American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 1884 The Insect King’s Plan

You know, this is an underground kingdom, and most animals have the same intelligence and spirituality as humans. Killing those animals by the Red Queen is no different from killing people.

It was precisely because the Red Queen was so indifferent to human life that the old king decided to pass the throne to the White Queen.

"It's okay to know you're wrong."

The Underground Insect King snorted coldly. He looked at the last two unfinished cocoons and said, "When these two cocoons are completed, you will take me to the secret realm of time and snatch the time-travel magic ball. Do you hear me?"

"I heard it, but with the way I am now, time may not like me."

The Red Queen hesitated and said, and the Knight of Hearts sneered: "Do you think time really likes you? He must have some plan. Who would like someone like you?"

When a person who is originally wealthy is in trouble, the ones who are most vulnerable are not his former enemies, but his subordinates. The Red Queen has a bad character, and the Knight of Hearts has suffered a lot over the years, and now he will definitely come back for revenge.

"Are you talking nonsense? Do you think everyone is the same as you? Didi Tak must really like me."

The Red Queen shouted loudly that tick-tock was her pet name for time. Of course, she didn't really like time, but time would give her a gift every time, and she was very happy.

What else did the Knight of Heart want to say, but the Underground Insect King said impatiently: "I don't have time to waste with you, Red Queen, you can change back to your original appearance. In fact, you have other abilities, you can realize it yourself.

The same is true for others. After you become a great Zerg, you all have one or several special abilities. This is a gift I give you. "

"Can you really change back to your original appearance?"

The Red Queen was overjoyed, as were the Knight of Hearts and others. Needless to say, how important abilities are, they didn't bother to mock the Red Queen and ran aside to experiment with their new abilities.

These bugs transformed by the underground bug king are similar to the humanoid bugs created by half of the bug kings before. The Knight of Heart and Red Queen are equivalent to the leaders. As for the others, they are equivalent to ordinary humanoid bugs. However, due to limited energy, they are of inferior quality. version.

In addition, everyone else in the castle, including those playing cards, had been devoured by the Underground Insect King. He devoured half of the kingdom's life and restored most of its strength. Only then did he dare to take the idea of ​​the time-travel magic ball.

Of course, the Underground Insect King will not underestimate time, and is even more worried about what problems may occur during the process of getting the magic ball. Therefore, he will take the Red Queen with him to ensure 100% success.

Bugs look savage, but in fact, they are also intelligent, and not inferior.

The Red Queen was also experimenting with her abilities. She held her breath and made a whining sound, and then her body quickly changed back to its original state.

The Red Queen was overjoyed, but at this moment, because she was discouraged, her body returned to the form of an adult insect again. The Underground Insect King said dissatisfiedly: "Concentrate, do it again, you must ensure that when you see time, you will be in human form."

"Of course I will try."

The Red Queen shouted, repeatedly experimenting with her abilities, but the results were not good. She has never been a hardworking person, nor a talented person. Her greatest achievement in her life is to give birth to a good child.

In contrast, the Knights of Heart quickly mastered their abilities. When they saw the Red Queen being so clumsy, they couldn't help but laugh at her.

The Red Queen felt extremely wronged. She felt that the whole world was against her. It was her sister who secretly ate the pastry, but her sister lied and her mother actually chose to believe her, causing her to run out and fall down, causing her head to become enlarged.

Also, the throne is obviously hers, but just because she said a few words, she gave the throne to that shameless woman. She is obviously so good to the Knight of Hearts and other weirdos, but now they are laughing at herself.

The Red Queen is really wronged. People like her never reflect on themselves and only put the responsibility on others.

For example, when the White Queen lied, it was indeed the White Queen's fault, but there was a premise. The Red Queen stole the pastries that belonged to the White Queen, so the White Queen ate them secretly.

The Underground Insect King was very impatient and urged the Red Queen to practice. Now that the Machine Demon King is powerful, he must grab the time-travel magic ball, otherwise, all five of his brothers will die in this world.

"Although the two insect kings cannot communicate, they are only sealed and have not died. As long as I can defeat the mechanical demon king, I can rescue them."

The underground insect king secretly thought: "So, I must grab the time-space magic ball. No one can stop me."

Thinking of something, the Underground Insect King turned to look at the two cocoons and nodded with satisfaction. These are the two most powerful creatures in the Red Queen Kingdom. If the first plan fails, then use these two creatures to delay the attack. Time, quietly steal the time-space magic ball by yourself.

At the same time, the Underground Insect King has two other big gains from the Red Queen. One is to get a powerful sword, the decapitating sword. After being strengthened by him, it has become a real artifact.

