Chapter 189 Snatching

Then, General Hawke sent the video to Tony, and Tony and Dr. Banner sat in front of the screen to watch and analyze the video of Anna's battle with the military.

At this time, General Hawke received a call from Nick Fury, asking about the nano-warhead. General Hawke secretly cursed, this black guy must be an undercover agent in the special forces.

General Hawk thought for a while and told the story. Nick Fury immediately sent Steve and Human Torch to the Stark Group to help, and other superheroes would rush over as soon as possible.

No matter what, the nano warhead must be recovered, otherwise, the whole world will be in danger.

At the same time, Scarlett returned to the Special Forces headquarters and brought the elite of the Special Forces to Stark Tower - Snake Eyes, Heavy Cannon, Circuit Breaker, Duke and others.

Not long after everyone arrived at Stark Group, Jarvis prompted: "Mr. Stark, you found some information about Anna, do you want to project it?"

"Project immediately."

Tony said, and soon, several wedding photos appeared in front of everyone, and Jarvis introduced: "She is a baroness named Anna Di Cobre, the wife of Daniel Di Cobre.

Daniel Du Cobre is a French science tycoon who owns a particle accelerator laboratory in Paris. "

Duke was confused, his fiancée was actually married?

"Particle accelerator laboratory?"

Tony's eyes lit up and he asked General Hawke: "If I remember correctly, the nano warhead needs to be activated before it can be used, right?"


General Hawke nodded and said: "The particle accelerator can activate nano-warheads. Anna married Baron Cobre just for the particle accelerator. They have obviously been planning this for a long time."

Scarlett said: "We will go to the particle acceleration laboratory immediately. Anna will definitely bring the nano warhead there."

Everyone was about to nod when Jarvis said again: "Alice found Anna, and the other party has entered the particle acceleration laboratory."

It was not discovered before because Anna had been in airplanes and cars. After she entered the laboratory, she was photographed by the laboratory camera, so Alice locked her location.

"Let's leave quickly."

Tony immediately equipped the steel suit and shouted to everyone. Everyone nodded, including Dr. Banner. Since he met him, he must participate.


Scarlett calculated the coordinates and used teleportation boots to teleport everyone and two unmanned suits to the entrance of the laboratory.

Without any nonsense, everyone rushed into the laboratory and found that all the security guards had been killed, and a group of soldiers wrapped in armor were guarding the passage.

"Super hero!"

As soon as the soldiers saw Tony and others, they immediately raised their guns and fired, and waves of particle waves bombarded everyone.

The full name of these armored soldiers is Neotrophus, a product of Cobra Medical Officer - they are injected with nanobug solution. They have no pain or self-awareness and can only obey orders. In addition, the nanobugs will help them resist some injuries, such as Poison and the like.

These neon snake monsters will not die even if they are bitten by a king cobra.

In addition, after McCarran cooperated with the oil interest group, the oil interest group gave him a batch of special aid-Extremis virus, human enhancement potion, and lizard potion.

The medical officer injected these potions into the bodies of the Neo snake demons, and their strength was far stronger than in the original plot.

Everyone hurriedly evaded, and the particle fluctuations blasted large holes into the walls and ground, causing rubble to fly in random directions.

"Why are villains' technology always more advanced than ours? Where are all the SHIELD funds?"

The Human Torch cursed and fired a fireball at Neobasilicon. Neobasilisk didn't even try to dodge and shot directly at Human Torch, who hurriedly dodged.

"They were all stolen by Nick Fury."

Tony and Steve complained at the same time, and then Tony led the unmanned suit to fight back fiercely against the snake demons. The captain and Dr. Banner took the opportunity to rush towards the Neo snake demons.

Upon seeing this, the Neo snake demons immediately shot at the captain and Dr. Banner. The captain raised his shield to block the particle fluctuations. Dr. Banner jumped out from behind, knocked down one of the snake demons, and punched the opponent in the face. .

Neo's mask was blown open, revealing a lizard head, and then a green tail emerged from behind him, knocking Dr. Banner away.

"Lizard Man! Tony, the antidote."

Dr. Banner shouted that as far as he knew, Tony always had the lizard-man antidote on him.

"Here they come, a bunch of outdated guys."

Tony smiled disdainfully, raised his hand and fired the antidote needle at the lizard snake demon: "Come, let's watch the transformation into a living person."

The antidote needle successfully hit the lizard snake demon. The lizard snake demon, uh, nothing happened to the lizard snake demon. He pulled out the needle, got up and rushed towards Dr. Banner.

Dr. Banner complained: "Tony, your antidote has expired. By the way, you were slapped in the face again. Please stop talking nonsense in the future."

Tony scolded: "They improved the lizard potion. Why do villains advance so quickly? Are they making money?"

In fact, it is not only because the medicine has been improved, but also because there are nanoworms in the snake demon's body, and they will help intercept the antidote.

At this moment, a spiral crossbow arrow shot into the eye of the lizard snake demon and spun out from behind, but it was Scarlett who took action.

At the same time, Snake Eyes and others also joined the battle one after another, using their own methods to attack the Neo Snake Demon. The two sides fought fiercely in the hall.

