...well, Andrew would definitely win, and Sithorne and the others would lose.

Because that time-travel magic ball was completely fake, this matter was a trap from beginning to end.

"In addition, I have prepared other improvement methods for everyone."

Andrew smiled, took out the magic lamp from his arms, and said, "God of the lamp."

The blue genie emerged from the magic lamp. Seeing so many people around him, he instantly understood what Andrew was thinking and secretly complained, is the boss really not afraid of overturning?

As long as one person has different intentions, the magic lamp will change owners and become someone else's treasure.

Andrew explained the functions of the magic lamp, and then he said: "Each of you make three wishes to improve your own strength, or to improve the overall strength of the forest kingdom."

"Is it really possible?"

Everyone couldn't help but be overjoyed when they heard this. This was like pie in the sky. The long-haired superman glanced at everyone and reminded: "Mr. Wang, is there any problem with this?"

"No problem, everyone here can be trusted."

Andrew said, in fact, this time, many other superheroes came in, but Andrew did not call them over. The only ones here were Van Helsing, Annie, and Huey. They are naturally trustworthy.

As for time, although he is not very trustworthy, he must be improved so that the success rate of traveling to the future will be higher.

Andrew said this, and the long-haired Superman naturally had no objection. Then, Andrew threw the magic lamp to Van Helsing first.

Van Helsing touched his chin and said: "I will wait until I return from time travel before making a wish. Making a wish now to improve my strength is a bit wasteful. By the way, if I wish for a golden mountain, can you become the djinn?"

"You are a majestic archangel, and you make such a vulgar wish?"

Andrew looked disgusted, and Van Helsing chuckled and said: "Beauties like shiny things. If they are happy, I will be happy. I can't help it. I am such a kind archangel."

Everyone booed, and Andrew said: "Would you like your saliva to make beauties younger?"

"Is this okay? Is this really okay? Boss, you are really a genius."

Van Helsing's eyes are bright. Sure enough, BOSS is still great when it comes to picking up girls. Not to mention Van Helsing, Huey and Long-haired Superman all have bright eyes. They wish they could have one. You know, they are all single now.

Only Starlight Anne rolled her eyes, hehe, man.

Anne and Van Helsing had the same idea, waiting until they came back to make a promise. Therefore, the magic lamp was transferred to the long-haired Superman. The long-haired Superman looked at Andrew in admiration. This savior was completely different from what Wade said.

In Wade's words, Andrew is a vengeful, ruthless and sinister devil. But in the eyes of the long-haired Superman, Andrew is full of wisdom and has a very charming personality. He can even give magic lamps to people casually. This is not something ordinary people can do. Did it.

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