As for the other one, the Underground Insect King encountered a strange incident that he couldn't solve. In the end, he used his world authority to escape smoothly. After that, he used his own ability to turn it into a trump card.

In fact, this strange incident was also the reason why the Underground Insect King was delayed for several days.

During the time of Andrew's conquest, while the Underground Insect King was training the Red Queen, the White Queen summoned her own army and also brought in the Mad Hatter and others to fight against the Red Queen.


The Mad Hatter was overjoyed to see Alice, and the two immediately chatted enthusiastically. The Mad Hatter said: "Alice, after you come, we will definitely defeat the Red Queen and avenge my family."

"Avenging your family?"

Alice didn't know about this and was very surprised when she heard this: "Mad Hatter, what happened to your family?"

"They were all killed by the Red Queen."

The Mad Hatter looked sad, and then he laughed weirdly. He had no choice but to go crazy since all his family members died tragically. However, he didn't know that his family members were not actually dead, but were imprisoned by the Red Queen. Get up and torture.

Alice hurriedly asked: "Mad Hatter, what's going on?"

"Let me tell you."

The March Hare, who was also a little crazy, came over and told the story. When the Red Queen came to the throne, the Mad Hatter's father made a crown for her. As a result, the crown broke because the Red Queen's head was too big.

That was all. The Mad Hatter thought it was funny and burst out laughing, causing the whole church to laugh.

The Red Queen was furious and wanted to chop off everyone's heads. The old king therefore decided that the Red Queen was not suitable to be king and gave the position to the White Queen.

How could the Red Queen endure this situation? On the day of the decisive battle with the White Queen, she controlled the Atonaur to attack the Mad Hatter's family. In the end, only the Mad Hatter survived, and everyone else died.

"How could the Red Queen be so cruel?"

Alice said angrily that she had seen the Red Queen when she was a child and taught her to dye all the flowers red so they would look better, but she had no idea that the Red Queen would become so terrifying when she grew up.

"The Red Queen has done many bad things. For example, she kidnapped Bayard's family and threatened Bayard to serve her. She is just like a big devil."

Mr. Rabbit said: "So, Alice, you must kill the Explosive Neck, so that we can defeat the Red Queen and restore peace to the world."

"Yes, the Red Queen must be defeated. Hey, Alice, long time no see."

A cloud of mist appeared out of thin air and turned into a lazy cat floating in the air. This is a Cheshire cat, very lazy, very timid, and has the ability to become invisible.

In addition, the Bayard mentioned by Mr. Rabbit is a dog, a very responsible dog.

"Cheshire Cat, long time no see."

Alice said happily when she saw the Cheshire Cat. The Cheshire Cat took off its hat and saluted. Then, it asked: "Alice, have you decided where you are going?"

The March Hare said dissatisfiedly: "You wretched cat, you are trying to make up your mind again. Where can Alice go? Of course she took the decapitating sword and killed the Explosive Neck Dragon on the glorious day."

The Mad Hatter, Mr. Rabbit and others nodded again and again. This was destined to happen. Only Alice was a little embarrassed. So many people were looking forward to her. The problem was, that was killing a dragon. She didn't even dare to kill a chicken. good?

Alice could only change the topic and talk about old times with everyone. She was full of confusion and didn't know what to do?

Also confused was the White Queen. She put down her hands that had been raised in the garden and sighed. She didn't know if she should apologize to the Red Queen?

"What if she doesn't forgive me? What if everyone leaves me after I say it? What if my head becomes smaller? Don't think it's impossible, won't my sister's head become bigger?"

The White Queen murmured to the flowers in front of her. At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "If your head really becomes smaller, I will be responsible for helping you...take pictures."

The White Queen was startled and quickly turned around. When she saw it was Andrew, she breathed a sigh of relief. Then she realized what she was doing and hurriedly raised her hands and asked, "You came back from the secret realm of time so soon?"

"I have never been to the Secret Realm of Time, just like you never said those words."

Andrew said. The White Queen was stunned for a moment, then reacted and said elegantly: "That's right, you have never been to the Secret Realm of Time, and I didn't say those words."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. It's easy to talk to smart people. He said: "White Queen, I don't think you need to worry too much about other people's reactions. No one will blame you."

The White Queen was overjoyed: "Really? Uh, why?"

"Because you are beautiful."

Andrew said, the White Queen was stunned, then covered her mouth with her hands, and said with a proud smile: "You really make sense when you say that. Who would be angry with a beautiful woman like me?"

"Do you really believe it?"

Andrew complained that the White Queen is undoubtedly a very narcissistic person. Of course, she also has this qualification, but her mouth is a little bit loud. In other aspects, she is perfect, especially her temperament, which she can control very well.

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