In the laboratory, all four warheads were activated. After Daniel kissed Anna goodbye, he was stabbed to death by Bai Phantom, a handsome Asian man in a white suit.

White Ghost said coolly: "McAllen said that if he kisses you again, he will kill him."

Anna smiled and said: "I know."

There is no doubt that Daniel is a poor tool, but then again, Anna is equally pitiful.

Anna was brainwashed by her brother Rex (a medical officer) with nanobugs and given to Macallan. Macallan planned to let her marry Daniel, a proper tool girl.

Apart from them, Duke is also very pitiful, with a green prairie on his head.

Everyone was preparing to retreat when a fierce fight came from outside, and then the communicator rang: "The superheroes are coming."

"Isn't this too fast?"

Anna complained, and White Ghost said: "You fly the aircraft to destroy the target, and I will help you intercept those people."


Anna didn't waste any time. She carried the box and followed the white ghost back to the hall. She found that the hall had been turned into a pot of porridge with bullets flying everywhere.

"Snake eyes!"

White Ghost immediately noticed his junior brother Snake Eyes and immediately drew his sword and rushed towards him.

Wearing a black tights and goggles, with no skin showing at all, Snake Eyes saw the white ghost, kicked his opponent away, and faced him with a knife.

White Ghost's right hand lit up with red light, and the katana in his hand gradually turned red. Then, he slashed hard at Snake Eyes, who raised his sword to fight.

The next second, Snake Eyes' samurai sword was cut off by White Phantom's high-temperature sword. White Phantom smiled ferociously, and the high-temperature sword slashed at Snake Eyes one after another, and Snake Eyes had to retreat continuously.

White Ghost's long knife is made of some Adamantium alloy and can be maintained at high temperatures.

"Xie Te, you are also a desperate warrior. If you keep having repetitive abilities, you will get tired of it."

When Tony saw this scene, he cursed loudly, and six micro-missiles flew out from his back and shot at the white ghost.

Yes, White Ghost was injected with the Extremis virus, but it was not a perfect version. The oil interest groups did not have a perfect version of the Extremis virus, only a batch of ordinary versions given to them by Killian.

Seeing the miniature missile, White Ghost's expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly threw a large piece of red ninja darts at the missile.

Boom boom boom, the micro-missiles exploded one after another, the air waves and flames surged wildly, and Snake Eyes was blown away on the spot.

The white ghost thought for a moment, gave up on Snake Eyes and rushed towards Tony quickly.

Tony was naturally not afraid of the white ghost. He fired pulse cannons at the opponent one after another with both hands, but the opponent easily dodged it. Then, the white ghost slashed at Tony's arms with a knife.

Tony's left glove came off and hit the white ghost's face with a bang. The white ghost stepped back repeatedly, his handsome face slightly deformed, but it recovered immediately after a flash of red light.

"Even Killian is no match for me, let alone you?"

Tony smiled disdainfully, what is his greatest advantage? It is wisdom. Every time he fights, he will analyze his own shortcomings and create a better and more powerful suit.

Again, the same move cannot be used on Tony Stark a second time.

The white ghost snorted coldly when he heard this, and threw red ninja darts at Tony one after another. Tony quickly dodged and fired pulse cannons to counterattack.

At the same time, Duke pointed his gun at Anna, who was carrying the box, and shouted: "Ana, stop."

"What are you waiting for? Kill me quickly. You have already killed me once."

Anna shouted loudly. Duke was a little embarrassed. Just as he was about to say something, the aircraft flew over and knocked him away hard.

This aircraft is a product of the McCarran Group, and it is somewhat similar to the Green Goblin aircraft - well, it is actually a replica of the Green Goblin aircraft.

"Stupid man."

Anna smiled disdainfully. She wasted no time and immediately jumped on the aircraft and flew towards the door.

Upon seeing this, Scarlett immediately controlled the spiral crossbow to shoot Anna's head from the side.

Anna had been injected with a human enhancement agent and reacted extremely quickly. She immediately turned sideways to avoid it, and then she controlled the aircraft to shoot a wave of particles towards the spiral crossbow.

The particles fluctuated at an alarming speed, and the spiral crossbow was instantly shattered. Scarlett cursed in her heart, and when she got rich, she would definitely get some vibranium, or Adamantium alloy.

After dealing with the crossbow, Anna quickly escaped outside the laboratory, and Tony immediately controlled an unmanned suit to chase her out.

As soon as the unmanned suit flew out of the door, a large wave of particles fell. The unmanned suit exploded with a bang, parts scattered everywhere, and at the same time, the glass door shattered.

Everyone looked outside and saw two black fighter jets standing in mid-air, spraying flames, with their muzzles pointed directly at the door.

This is a McCarran Group fighter, much more advanced than the Quinjet.

Everyone looked a little ugly and did not dare to chase away easily. White Ghost sneered and led the snake demons to attack wildly, leaving them no time to distract.

Anna controlled the aircraft and flew onto one of the fighter planes. Then, she placed the box on the seat and opened it. Inside were four nano warheads and four short circuiters.

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